Hello, I'm
Gabrielle Marchese
Gabrielle believes that with the right tools, we are all capable of feeling amazing and living a life that we love. She has found deep solace and healing through meditation, embodied movement, holistic wellness and subconscious work and offers mentorship and one on one support for those looking to step into a new way of being.
She has been a long time contributor for Yoga Journal and has written for Chopra.com, Bennd Yoga, and various other wellness sites.
When not writing, you can find Gabrielle in the ocean, road tripping, connecting with nature, creating and exploring her community.
For more information on Gabrielle and to explore her offerings visit gabriellemarchese.com


A Yoga Practice to Kick Off the New Year
Our bodies hold the stories and experiences of our past. Clearing stagnation and creating space in the body is essential for fostering mental clarity and the freedom to welcome new stories, experience …
Gabrielle Marchese
How to Keep Your Peace During Uncertain Times
Our outside circumstances will shift and change throughout our entire lives. Our relationships, work, living situations, and health will inevitably evolve in ways outside of our control. You will like …
Gabrielle Marchese
Ayurvedic Herbs for a Positive Mental State
Herbs are a critical component of Ayurvedic healing. Traditional Ayurvedic herbs can assist us in promoting wellness, preventing disease, and optimizing our overall well-being. Maintaining a balanced …
Gabrielle Marchese
Pranayama for Mental Stillness
It is the nature of the human mind to wander. We naturally create narratives, fantasies and accumulate mental chatter as we move throughout our days. Certain factors can exacerbate mental chatter; str …
Gabrielle Marchese
Kapha Balancing Sequence for Optimal Digestion
Springtime is associated with Kapha, the dosha governed by earth and water. Some of Kapha’s gunas, or qualities, include slow, moist, cold, and unctuous. As we transition into spring, the Kapha we hav …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Yoga Practice to Activate the Vagus Nerve
The conversation around the vagus nerve and its importance has become increasingly popular in recent years. The vagus nerve is the largest nerve in the body and is a key part of your parasympathetic “ …
Gabrielle Marchese
Pranayama for a Full Night’s Rest
Transitioning from our busy days into the evening can feel challenging for many. Even though the day is finished, the chatter of the mind and stress we carry often continues. This can make it hard to …
Gabrielle Marchese
Evening Yin Yoga for Sleep
A good night's sleep can make all of the difference in our emotional well-being, energy, and how we show up for the day. Unfortunately, it can feel difficult for many of us to turn off the mind's chat …
Gabrielle Marchese
Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies for Springtime
The changing of seasons causes huge shifts in the mind and body in the world of Ayurveda. The transition into springtime is an important time to make sure we are caring for our bodies properly, avoidi …
Gabrielle Marchese
Ayurvedic Remedies for Healthy, Glowing Skin
The health of our skin goes a lot deeper than just the products we use and how we take care of it externally. Skincare is what we put in our bodies, on our bodies, and how well we take care of our ove …
Gabrielle Marchese
Detoxifying Spring Recipes
Seasonal transitions are big news in the world of Ayurveda, and eating in a way that keeps our doshas balanced is imperative to stay healthy throughout the year. The onset of Kapha season, or springti …
Gabrielle Marchese
Practices for Releasing Anger
Anger can be an intense emotional experience that often feels inexplicable. It can arise out of nowhere for something seemingly irrational and can feel hard to get a hold of. Experiencing anger persis …
Gabrielle Marchese
Evening Practices to Prepare for Sleep
The evening is a time to prioritize grounding and inviting our focus and energy inward. It can feel hard to transition from a busy and stimulating day into the evening hours. This energy is often carr …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Meditation for Inspiration and Clarity
If you’re feeling dull, foggy, or uninspired this spring, you’re not alone. While spring can bring the energy of excitement and renewal, it is also Kapha season, which can lead to feeling heavy, low, …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Yoga Practice to Clear Your Mind and Boost Your Energy
In Ayurveda, springtime is considered Kapha season. Kapha is the dosha governed by water and earth elements and has qualities of lethargy, heaviness, and stagnation when imbalanced. Seasonal transitio …
Gabrielle Marchese
Daily Habits and Practices for Mental Health
Our daily habits can largely influence how we feel and how we move through our lives. Our state of mind is a culmination of these daily choices, and we have the power to make small decisions every day …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Practice for Increased Focus
We have all experienced times in our lives when it has felt hard to focus. With so much going on in the world and all of the distractions of modern life, it is normal to feel like your attention is sc …
Gabrielle Marchese
Ayurvedic Herbs to Boost Concentration
When it comes to concentration, sometimes we need a little bit of support. There are many reasons why it may be hard for you to concentrate. It could be due to stress, lack of sleep, nutrition deficie …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Yoga Practice for Joy
Every day we have the power to make choices that are empowering and help us feel our best. We can’t always control how we feel when we wake up in the morning, but we can control how we choose to move …
Gabrielle Marchese
Five Reasons to Attend a Chopra Wellness Retreat
We live in a fast-paced world, and it’s rare we get the opportunity to take a break that leaves us feeling rejuvenated and re-inspired. If you’re feeling the need to get away and receive a mind-body-s …
Gabrielle Marchese
Honor Your Process: How to Find Acceptance Where You Are Now
We can’t always control the circumstances of our lives, but we can control how we react to them. The way we respond to what’s going on in our day-to-day can have a considerable impact on how we manage …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Yoga Practice to Boost Your Energy
For many of us, energy comes and goes. Some days we feel like we can take on the world; others it feels like a nap is the only way to power through. It’s important to honor your energy levels wherever …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Yoga Practice to Increase Creativity
We are innately creative beings, but living in a state of flow when it comes to inspiration and creative output is difficult for many of us. Life has its ups and downs, and everyday stressors and to-d …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Meditation for Enhanced Creativity
Not many of us are tapped into our creative potential all of the time, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could access it more often? Creativity is innate to our being, but it can feel difficult to move be …
Gabrielle Marchese
How to Keep Pitta Balanced This Summer to Enjoy the Season
As the days get longer and the air gets warmer, we’re all looking forward to bringing in some fresh summer energy. When summer begins to take over, we welcome Pitta season. Pitta is one of the three A …
Gabrielle Marchese
Pitta Balancing Beverages to Help You Feel Cool and Refreshed
What we eat and drink seasonally can have a profound effect on our bodies, either aggravating or pacifying our Doshas. During the summer, it’s imperative that we prioritize consuming foods and beverag …
Gabrielle Marchese
Pitta Balancing Herbs to Include in Your Summer Rotation
Keeping our doshas balanced is an important part of maintaining a healthy body and mind throughout the entire year. Seasonal shifts are big news in the world of Ayurveda and can cause doshic imbalance …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Yoga Practice for Strength and Resilience
We all have a well of inner strength and power available to us. At times, it is easy to feel at mercy to life’s circumstances and can feel difficult to access this innate resilience and inner power du …
Gabrielle Marchese
Balancing Strength and Softness: Tapping Into Your Warrior Spirit
Seeking balance can be a fickle thing, and finding the right time to tap into our power to move forward versus surrendering and letting go can be challenging. The concept of yin and yang dates from th …
Gabrielle Marchese
Three Ways to Cope with Trauma and Grief
Trauma has been an increasingly popular topic of conversation amongst the wellness community in recent years, shining light on how different events and circumstances in our lives can shape how we live …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Meditation for Healing Heartbreak
At some point in our lives, most of us encounter a time where we are forced to navigate the complexities of a broken heart. Heartbreak in all of its forms is an incredibly emotionally taxing experienc …
Gabrielle Marchese
How to Implement New and Healthy Routines and Rituals
Incorporating a new routine into our days can feel daunting at first. We may be struck with inspiration to build a healthier life and set unrealistic goals to try to get there overnight. Building rout …
Gabrielle Marchese
Rituals to Tap Into the Energy of Abundance
Welcoming more abundance into our lives is a practice that involves appreciating the beauty that surrounds us, and having clarity on what we are desiring more of. Tapping into the energy of abundance …
Gabrielle Marchese
What is Flow State and How You Can Access It
Complete presence can feel like a difficult place to access, but being in a state of flow can happen in different forms, and people tap into it in various ways. Flow state occurs when you’re so engulf …
Gabrielle Marchese
Routines and Rituals to Balance Vata
When the heat of summer dwindles and the chill of autumn begins to set in, we welcome the onset of Vata season. Vata is the Dosha associated with the elements of air and space. The dry and cold qualit …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Meditation for Abundance
When we think of abundance, we often associate it with money, but the energy of abundance goes far beyond being comfortable financially. Abundance is the energy of having enough, feeling supported, ta …
Gabrielle Marchese
A Guide to Vata Season
Summer is on its way out the door and as the daylight begins to dwindle, we welcome the transition into fall, the season governed by Vata. Vata is the dosha ruled by air and space, and Vata season beg …
Gabrielle Marchese
Vata Balancing Recipes
Food is one of the primary means to keeping our bodies healthy and balanced in Ayurveda. Eating seasonally and making dietary choices based on our dosha imbalances can help us feel our best throughout …
Gabrielle Marchese