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Tamara Lechner
Her book, The Happiness Reset: What to do When Nothing Makes You Happy, pairs each day of the week with an evidence-based positive psychology intervention, which is a fancy way of saying a happiness habit. Her deep belief is that happiness happens by choice, not by chance.


9 Shortcuts to Happiness
We all want to be happy, but in this busy world of ours, we sometimes get lost in the hustle and bustle. It’s important to stay focused on enjoying the journey, being joyful, and living a happy life.I …
Tamara Lechner
6 Lessons You Can Learn From Traveling
After traveling through Europe, China, Africa, South and Central America, and much of the Caribbean, I decided that Americans have a lot to learn from other cultures, and from the unpredictable nature …
Tamara Lechner
5 Types of Meditation Decoded
As a meditation teacher, I’m frequently asked which form of meditation is the best or the most effective. People also want to know if meditation is possible without a religious connection or belief in …
Tamara Lechner
Your Motivation to Start Meditating
It’s in the news, medical journals, your Facebook newsfeed; it’s on YouTube, in your inbox, and on your mind. People everywhere are talking about meditation, and it’s not just yogis and hippies who do …
Tamara Lechner
How to Create Healthy Habits in the New Year
It’s the time of the year to dream about new healthy habits and commit to leaving behind negative patterns that don’t align with your true self. Many people promise to eat a healthier diet, start work …
Tamara Lechner
Dos and Don’ts for Your First Meditation
You’ve heard about the benefits of meditation and decided to see what all the hype is about. Perhaps you’re starting a new morning meditation practice at home, or you signed up for a meditation class …
Tamara Lechner
Quiz: How Happy Is Your Family?
Sometimes just getting everything done in a day feels like success. But success shouldn’t be measured by tasks completed. How happy you are when you complete those tasks should be your driving force.I …
Tamara Lechner
The Positive Approach to Transformation
Whether you want to eat a healthier diet, exercise regularly, or embark on a new way of parenting, the biggest barrier to change is you. You can make the task as easy as pie, or virtually impossible. …
Tamara Lechner
Learn to Balance Personal Growth With Family Demands
It’s hard enough to meet basic personal needs when you have a family. Take that to the next level and growth and development seems almost impossible. A lot of parents put their kids first and barely l …
Tamara Lechner
How to Cut Out the “Busy” and Start Living
"Busy, but good." It's often our go-to answer to that "How was your weekend?" question posed on Monday mornings.Is busy what you want to be? Or would you rather be able to reply with words like produc …
Tamara Lechner
7 Steps to Build Resilient Children Who Aren’t Afraid to Fail
Parents sometimes fall into the trap of choreographing their child’s success. They steer children away from potential bumps along the road rather than teach them to how spot and avoid these hazards, o …
Tamara Lechner
The Key to Staying Young: Flexible Mind, Flexible Body
Youth is as much an attitude as it is a number. With a more flexible mind and body, everyday living can be easier. Suddenly, the world is with—not against—you, and the years just fade away.These days, …
Tamara Lechner
7 Keys to Happy Parenting
Parenting is a role where even the most conscientious and intentional people can lose perspective. No matter how much you prepare, things rarely go according to plan, especially when those plans invol …
Tamara Lechner
6 Reasons Why Laughter Is the Best Medicine
Have you ever been in a tense or difficult situation when you suddenly burst into a fit of giggles? Or feel a release or rejuvenated after watching a side-splittingly funny movie?It turns out there’s …
Tamara Lechner
Do You Want to Survive or Thrive in Life?
There is a fundamental difference between thriving and surviving. Surviving means, “to continue to live or exist,” while thrive can be defined as “to grow or develop well, to prosper or to flourish.”H …
Tamara Lechner
How to Develop a Gratitude Mindset
Gratitude, the cardinal moral emotion that promotes cooperation and makes our society civil and kind, is the feeling of reverence for things that are given, according to Bob Emmons Ph.D., professor of …
Tamara Lechner
5 Steps to Amp Up Your Gratitude Attitude
You are thankful. You recognize the benefit that gratitude gives you. You feel a sense of reverence, a sense of connection, or a sense of joy for the people and things that surround you.You're ready t …
Tamara Lechner
7 Ways to Reduce Family Stress During the Holidays
Are your holidays full of relaxation and quality time with family? If not, you’re not alone. In fact, 62 percent of Americans indicated that they feel stress during the holidays and 35 percent experie …
Tamara Lechner
7 Ways to Avoid the Winter Blahs
Whether you live in sunny California or you're buried under a foot of snow in Michigan, the winter blahs can make you want to hibernate. Winter causes a mild case of the blues in about 25 percent of p …
Tamara Lechner
Understanding Mind, Intellect, and Ego
Knowing how your subtle body—the mind, the intellect, and the ego—functions is essential to knowing yourself. Discerning between each level can help you decide which parts of the subtle body you will …
Tamara Lechner
The ABCs of Meditation
Whether you are starting a new meditation practice or want to deepen an existing practice, getting back to the basics and putting attention to your intention is a wonderful way to remind yourself of w …
Tamara Lechner
Mindful Parenting: How to Raise Kind and Conscious Kids
Your alarm didn't go off so you rush around getting all the kids up and dressed and packing their lunches. You get to your car and notice that there's ice on the windows, which means you will need tim …
Tamara Lechner
5 Ways to Improve Creativity Through Meditation
Artists and art lovers alike have gathered the evidence to support their belief that unless you are filled with angst like Bob Dylan, Alanis Morissette, or Ernest Hemingway, you might not be able to t …
Tamara Lechner
In the Spotlight: 5 Inspirational Leaders to Follow
Leaders are people who inspire others to make the world a better place. Leaders are authentic, follow their gut, and aren’t just benefiting from the hard work of their team—they are in the trenches do …
Tamara Lechner
How to Cultivate Self-Trust
As children we trust ourselves implicitly. When you watch children playing, they don’t spend time wondering if building in the sandbox is the best use of their time or if they should be on the swing—t …
Tamara Lechner
5 Ways to Improve Your Judgment and Make Better Decisions
Contrary to popular belief, judgment is not a negative behavior. Every piece of stimulus that comes into our life experience—be that a new person, a new taste, or a new sensation—is filtered through o …
Tamara Lechner
How to Manage Stress, ADHD, and Anxiety for Children—Without Medication
In children, stress, anxiety, and ADHD can present a multitude of behavior issues ranging from anger, defiance, lethargy, and acting out. According to child psychiatrist Elizabeth Roberts in her Washi …
Tamara Lechner
7 Reasons to Spend Mindful Time in Nature
Humans are designed to be outdoors. Your brain is wired to respond to the smells, sights, and sensations you receive outside. When you spend daily time outside it makes you healthier and happier. Payi …
Tamara Lechner
Corporate Meditation: How and Why Big Businesses Are Promoting Meditation
Big businesses are smart. They’ve read the studies. They understand that time spent meditating means balanced workers who get things done. And they get that putting the mental health of their workers …
Tamara Lechner
Resilience and Grit: How to Develop a Growth Mindset
The ability to bounce back from adversity and keep going when things get tough are just two of the traits of highly successful individuals. These traits are more commonly known as grit and resilience. …
Tamara Lechner
6 Daily Habits of Happy People
Happiness happens by choice—not by chance. If you want to increase your sense of personal well-being, there are simple habits you can adopt to help your levels of positivity increase. Happy habit form …
Tamara Lechner
Garbage In, Garbage Out: How to Fuel Your Body and Mind
Fueling your body and your mind is something you do every single day. Most of us are consuming three meals a day. The average American consumes 15.5 hours of media each day. With obesity and stress le …
Tamara Lechner
10 Positive Emotions That Should Be Part of Your Daily Life
Despite feeling very personal, emotions are not a private experience. Emotions impact relationships, career advancement, parenting, and sense of self-worth. How successfully you handle daily challenge …
Tamara Lechner
9 Ways to Overcome Disappointment
Life is filled with opportunities to be disappointed. You don’t get into your top choice college. You are passed over for a promotion at work. You can’t sit in a split even after stretching daily for …
Tamara Lechner
10 Ways to Combat the Monday Blues
It’s Monday morning and you just can’t seem to find your rhythm. You’re convinced that the universe is working against you and all that’s going through your head is Carly Simon’s song lyrics, “Rainy d …
Tamara Lechner
4 Magical Side Effects of Kindness
It has often been thought of as a selfless act, but now research is also showing that altruism may benefit the giver as much as the receiver.In fact, the reach of kindness is so large that even witnes …
Tamara Lechner
Why We Love Halloween—And It's Not the Candy
As the fall leaves begin to change color and the nights become a little brisker, the back-to-school season quickly swings to the Halloween season at our home. I have four children who all agree Hallow …
Tamara Lechner
The Science of Karma: 6 Ways Service Can Make You Happy
Karma is a concept shared by many wisdom traditions that has made its way into mainstream language and conversation. We’ve even seen the Law of Karma referenced on T.V.: Grey's Anatomy: “One way or …
Tamara Lechner
Navigating Spiritually in Relationships & Dating
The path to becoming more spiritually evolved can take many routes, but they all include learning self-awareness, integrity, love, compassion, courage, kindness, acceptance, and maturity. Is it possib …
Tamara Lechner
Thanksgiving Blues: What to Do When You’re Not Feeling Thankful
‘Tis the season when thankfulness is all around. Everywhere you look, you read about gratitude practices and the benefits of being grateful. It’s a natural time to pause, reflect, and be mindful of wh …
Tamara Lechner
10 Healthy Holiday Gifts for the Host or Hostess
The winter season is a time to come together and reconnect with friends and family. Quite often bringing a little gift for the host or hostess of the festivity is part of this process. Rather than re- …
Tamara Lechner
The Science of Cultivating Connection
The neuroscience behind human connection has broad implications for how we live our daily lives. Whether you're an introvert (fills their cup through time alone), an extrovert (needs high levels of so …
Tamara Lechner
How to Make Your Resolutions Habits
As if deciding what to resolve isn’t enough of a challenge, you are also tasked with making a plan to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions. It’s no wonder why so many people give up by mid-Januar …
Tamara Lechner
11 Tips for Cultivating Intentional Habits
If you’re like the majority of other people, you make resolutions each December that you never actually attain. Or perhaps you start off strong on your path to achieving your goal only to drop off aft …
Tamara Lechner
All Things in Moderation: When to Moderate and When to Abstain
Wanting to change something about yourself is an admirable journey that often comes with its unique set of opportunities and challenges. People typically want to change behaviors or habits that aren’t …
Tamara Lechner
How to Pursue Your Dreams While Making a Living
Nothing defines the new millennium more than the change in how people view work. Gone, for many, are the days when working to pay the bills was enough. The word job, which was once applauded, is now l …
Tamara Lechner
Uncovering the Benefits of Awe
Have you ever gotten chills as you lay on the moss carpeted forest floor while gazing up at the tall sequoias? Or have you had your mind blown when introduced to a fascinating concept like consciousne …
Tamara Lechner
9-Step Strategy to Make a Decision
It's no secret that adulting is harder than you thought it would be when you were growing up. Children assume adults have all the answers. As a kid, this leads you to draw the conclusion that when you …
Tamara Lechner
Spring Cleaning: 4 Ways to Cultivate New Beginnings
Spring signifies new growth, birth, and the vitality that comes from getting back outside and enjoying the fresh air. Sometimes associated with spring cleaning, it also is a chance for change or fresh …
Tamara Lechner
5 Good Reasons to Embrace Spring Cleaning
Spring is in the air. As you pack up those sweaters and snow boots in exchange for oxfords and boat shoes, it’s the perfect time to take a look around your house and see what needs to be cleared out. …
Tamara Lechner
How to Find the Right Mentor for You
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a mentor as “a trusted counselor or guide.” Mentors can be consultants, counselors, or even gurus. In a world filled with people who have diverse passions, skill …
Tamara Lechner
Reap What You Sow: 4 Reasons to Plant a Garden
Planting and tending a garden is great to improve your home’s aesthetic, but in addition to being good for property value, planting a garden is also good for you as a person. Finding a single activity …
Tamara Lechner
9 First Steps for Times of Transition
There are turning points in people’s lives that occur in a natural progression – transitioning from college to the working world, from being single to being married, from taking care of yourself to be …
Tamara Lechner
How to Create Summer Rituals to the 5 Elements
Summer is a season that comes with many rituals. For some, summers include a move to a cottage for the season, while others enjoy weekends at the lake or traveling for holidays to the same annual dest …
Tamara Lechner
6 Myths About Aging: How to View Maturing in a Positive Light
Aging is a natural process in life. Every single day you are older than you were the day before. Stereotypes about aging would have you believe that as you get older your health suffers, you become a …
Tamara Lechner
No Regrets: 10 Ways to Start Each Day with a Clean Slate
“Forget regret, or life is yours to miss”—Jonathan LarsonThere’s a Buddhist parable called The Second Arrow. The story explains that in life, pain is inevitable. You will experience the pain of loss, …
Tamara Lechner
7 Lifestyle Shifts to Harness Your Body's Wisdom to Feel Vibrant
Imagine if you had, within your body, every prescription you needed to feel healthy, vibrant, and energized. Great news: Just like Glinda the Good Witch said in The Wizard of Oz, “You're capable of mo …
Tamara Lechner
Your Role in the Pursuit of Happiness
Social media is filled with quizzes that test to see which Disney princess you are most like or which celebrity shares your Myers-Briggs type. Science and pop culture seem to share a fascination with …
Tamara Lechner
9 Opportunities for Growth Following Tragedy
A seed must crack wide open and break apart before the flower can grow. A caterpillar must feel like its world is over before it becomes a butterfly. Before times of growth, change, and evolution, the …
Tamara Lechner
4 Ways to Break Free From Tiresome Patterns
Time isn’t static. Depending on the situation, you may find the same few seconds to seem never-ending or lightning fast. The seconds leading up to a first kiss can go on forever. However, blink and yo …
Tamara Lechner
5 Steps to Take the High Road at Work
No matter your role in an organization, work can become stressful when you have a difficult coworker. Historically a workplace has been a place to go for teamwork, conversations around the water coole …
Tamara Lechner
Why Holiday Rituals Can Boost Your Happiness
Tensions can run high when relatives gather and sadness can creep in if you are spending holidays alone. Traditions around the holidays, however, can bring joy and foster connection. People who are ha …
Tamara Lechner
10 Creative and Cheaper Ways to Spice Up Holiday Gifting
Holidays can feel overwhelmingly about consumerism. The season can begin to feel more about giving stuff than fostering connections with loved ones. Remembering that the most important thing you can g …
Tamara Lechner
10 Movies That Will Feed Your Heart, Mind, and Soul
With more focus than ever on what fuels your body—from healthy sourced food for your diet to positive messages to your brain—choosing films that inspire means choosing what you watch intentionally.Her …
Tamara Lechner
5 Reasons Hibernating During Winter Is Good for You
The winter blahs can certainly get you feeling sleepy, lethargic, and downright uninspired. It’s cold and dark, and people tend to get worn down from the holiday festivities. Rather than fighting the …
Tamara Lechner
30 Quotes to Start Your Day Off Right
Morning routines set the tone for your day. Common ways to begin your day include meditation, exercise, or a gratitude practice, like taking a few minutes to read and reflect on a quote. This has been …
Tamara Lechner
Burnout: 5 Steps to Take When You Are Running on Empty
Stress happens when something comes between you and something you want. It’s a fact of life that things don’t always go your way. We all deal with it—until we don’t—and that’s when manageable stress b …
Tamara Lechner
Quiz: What's Your Emotional Intelligence Score?
The scientific understanding of intelligence has evolved. Where just a generation ago, the understanding of intelligence was limited to how well you did in school, today it is known that there are mul …
Tamara Lechner
Spring to Life: How the Season Sets the Tone for Optimal Energy
Spring is the period between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It's considered a symbol of rebirth and is associated with new beginnings. Farmers and gardeners plant their seeds as temperatu …
Tamara Lechner
8 Simple Tips to Help You Simplify Your Life
With books like The More of Less by Josh Becker and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, people are talking about the effects of simplicity. Is simplicity really the solution? That ma …
Tamara Lechner
Need a Vacation from Your Vacation? 3 Tips to Help You Recharge While on Holiday
It's summertime—the season of sunshine, fresh air, and getaways. You may be traveling, taking some time off work, or wanting to make the most of the longer days and the long weekends that accompany th …
Tamara Lechner
5 Keys to Forming (or Changing) Your Perspective
Consider this story that American philosopher and author Wayne Dyer told. While he was living in Florida, a woman he met at a book signing explained that she had just moved there and asked, “What is i …
Tamara Lechner
The New Science of Positive Aging
Although many believe it's the years in your life, it’s actually the life in your years. As your life expectancy improves so does the amount of pressure you can feel as you attempt to keep living well …
Tamara Lechner
7 Reasons to Remain Relentlessly Curious
If you’ve ever parented a toddler, you are familiar with the repetitive use of the question: “Why?” Why is the grass green? Why do I need to go to bed? Why are my eyes blue? As described by Swiss ps …
Tamara Lechner
How Meditation Helps Transform Your Suffering
The dictionary defines suffering as the state of undergoing pain distress or hardship. Suffering is unpleasantness. Suffering can involve physical pain and mental distress. In every life, there will b …
Tamara Lechner
The Mind-Body Impact of Anger—and How to Control it
Have you ever noticed that the strong feelings you associate with negative emotions like anger and jealousy have the ability to grab your attention again and again over hours, days, weeks, or sometime …
Tamara Lechner
Emotional Framework: How to Experience Emotions in a Healthy Way
Experiencing and expressing emotions are integral parts of life. Yet, for many people, emotions remain mysterious, confusing, and difficult to express . No one is given an emotional rule book, yet soc …
Tamara Lechner
10 Tips for Improving Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) was first referenced way back in 1964 but it didn’t become mainstream until science journalist Daniel Goleman wrote Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ i …
Tamara Lechner
How to Improve Your Focus Through Meditation
The act of focusing involves paying particular attention to a certain thing, thought, or idea. In the age of distraction—the digital age—it is all too easy to become unfocused when a notification come …
Tamara Lechner
How to Reduce Stress Through Positive Thinking: 5 Methods
There is an epidemic of stress, depression, and anxiety. Despite the fact that people are talking more openly about their mental health, removing stigma does not seem to have affected the actual level …
Tamara Lechner
5 Steps to Detaching for a Happier Life
Often we attach ourselves—and our ability to be happy—on a desired outcome, only to find ourselves disappointed when that outcome doesn't happen. Learn how you can let go and start living from a place …
Tamara Lechner
What Happens to Your Brain When You Meditate?
Meditation is the process of focusing attention on inner silence rather than external activity—it is, in essence, a reminder that you are not a human doing but a human being. In meditation, you are pu …
Tamara Lechner
6 Ways to Boost Your Mood This Fall
As the days grow shorter, the leaves turn to shades of burnt orange, yellow, and red and are eventually released to blanket the earth. The air is a bit crisper. The seasonal change from shorts and san …
Tamara Lechner
7 Ways to Reboot Your Brain
The elasticity of your brain is its ability to “reboot” and remove patterns, habits, biases, and limits that no longer serve you. The trick to this is knowing how to press the reset button. Here’s how …
Tamara Lechner
5 Ways to Maintain Your Post-Workshop High
Retreats, workshops, and personal growth courses are uplifting and inspiring when you’re there. In the right environment, it’s easy to slip into a rhythm that fosters growth and change. The hard part …
Tamara Lechner
Chakra Cleansing: How to Clear Your Chakras & Free Your Energy
If you've been feeling less vital and energetic or in an emotional funk, it's possible that you have a chakra that is clogged or stuck. Contrary to popular belief, chakras are not the newest fad in th …
Tamara Lechner
The Neuroscience Behind Gratitude: How Does Cultivating Appreciation Affect Your Brain?
Some of the best “science” around is a kind I call “Grandma science.” My Grandma always had advice and rules for living a good life—advice like “Be thankful for what you have” and “Count your blessing …
Tamara Lechner
Learn About Your Seven Chakras and How to Keep Them in Balance
Chakras are commonly described as energy centers that correspond to various organs and nerves in the body. This is a starting point of understanding. They are, however, so much more. As North Indian s …
Tamara Lechner
Aprende Sobre tus Siete Chakras y cómo Mantenerlos en Equilibrio
Los chakras se describen comúnmente como centros de energía que corresponden a varios órganos y nervios del cuerpo. Este es un punto de partida para la comprensión. Sin embargo, son mucho más. Como el …
Tamara Lechner
Positivity Isn’t Naïve—It’s Exactly What the World Needs Today
Have you heard of being a Pollyanna? It is a common way to label someone whose glass is always half full, despite any circumstance. The term came from a film about an irrepressibly optimistic young gi …
Tamara Lechner
Why Using Personal Energy Management Leads to Vitality
Everything that you encounter can either increase or deplete your personal energy. Like a solar panel uses the sun more effectively when it’s not obscured by trees or covered in dust, your body does i …
Tamara Lechner
Por qué la Renovación Comienza con la Esperanza
La esperanza es más que un pensamiento positivo en tiempos difíciles. La esperanza implica la creencia de que, a pesar de la adversidad, existe la posibilidad de tener días mejores. La esperanza requi …
Tamara Lechner
Why Renewal Begins with Hope
Hope is more than just positive thinking in tough times. Hope involves a belief that despite adversity there is a possibility of better days. Hope requires resilient thinking and conscious action. It …
Tamara Lechner
10 Signs of Spiritual Enlightenment & Awakening
It’s a sign of the times that the word “awakened” has made it into the urban dictionary, where it is defined as “spiritually aware of the universe and [its] direct metaphysical connection to one’s own …
Tamara Lechner
How Does Kindness Affect Your Mental Health?
If there was one magical cure for many of the woes of the world, it might be the power of kindness. When the epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression threatens to overload the medical system and im …
Tamara Lechner
Cómo la Meditación Puede Ayudar a Disminuir los 7 Síntomas de la Depresión
En todas partes hay informes sobre el aumento del estrés, la depresión y la ansiedad. La Organización Mundial de la Salud se ha referido a ello como una epidemia, y ha informado que la carga de la dep …
Tamara Lechner
How Meditation Can Help Lessen 7 Symptoms of Depression
Everywhere you turn there are reports about the increase in stress, depression, and anxiety. It’s been referred to as an epidemic by the World Health Organization, which reports that the burden of dep …
Tamara Lechner