Hello, I'm
Danielle Simone Brand
Yoga Teacher E-RYT 500
Danielle Simone Brand is a Kripalu-trained E-RYT 500 yoga teacher who delights in helping her students feel at ease in their own bodies just as they are. As a writer, Danielle seeks to illuminate truths about consciousness and the human condition with stories from real life.She holds an M.A. in International Peace and Conflict Resolution from American University and a B.A. in Women’s Studies from Dartmouth College. Danielle lives in San Diego with her husband, two children, and a tiny organic garden. Learn more about Danielle: www.daniellesimonebrand.com


5 Yoga Poses and Journaling Exercises, Paired for Inner Healing
There’s a saying in yoga—“Your issues are in your tissues.” It’s amusing shorthand, but true. It is not uncommon to be in a yoga practice only to find the unsettling feeling of anger, jealousy, or res …
Danielle Simone Brand