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Leo Carver


What Does Your Poop Say About You?
From the time we’re born until the time we die, there are a few things that are inevitable. One of those things is the need to eat. Another one of those things, therefore, is the need to poop. Everyth …
Leo Carver
How to Read Your Pulse
Your pulse is the signal of life in your body. All activity in the body and mind is directed by the fluctuation that is your heartbeat, and it’s the flow of blood from that pulse that nourishes, clean …
Leo Carver
The Benefits of Triphala
Triphala is an herbal concoction that’s been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda. Traditionally used as a bowel tonic, it’s often prescribed as a mild laxative. But while its laxative qualities ar …
Leo Carver
Healthy Habits for Kapha Season
As the cold and wetness of winter settle in, in the Northern Hemisphere we are moving from Vata season to Kapha season. In harsh winter climates, the effects are obvious, but even in more temperate cl …
Leo Carver
How to Beat Unhealthy Habits With Ayurveda
The main thing standing in the way of optimal health is most likely you. There are two main categories of health problems: those that are linked to genes, injuries, or the environment and those that a …
Leo Carver
Your Roadmap to Higher Self-Awareness
The concept of self-awareness is often talked about as if you’re already aware of what awareness is. While the actual definition of the term may be easy to understand intellectually, you have to live …
Leo Carver
How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship With Spiritual Unity
The beginning stages of falling in love are magical, new, and refreshing. Everything else in life seems to stop as you move through love. It feels as though you’ve found the one who knows your soul in …
Leo Carver
How to Embrace Oneness
Oneness is a concept that, for all its simplicity, is still lost on many of us Westerners. As human beings, there’s a natural disposition to process life in a dualistic way. We look at things as black …
Leo Carver
5 Ways to Tune Into Nature
With spring comes warmer weather, the sounds of birds chirping, sunshine, and rain. There’s a bustling of activity as people emerge from hibernation anxious to feel the sun on their faces and breathe …
Leo Carver
Gardening 101: How and Why to Get Started
Growing your own vegetables is one way to ensure that you’re eating fresh organic, pesticide-free food. But gardening doesn’t just provide nourishing foods for your body; it’s also an activity that fe …
Leo Carver
Gardening RX: How to Grow 5 Ayurvedic Herbs
Growing a mini-Ayurvedic pharmacy at home isn’t as hard as you might think—and the benefits are huge. Imagine being able to reach into your own garden, where you know exactly how plants have been grow …
Leo Carver
10 Everyday Tips for Cultivating a Spiritual Relationship
If you’re single, don’t fret. Use this alone time to raise your consciousness and let your intuition guide you. This will help you prepare for the right partner and find that soulful connection.Once y …
Leo Carver
4 Tips to Help Picky Kids Transition to an Ayurvedic Diet
As parents, there’s nothing more important than the health of our children. However, sometimes your best efforts can run into resistance.You might find your child doesn’t care for the foods that fall …
Leo Carver
Meditations for Vatas: 5 Healing Techniques for the Wandering Mind
Some people naturally have trouble concentrating, but Vatas especially tend to have a difficult time. With a predominance of air and space, Vatas usually have more trouble grounding themselves than ot …
Leo Carver
6 Ways to Process the Experience of Life
The world is a great big buffet of experience. Through the perspective of Ayurvedic philosophy, this statement couldn’t be truer. While mainstream society does place importance on dietary choices, ver …
Leo Carver
What Are Your Relationship Goals for the New Year?
The beginning of the year inspires change. Perhaps it’s the closing of one year and the beginning of the next that prompts us to reflect and set goals for the future.During this time of reflection, br …
Leo Carver
How to Evolve Yourself Throughout Your Life
When the word "evolution" comes up, you might think back to high school science class and learning about the change within biological populations over billions of years. However, the core meaning of e …
Leo Carver
5 Ways to Develop Your Intuition
Intuitive skills are inside all of us. Intuition is always there for us, to guide, protect, and help us develop. As we grow into adulthood, we may push this intuition to the side to conform to what so …
Leo Carver
5 Ways to See Your Reflection in Others
Sometimes, it’s difficult to see your place in the world. Western society teaches us that we are individuals are who separate from others, the environment, and the cosmos. Greater emphasis is placed o …
Leo Carver
How to Stay Centered in Workplace Chaos
If you feel like your job or colleagues sap your energy and tranquility, you’re not alone. Even people who have rewarding careers can get drawn into the chaos and drama at work.You have the power of a …
Leo Carver
The 7 Spiritual Laws of Gardening
By now you have surely heard the symphony of lawnmowers, weed eaters, bees, and children playing that signify springtime is upon us. This means it’s time to get back down in the dirt and co-create som …
Leo Carver
5 Ways Gardening Strengthens Your Mind-Body Connection
If you’re getting into the swing of things this season, chances are you may be interested in doing a little gardening. You may be aware of the nutritional benefits of gardening your own food; however, …
Leo Carver
How to Stop Judging Yourself
Even the harshest criticism from a stranger rarely surpasses the judgment we put on ourselves. Individuals tend to be their own worst critics; it can take considerable work, patience, and mindfulness …
Leo Carver
5 Reasons Men Are Afraid to Try Yoga, But Should
Most people have at least some understanding of yoga. In the western world, yoga is often recommended as a health practice for both men and women. However, when you look at the yoga community, it’s di …
Leo Carver
The Importance of Patience in Every Area of Life
To say patience is a virtue is an understatement. It’s really more of a skill—one that can be learned and needs constant nurturing.Patience is the state of being that occurs between experience and rea …
Leo Carver
8 Tips to Build Tolerance in Your Life
Most people have trouble being tolerant with others. As a living, breathing society, everyone is constantly learning and adapting to each other—it comes with the territory. But cultivating a spirit of …
Leo Carver
4 Ways to Use Poetry for Self-Enlightenment
Journaling is a well-known technique for evolving yourself. Any practice that gets you more in touch with your thoughts and emotions is good to incorporate into your life. For some, journaling is abou …
Leo Carver
Giving to Receive: 10 Practices Using the Law of Karma
Karma, as a mainstream concept, is often misleading. Though some would limit its meaning to “reaping what you sow” or the universe getting even with wrong doing, Karma actually carries a more specific …
Leo Carver
10 Ways to Transform the Blues into Inspiration
Suffering is part of the human experience. Whether with yourself, others, or circumstances, there will be times in your life when you will have to fight through hardship. When dealing with the blues, …
Leo Carver
How to Choose the Best Meditation App for You
As a modern-day meditator, it can be hard to maintain your practice in the fast-paced, hustle and bustle of it all. Ultimately, it is best to cultivate a pure practice that relies on the simple pleasu …
Leo Carver
How to Use Technology to Enhance Your Yoga Practice
As the world evolves, two paths have emerged that appear to be seemingly irreconcilable. There are those who are moving forward through science and technology, and others who are seeking ancient wisdo …
Leo Carver
Summertime Gardening: How to Balance the Heat
Summer is in full swing, and that means you’ll experience high temperatures just about anywhere you go. While summer is a great time for being active outdoors, the natural occurrence of increased heat …
Leo Carver
5 Lessons to Glean from Divine Couples
Human life has always been defined and understood through relationships. Whether it be focusing on modern-era couples or looking to the wisdom of the ancients, much of this understanding has come from …
Leo Carver
How to Recognize Signs From the Universe
The universe to always talking to you, but are you hearing it? Follow these steps to learn how to recognize signs from the universe.Do you ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something, …
Leo Carver
How To Face & Overcome Challenges In Life With Confidence
Life is full of challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to overcome them. Pittas especially get a sense of satisfaction from facing challenges head …
Leo Carver
9 Tips to Release Control and Trust the Universe
Our society places value on staying in control and creating a life that is always organized, structured, and planned. It’s a practice that can leave you stressed and depressed. Learn how meditation, l …
Leo Carver
10 Powerful Meditation Mudras and How to Use Them
The use mudras in the practice of yoga are a powerful tool for self-care and empowerment. With yoga the intention is to draw oneself inward. Mudras allow us to go inward and recharge our energy levels …
Leo Carver