Hello, I'm
Jamie Tower

Jamie brings her 20 years of Business Development and Executive Coaching, 15 year yoga practice and Perfect Health teaching to the Chopra Center to deliver to the guests an extremely creative approach into meditation and healing.

In the Fall of 2009 Jamie was diagnosed with Sudden Onset Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD = 5 autoimmune diseases) and told that within a matter of months she would probably be in a wheel-chair. The rheumatologist convinced her that her only possible way to stop the rapid advancement of this debilitating disease was to start the western medical protocol. After 18 months and an insane roller coaster of medicines that would appear to be helping only to make her system crash. The result was the doctors saying there was nothing left they could do.

So Jamie came to the Chopra Center for Wellbeing to attend a Perfect Health Program.

“Perfect Health changed my life. Learning the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and how to integrate it into my everyday life was essential to my survival. Learning to meditate effectively has helped me heal.” After practicing all of the wisdom taught in the Perfect Health curriculum for 6 months she decided to start the Teacher’s Path.

After completing the Perfect Health Teacher Certification she was able to travel and share the information about the Doshas and releasing toxic attitudes, people and behaviors to her corporate and personal clients. It was on a trip to Jackson Hole, WY she met a MELT instructor and realized that the MELT METHOD could radically transform her pain riddled body.

After practicing MELT for 1 year she became a certified MELT Length and NeuroStrength Certified Practitioner. She has developed a unique and special MELT Into Meditation Series for the Perfect Health Program to enable the participants to instantly feel the healing effects of rehydration at the cellular level. It calms the nervous system, hydrates our bodies at the cellular level and allows us to move more freely. Most people experience instant relief of pain after a MELT session. Sometimes it takes 3 to 5 sessions. And it is something that you can do on your own so that you aren’t dependent on a pill or someone else to help you get out of pain.

Jamie is often heard to say, “Give me 5 days of MELT and proper hydration (drinking 4 oz of water every hour), and I’ll give you a body that can move through the world with less pain.”

Jamie Tower
