Hello, I'm
Brittany Wright
Eat real food, slowly, with good people.
Outside of the nine to five job as a registered dietitian, Brittany enjoys exploring the mountains of Colorado with her husky puppy, Nieve. Follow their adventures here.

Cool Summer Foods for Balancing Pitta
Summer is a time full of festive food and drink—think chips, salsa, and margaritas! However, many of these traditional summer party foods may leave you with a case of Pitta imbalance.Ayurveda divides …
Brittany Wright
Heart-Healthy Fats: 5 Steps to Balance Omega Fatty Acids
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S. It’s undeniably an important topic of health discussion and research, with leaders such as the USDA making the following …
Brittany Wright
Thrive Over 65: Nutrition Tips for Seniors
When it comes to aging, there is no “one size fits all” plan. Vitality varies from person to person. However, there are many ways you can help combat some of the health concerns commonly associated wi …
Brittany Wright
Lunch: The Most Important Meal of the Day
Your nutrition is defined by the answers to three simple questions: What do you eat? How do you eat? When do you eat? While most conversations about nutrition focus on the first question, the “how” …
Brittany Wright
Autumn Eating: Ayurvedic Tips for Fall
Ayurveda divides the year into three seasons based on the predominant dosha associated with each. Since the traditional autumn season is divided between two doshas—early autumn is governed by Pitta, a …
Brittany Wright
Unraveling the Secrets of Umami
In Japanese, the word umai means delicious. Umami, the most recently identified taste, has only been on the scene for the last 100 years. It provides the element of savory, which had not previously be …
Brittany Wright
3 Ayurvedic Tips to Nourish Your Body and Mind This Thanksgiving
When you think of Thanksgiving, the first thing that tends to come to mind is the meal. While this day serves as an annual reminder of the joys of eating good food together, many people experience the …
Brittany Wright
How to “Wine” The Ayurvedic Way
Wine has been around for thousands of years, both as a beverage and as a medicine. Researchers have found Egyptian vessels dating from as early as 3150 B.C. that contained remnants of wine. It is beli …
Brittany Wright
Develop Health Resolutions with the Help of These 5 Intentions
Typically, New Year’s resolutions describe an end goal. Common goals are to drink more water, lose weight, eat more vegetables, or exercise more. While health goals centered around specific actions ma …
Brittany Wright
3 Reasons to Cook Your Own Meals
As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” The human body is made of trillions of cells involved in a continuous cycle of cell death and rebirth. Although genetics plays a large role in susceptibilit …
Brittany Wright
Learn to Fast the Healthy Way
Discussions about improvements for health frequently focus on additions to your diet and exercise plan. You resolve to exercise more, eat more vegetables, take more supplements, or drink more water. H …
Brittany Wright
3 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Cycles During Winter
According to the Ayurvedic calendar, winter is ruled by the Vata dosha. Vata combines the earth elements of air and ether, or space. The cold and dark days of winter are often characterized by feeling …
Brittany Wright
The Benefits and Risks of Kombucha
Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been popularized by yoga culture and in holistic health circles. Though these groups have brought kombucha mainstream in North America, its consumption goes back t …
Brittany Wright
Is Matcha Good for You?
Matcha (from the Japanese roots matsu, “to rub,” and cha, meaning “tea”) comes from Japan and has been enjoyed for thousands of years. Today it’s the hip health trend in town.Matcha is derived from th …
Brittany Wright
How to Balance and Recharge Your Diet This Spring
Ayurveda divides the year into three seasons based on the predominant dosha, or governing energetic quality, associated with each. Springtime, lasting from March through June, is governed by the Kapha …
Brittany Wright
Detox Your Home: 3 Ways to Remove Indoor Air Pollution
Spring is traditionally a time of renewal. The air gets warmer, plants form new buds, animals return from their wintertime retreats, and many embrace the urge to thoroughly clean their homes.Typically …
Brittany Wright
The Art of Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing
Breath is the source of prana, or life force, and among the most basic of all human functions. Breathing consists of two phases: inhalation and exhalation. When you inhale, the diaphragm—a dome-shaped …
Brittany Wright
3 Reasons to Include Spring Greens in Your Diet
While winter meals rely mainly on nutrient-dense, shelf-stable dietary staples, spring brings out your inner hunter-gatherer. Fresh and bright fruit and vegetable options are springing up in grocery s …
Brittany Wright
Do Vitamins Make You Healthy?
A variety of multivitamins are available. You can find everything from chewy tablets and candy-like gummies to freeze-dried and pulverized “real-food supplements.” According to the National Institutes …
Brittany Wright
The Whys and Whats of GMOs
Since the beginning of modern agriculture, humans have been genetically influencing crops by cross-breeding to produce desired qualities. In recent times, scientists have leveraged the use of biotechn …
Brittany Wright
3 Ways to Practice Ahimsa in Your Diet
In the Yoga Sutras, the sage Patanjali outlines eight limbs of yoga. The first of these limbs he deems the yamas. The five yamas outline five restraints that an individual can practice in order to rea …
Brittany Wright
Eating for the Environment: The 3 R’s
You can hardly watch the news without being reminded of global warming. Research provided by NASA has found that the atmospheric temperature has risen at an unprecedented rate since 1950; this increas …
Brittany Wright
What You Need to Know About 5 Popular Condiments
Sauces and condiments play a large role in many diets. Any food item you consume daily—including condiments—has the potential to affect your health. The ingredients in leading American condiments coul …
Brittany Wright
7 Natural Ways To Address Acid Reflux
Acid reflux occurs when acidic digestive juices of the stomach enter the esophagus—the food pipe connecting the mouth and stomach. Normally, a valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) contrac …
Brittany Wright
6 Secrets to Maintain Youthful Energy
According to data from the World Bank, people are living longer than ever. Average life expectancy worldwide increased from 52 years in 1960, to 72 years in 2016 (for males and females). While the add …
Brittany Wright
5 Benefits of Moving Your Body Every Day
It is safe to say that you are aware that exercise is healthy. Still, for many, the word “exercise” is weighed down with feelings of stress and obligation. When did the simple act of moving your body …
Brittany Wright
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Bones
A meaningful yoga sutra reads Sthira sukham asanum. This Sanskrit phrase translates to “steadiness and ease within posture.” The movement portion of yoga, asana, focuses on building a strong foundatio …
Brittany Wright
The Anatomy of a Nutrition Facts Label
At their best, nutrition facts labels are helpful. They provide information about the macronutrient content of a food (i.e., the types of nutrients required in large amounts in the diet) including fat …
Brittany Wright
How to Cleanse, the Ayurvedic Way
Cleansing is a ritual practice steeped in tradition. While modern-day cleanses such as juice fasts or elimination diets abound, an Ayurvedic cleanse is anything but modern. Individuals have been using …
Brittany Wright
5 Techniques That Declutter and Simplify From Marie Kondo
Spring is a time of cleansing and renewal. Nature reveals itself in its simplest slate—the snow melts, while the plants are not yet sprung. The ground seems to swell with potential but restrain from b …
Brittany Wright
The Health Benefits of Cinnamon
Cinnamon, a spice derived from the bark of the cinnamon tree, has maintained its popularity for thousands of years. This valuable spice originated in Asia, having particular popularity in Sri Lanka an …
Brittany Wright
Coffee Benefits, According to Ayurveda
According to the National Coffee Association, coffee is one of the most sought-after commodities in the world. The history of drinking coffee begins with an Ethiopian goat herder who first discovered …
Brittany Wright