7 Quick Practices to Refresh and Reset at Work
Out of all the environments we explore on a weekly basis, we show up to our workspaces perhaps most frequently. That might be a home office as the shift to...
Daniel Sannito (they/them)Although the origins of mudras are not known, they have been around for thousands of years and have appeared in many different religious and spiritual traditions. The word mudra comes from the Sanskri...
Sarah FingerFollowing our own dharma takes courage. On the one hand it is deeply fulfilling and meaningful, and on the other hand it challenges us to overcome our limiting beliefs. Self-awareness and growth, agai...
Heidi SpearWe are innately creative beings, but living in a state of flow when it comes to inspiration and creative output is difficult for many of us. Life has its ups and downs, and everyday stressors and to-d...
Gabrielle MarcheseFor many of us, energy comes and goes. Some days we feel like we can take on the world; others it feels like a nap is the only way to power through. It’s important to honor your energy levels wherever...
Gabrielle MarcheseFrom the ancient Yoga Sutras by Patañjali, the sutra sthira sukham asanam can be translated into English as “may the posture be steady and full of ease (or joy).” For anyone new to yoga, it might seem...
Heidi SpearEvery day we have the power to make choices that are empowering and help us feel our best. We can’t always control how we feel when we wake up in the morning, but we can control how we choose to move ...
Gabrielle MarcheseDe todos los entornos que exploramos semanalmente, quizás nos presentemos en nuestros espacios de trabajo con mayor frecuencia. Esa podría ser una oficina en el hogar, ya que el cambio a espacios de t...
Daniel Sannito (they/them)