Hello, I'm
Robin Mastro
Robin and Michael write about Vastu, and their work has been featured in print and television worldwide. Together, they have written three award-winning books about how stress impedes success and fulfillment, Altars of Power, The Way of Vastu, and Making Room for Mr. Right.
For more information on Vastu and the Mastros, please visit www.vastucreations.com or www.americaninstituteofvastu.com.


8 Tips to Clear Clutter in Your Environment
Clutter isn’t just a physical hindrance. It can actually cause stress in your relationships, create health challenges, and block your ability to think and act clearly. Clearing clutter in your home an …
Robin Mastro
Yoga for the Home: What to Look for When Choosing a Place to Live
When it comes to choosing a home, there are several things that affect the quality of life for every member of the family. In addition to price and the size of a residence that fits your needs, there …
Robin Mastro
How to Create a Sacred Space for Your Spiritual Practice
Spiritual practice is a way to let go of stress that accumulates throughout the day so you can be healthier and more productive at work and at home. The Vedic sciences of yoga, Ayurveda, meditation, a …
Robin Mastro
Create an Outdoor Sanctuary in Your Own Backyard
From relaxing in the hammock to barbecuing or gardening, your yard becomes a sanctuary in summer. Whether you work or play outdoors, your surroundings can help foster your well-being beyond the benefi …
Robin Mastro
The 4 Elements for Happier, Healthier Pets
If you’re a pet owner, you want them to be safe, healthy, and happy. And that means being aware of their environment.Pets are sensitive by nature; their environment can have a profound effect on their …
Robin Mastro
8 Vastu Altars for Well-Being and Fulfillment
Since man’s earliest days on earth, people have created altars and shrines in sacred places to invoke the spirits, pray to their chosen deities and gods, and express their devotion to the forces of th …
Robin Mastro
9 Vastu Tips for the Bedroom
Do you wake up groggy or have trouble sleeping? Are your children waking with nightmares or have respiratory problems? Does your love life leave something to be desired? If you answered yes to any of …
Robin Mastro
5 Vedic Actions to Stay Centered This Holiday
Thanksgiving, which marks the beginning of the holiday season in the United States, is supposed to be a time where we come together to give thanks for the blessings and bounty we have received. Howeve …
Robin Mastro
Try the 5-Element Meditation to Embody the Sacred
Many people on a spiritual path begin their day with every intention to remain heart-centered, balanced, and responsive. To ensure your mind, body, and spirit run smoothly, you might exercise, practic …
Robin Mastro
How to Create a Full Moon Altar
The night of the full moon holds great significance in Vedic teachings. Whatever good intention is initiated as the moon grows into its fullness will be auspicious and provide beneficial results.There …
Robin Mastro
The Season of Love: 3 Exercises to Attract Your Beloved
There’s no perfect season for finding love. It’s always a good time to add more love in your life.If you struggle to attract loving relationships, try this exercise to help you determine what you real …
Robin Mastro
Spring Renewal Ceremony for Your Home or Workspace
Spring is an ideal time to try a clearing ceremony to purify and enliven the energy in your office or home. The ceremony, which is a simple process, will consecrate your space with your good intention …
Robin Mastro
7 Vedic Techniques to Purify You and Your Home
There is no better time than the present to integrate these seven easy Vedic action steps into your daily routine. They can support your health by reducing and even eliminating toxins, both environmen …
Robin Mastro