Hello, I'm
Sara Schairer
As a public speaker, Sara encourages her audiences to “compassion it” in their daily lives. A Stanford-certified instructor of Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT), Sara has taught CCT at the UCSD Center for Mindfulness, Kaiser Permanente, the Naval Medical Center, and this past November she led compassion trainings in Africa sponsored by the Botswana Ministries of Health and Education. She’s also a contributing author to the book The Neuroscience of Learning and Development: Enhancing Creativity, Compassion, Critical Thinking and Peace in Higher Education.
Sara is a proud graduate of the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill and has an extensive background in marketing and sales. Her most important and challenging role is mother to her always-energetic eight-year-old daughter Hannah.


How to Make Compassion Contagious
Have you ever caught the bug? I’m not referring to something cool like the surfing bug or the rock climbing bug or the bug. I mean the flu bug. It’s the worst, right? A nasty stomach bug can spread q …
Sara Schairer
Compassion in Action: 15 Easy Ways to Spread Kindness
Adding a dose of compassion to someone else’s day not only uplifts their spirits, but makes you feel happier, too. And while most of us intend to be compassionate beings every day, our hectic schedule …
Sara Schairer
6 Ways to Raise Compassionate Kids
Schools are doing a bang-up job teaching our children how not to treat each other. Kids learn about bullying the moment they enter kindergarten. However, most schools could use some help when it comes …
Sara Schairer
4 Steps to Finding Peace Through Compassion
As much as we want to simply "rise and shine" each day, mornings can often bring an intense rush of negative emotions. Have you ever slept through your alarm, struggled to get your sloth-like children …
Sara Schairer
Parenting in a Material World: 6 Ways to Teach Kids to Give this Holiday Season
The holidays—and the unfortunate materialism that comes with it—are here. Everywhere you look, messages are trying to entice you to buy more, have more, and want more.Retailers fire off clever adverti …
Sara Schairer
5 Habits That Add a Dose of Happy to the New Year
Have you ever noticed that New Year’s resolutions often focus on our external selves? We set goals to get fit, eat healthier, and lose weight. This year, why not focus on your inner self by setting a …
Sara Schairer
4 Exercises to Teach Your Kids about Mindfulness and Compassion
As a parent, you want your children to be successful. But have you ever considered your personal definition of success? Although society typically correlates success with financial wealth, academic pr …
Sara Schairer
Back to School: 4 Ways to Prepare for Your Child’s School Year
Is the back-to-school frenzy making you feel a bit stressed? If you’re a parent of a child in school, you might be in the midst of purchasing school supplies, picking out a first-day-of-school outfit, …
Sara Schairer
How to Practice Compassion When It Seems Impossible
2016 is not for the faint of heart; news about climate change, terrorism, racism, and gun violence inundate the headlines. United States presidential elections have created clear divides between our f …
Sara Schairer
5 Ways to Reduce FOMO (Without Over-scheduling Yourself)
Do you ever feel like time is flying by, and you’re constantly on the go? Work and family obligations combined with fitting friends into the mix can create full days and may eventually lead to burnout …
Sara Schairer
8 Favorite Books to Teach Compassion to Kiddos
Recently on the television show SuperSoul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey and Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, discussed the importance of teaching compassion in schools. They both stressed that compassion should …
Sara Schairer
4 Ways to Make Compassion Part of Your Holiday Feast
With the holiday season upon us, you may be fantasizing about how wonderful it will feel to prepare and share delicious feasts with your family. Perhaps you visualize your Pottery Barn-inspired dining …
Sara Schairer
8 Gifts that Foster Kindness and Compassion
Another year has flown by, and the season of giving is upon us again. Oftentimes, we run around purchasing “stuff” for the people in our lives. These gifts may look like a t-shirt, wallet, coffee mug, …
Sara Schairer
10 Ways to Weave More Kindness into the New Year
The recent U.S. election, Brexit, climate change, refugee crises, and other social injustices may leave you with a pit in your stomach as the New Year begins. The deep divides between the people of ou …
Sara Schairer
Love Thy Self: 5 Practices for the Harsh Inner Critic
With the New Year in full swing, it’s time to reflect on your goals and intentions. You probably started the year with boundless energy and the will to stick to your goals. Yet, if you’re like many ot …
Sara Schairer
Listen Up! 6 Podcast Episodes for Cultivating Compassion
If you’re on the road and feeling like it’s a waste of your time, you’re not alone. Driving for hours to take your kids to and from school or meeting other demands throughout your day can be less than …
Sara Schairer
Roadmap to Compassion: Fuel for Tough Times
Facing the unknown can be unsettling to say the least, and many around the globe are embarking on an era of uncertainty. The United States seems more divided than united, Brexit has turned the United …
Sara Schairer
7 Tricks for Ditching Technology During Family Vacations
Have you ever relied on technology to curb the repeated “are-we-there-yet” question from your kids? Or maybe you’ve entertained yours kids (and even yourself) during long flights or drives with tablet …
Sara Schairer
Getting Back on Track: 5 Questions to Reset Your 2017 Intentions
Time is flying by, and your intention to set a new habit or pursue a certain goal might have been left in the dust. If that’s the case, don’t fret–there’s still time to get back on the right track.Sin …
Sara Schairer
5 Ways to Cultivate Connection in Your Neighborhood
Do you know your neighbors? In our hurried and often detached society, having neighbors as friends and part of your support system is not as common as it used to be.One of my friends has a theory abou …
Sara Schairer
Mindfulness and Creativity: Do They Mix?
Have you ever had a light bulb moment—a time when, out of the blue, you had a brilliant idea? Maybe it was a new solution to an old problem. Perhaps you felt inspired to create art, or you felt lyrics …
Sara Schairer
3 Techniques That Create Positive Habits
Humans are creatures of habit. Nearly everything you think, say, and do is a result of habits deeply rooted into your body and mind through years of repetitive behavior. The habits you develop can eit …
Sara Schairer
25 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude
Have you noticed that when a colleague says something negative about your work, you can’t get it out of your mind? Yet when three co-workers compliment you on a job well done, you don’t give it much t …
Sara Schairer
Gifts that Give: 8 Gifts that Inspire Compassion
Holiday shopping can be a drag to say the least. It’s not easy during the hectic holiday season to search high and low for the perfect gift, and material items often lack true meaning. What if your gi …
Sara Schairer
10 Reasons to Be Mindful with Your Partner
What might happen when mindfulness becomes a priority in your relationship? Mindfulness means “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally,” according …
Sara Schairer
How to Be Mindful Without Meditation
Do you ever find yourself avoiding your meditation cushion? Whether subconsciously or on purpose, you’re not making the time to sit.Or have you tried meditating, and you’ve decided it’s not for you?Lu …
Sara Schairer
5 Self-Compassion Techniques for Spring
Spring has sprung, and it’s a good time to revisit those New Year’s resolutions. If you look back on the intentions you set in January, you might be kicking yourself a little bit. Have you given in to …
Sara Schairer
11 Ways to Show Gratitude to Your Mother
Are you tired of your same old Mother’s Day tradition? Perhaps you always send your mom flowers and a card, or you carve out time for brunch. What if you kicked Mother’s Day up a notch and expressed g …
Sara Schairer
20 Tiny Acts of Kindness to Make a Positive Impact
Sometimes carrying out small acts of kindness can be a simple way to make a huge difference. When you commit to practicing mindful acts of kindness every day, they become a part of who are and how you …
Sara Schairer
5 Revealing Studies into Compassion
Compassion, wanting to reduce the pain of others, sometimes gets a bad rap. Some view it as a soft and fluffy virtue that allows others to walk all over you. However, giving and receiving compassion o …
Sara Schairer
8 Ways to Make Daily Meditation a Habit
Are you having trouble sticking to your meditation practice? Perhaps you have every intention of meditating, but you run out of time each day. Or maybe you get flooded with texts and emails before the …
Sara Schairer
6 Design-Thinking Methods You Can Use to Improve Your Life
Do you ever feel like you’re unhappy with your work or career? If so, you’re not alone. According to Designing Your Life by Stanford University lecturers Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, two-thirds of wor …
Sara Schairer
7 Ways to Make Mindfulness More Fun
When you think of mindfulness, what do you picture? Do you see yourself sitting … and sitting … and sitting? Sure, there are tremendous benefits of having a sitting meditation practice to cultivate mi …
Sara Schairer
4 Techniques to Outsmart Your Mind to a Better State
You may have noticed times when you want to feel a certain way, but your mind isn’t cooperating. Have you ever wanted to feel confident, but you didn’t? Have you ever been in a funk, and you wanted to …
Sara Schairer
Self-Compassion Should Be Your #1 Resolution, and This Is Why
Are you setting goals for 2019? Maybe you’re trying to lead a healthier life by eating a more plant-based diet, prioritizing sleep, or drinking less alcohol. Perhaps you have a goal of spending less t …
Sara Schairer
5 Character Traits of Open-Minded People
You’ve probably heard the old adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Or perhaps you’ve heard people described as “set in their ways.” Those sayings aren’t typically issued as compliments, but …
Sara Schairer
5 Simple Tips for Managing Your Emotions Through Meditation
Nearly each and every day offers a unique opportunity—the opportunity to scream, shout, and throw a tantrum about something. Did someone cut you off on the freeway? You could shout. Did someone in fro …
Sara Schairer
10 Personal Development Books to Read This Summer
Thanks to the fast-paced world, the days seem to fly by. Did you feel like the new year arrived, you blinked, and then it was nearly summer?Me, too.The arrival of summer means you might have an opport …
Sara Schairer
9 Acts of Kindness You Can Do Every Day
Do you ever think you’re too busy for compassion or kindness? Juggling work, family life, and other obligations might mean that acts of kindness fall by the wayside. Who has time to feed the homeless …
Sara Schairer
The Science Behind Kindness: What You Need to Know
“Be nice.”“Be kind.”“Treat others how you wish to be treated.”You’ve probably heard those brief directives since you were born, or at least by the time you got to school. Have you paid attention to ho …
Sara Schairer
5 Practices to Help You Be More Present This Thanksgiving
Are you finding yourself constantly thinking about your to-do list this time of year? Maybe you need to plan a menu, shop for the holiday meal, coordinate travel plans, purchase gifts, and get ready f …
Sara Schairer
What's the Difference Between Empathy, Sympathy, and Compassion?
While “empathy,” “sympathy,” and “compassion” are three words that many use interchangeably, they are not synonymous with one another. Let’s take a closer look at how to differentiate them.While these …
Sara Schairer
5 Resolutions to Improve Your Mental State
It’s a new year, and you’ve probably already been bombarded with information about how to envision your ideal decade, create goals, stick to resolutions, lose weight, be happier, and <insert self-i …
Sara Schairer
3 Meditations that Cultivate Compassion
“How can I help?” Have you found yourself asking this question a lot more lately? Recent extreme weather events have displaced thousands of people around the world. Tragic violent episodes are plaguin …
Sara Schairer
8 Ways to Heal Your Soul After a Loss
Grief comes in many forms. Any loss can touch off a series of emotional responses in you. You can help yourself move through your pain to healing.When I experienced intense loss for the first time, I …
Sara Schairer
Is Peace Possible? How to Create a Peaceful Moment, Day, and World
Today, September 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace—a day declared by the United Nations in 1981, asking humanity to commit to peace. On this day, we press pause on our disagreeme …
Sara Schairer
Compassion in Action: How to Be Compassionate to Yourself
A pandemic, economic challenges, a presidential election, and more make the end of 2020 an endurance race. But if we align ourselves based on our compassionate efforts, we can get through this togethe …
Sara Schairer
How to Nurture Connections Through Compassion
Trump versus Biden, pro-police versus #BlackLivesMatter, masks versus no masks, online school versus in-person school, “open the economy” versus shelter-in-place. I yearn for the good ole days when Co …
Sara Schairer
Advice for Grinches: How to Avoid the Holiday Funk
The holidays are here, and they bring with them an abundance of twinkle lights, cookies, reflection, and joy. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right?Yes. For some lucky people.Perhaps this li …
Sara Schairer
3 Key Ingredients You Need to Bounce Back
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times - “Everyone suffers. It’s the human condition.” Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a champion at binging shows on Netflix, you’re human. Bec …
Sara Schairer
7 Simple Methods for Inner Stability and Strength
“You’re grounded.”Do you remember when that statement was a bad thing? If my parents said those words to me when I was a teenager, I knew that I had messed up in a big way.These days, though, I take t …
Sara Schairer
Using Self-Compassion to Connect with Others
Despite the power of technology to connect us with others, we live in a society of loneliness, polarization, and isolation. The social media platforms originally designed to connect us are instead dri …
Sara Schairer
First Steps to Creating a Life of Purpose
Do you have an answer when you ask yourself the question, “What’s my purpose?”Pursuing your purpose may sound like an intimidating undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be. You can begin with a few simp …
Sara Schairer