
A Meditation for Abundance
Tap into the energy of abundance with this simple meditation and breath practice.
Rituals to Tap Into the Energy of Abundance
Practices to welcome more abundance into your life.
Abundance: The Divine Overflowing
When most people think of abundance, they equate it with material wealth and the possessions and lifestyle it can provide. But true abundance is a life that lacks nothing.
Looking at Abundance Through the Lens of Ayurveda
Ayurveda looks at a human being from the lens of abundance. In Ayurveda, perfect health is not simply an absence of disease but rather an abundance of vitality.Swastha Vritti means perfect health. It is the state in which the body, mind, soul, and senses are in a blissful equilibrium.In the era of video meetings and endless hours of screen time,...
How to Implement an Abundance Mindset in Nutrition
An antidote to diet culture? Develop an abundance mindset around what you eat. Adopting this kind of mindset can help you establish a healthy way of thinking about the foods you add to your lifestyle rather than focusing on taking things away.
Use Gratitude to Cultivate Abundance Mindset
Gratitude is a universal presence that makes us aware of the preciousness of our lives, puts us in touch with the love we have for those we share it with, and reminds us that we are already whole. It is also an invitation for abundance.
What Scheduling Weekly Coffees Taught Me About Abundance
Abundance is a word I’ve always admired. Beautiful but distant to me. You see, I believed there is enough but haven’t always acted that way. And this is particularly true when it comes to time.
Aligning Your Life with Infinite Abundance
Awakening to the ever-present flow of abundance allows us to see the infinite potential and possibilities that exist at every moment of every day.
How to Find Genuine Abundance
Abundance is a baffling issue for most people because they approach it from a place of scarcity and lack. Changing your perspective is the first step is achieving genuine abundance.
Cómo Permanecer Adaptable a Través de las Transiciones de la Vida
Si algo aprendemos a lo largo de nuestra vida es que somos seres adaptables, capaces de cambiar en cualquier momento. A medida que navegamos por las muchas transiciones que la vida tiene para ofrecernos, se desafía nuestra capacidad de ser flexibles y movernos con, en lugar de en contra. Aunque a veces puede ser incómodo, todos tenemos la capacidad para...
10 Desencadenantes Emocionales Que Están Retrasando Tu Verdadero Propósito
Una de las formas menos discutidas pero más poderosas de alinearte con tu verdadero propósito es identificar y liberar los desencadenantes emocionales que te están ralentizando y desviándote del rumbo.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en agosto de 2018.This article was originally published in English in August 2018.¿Qué es un desencadenante emocional?Un desencadenante emocional es esencialmente una respuesta emocional...
Creating Fulfillment Through Work
The average American spends over 90,000 hours of their life at work. If the majority of those hours are draining and unfulfilling it indicates a misalignment with inner motivations. Whether you are in a career that you love or one that you would rather leave, the integration of intentional behaviors offers a springboard to greater fulfillment.Below are four strategies that...
La Abundancia y la Visión del Yoga
El éxito y la abundancia son cosas deseables, pero el camino para alcanzarlas, el camino que ha entrado en la mitología popular, implica lucha, trabajo arduo, impulso competitivo, estrés y, si quieres riquezas reales, una racha despiadada. Este camino va en contra de llevar una vida feliz y, por lo tanto, la mayoría de las personas se sienten desanimadas por...
Abundance and the Vision of Yoga
Success and abundance are desirable things, yet the path to achieving them, the path that has entered popular mythology, involves struggle, arduous work, competitive drive, stress, and if you want real riches—a ruthless streak. This path runs contrary to leading a happy life, and most people therefore feel discouraged by the struggle before they have gone very far on such...
How to Remain Adaptable Through Life’s Transitions
If we learn anything over the course of our lives it’s that we are adaptable beings, capable of changing at a moment's notice. As we navigate the many transitions that life has to offer us, our ability to be flexible and move with, as opposed to against, is challenged. Though it may be uncomfortable at times, we all have the...
6 Steps for Creating Abundance
Bringing meditation of abundance into your life is more than a game of chance—it’s about creating the life you want. Here are the guidelines for creating abundance.
10 Steps to Develop an Abundance Mindset
Life already presents multiple factors that can bring you down. A healthy abundance mindset can alleviate these worries. Learn about the meaning of abundance with Chopra.
How to Measure Your Spiritual Growth
The wisdom traditions of the world—while differing in form, custom, and practice—are essentially in agreement that the purpose of human life is spiritual growth and evolution. You are on a journey from ego to spirit. You may be traveling different paths and at different speeds than those around you, but the destination is the same—expanded awareness, a shift in consciousness,...
10 Emotional Triggers that Are Delaying Your True Purpose
One of the least discussed but most powerful ways to align with your true purpose is to identify and release the emotional triggers that are slowing you down and guiding you off course.What Is An Emotional Trigger?An emotional trigger is essentially a strong, often negative, emotional response. These triggers can happen anywhere, at anytime, and anything can activate a trigger;...
5 Exercises for Creating Abundance
Often when you hear the word abundance, you think of financial stability. That’s because the world is geared toward the importance of money, how large your home is, and what you purchase. But abundance can be so much more than that.Simply put, abundance is a “large quantity of something.” This could be: Love Health Happiness Peace Confidence Money It can...