Hello, I'm
Dimitra Panaritis
Certified Instructor: Meditation
Dimitra is a Primordial Sound Meditation instructor. She practices and teaches meditation as the base for personal evolvement and overall wellness. The Vedic teachings she's learned at the Chopra Center have transformed how she perceives her life. She is deeply inspired to share these teachings as she guides students in meditation.She firmly believes that when we take a little time every day to cleanse the clutter that fills our hearts and minds, we re-connect to the clarity that progressively guides us to make choices to be healthier and happier, and to welcome nourishing relationships, meaning, purpose, and success in our lives. Visit www.dimitrapanaritis.ca to learn more.


Running as Meditation
“Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach." - Dr. George Sheehan, The Philosopher of RunningWhen asked when I started meditating, I always refer to when I bega …
Dimitra Panaritis
6 Things Meditation Teaches You About Yourself
“Know thyself.” - Ancient Greek aphorism inscribed in the Temple of DelphiOnly with self-knowledge can you be the best version of you. The more consistent you are in your meditation practice, the more …
Dimitra Panaritis