Martin Zucker has written extensively on natural healing, fitness, and alternative medicine for nearly 40 years and has co-authored or ghostwritten more than a dozen books during that time, including Earthing (Basic Health Publications, 2014, second edition), co-authored with Clint Ober and cardiologist Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. His previous books include Reverse Heart Disease Now (John Wiley & Sons, 2006), Natural Hormone Balance for Women (Pocket Books, 2002), and The Miracle of MSM (Berkley Trade, 1999). Zucker has written hundreds of magazine articles on a wide variety of health topics and contributed to Smithsonian, Readers Digest, Los Angeles Times, Cook’s Magazine, Vegetarian Times, and The National Enquirer. He is a former Associated Press foreign correspondent in Europe and the Middle East.
Hello, I’m
Martin Zucker
Health writer