Hello, I'm
Emily Holland
Her personal struggle with anxiety motivated her to research and implement a variety of holistic approaches into her lifestyle, such as changes in diet and the adoption of mindfulness meditation. She credits these lifestyle changes as well as many others with helping her better manage symptoms of anxiety and everyday stressors. She is most passionate about sharing what she has learned with others so that they can find relief in their lives as well. When she’s not writing or coaching, Emily enjoys cooking, yoga, and being active outdoors.


3 Healthy Habits to Help You Banish Stress
We all know how unpleasant and uncomfortable stress can feel, but just how unhealthy is it? While studies have shown short-term stress can help boost the immune system, chronic stress can have signifi …
Emily Holland
12 Foods to Help You Focus
Staying focused in today’s world can be a challenge. Technology presents countless distractions. The constant ping from your smartphone—alerting you to the latest social media notification or text mes …
Emily Holland
Seasonal Affective Disorder: 10 Ways to Stay Mentally Strong this Season
For many people, the autumn season represents the start of school, football games, and pumpkin-spiced lattes. For some, it can mark the beginning of a series of unpleasant symptoms associated with sea …
Emily Holland
Stress Eating: What It Is and How to Prevent It
Life is full of stressors such as painful break ups, important work projects, and paying bills. When these stressful events occur, you may have noticed an increased tendency to gravitate toward the re …
Emily Holland
The Psychology of Spending and How to Avoid Pressure to Spend
Many of us would agree we enjoy spending money on things that bring us pleasure. From dinners at a nice restaurant to luxurious vacations, there’s no shortage of material items and activities we deriv …
Emily Holland
Adult Playtime: 6 Ways to Bring More Fun into Your Day
When did you last escape your responsibilities—work, bills, groceries—to play and goof around like you did as a child? Adult playtime may be more important than you realize. In addition to providing a …
Emily Holland
5 Types of Music to Enhance Focus and Productivity
With all the distractions in today’s world, it can be challenging to maintain focus. Email, social media, and the general busyness of everyday life can make it difficult to zero in your attention on a …
Emily Holland
5 Ways Music Enhances Your Mood and Health
Music can make a daily work commute or a mundane task feel more bearable, and scientific research has shown music’s influence to extend much further. It can literally change your mood and improve your …
Emily Holland
7 Health Benefits of Owning a Pet
There are few things better than coming home from a stressful day at work to an excited dog or cat that is able to provide you with the comfort and support you so desperately seek. Whether you’re at y …
Emily Holland
Can Money Buy You Happiness?
Have you ever thought: If only I had (fill in blank), then I would be happy. Whether it’s a bigger house, nicer car or heftier paycheck, it’s easy to think that something or more of something will mak …
Emily Holland
6 Reasons Why Traveling Is Good for You
Kale. Meditation. A good night’s sleep. You know all these things are good for you (even if you don’t always incorporate them into your daily routine). A vital addition to that list is travel, which o …
Emily Holland
3 Ways to Use Anxiety to Your Advantage
You may associate anxiety with the negative symptoms it produces, such as accelerated heart rate, racing thoughts, and feelings of intense fear. But according to the research I’ll discuss in this arti …
Emily Holland
4 Benefits of Owning a Pet
“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.” - A.A. MilneAnimals can be some of the best teachers in life, if you simply pay attention to the way they live, love, and int …
Emily Holland
5 Ways to Build Mental Stamina Over the Holidays
The holiday season is often referred to as the most wonderful time of the year. There are countless holiday songs and movies that remind you of the joy you should be feeling from November through the …
Emily Holland
Alone Time: 4 Reasons You Need It and 4 Ways to Enjoy It
Alone time.Some people are terrified of it, while others can’t function without it. Regardless of which category you fall under, incorporating some quality “me-time” into your busy schedule can have p …
Emily Holland
5 Healthy Habits to Adopt in the New Year
You can probably think of a daily habit you perform—perhaps it’s checking Twitter first thing every morning or taking a shower before bed. Whatever the habit may be, it is typically automatic, meaning …
Emily Holland
5 Steps to Reaching Your Goals in 2017
Lose five pounds. Limit time on Facebook. Get promoted at work.In life, you set goals all the time. You strive to be healthier, more successful, and so on and so on. Essentially, your hope is to be th …
Emily Holland
The Psychology Behind Choice-Making, and How it Can Help You Reach Your Goals
From the moment you wake up in the morning, you are faced with choices. While some may be more important than others, you are consistently exercising your decision-making abilities.On an average day, …
Emily Holland
How to Improve Your Mood with a Healthy Gut
Your mood can be affected by a variety of factors, including thought patterns, chemical imbalances, and sleep quality. But what about your gut? While you may not think of your gut as a vital contribut …
Emily Holland
How to Become an Early Riser
You likely know someone who has expressed his or her disdain for mornings. Or perhaps you’ve thought it yourself when the alarm goes off early Monday morning, or your kids wake you up before the sun r …
Emily Holland
3 Happiness-Boosting Behaviors
Exerting effort can get you far in many areas of life. Want to run a marathon? Train hard. Earn better grades? Study hard. Land a new promotion? Work hard.To achieve goals, hard work and determination …
Emily Holland
How to Use Stress to Your Advantage
Stress is usually characterized as an unpleasant and unwelcome feeling that expresses itself both physically and mentally. The effects of stress range from irritability and anxiety to raised blood pre …
Emily Holland
How to Reverse the Effects of Chronic Stress
Acute stress, which is short term and the most common form of stress, can be motivating and some even find it exciting when experienced in low doses. Chronic stress, however, provides zero positive ad …
Emily Holland
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others: Tips and Tools
The neighbor with the perfect lawn. The friend with a successful, high-paying career. The stranger on social media that you’ve never met but assume, given their seemingly perfect photos, that they lea …
Emily Holland
8 Routine Habits That May Be Stressing You Out
With the chaos across the globe and in your everyday life, it can be easy to overlook seemingly minor stressors. Sometimes it’s easy to identify the daily habits that induce stress such as consuming l …
Emily Holland
7 Ways to Avoid the Winter Hibernation Trap
Winter introduces you to colder temperatures, darker skies, and an overall gloomier feel when you walk out the door. So it’s no wonder your natural inclination is to avoid all of it. Why battle the sn …
Emily Holland
9 Strategies to Get Motivated When You Feel Depleted
Feeling unmotivated can be attributed to things such as lack of sleep, worry, or just plain laziness. Regardless of why you feel unmotivated, its interference with your productivity can lead to stress …
Emily Holland
The Side Effects of Worrying—and What to Do Instead
Few things are as unpleasant as worrying. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and even physically ill.While worrying can be motivating and constructive, it is easy to overuse, draining your …
Emily Holland
Spring Reset for Your Home, Body, and Mind
Spring is a time of renewal and cleansing, making it the perfect season for deep cleaning the house and organizing desk drawers. But why stop there?While a clean and organized living space can be bene …
Emily Holland
6 Ways to Find Happiness in Tough Times
Part of being human is experiencing the challenges life throws at you. Sometimes you’re prepared for them and other times you’re completely blindsided. Here’s the good news: while it’s impossible to h …
Emily Holland
8 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mood in 5 Minutes or Less
Mood plays an important role in determining your quality of life. It can affect your perception of the world, influence your relationships, and affect your mental and physical health.Have you wondered …
Emily Holland
4 Health Benefits of Adult Friendships—and How to Create New Ones
When you think of the lifestyle choices you make to stay healthy, diet and exercise are typically the first to spring to mind. At a young age, you’re told that fruits and vegetables are nutritious and …
Emily Holland
5 Ways to Reduce Loneliness During the Holidays
The holiday season is typically associated with gatherings of friends and family, cooking traditional favorites, and last-minute gift shopping. In short, it’s a busy time that can be as joyful as it m …
Emily Holland
8 Ways to Create a Healthier Sleep Routine in the New Year
A good night’s sleep is vital for maintaining both your physical and mental health. Sleep deprivation or not getting enough quality sleep can weaken your immune system, cause changes in mood and behav …
Emily Holland
5 Small New Year's Resolutions That You Can Actually Keep
New Year’s is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. The year ahead is a clean slate and allots you the opportunity to set goals and improve upon the year before it. But setting resolutions can f …
Emily Holland
10 Easy Lifestyle Changes to Improve Your Mental Health
You were likely taught at a young age how to maintain your physical health. You were told to exercise, eat clean, and steer clear of junk food. Mental health and self-care, however, received less atte …
Emily Holland
The Many Benefits and Uses of Ashwagandha
Popular herbs such as lavender and chamomile are commonly found in many holistic products. These herbs, in the form of essential oils, are known for their calming effects, with many people turning to …
Emily Holland
How to Cultivate Inner Strength Through Meditation
To build physical strength, you may rely on a gym or a personal trainer. But what if you’re looking to build up inner strength?Cultivating mental and emotional strength may not receive as much attenti …
Emily Holland
6 Proven Benefits of Gratitude
It is likely that you have been rewarded for working hard and striving to obtain the next goal.While pushing yourself often precedes personal growth, it can muddle the importance of being grateful for …
Emily Holland
How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
Safe. Familiar. Comfortable.These are just a few terms you might use to describe what it feels like when you’re nestled within the confines of your comfort zone. If you avoid uncertainty and settle fo …
Emily Holland
The Power of Positive Thinking: How It Enhances Happiness, Health, and Success
“Stay positive.”“Don’t give in to negativity.”“Think happy thoughts.”Such phrases are often used to encourage you when you’re feeling frustrated or challenged. After a while, however, these words may …
Emily Holland
How To Retrain Your Brain: Changing Negative Thinking Patterns
Does the lens through which you view the world lay the groundwork for an optimistic or pessimistic attitude? Thinking patterns can be habitual, but with a little awareness and some time, you can repla …
Emily Holland
5 Key Factors to Finding Job Satisfaction
Why do some people enjoy going to work and others loathe it? It depends on a variety of factors, many of which are in your control. Read how you can either find the job that is best suited to meet you …
Emily Holland
7 Ways to Cultivate Charisma
Charisma is a quality we would all like more of and yet have a difficult time defining.Often described as that “something special,” the “x-factor,” or even simply having “it,” we can typically point t …
Emily Holland
How and Why to Use a Neti Pot
Exercise, clean diet, and adequate sleep are a few of the more obvious ways to maintain your health. Your nose is another vital pathway to a healthy body.Nasal passages are the first line of defense a …
Emily Holland