Hello, I'm
Erin Easterly
She travels the country bringing Ayurvedic workshops to yoga teacher training programs and workplace wellness events. You can learn more about Erin, read her blog, or schedule a treatment with her at www.TheVedicVilla.com.


4 Yogi Parenting Principles
Being a parent is hard work. From lunches and homework to music lessons and sport practices, parenting provides a seemingly endless array of things to do. Yet being a parent is about so much more than …
Erin Easterly
9 Yoga Poses for Runners
It’s no secret that running helps keep you fit. However, unless you take care of those legs, knees, and hips it can also lead to tight muscles, pain, or injury. Long-time runners are likely to have an …
Erin Easterly
7 Ayurvedic Secrets for Weight Loss
We live in a diet-obsessed culture. It seems like every week a new diet makes headlines, claiming to be the best path to weight loss. From Paleo, South Beach, and Atkins, to Primal, Ketogenic, and Zon …
Erin Easterly
5 Ways Meditation May Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
Nearly every person has experienced cancer in some way. Whether you have had a bout with cancer yourself or have known someone who has, one thing is for sure, cancer has become a prevalent world probl …
Erin Easterly
How to Practice Earthing with Walking Meditation
Have you ever noticed how grounded you feel after strolling barefoot along the beach? Or how invigorated you feel after playing with your kids in the grass?Well, it’s not just the respite from your da …
Erin Easterly
12 Ways to Create a Stay-At-Home Yoga Retreat
Who says you have to head off to Bora Bora on a weeklong yoga retreat to disconnect from stress and reconnect to your spirit? A home yoga retreat can provide nearly all the benefits of a destination r …
Erin Easterly
8-Minute Calorie Blasting Holiday Workout
It’s that time of year when extra pounds begin to subtly take residence in your body. From Halloween candy and Thanksgiving feasts to cocktail parties and festive brunches, delicious food is abundant. …
Erin Easterly
Yoga Mat Review: How to Find the Best Mat for Your Needs
Yoga mats are the latest evolution of yoga’s 5,000-year journey. Not only do mats make the practice of yoga easier, the mat itself has come to symbolize the peace and tranquility which yogis experienc …
Erin Easterly
7 Natural Ways to Prevent and Fight Off a Cold
During the winter months, your tendency to spend more time indoors, combined with the cool, dark external environment, can lead to an accumulation of earth and water elements in your body. In practica …
Erin Easterly
5 Benefits of a Shirodhara Treatment
Ayurvedic bodywork is an ancient and powerful tool for bringing body, mind, and soul into harmonious balance. While traditional Swedish massage works primarily on the physical level, Ayurvedic bodywor …
Erin Easterly
Learn All About Marma Point Therapy
Marma point therapy is an energy healing practice that emerged within the 5000-year-old Ayurvedic system of healing. It is based upon an elaborate energetic matrix that is commonly believed to have be …
Erin Easterly
How Ayurvedic Spa Treatments Clear the Mind, Body, and Soul
The practice of Ayurvedic bodywork, which originated under the umbrella of Ayurvedic medicine, has long been a powerful means of detoxifying, replenishing, and restoring harmony to both body and mind. …
Erin Easterly
How Did Ayurvedic Spa Treatments Originate?
For millennia, Ayurvedic spa treatments have been a powerful method of releasing tension, calming the mind, and harmonizing the energy field. They do this by simultaneously addressing imbalances in th …
Erin Easterly
Basic Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine
What is Ayurveda? It is considered by some scholars to be the oldest healing science in the world. When this broad science is applied to the prevention and treatment of illness, it is referred to as A …
Erin Easterly
6 Nighttime Routines for Total Relaxation
Would you like to elevate your health, productivity, and mood? It is not as difficult as you might think. In fact, this task could be as simple as incorporating a few specific habits into your nightti …
Erin Easterly
10 Incredible Things That Happen to Your Body When You Relax
Relaxation may feel like an indulgence, but it is a necessity for not only your mind and soul, but also your physical body. Learn about relaxation’s health benefits and get started chilling out today! …
Erin Easterly
10 Gratitude Activities to Do with Your Family This Thanksgiving
Most people know that gratitude generates good feelings. But did you know that a dose of thankfulness can also positively impact your health, happiness, resilience, and relationships? Research in the …
Erin Easterly
8 Maneras de Mantener tu Mente, Cuerpo y Espíritu Saludables Durante las Fiestas
Es la época más maravillosa del año, todo es alegre y brillante, ¿verdad? Bueno, sí y no. Mientras que la temporada de fiestas es abundante en oportunidades de conexión, las interminables demandas de …
Erin Easterly
Ayurveda Doshas: The Benefit of Knowing Your Unique Dosha
Have you ever wondered why the latest diets seem to work for everyone but you? Or have you observed two people handle the exact same situation with completely different emotional responses? Viewing th …
Erin Easterly
Connecting with Your Child During Quarantine: 10 Real Life Tips to Use Now
Millions of parents across the globe have become overnight homeschool teachers and remote workers. Daily schedules have been upended, routines disrupted, and helpful habits suspended in the face of th …
Erin Easterly
9 Tips for Sustaining Joy During Trying Times
There are many things that you can do, even in the midst of dire circumstances, that will alleviate suffering and steer you toward joy. The following practices, when used consistently, will allow you …
Erin Easterly
8 Ways to Protect Your Child’s Mental Health While Quarantined
Dismantled routines, unpredictable futures, erosion of social networks, and loss of control over their lives have left many quarantined children struggling to regain mental equilibrium. One research s …
Erin Easterly
Eating to Balance Your Chakras
Most people have heard of the charka system and understand it to be a collection of seven distinct energies that contribute to specific physical and emotional states. While there are numerous methods …
Erin Easterly
Renew Your Meditation Space
The space in which you meditate can profoundly influence the ease with which you are able to settle into meditation. According to eighth-century Indian philosopher, Adi Shankaracharya, your physical e …
Erin Easterly
10 Foods That Help Boost Your Immunity to Fight COVID-19
While adequate sleep, movement, and coping strategies lay the foundation for strong immunity, nutrition arguably plays the biggest role in decreasing susceptibility to infectious disease.Businesses ha …
Erin Easterly
Cómo la Meditación Renueva tu Cuerpo y tu Cerebro
Si buscas renovar tu vitalidad, reajustar tu enfoque y recargar tu cuerpo, la meditación es el camino probado y verdadero que te llevará al cumplimiento de estos objetivos. Aquí está cómo.Para la gran …
Erin Easterly
How Meditation Renews Your Body and Brain
If you are looking to renew your vitality, reset your focus, and recharge your body, meditation is the tried and true path that will lead you to the fulfillment of these goals. Here’s how.For the vast …
Erin Easterly
Transmuting Trauma Through Somatic Practices
Traumas can leave a physical imprint, and your body often retains them until they are consciously processed and released. Here are three ways you can help release stored traumas.Trauma is not just in …
Erin Easterly
How To Maintain Spiritual Balance and Equanimity
It has been a year of uncertainty and with election season in full swing, you may find yourself experiencing a plethora of strong emotions. Whether you are feeling anxiety, anger, or apathy, the follo …
Erin Easterly
8 Steps to Establish a Daily Meditation Practice
There are few reasons to skip the powerful activity of meditation. After all, research has found that the practice can provide a wide array of health benefits from preventing age-related brain structu …
Erin Easterly
8 Ways to Keep Your Mind, Body, & Spirit Healthy Through the Holidays
It’s the most wonderful time of the year—all is merry and bright, right? Well, yes and no. While the holiday season is abundant with opportunities for connection, the endless energy demands, disrupted …
Erin Easterly
10 Rules for an Ayurvedic Diet
Ayurveda has long used diet as a principal means of creating health within the body and mind. Hundreds of years before Hippocrates instructed, “Let food be thy medicine,” Ayurveda defined principles f …
Erin Easterly
Ayurvedic Routines for Busy Families
Nearly every family struggles to meet the demands of work, school, domestic responsibilities, and extracurricular activities. Combined with the unpredictability of another pandemic-influenced school y …
Erin Easterly
Unlocking the Secret Energy of Money
Once upon a time, a financial tale was woven for you. Its plot was carefully crafted from family experiences, societal influences, and cultural patterns. Even though the money story of your youth may …
Erin Easterly
Overcoming Burnout Through Ayurveda
Our body and mind are constantly adapting to the demands placed upon them. When we have adequate time, energy, and emotional resources to meet those requirements, we experience a state of balance. If …
Erin Easterly
Make Menopause Marvelous With Ayurveda
There are three major hormonal shifts in the life of a menstruating and life-producing individual: puberty, childbirth, and menopause. While the two former events receive a plethora of societal attent …
Erin Easterly
7 Pasos Para Establecer Una Práctica de Meditación Diaria
Hay pocas razones para negarse a uno mismo la poderosa actividad de la meditación. La investigación ha encontrado que la práctica puede proporcionar una amplia gama de beneficios para la salud al prev …
Erin Easterly
Om for the Holidays: Finding Your Center Amidst the Chaos
The good cheer, connection, and fun of the holiday season is often juxtaposed with stress, overwhelm, and pressures. Fortunately, Ayurveda offers practical strategies to mitigate energy depletion and …
Erin Easterly
10 Ways to Improve Health and Increase Peace this Holiday Season
The holidays are a fun and festive time. Yet, with end of year deadlines, overextended schedules, and burgeoning to-do lists, the final weeks of the year may leave you searching for the holiday spirit …
Erin Easterly
Discover The Joy Of An Inspired Life
Many people find that pursuing the societal image of success does not yield a sustained level of happiness. Wealth, relationships, and prestige, though temporarily satisfying, do not significantly ele …
Erin Easterly
Six Steps to Nurturing a Healthy Mind at Work
Given that most working Americans spend over forty hours in the office each week, it comes as no surprise that prioritizing physical and mental well-being on the job has the potential to significantly …
Erin Easterly
Grow A Better Brain: Enhancing Brain Function After Age 50
It is a common cultural perception that decreased cognitive abilities come in tandem with increased age. Yet, neuroscience tells a different story. Brain research in the field of neuroplasticity, the …
Erin Easterly
7 Steps to Superhuman Energy
Every aspect of your life, from work and finances to relationships and hobbies, is dependent upon your energy. Abundant energy provides the necessary fuel to support important areas of focus while dim …
Erin Easterly
Create a Healthier, More Vibrant Body Beginning Today
Your body is designed to be an energized, vibrant, self-healing vehicle well into your centenarian years. Yet, in our modern lifestyles, the repair mechanisms which promote longevity and health can ea …
Erin Easterly
Eating for Health, Longevity, and Vitality
The search for a youth-restoring, health-promoting, vitality-producing elixir is ages old. Yet, food may be the closest you can get to the fabled fountain of youth. Research unequivocally demonstrates …
Erin Easterly
6 Principles of Rejuvenating Rest
Quality sleep plays an important role in physical and mental health. Chronic sleep insufficiency increases risk factors for nearly every major disease. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Contro …
Erin Easterly
How to Get Unstuck from a Spiritual Rut
Have your spiritual beliefs and practices become stale? Do you sense that there is something more that you could be doing to bridge the gap between metaphysical theory and spiritual experience? If so, …
Erin Easterly
Forgiveness as a Spiritual Practice
Enlightened teachers of every faith have exemplified a willingness to let go of anger, resentment, and vengeance toward those who have harmed them. Major world religions extol the practice. Yet, how d …
Erin Easterly
Parenting as a Spiritual Practice
If you want to change the world, become an activist. If your goal is inner peace, become a monk. If you wish to know yourself, become a parent. Raising children uncovers aspects of a parent’s nature t …
Erin Easterly
Creating Fulfillment Through Work
The average American spends over 90,000 hours of their life at work. If the majority of those hours are draining and unfulfilling it indicates a misalignment with inner motivations. Whether you are in …
Erin Easterly
6 Ways to Enhance Creativity
Some people appear to be plugged into an endless supply of creative power while others struggle to light a small spark of imagination. If you fall into the latter category, you may have been told that …
Erin Easterly
Add More Zest to Your Relationships
Relationships are a profound source of joy, support, and engagement in most people’s lives. Yet, over time, connections may fall prey to the monotony of familiar routines, busy schedules, and fixed mi …
Erin Easterly