Hello, I'm
Tris Thorp
Tris is Board Certified by the Association of Integrative Psychology as a Trainer of NLP, Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, and Mental and Emotional Release®, a Certified Reiki Master, and an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance. She is certified by Dr. Deepak Chopra in Primordial Sound Meditation, Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, and Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle. She is also co-author of the book, Mental and Emotional Release®, which offers an overview of MER and its foundation, real-life case studies, and clinical efficacy studies comparing MER to other therapies. You can learn more about Tris’s work at www.tristhorp.com.
During her tenure at the Chopra Center, Tris apprenticed under the Chopra Center’s co-founder Dr. David Simon, co-facilitating Emotional Freedom workshops alongside him. Tris was also fortunate to be mentored by the late Debbie Ford, which is where she continued her extensive studies of the unconscious mind and concepts of the persona and shadow. After the loss of her two beloved teachers and mentors, Tris went on to become certified through the Ford Institute as a coach specializing in shadow work and reconciling mental and emotional issues stemming from past experiences. She continues to share the gifts of emotional healing and facilitating this work in the footsteps of her former mentors.
Clearly in her dharma, Tris’s passion and dedication to gently guide people on their inward journey through emotional healing is evident in her work as a facilitator, coach, author, and speaker in the realm of personal empowerment and emotional healing. Tris is devoted to inspiring and empowering others to cultivate and maintain mindfulness-based lifestyle practices that lead to greater clarity, purpose and fulfillment. Through one-on-one coaching, online programs, and live events, Tris specializes in helping people to fully release negative emotions, limiting beliefs and unconscious patterns, enabling them to make quantum leaps into the life they are truly meant to be living. You can learn more about Tris and her work as a facilitator and lifestyle and leadership coach at www.tristhorp.com


Moksha: Ending the Cycle of Emotional Pain
In the Vedic wisdom tradition, moksha is the liberation of the soul from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, or samsara. It is considered to be the end of all suffering. According to Advaita Vedan …
Tris Thorp
How to Maintain an Ayurvedic Lifestyle While on Vacation
Summer brings with it beautiful weather, a change in daily activities and—for many people—a complete lifestyle makeover. Family reunions, summer camps, social activities, and vacations are in full swi …
Tris Thorp
Transition to Fall: How to Stay Healthy Through the Season Change
As we begin to transition from summer into the cooler season of fall, we find ourselves shifting gears and coming back into more structured routines. For some people, this might mean planning daily ac …
Tris Thorp
I’ve Found My Path, But Wait! Where Did Everyone Go?
Have you ever had the experience of finding yourself on a new path in life and suddenly you feel like you’re all alone? You’ve just stepped into a new version of yourself. You’re becoming more aware a …
Tris Thorp
4 Ways to Deepen Your Meditation Practice
You’ve been meditating consistently for an extended period of time now, and you’re ready to take your practice to the next level. Perhaps you’ve now reached a plateau and you’re wondering if meditatio …
Tris Thorp
7 Tips to Transition from Student to Teacher
The call to step into the role of teacher can be frightening. Even after your training, you might wonder if you know enough, if you’re ready, if you really have what it takes to be a good teacher. You …
Tris Thorp
10 Shower-Free Ways to Freshen Up Post-Yoga
You really want to fit in that yoga class before heading off to work, or before meeting friends out for happy hour, but you just don't have the extra time to freshen up after. When you’re rushing from …
Tris Thorp
10-Minute Meditation Breaks
When kids get too rowdy, they’re given time-outs. Regardless of why parents and teachers administer a time-out, it’s ultimately meant to help children slow down, reconnect with the present moment, and …
Tris Thorp
5 Steps to Get Unstuck
Feeling stuck—whether it’s in work, love, spiritual growth, or any other aspect of life—is frustrating. Sometimes you might feel directionless for long periods of time while other times you may just n …
Tris Thorp
Free Yourself From Past Challenges Through Forgiveness
Finding the gifts in past challenges is one of the most key elements to living a life of emotional freedom. In order to move toward becoming the person you aspire to be, it’s important to lighten your …
Tris Thorp
99 Reasons to Start Meditating
There’s big buzz around meditation, and for good reason. Research points to this once fringe practice as a highly effective technique for improving your life overall. With benefits ranging from physio …
Tris Thorp
The Difference Between Compassion and Pity
In a world with so much suffering and pain, compassion has the ability to connect and heal. Starting with our families and friends, and extending into larger communities, and out to the world in gener …
Tris Thorp
10 Ways to Bring More Compassion to the Workplace
Creating a culture of compassion in the workplace is where many successful companies are placing their attention today, and rightfully so. Researchers have cited studies that point to the power of a k …
Tris Thorp
3 Meditations to Calm Your Mind and Help You Fall Asleep
It’s no surprise that so many people have a hard time falling asleep—and getting quality rest once they do.In today’s hustle-bustle society, many people rush from their beds out into their lives and g …
Tris Thorp
How to Transform Past Challenges Into Learning Experiences
Society has taught us to look at life—and the experiences we’ve had—more through the lens of negativity, doubt, and regret than positivity and confidence.Without a conscious effort to shift your think …
Tris Thorp
On Again-Off Again Meditating: Does It Do Any Good?
Meditation is on the rise—and for good reason. It’s one of the best practices we have to help us manage stress, unplug from the busyness of our lives, and re-center ourselves.The daily practice of med …
Tris Thorp
9 Ways to Transition Gracefully into the Fall Season
As summer draws to a close, the warmer weather, longer days, and time spent outdoors begins to fade. The start of school (or work), cooler temps, and shorter days signify the end of summer and, for ma …
Tris Thorp
One Thing at a Time: How to End the Negative Cycle of Multitasking
Tackling one task or activity at a time has become a rare practice in a world that seems to place greater value on multitasking, much to the detriment of exhausted people everywhere.Most of us are hus …
Tris Thorp
5 Qualities to Look for in a Meditation Teacher
The practice of meditation is becoming society's go-to antidote to stress. More people are incorporating mindfulness into their daily routines to create more peace, clarity, and balance in their lives …
Tris Thorp
Centering Your Self in 3 Easy Steps
Deadlines, to-do lists, projects, and responsibilities: they all help make our lives feel a little too hectic, unmanageable, and even out of control. One of the greatest skills you can acquire is lear …
Tris Thorp
How to Beat the Boredom in Meditation
Our results-driven society can make it difficult to slow down, let alone stop and sit in silence.At times, launching a successful business and raising a family can seem easier than sitting in quietude …
Tris Thorp
No Drama Holiday: 10 Tips for Avoiding Emotional Family Traps
The holidays are meant to be a happy season—a time when family and friends come together to celebrate and reflect on the year.For many people, however, the holidays can spark feelings of anxiety, dise …
Tris Thorp
Do You Have an Attitude Problem?
In a world where stress has reached an all-time high, attitude problems are in abundance—from the impatient person behind you in the grocery store checkout to the friend who constantly blames others a …
Tris Thorp
10 New Year’s Practices to Improve Your Emotional Health
As you reflect back on the past year, identify opportunities for taking your emotional health to the next level next year. It’s important to be aware that anytime you set an important goal and activel …
Tris Thorp
Learn How the 5 Niyamas Can Lead to a Balanced Life
The ancient spiritual teachings of yoga hold a lot of wisdom—useful even in today’s modern world. If you’re new to yoga philosophy, the five Niyamas are a great place to start. They are personal rules …
Tris Thorp
Start Here! 5 Meditation Styles for Beginners
Beginning a meditation practice can be both exciting and intimidating. If you asked 10 different people what style of meditation they practice, you might get 10 different answers. It's common to feel …
Tris Thorp
8 Ways to Practice Compassion for a Healthier and Stronger Relationship
Relationships can be one of the most joyful and fulfilling aspects of our lives, and they can also challenge us beyond comprehension. We've all heard that communication is the most important thing in …
Tris Thorp
Following the 5 Yamas to Lead a Fuller Life
The ancient practice of yoga is so much more than the physical practice that we've come to know in modern times. The word "yoga" means union of body, mind, and spirit. If you look closer at the origin …
Tris Thorp
Healing After Loss: Meditation for Grieving
Grief can be one of the most difficult things to overcome and can make us feel like we’ve been thrown into an emotional storm. Grief, at its core, is overwhelming sadness caused by a loss of someone o …
Tris Thorp
Spring Cleaning: Meditation to Tidy Up the Mind
"When your room is clean and uncluttered, you have no choice but to examine your inner state." - Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying UpFor many of us, spring cleaning typically brings to m …
Tris Thorp
How to Identify—and Conquer—What Is Holding You Back
Sometimes, it can feel like everyone else is achieving his or her goals in life, while you’re left struggling to figure out who you’re meant to be or what you want to do. You just can’t seem to make t …
Tris Thorp
From Chaos to Calm in an Instant: How to Create a Positive Anchor
Life is stressful. It’s just the way it is … There’s nothing I can do about it … I can’t take a vacation, I’m too busy … I don’t have time to work out … I can’t get sick right now, I have too much to …
Tris Thorp
How to Use Meditation to Visualize Your Goals
One of the most inspiring and powerful things you can do as a human being is to visualize what it is that you want to manifest, and then make it happen. The power of the mind is astonishing and, when …
Tris Thorp
Effective Communication: Building Rapport in the Workplace
Building and maintaining rapport in the workplace, or anywhere for that matter, might just be your best tool for cultivating a positive environment, both in and out of the office. Rapport is best defi …
Tris Thorp
How to Survive Emotional Turmoil: A Meditation for Calming Your Emotions
Being on an emotional rollercoaster is never a fun place to be and it can take its toll on you in devastating ways: from fatigue and resentment to complacency and depression. Life can be difficult to …
Tris Thorp
Conscious Communication: A Key Ingredient to Your Marriage
Our intimate relationships can be the most incredible, nurturing, and fulfilling relationships we can have as human beings. When two people come together in marriage or any long-term commitment, it is …
Tris Thorp
Compromise, Negotiate, Mediate: 3 Factors for Conflict Resolution
Peace is not absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.- Ronald ReaganEffective communication is without a doubt one of the most important skills you can develop. In …
Tris Thorp
How to Explore Your Spiritual Dharma
It’s pretty amazing that we live in a time when being spiritual has become more popularized; where meditation studios are now trending, yoga studios can be found on nearly every block, and mindfulness …
Tris Thorp
Charisma: 7 Ways to Improve Your Communication with Body Language
Have you ever wondered why it is that what you are trying to communicate to someone else isn’t actually being heard—or why it’s being misinterpreted entirely? It’s like, no matter how you approach the …
Tris Thorp
Break on Through: A Meditation for Overcoming Obstacles
Let’s face it, obstacles are a part of life and none of us have the playbook on how to overcome them. As ideal as it may sound, dodging obstacles isn’t possible; although you can learn how to work wit …
Tris Thorp
Letting Go: A Guided Meditation for Fall
Each of the seasons has its own particular energy that represents where nature is in its recurring cycle of birth, transformation, and death. As a being who is closely connected to—and directly affect …
Tris Thorp
Overcoming Anxiety: A Guided Meditation
Anxiety can be a daunting emotional state to find yourself in, regardless of whether the driver of the emotion is significant or totally benign.It’s that feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease. It’s …
Tris Thorp
How to Just Be You During Yoga Practice
Everywhere you look, people are trying to get validation as to whether or not they fit in. By comparing yourself to others, you are using contrastive analysis as a gauge for measuring your own self-wo …
Tris Thorp
What Your Values Can Teach You
Everyone operates with some kind of understanding of what’s right or wrong, good or bad, scary or safe. But not many people ask themselves why they think this way or do what they do.You may have some …
Tris Thorp
7 Tips to Stick to Your Meditation Practice While Traveling
Travel can be exhausting, especially when there isn’t any down time in between taxis, flights, meetings, dinners, and social obligations. Traveling also tends to be one of the biggest culprits of a se …
Tris Thorp
Time Management Techniques: 4 Ways to Tackle Your To-Do List
Time management is one of the biggest challenges people struggle with today. There are only 24 hours in the day, and no matter what you do, that will remain constant. The National Sleep Foundation rec …
Tris Thorp
5 Ways to Create NEW in the New Year – and All Year
While the beginning of a new year does signify new beginnings, every single day of your life is an opportunity to begin anew.As you’re wondering how to approach the coming year, and thinking about all …
Tris Thorp
8 Ways to Teach Your Kids Conscious Communication
Kids are incredible and they have so much to teach us about communication. Kids love to communicate. They so are eager to openly express their feelings, ideas, needs, and viewpoints—whether it be posi …
Tris Thorp
Plan the Best Chapter of Your Life
A new year, a milestone birthday, or a transition like getting married, starting a new job, ending a relationship, or sending the kids off to college are all, in some way, symbolic of the start of a n …
Tris Thorp
A Guided Meditation for Setting Intentions
More and more, people are doing away with New Year’s resolutions and instead setting intentions for what they would like to achieve over the next 12 months. Resolutions, intentions, goals—whatever lab …
Tris Thorp
Feeling Stuck? How to Create a Strategy to Move Forward
If you’ve ever felt “stuck,” you know what it’s like to have a certain mood that lingers over you like a dark cloud. Procrastinating on deadlines, confusion about what to do or where to begin, and oth …
Tris Thorp
Meditation Mindset: 7 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Success
More and more people are turning to the ancient practice of meditation for cultivating clarity, peace, and purpose in their lives. While meditation is simple to practice, for some it is anything but e …
Tris Thorp
How to Harness the Power of Your Emotions
Are you using your emotions to inform you or are you letting them control you?Your mental and emotional baggage is primarily responsible for creating the discrepancy between what it is that you say yo …
Tris Thorp
Meditation for Childbirth: How to Calm Your Nerves Before Labor
One of the most exciting times in a woman’s life is when she finds out that she is expecting a child. Feelings of exhilaration around starting a new family—or adding to it—consume the new mommy-to-be’ …
Tris Thorp
8 Yoga Poses for an on-the-Go Energy Boost
Let’s face it—life is busy, and unless you take the time to consciously make room for the things that are important to you, it’s quite easy to get swept away in the everyday hamster wheel of your dail …
Tris Thorp
How to Set Healthy Relationship Boundaries
Setting and enforcing healthy boundaries can be the thing that enhances or sabotages relationships in any area of your life, having a detrimental effect on your happiness, confidence, and sense of sel …
Tris Thorp
Everyday Magic: 3 Daily Rituals to Connect You to the Present
Psychologist Dr. Jean Houston has said that we are the victims of an "age of interrupted process." Meaning, you generally know a bit about how things begin and how they end, but you are rarely present …
Tris Thorp
A Guided Meditation to Embrace Summertime
With summer rapidly approaching, you may be gearing up for the fun, excitement, and spontaneity that are just around the corner. Out comes the camping gear, hot dogs, bathing suits, and beach towels a …
Tris Thorp
Deconditioning: How to Create Pattern Interrupts and Learn New Behaviors
More and more people of all ages and walks of life are recognizing that they’ve adopted unhealthy behavior patterns and they’re desperately searching for a way out. A good dose of deconditioning might …
Tris Thorp
How to Avoid Summer Distractions and Stay Focused on Your Goals
Having meaningful goals you want to achieve in your life is what keeps you motivated and inspired to stay focused on what is truly important to you. Summertime, with all it’s fun and excitement, can b …
Tris Thorp
How to Turn a Breakdown into a Breakthrough
Daily life in today’s world can be crazy. Overwhelm and exhaustion are on the rise as endless to-do lists pile higher and higher with each passing day. Responsibilities pertaining to your career and f …
Tris ThorpPerception: How to Reframe Your Experiences to Attract Positivity
You may be familiar with the phrase, “What you go looking for, you’re sure to find.” Every experience you have comes in through sensory perception—taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell. How you percei …
Tris Thorp
Find Your True North with Aim and End Goals
Achieving meaningful goals can be some of the most exhilarating, exciting, and empowering moments in your life. A key component of goal setting is having a vision of where you are heading. Your vision …
Tris Thorp
Fall Meditation to Embody Openness and Self-Reflection
Ancient cultures welcomed the changing of seasons by adapting to and synchronizing themselves with nature’s cycles and rhythms. For many of us in modern day society, autumn is marked by the leaves cha …
Tris Thorp
Feeling Stuck? Check Your Baggage
Baggage. Everyone has some. To what extent you’re able to maneuver through it is what determines your ability to achieve the success and fulfillment you want—in any area of your life. The key is learn …
Tris Thorp
5 Ways to Build a Spiritual Connection with Your Partner
Everyone wants to have meaningful relationships, whether it’s with family and friends, a business partnership, or an intimate relationship. Yet, finding that special someone who is both your best frie …
Tris Thorp
How to Find Gratitude in Your Hardest Moments
One of the main pillars of today’s mindfulness-based practices is the art of cultivating gratitude. You may hear it as a theme in yoga class, read about it in self-help books, hear about it in seminar …
Tris Thorp
3 Common Holiday Stressors—and How to Cope
Holidays are a time for coming together with loved ones to celebrate seasonal festivities. And yet, the holidays can be one of the most stressful times of year for many people. Pressure to spend money …
Tris Thorp
What’s Your 2018 Vision?
The New Year is an exciting time as it marks a fresh, clean slate from which you can start anew. Filled with inspiration, intention, and wonder, you recommit to chasing your dreams and making them a r …
Tris Thorp
5 Tips for the New or Struggling Meditator
Meditation is one of today’s most effective tools for managing stress, getting into the zone, and entering into a peaceful state of balance. Practiced by celebrities, professional athletes, and high-p …
Tris Thorp
10 Excuses Why You're Not Reaching Your Goals—and How to Push Past Them
You have an intention. There’s something you really want to achieve in your life, possibly several things, and no matter how hard you try you’re just not able to make it happen. It’s frustrating beyon …
Tris Thorp
3 Ways to Create Positive Karma
If there’s anything we’ve learned about being human, it’s that none of us are perfect. Every day you wake up and make choices, from the moment you open your eyes until the minute you close them again …
Tris Thorp
What Makes You Think You’re Right?
Have you ever wondered why other people don’t see things the same way you do? Isn’t it baffling that you don’t necessarily share the same viewpoints or beliefs even when you come from the same family? …
Tris Thorp
Spring Meditation: Come Alive This Season
Spring has arrived! With the return of the sun, new blooms begin to sprout up all around. The emergence of spring may find you yawning and stretching after a nice, long winter hibernation. Your days m …
Tris Thorp
3 Empowering Ways to Lead the Charge for Change
Acts of violence, terrorism, and major natural catastrophes dominate global headlines and, in some cases, they have hit you directly. There is no avoiding the effects these events have; you are likely …
Tris Thorp
Embody Summer: 10 Ways to Let It All Hang Out
Summer’s here and it’s the time of year when you’re being called to enjoy the warmth and fun of the season. As a child, you may have waited all year for school to let out just so that you could swim i …
Tris Thorp
What to Do When You’re in a Funk
We’ve all had experiences of life’s highest of highs—falling in love, getting the job we’re excited about, or achieving a meaningful goal. And, then there are the times when you may find yourself in a …
Tris Thorp
You’re Never Too Old to Change: How to Develop New Patterns at Any Age
There is an old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. The older you get, the more you have a tendency to believe this to be true about yourself. Where does that mindset come from? Who gav …
Tris Thorp
A Meditation Guide to Activate The Law Of Attraction & Love
How great would it be if you could call in your soul mate, the perfect person to spend the rest of your life with? Or become wildly successful and financially abundant? What if you could create anythi …
Tris Thorp
5 Ways to Slow Down … in Order to Speed Up
Have you ever wondered what your life could look like if you had more clarity, better focus, reduced stress, and a sense of purpose—all while having success in your career, meaningful relationships, a …
Tris Thorp
New Year Reset: Set Simple Goals for Powerful Results
If you’ve ever listed New Year’s resolutions only to find that they wither away moments after the New Year has sprung, there could be an issue with your approach to setting your goals. No, it probably …
Tris Thorp
Guided Meditation: Ground Yourself Using the Earth Element
There was a time, not so long ago, when the topic of energy was considered to be the “woo-woo” language of the New Age movement that had no real basis in reality. The notion that we had any sort of ab …
Tris Thorp
How to Identify Your Soulmate
One of my teachers, the late Dr. David Simon, used to say the purpose of life is to love more and be happy. I believe that each of us has within us, an inherent desire to love and be loved in the true …
Tris Thorp
How to Be More Spiritually Aware
Being a spiritual person is, in many ways, gaining in popularity across Western culture. With yoga, meditation and energy workshops, studios, and retreats popping up all around, many people are eager …
Tris Thorp
How to Link Your Values to Your Passion in Life
When you think of having passion in—or for—life, what comes to mind? For some, it may conjure images of being connected to one’s personal drive; what excites or motivates them. For others, the word pa …
Tris Thorp
5 Ways to Become Empowered in Your Relationship
Whether you’re currently in a relationship or you’re intending to be in one in the future, it is highly beneficial to consider who you are as a person and what you bring to the table. Are you a spirit …
Tris Thorp
5 Ways to Build Up Your Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is probably something you have struggled with at some point in your life, and it’s important to have tangible practices to pull you out of those difficult ruts whenever you feel yourse …
Tris Thorp
How to Boost Your Confidence Through Meditation
You’ve had the experience of feeling good—really good—about yourself at least once in your life. Maybe it was something you accomplished after dedicating a lot of resources, like time, energy, and mon …
Tris Thorp
5 Tips for Improving Your Listening in a Relationship
One of the most important components to a healthy and lasting relationship lies in your ability to communicate within intimate relationships. When communication is lacking or where there’s a breakdown …
Tris Thorp
5 Tips for Achieving Personal Growth During Challenging Times
Personal growth is that shiny object everyone gravitates toward to some extent, even if you don’t really know what it means or how to satisfy the craving. Just the term alone has such a great ring to …
Tris Thorp
Daily Practices for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Well-being
When many people think of health, they only consider their physical bodies. If you want a vibrant, healthy life, be sure to pay attention to your spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies, too. Here you …
Tris Thorp
How Often Should You Meditate?
You were born whole, pure, and perfect from the moment you took your first breath. You came into this world completely innocent, curious, and full of excitement, and as the years went by, layers upon …
Tris Thorp
Is Self-Doubt Stopping You from Achieving Your Goals?
You have your heart set on something you really want in your life and the motivation juices are flowing. You’re feeling inspired, you’ve gathered your resources and you have a solid plan for going aft …
Tris Thorp
Self-Worth: 5 Ways to Identify Your Unique Gifts
Each one of us carries within us certain qualities and attributes that contribute to society. Here are five ways you can identify your special gifts and build them into your life.It’s said that each o …
Tris Thorp
10 Ways to Deepen Your Connections With Others
Life’s biggest lessons, opportunities, and gifts are found in your connections with others. It’s easy to think you have it all together when you’re flying solo through the carnival of life. Relationsh …
Tris Thorp
Prácticas Diarias para el Bienestar Espiritual, Mental, Emocional y Física
Cuando muchas personas piensan en la salud, sólo consideran sus cuerpos físicos. Si desea una vida vibrante y saludable, asegúrese de prestar atención también a sus cuerpos espirituales, mentales y em …
Tris Thorp
Meditación Guiada: Manejando su Mentalidad Durante los Días Festivos
¿Qué te viene a la mente cuando piensas en las vacaciones? Para muchos, es un momento de alegría, una oportunidad para pasar un tiempo de calidad con los seres queridos y celebrar la temporada. Sin em …
Tris Thorp
Guided Meditation: Managing Your Mindset Over the Holidays
What comes to mind when you think of the holidays, especially this year? For many, it’s a time of reflection and cheer—an opportunity to spend quality (virtual) time with loved ones and celebrate the …
Tris Thorp
What Is a Mantra?
With spiritual practices like yoga and meditation becoming more popular, it seems like everyone is talking about mantras. But what exactly is a mantra and how are you supposed to use it?In our western …
Tris Thorp
Cómo Reescribir la Historia de tu Vida
"Somos la suma total de nuestras experiencias. Esas experiencias, ya sean positivas o negativas, nos convierten en la persona que somos, en cualquier momento de nuestras vidas. Y, como un río que fluy …
Tris Thorp
Atraviésalo: Una Meditación Para Superar Obstáculos
Seamos realistas, los obstáculos son parte de la vida y ninguno de nosotros tiene el manual de cómo superarlos. Por muy ideal que parezca, esquivar obstáculos no es posible; aunque puedes aprender a t …
Tris Thorp
¿Con Qué Frecuencia Deberías Meditar?
Naciste completo, puro y perfecto desde el momento en que respiraste por primera vez. Viniste a este mundo completamente inocente, curioso y lleno de emoción, y con el paso de los años, capas y capas …
Tris Thorp
Cómo Transformar Desafíos Pasados en Experiencias de Aprendizaje
La sociedad nos ha enseñado a ver la vida, y las experiencias que hemos tenido, más a través de una perspectiva de negatividad, duda y arrepentimiento que una de positividad y confianza.Este artículo …
Tris Thorp
How to Rewrite Your Life Story
"We are the sum total of our experiences. Those experiences, be they positive or negative, make us the person we are, at any given point in our lives. And, like a flowing river, those same experiences …
Tris Thorp