In his book, The Way of Zen, Alan Watts famously wrote, “Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.” Continuing to shake a jar full of water and dirt will only make the water cloudier; the only way to find clarity is by letting the jar sit and settle.So, too, does the mind need stillness for clarity, yet people...
In The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success, Dr. Deepak Chopra discusses ways to manage surviving in the natural world without desperate striving. Learn more about these laws.
While balancing your chakra system can be aligned and healed through Reiki, you are your own healer and can transform your life with chakras. Balance yours.
Have you ever wondered what your life could look like if you had more clarity, better focus, reduced stress, and a sense of purpose—all while having success in your career, meaningful relationships, and the time in your day to enjoy the things you love? Have you ever wondered how some people manage to have it all while you’re struggling to...
One of the major medical advances in recent decades has been the importance of lifestyle choices. Your body's cells eavesdrop on everything you say, do, and think, along with the food you eat, the sleep you get, and the exercise you take. Coursing through the bloodstream is a superhighway of information in chemical form. We are just beginning to understand...
Vedanta is one of the world’s oldest and most comprehensive spiritual philosophies. It is based upon the Vedas, or sacred scriptures of India and underlies the principles of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Hinduism. The word “Vedanta” has two parts, Veda, which means knowledge, and anta, which means the end or goal of.Therefore Vedanta means the end of all knowledge and where...
Ambition is a marvelous trait to have! Ambitious people can liven up a room with their determination and excitement. They are usually the ones who encourage others to stay on task and see the end goal as a certainty. Here's the thing that go-getters often neglect though: their personal down time and self-care when it comes to health, relaxation, and...
Big businesses are smart. They’ve read the studies. They understand that time spent meditating means balanced workers who get things done. And they get that putting the mental health of their workers first increases both creativity and focus.The Benefits of Mindfulness in the WorkplaceThere are loads of benefits of mindfulness backed by scientific research. You can read about the neuroscience...
You want to start a meditation practice … but … You have to be at the office early Your kids need to get to day-care You need to make breakfast—and dinner You are always running late You like to work out in the morning These excuses are all valid because you have a busy life. You probably have a suitcase...
Self-compassion involves becoming aware of the presence of suffering in our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and actions—and then taking steps to diminish the suffering. Compassion is the natural and spontaneous feeling that arises when we witness suffering, and that triggers our taking action to alleviate the suffering. While it may sound easy, practicing compassion for ourselves is the more difficult of...
You alone are the explorer of your inner world. Of all the ways to unfold your inner potential, by far the most powerful is to use the flow of evolution. Evolution isn't just a theory but a force that has been working in every cell of your body since you were born. As a child, you experienced evolution as a...
From time to time we have the opportunity to speak publicly about something that is meaningful in our lives. In these moments, if we can find ways to ground ourselves and connect with our true self, we may be able to say what we really want to say in the way we really want to say it.I recently had an...
When we find meaning and purpose in our daily activities, we experience vitality in our lives. We have access to an abundant source of energy, and we feel joy and passion in all aspects of our lives. When we are able to express our unique gifts and talents, while contributing to the happiness of others, we feel happy and fulfilled.Having...
For people with full-time jobs, working four days a week rather than five days could have lasting positive effects for individuals and for society as a whole. Bold companies in the United States and abroad who want to offer their employees better opportunities for work-life balance are testing the 32-hour workweek and finding positive results. Here are some benefits to...
For most professionals, the feeling of burnout is a familiar one. The energy that once filled your workday slowly trickles away. You notice your efficiency slip but cannot find the inspiration to regain it. The fatigue settles into your body. You can feel it in your back, your temples. Even if you entered your profession with lofty inspirations and a...
When we’re trying to cultivate holistic well-being, we must consider what impact our work and workplaces are having on our lives. It’s no secret that a vast majority of our days are spent in work environments. Whether you work from home or commute to another location, you will likely see a pattern that shows space at the very beginning and...
Given that most working Americans spend over forty hours in the office each week, it comes as no surprise that prioritizing physical and mental well-being on the job has the potential to significantly increase happiness, engagement, and satisfaction. Caring for your mental health at work is one of the most important things that you can do to enhance your overall...
Here are five steps for harnessing the power of intention setting to create anything you desire. Follow our guide & find the creative power to fulfill your dreams.
Would you believe me if I told you there is an endless wellspring of joy that lives within you, and tapping into it doesn’t have to be complicated? Even amid a pandemic, it’s there in your heart, just waiting for you!You might be experiencing feelings like hopelessness, despair, fear, anxiety, anger, grief, loneliness, and more right now. And you’re not...
Life is full of challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to overcome them. Pittas especially get a sense of satisfaction from facing challenges head on—it brings a sense of accomplishment and can be very fulfilling. On some level, you actually seek challenges. Your highest self wants you to learn and grow, and life’s...
As the days get longer, nature beckons you outside for a summer full of fun. The sun invites you to sit, relax, and play in its warmth. Your family and friends get together on the beach, in your backyard, or at a local park for hours on end. Life is good, and it’s natural to want to embrace as much...
Exercising your mind may be just as important as exercising your body. Adding brain teasers and learning activities that support mental agility to your weekly routine not only boost your memory, but can also protect against aging and certain types of dementia, and improve the quality of life in your mature years.Nurturing Nimble NeuronsStaying mentally active throughout your life is...
How often do you ask yourself, What is my purpose or my life’s plan? How can I discover and manifest what is most important to me? When providing Vedic astrology consultations, I am often asked these questions. My answer is, “Let’s take a look at what your birth chart reveals about your deeper self and the path you’re traveling so...
Listening seems like a natural skill, yet it requires attention and practice to stay present and truly hear what another person is communicating. The mind tends to wander, and our internal narratives and busy thoughts fragment our attention and sap our ability to stay focused in the moment. Our emotions can also interfere with our ability to listen. For instance,...
Only a few decades ago, conventional medicine viewed the body as a machine whose parts would inevitably break down until it could no longer be repaired. As a medical student, I learned that random chemical reactions determined everything that happened in the body, the mind and body were separate and independent from each other, and genes largely determined our health...
It is no secret that in today’s modern workplace, we are faced daily with an ever-growing number of responsibilities, challenges, and fires that must be put out with urgency. Our boundaries are constantly pushed, our limits continually defied. We face demands from our colleagues, our leaders, and ourselves. Every moment is an opportunity for greatness, for rising to the occasion—or...
Chopra Center Certifications offers teacher certification programs in meditation & Ayurvedic lifestyle. Transform your life, with meditation teacher training.
Your outer beauty and radiance are a direct reflection of your inner health. The foods you eat unequivocally influence your personal fountain of youth down to a cellular level. One essential quality to include in your quest to look and feel your best is food high in powerful antioxidants. Anti-aging products can only take you skin deep, you must begin...
Vegan or paleo? Gluten-free or whole grain? Whole food or fat-free? What you should eat gets a lot of press. Wanting to eat healthily is a great first step, but when it comes to aligning with a particular eating style, there are many factors to consider.People are often confused about which dietary approach to choose in order to obtain optimal...
Many of you may be focused on healthy weight management at the end of the year. With the seemingly endless string of fad diets, differing “expert” opinions, and conflicting information out there, it can be hard to grasp why some styles of eating come highly recommended by dietitians. The following is a breakdown of four popular diets as explained by...
In yoga teacher trainings around the globe, aspiring yoga teachers learn creative ways to use their spoken words to guide students into physical postures and into various states of relaxation. A yoga teacher can guide a student to step forward into a lunge pose, balance on one foot, and twist their arms in such a way that they become an...
Yoga is a practice that helps individuals develop emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. If you are dedicated to practicing yoga as a regular part of your life, you may have wondered how to become a yoga instructor. A yoga instructor certification requires dedication and personal and financial commitment to achieve, so it is important to consider the circumstances before...
Congratulations! You’ve graduated from yoga teacher training with certificate in hand, an impeccably-shaped Downward-Facing Dog, and a renewed sense of purpose. But before you resign from your day job, take some time to consider what’s next on your journey, and ask yourself these questions: Do I want to teach? Why? To whom? In what capacity? If you plan to teach,...
The Gifts of Letting GoIn the Vedic tradition, the path to freedom and happiness lies in letting go of attachment. This doesn’t mean renouncing your desires or living the life of an ascetic. Instead, you set an intention then relinquish your attachment to the outcome. The Bhagavad Gita states,Yoga is perfect evenness of mind. Seek refuge in the attitude of...
“Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed.” ~ Indra DeviThe ancient system of yoga is widely known in the West as a series of postures that develop strength, balance, and...
For many of us, our 20s can be an era of utter confusion. Pressure from all angles of life including uncertainty towards our career path, unbalanced relationships, and financial struggles appear to be thrown at us faster than a 90-mph baseball pitch. It’s as though the world is grabbing us by the shoulders and shaking us to say, “wake up,...
Una de las formas menos discutidas pero más poderosas de alinearte con tu verdadero propósito es identificar y liberar los desencadenantes emocionales que te están ralentizando y desviándote del rumbo.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en agosto de 2018.This article was originally published in English in August 2018.¿Qué es un desencadenante emocional?Un desencadenante emocional es esencialmente una respuesta emocional...
Humans seem to have an innate desire to know why we are here. We search for meaning almost as naturally as we breathe. Sense of purpose at work, specifically, is more important than ever, as burnout is sharply on the rise. In fact, scientists have proven that sense of purpose is a key feature of resiliency. People connected to a...
The average American spends over 90,000 hours of their life at work. If the majority of those hours are draining and unfulfilling it indicates a misalignment with inner motivations. Whether you are in a career that you love or one that you would rather leave, the integration of intentional behaviors offers a springboard to greater fulfillment.Below are four strategies that...
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. - Khalil GibranMost of you reading this are probably engaged in two types of work. One is the...
Now in its third year, COVID has launched us into a new era of work. While some people are going back to their jobs in their pre-COVID offices, others face a different reality: they have permanently adjusted to working from home, pivoted to a new position during the Great Resignation, or taken up entrepreneurship.Regardless of the circumstances that may have...
Si suena extraño emparejar las dos palabras "dicha" y "carrera", la razón es clara: en la vida moderna, la satisfacción personal no es una alta prioridad cuando se trata del ámbito laboral. Los encuestadores reportan que a la mayoría de las personas les gusta su trabajo, pero eso no es decir mucho. Por lo general, una semana laboral moderna consiste...
If it sounds strange to pair the two words “blissful” and “career,” the reason is easy to find: In modern life personal satisfaction is not a high priority when it comes to the workplace. Pollsters find that most people like their jobs, but that doesn’t place the bar high. Typically, a modern work week consists of long hours, taking work...
La sociedad nos ha enseñado a ver la vida, y las experiencias que hemos tenido, más a través de una perspectiva de negatividad, duda y arrepentimiento que una de positividad y confianza.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en julio de 2015.This article was originally published in English in July 2015.Sin un esfuerzo consciente para cambiar tu forma de pensar,...
Early on, many of us are rewarded and learn to feel like we’ve done a good job based on reaching the goals that others tell us to achieve, receiving positive feedback, and moving on to the next goalpost. As adults, this definition of success isn’t working well for us. It can lead to perfectionism, burnout, and the feeling of constantly...
Many people are finding themselves changing careers during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period. This two-part article series explores how three professionals prioritize health, wellness, and spiritual development as their careers transform from what was to what is.In Part 1 of Changing Careers to Understand Holistic Success, I shared about my own career change and introduced the stories of hotelier...
Many people are finding themselves changing careers during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period. This two-part article series explores how three professionals prioritize health, wellness, and spiritual development as their careers transform from what was to what is.In Part 1 of Changing Careers to Understand Holistic Success, I share about my own career change and introduce the stories of hotelier...
You are a modern day Superhero of epic proportion. Your talents are far-reaching and your noble duties are not for the faint of heart. You are able to engage in four back-to-back Zoom meetings; fulfill three critical deadlines; write and respond to upwards of a hundred emails; and perhaps mindfully embrace a difficult conversation or two … all before 5pm....
Work-life balance—a phrase that we hear used all the time. It’s something that almost everyone I speak to seems to be struggling with. However, if we’re honest about this, we aren’t struggling with work-life balance because, for many people, the balance is nonexistent. We’re actually struggling with getting life back into the phrase.But what if you reversed the order and...
Life can be challenging. With all the demands put upon you by work, family, relationships, external circumstances, and even yourself, it often feels as if you are Atlas, supporting the entire world upon your shoulders. The modern world is moving faster than ever, and it seems as if you will never catch up to all the competing priorities and challenges...
Spiritual seekers are often intrigued about why their soul chooses to incarnate on Earth at this time. Our purpose is much more than what we do and create. Here are seven ways in which we can step into our purpose beyond what we “do.”
Browse Chopra for tips on how to lead your best life, with more intentionality and empathy. These 10 tips will help you discover your purpose to better your life.
We all want things to be different right now. However, what happens today, what happens this hour, what happens in this moment, will define how you go forward. At this very moment, you’re faced with letting go of what is familiar and comfortable and are left to embrace the unknown. It is scary. It is exciting. You get to decide....
While there is no magical button you can press to become successful in life, there are certain habits that the most successful people have in common. There have been countless studies done and books written about how to be, do, and have whatever you want in this lifetime; however, without certain habits in place, the canvas for a successful life...
Plenty of people set goals, but far fewer are actually willing to declare their goals in a way that sets them up for success. Simply thinking about goals won’t yield results. There is one critical component of bringing a desired goal to fruition: accountability.Consider this scenario: Your alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m. It is your intention to go to...
Everyone has their own unique talents and skills. Learn from Chopra 5 ways to identify your own unique talents and gifts and build them into your life.
You have your heart set on something you really want in your life and the motivation juices are flowing. You’re feeling inspired, you’ve gathered your resources and you have a solid plan for going after it.And then something happens that derails you from taking that first step, or from bringing the plan to completion after you’ve had solid momentum going....
Life already presents multiple factors that can bring you down. A healthy abundance mindset can alleviate these worries. Learn about the meaning of abundance with Chopra.
Finding satisfaction in your job is important. It will help improve your outlook on life. Learn how to improve job satisfaction with these 5 tips from Chopra.
Whether you are feeling the angst of back to school time, lounging by the pool for another few weeks, or counting down the days until you can rationalize lighting that pumpkin spice candle, it is important to take some time to reflect on the end of summer. As the season of swimsuits, suntans, and sweet vacations draws to a close,...
Safe. Familiar. Comfortable.These are just a few terms you might use to describe what it feels like when you’re nestled within the confines of your comfort zone. If you avoid uncertainty and settle for what you know, then you won’t have to risk being judged or feeling anxious in new situations, right? It makes sense especially because humans have a...
Low self-esteem is probably something you have struggled with at some point in your life, and it’s important to have tangible practices to pull you out of those difficult ruts whenever you feel yourself slipping.Generally speaking, people have an inherent need to be seen, feel valued, and have a true sense of connectedness—with yourself and with others. When you are...
“Many people confuse the reward with the ultimate goal. This is why so many people still feel empty and lost when they finally achieve their ‘dream’.”–Elisa Romeo, Meet Your SoulResearch has shown that setting goals based on your interests can contribute greatly to a happy life, but goal setting can be dry work when done by the book. Sure, you...
“Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits. We are terrified, and we are brave. Art is a crushing chore and a wonderful privilege. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.” –Elizabeth Gilbert,...
What exactly is passion? The dictionary defines it as an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. And positive energy is a collection of desirable attributes.“Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.” - Hunter S. Thompson, American journalistSo how do you connect the two and transform what you’re passionate about into good stuff—a hobby, career, creative endeavor, way...
When you think of having passion in—or for—life, what comes to mind? For some, it may conjure images of being connected to one’s personal drive; what excites or motivates them. For others, the word passion may be directly linked to the feeling of being on the right path, surrounded by the right people, and living your life’s purpose. Whatever it...
Clutter doesn’t have to be just physical items in your environment. A cluttered mind can include: Ruminating Focusing on the negative Worrying about things outside of your control Holding onto negative emotions and experiences, including resentment, past hurt, anger, and sadness Keeping a mental to-do list, including incomplete dreams and goals Having external distractions and constant sensory input When your...
The shelves of bookstores are lined with volumes related to self-help and personal growth. From how-to tips for mindfulness meditation and delicious recipes for cure-all, fad diets, to feeding-your-demons therapy techniques, personal growth can mean a variety of things.What Is Personal Growth?A personal growth definition refers to any activities, practices, rituals, or observances performed in the name of enhancing your...
What is creativity? It is an essential aspect of being human. It’s not just used by artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians. Everyone is creative and has the ability to turn imaginative or original ideas into reality through some form of expression. Some people just haven’t explored it or, if they have, they undoubtedly know what it feels like to be...
Emotional intelligence (EI) was first referenced way back in 1964 but it didn’t become mainstream until science journalist Daniel Goleman wrote Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ in 1995. It’s a “soft” skill. Human resource professionals look for those with a high EQ and positive psychology research shows that positive social connection is a powerful tool to...
Do you consider yourself a leader? What is leadership? While some believe that leaders are born that way, the truth is that anyone can learn to be a leader by understanding some key findings and by putting forth the effort. The world needs more effective leaders, so let this be a sign that it’s time to step up your game...
The New Year isn’t the only time of year to think about resolutions, goals, and intentions for a better life. If you are like many people, you may not even know where to start when it comes to setting and achieving goals for yourself—whether it be professional, personal, or financial goals. Or you might be great at planning goals, but...
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”~ Bruce LeeThere are a vast array of options for self-transformation available in the modern world. The realms of popular psychology and self-improvement provide a variety of theories and methodologies to help you awaken your potential, create fulfilling families...
Life doesn’t always play out as perfectly as you may like it to. Sometimes you may lose yourself in the daily stress and demands of life and, before you know it, weeks, months, or even years have passed without you taking a stock in yourself and where you are in life.You may have found yourself sitting at work feeling like...
It’s the start of a new year and you may be feeling inspired with fresh goals and plans for making this next year the best yet. It’s a time of natural celebration as you look ahead at what’s to come and the possibility for improving or making changes. It’s also a good time to reflect upon the past year, observing...
If you’ve ever listed New Year’s resolutions only to find that they wither away moments after the New Year has sprung, there could be an issue with your approach to setting your goals. No, it probably isn’t a matter of your having an inherent inability to achieve the things you want.The end of the calendar year marks the time of...
It is human nature to change, grow, and expand, and something about a new year brings all your desires to light. Whether you want to improve your nutrition, ditch your desk job, or finally write the book that’s been buried in your private journals for all these years, now is the perfect time to make those dreams a reality. With...
New Year’s is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. The year ahead is a clean slate and allots you the opportunity to set goals and improve upon the year before it. But setting resolutions can feel overwhelming. Sometimes you don’t know where to start or how to set yourself up for success so that you don’t throw in...
Why? It’s a small word, but a mighty question, especially when it comes to setting a New Year’s resolution. Some of the common turn-of-the-year goals are weight loss, financial fitness, and relationships. To resolve to improve or change something can be a positive pursuit. However, the desire to change—or even preparing an action plan to get there—isn’t always enough to...
Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to think about your resolutions and goals for next year. Set yourself up for success in the New Year by starting the work now.If you are like most people, you see the turn of the year as an opportunity for a fresh start on life. The collective consciousness at the holiday season supports the...
Change—whether big or small—is an integral part of life. In fact, you have probably heard the expression, “The only constant is change.” Just because change is so common, does not make it easy, especially when faced with an unexpected or unwelcomed change.Changes that take you by surprise can be particularly difficult to navigate, and are usually accompanied by a flood...
Have you ever felt like you weren't deserving of your successes in life? Maybe there is a little nagging voice inside you that says you’re not good enough or qualified enough for the job promotions, the high praises, or the awards that you’ve received. And maybe it doesn’t add up because you have the schooling, experience, and talent as evidence...
You have more control over your happiness than you might think. In fact, the happiest people don’t leave their life satisfaction to chance, they do the work necessary to make their happiness a priority. While there is no happiness switch that you can simply turn on, focusing your attention on positive thoughts and actions through mindfulness will most certainly lead...
“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”—RumiRight Speech is the third step on the Buddha’s Eightfold Noble Path toward liberation from suffering. It represents a fundamental component of a conscious and mindful life. The word “Right” is not meant to imply a moral judgement of good or bad, rather it refers to the...
If you’ve ever parented a toddler, you are familiar with the repetitive use of the question: “Why?” Why is the grass green? Why do I need to go to bed? Why are my eyes blue? As described by Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget in The Language and Thought of the Child, children are curious by nature. In fact it’s rare to...
How would it feel to live your life efficiently and effectively while still having fun? While laughter may feel like a luxury, having a sense of humor might be more important for a healthy and happy life than you think.While there is plenty in life to be serious about, taking life too seriously can deplete your happiness, impair your sense...
You may occasionally question why you behave the way you do. You may not know what motivates your actions and behaviors. But it may be valuable for you to attempt to understand your intrinsic motivation more clearly. Understanding what drives you can be a beneficial part of becoming more successful and fulfilled in life, and create an easier decision-making process...
Do you remember life before social media? When you showed up to your high school reunion having no idea what your classmates had been up to? When people did yoga poses without photographing them? When you had to watch the news to get your news? It was a simpler time back then, and a time that, if you are under...
One of the least discussed but most powerful ways to align with your true purpose is to identify and release the emotional triggers that are slowing you down and guiding you off course.What Is An Emotional Trigger?An emotional trigger is essentially a strong, often negative, emotional response. These triggers can happen anywhere, at anytime, and anything can activate a trigger;...
You may have difficulty finding a balance between your exhaustive role at work and your busy life at home. You may think that there is not enough time in the day to get everything done that you would like. No amount of extensive planning, scheduling, or organizing will make up for lost time or add more hours to our day....
Do you ever feel like you’re unhappy with your work or career? If so, you’re not alone. According to Designing Your Life by Stanford University lecturers Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, two-thirds of workers in the United States are unhappy with their jobs and 15 percent hate their work.The saying, “They call it work for a reason,” seems to be...
Journaling is a healthy practice for your mind and your spirit. Learn more about the benefits of journaling. Using a journal prompts emotional healing.
“A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and your ultimate success depends on the choices you make.” - Dennis Waitley, motivational speaker and authorA key milestone in your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual growth is the cultivation of...
When you step into your power, you cultivate self-esteem and personal worth. A new sense of freedom emerges, doubts fall away, and you quit being a marionette to other people’s expectations or vulnerable to external circumstances. This new confidence allows you to let go of the need to judge, criticize, or compare yourself to others. When you claim your power,...
Adults in America spend most of their waking hours at work, and more time at their job than the rest of the world. Considering that less than 50 percent of working people in the U.S. say they are satisfied with their job, it’s no wonder it feels like people are more stressed out, burned out, and unhappy than ever before.If...
Virtues are universal moral habits that are widely recognized as good character traits. By practicing virtues every day, you can build and live a purposeful and value-driven life. After a week of focusing on doing good, you’ll notice that you’re attracting more positivity and happiness into your life. Some might say that virtuous qualities are innate or developed early in...
With books like The More of Less by Josh Becker and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, people are talking about the effects of simplicity. Is simplicity really the solution? That may depend on the question.Simplicity will: Clear the clutter Create order Reduce overconsumption Simplify decision-making But despite what many are saying, simplicity won’t “make you happy.”...
Acts of violence, terrorism, and major natural catastrophes dominate global headlines and, in some cases, they have hit you directly. There is no avoiding the effects these events have; you are likely searching for ways to navigate your emotions and cope with the aftermath.In 2017, there were over 300 mass shootings in the US alone, according to the Mass Shooting...
You have infinite potential but sometimes your results don’t reflect that potential. Deeply ingrained unconscious beliefs (feelings of certainty about what something means) are influencing these results in ways you cannot see. When you have a deep belief, even unconsciously, it can sabotage your potential through the actions or non-actions you take based on the belief. That then creates the...
The trademark of an empath is that you feel and absorb other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because of your high sensitivity. You filter the world through your intuition and have a difficult time intellectualizing your feelings.When overwhelmed with the effects of stressful emotions, highly sensitive individuals can have panic attacks, depression, chronic fatigue, food, sex and drug binges, and...
The scientific understanding of intelligence has evolved. Where just a generation ago, the understanding of intelligence was limited to how well you did in school, today it is known that there are multiple intelligences at play. American education professor Howard Gardner, Ph.D., identified nine such intelligences, which are: Musical—rhythmic and harmonic Visual—spatial Verbal—linguistic Logical—mathematical Bodily—kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic Emotional This...
You have an intention. There’s something you really want to achieve in your life, possibly several things, and no matter how hard you try you’re just not able to make it happen. It’s frustrating beyond measure. Eventually, feeling destitute and deflated, you trade in your ambitions and dreams for the ordinary and mundane.But what if you had a way of...
If you were adventurous of spirit and chose to embark on the feel-your-feelings experiment, you’ll know that putting down those old familiar mental identities of thinker and doer is not for the faint-hearted.It takes courage and conviction to live a different way of life to those around you, but once you’ve been bitten by the “being-ness” bug there’s no turning...
Stress happens when something comes between you and something you want. It’s a fact of life that things don’t always go your way. We all deal with it—until we don’t—and that’s when manageable stress becomes burnout.This is different than depression. According to Mental Health America symptoms of depression can be much more intense. They last longer than two weeks. causing...
While it’s true that some people are naturally larks (morning people) and others are owls (night people), you need not restrict yourself to being one or the other. Yoga and meditation practices can teach you to be flexible and adaptable in body and mind, but what about habit?If you want to take advice from the research that says morning people...
Looking to find some focus in your life? Try setting a one-word intention. The reason to select one word to encapsulate your intention (for a year or whatever timeframe feels right to you) is that it gives you something to prioritize. Think of it as the why behind a goal. A one-word pledge gives you a way to frame your...
Want to jump-start your life? Writing things down can help make them a reality.Use a pretty pen, take notes on your tablet, voice-record these ideas into your phone to listen back to, or grab a few pieces of paper and start making some lists! Here are some lists you can try to help reduce stress and get control over your...
Feeling unmotivated can be attributed to things such as lack of sleep, worry, or just plain laziness. Regardless of why you feel unmotivated, its interference with your productivity can lead to stress and feeling overwhelmed, not to mention an untouched to-do list.Luckily, you can implement strategies to help elicit motivation, even when all you feel like doing is watching Netflix...
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of New Year’s? Depending on your stage of life, you might think of champagne and dancing, or a hot cup of tea by the fire with your journal. Whether or not you stay up late enough to see the ball drop, chances are you will think, however briefly or...
Making a New Year’s resolution is an optimistic way to look forward, and millions of people follow the custom. Studies have shown that fewer than 20 percent of New Year’s resolutions are followed through, and then for only a limited time. But that moment of optimism is valuable, and you should take advantage of it. What would make 2018 a...
The New Year is an exciting time as it marks a fresh, clean slate from which you can start anew. Filled with inspiration, intention, and wonder, you recommit to chasing your dreams and making them a reality. You write out your goals and aspirations, buy new day-planners, and set out to create positive and lasting change in your life. For...
What would happen if you stopped trying to “find your purpose” and instead started vulnerably showing up as you are, ready to be of service?The spiritual Law of Dharma states that for every special talent, the world has a unique need that can only be filled by the expression of that talent. You can make the fullest use of the...
No matter your role in an organization, work can become stressful when you have a difficult coworker. Historically a workplace has been a place to go for teamwork, conversations around the water cooler, and a sense of connection. However, with more people working from home, an increased competitiveness in a world filled with overachievers, and an increase in technology over...
Life coaches are fantastic investments. Spending money on yourself to further your personal development is one of the greatest signs to the Universe that you value your well-being, happiness, and success. While some people lack the inner discipline needed to create a plan and follow through with it on their own, some people find they can serve as their own...
Time isn’t static. Depending on the situation, you may find the same few seconds to seem never-ending or lightning fast. The seconds leading up to a first kiss can go on forever. However, blink and you may miss those same seconds when you are crossing the finish line in a race.Movies like Groundhog Day or the recent blockbuster Before I...
Baggage. Everyone has some. To what extent you’re able to maneuver through it is what determines your ability to achieve the success and fulfillment you want—in any area of your life. The key is learning how to know when your baggage is what’s holding you back from living a purposeful life.What Is Baggage?Baggage is a loosely wrapped term for unresolved...
Following your passions sounds incredibly exciting and enticing. “Leave behind this soul-sucking job? Yes, please!” Wouldn’t you want to spend your days and nights doing the things you are most passionate about?As you prepare to make the leap, suddenly Steve Jobs quotes fill your social feed and Katy Perry’s song “Firework” is on your playlist 24/7; it’s great. Then you...
Achieving meaningful goals can be some of the most exhilarating, exciting, and empowering moments in your life. A key component of goal setting is having a vision of where you are heading. Your vision is your “true north” and, like a star in the sky, it is always within view. To have the ability to manifest all the things you...
You may be familiar with the phrase, “What you go looking for, you’re sure to find.” Every experience you have comes in through sensory perception—taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell. How you perceive and interpret your experiences will trigger a series of thoughts that ultimately create your reality. What you determine as being real will affect everything you think, say,...
You hear it all the time: “Follow your passion!” “Follow your heart!“ or “Follow your dreams!” But what exactly do those catchy phrases actually mean and, more specifically, what do they not mean?As a personal brand strategist, I help ambitious solopreneurs use their strengths and knowledge to pursue work they love. To do this, I give them encouragement to share...
Daily life in today’s world can be crazy. Overwhelm and exhaustion are on the rise as endless to-do lists pile higher and higher with each passing day. Responsibilities pertaining to your career and family fall front and center, and can cause you to spin out of control and lose sight of the things that keep you grounded, focused, and balanced....
When you are aware of your beliefs and thoughts about success and happiness, you can begin to shift your experience from living as a reaction to life toward creating your own highly successful life. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits...
Having meaningful goals you want to achieve in your life is what keeps you motivated and inspired to stay focused on what is truly important to you. Summertime, with all it’s fun and excitement, can be a wonderful—and oftentimes disastrous—distraction from the momentum you’ve built toward achieving your goals.Summertime can usher in an energy of excitement as you begin anticipating...
Perhaps you are unfulfilled in your day job. Maybe you have had this nagging idea about your own side business that just won’t go away. Maybe you’ve even started working on an inspired idea, but you are not sure how to really make it profitable.If you can relate with any of these, it sounds like you might be ready to...
Time is flying by, and your intention to set a new habit or pursue a certain goal might have been left in the dust. If that’s the case, don’t fret–there’s still time to get back on the right track.Since we’re about halfway through the year, now is a good time to circle back and evaluate your 2017 intentions. Here are...
Creating opportunities for yourself can be a challenge. Read the six ways we recommend on how to navigate the process and step into your success to create opportunities.
Dharma, the principal of cosmic order, is your life's purpose. This definition is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you are ask what you “do.” You can ask various people all day long this same question and their answers will be their job title. Even those who are in the life practice of consciousness still have...
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American’s commute to work is 26 minutes, which is 20 percent longer than in 1980. If you calculate that round trip weekly, you are spending, on average, 4.3 hours commuting. Many who live in big cities would consider a 26-minute commute to be a blessing. Cities like New York and Washington, D.C....
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a mentor as “a trusted counselor or guide.” Mentors can be consultants, counselors, or even gurus. In a world filled with people who have diverse passions, skills, and goals, how do you find the right mentor for you?3 Types of MentorsFirst, get really clear on what you mean by mentor. The possibilities can be divided into...
Wouldn’t it be nice if, when you were born, you were given a GPS programmed with the destination: “MY PURPOSE”? Then, you would always be alerted to the exact turns to make, and know when you are on or off course to your purpose.That sounds wonderful, considering studies have shown that having a sense of purpose makes you more resilient,...
In a world full of fear, stress, and sadness, it can become second-nature to develop a negative worldview. There seems to be more pain than you can heal, more dissent than you can mediate, and more uncertainty than you can make sense of. In times like these, what options are there to comfort yourself and bring forth positivity?The difference between...
When people hear the word “willpower,” there’s potential for different reactions. Some people think they generally have a lot of it, others feel as if they have none, and still others find themselves somewhere in between on any given day. While there is a common misconception that willpower is something you’re born with, it turns out that you actually have...
It's no secret that adulting is harder than you thought it would be when you were growing up. Children assume adults have all the answers. As a kid, this leads you to draw the conclusion that when you grow up you will automatically have them all, too.You may have been educated into believing that you don’t know yourself best. This...
You know it all too well: that sinking feeling that you’re not good enough, that you don’t have what it takes to succeed, or that you won’t be able to navigate this next chapter. Even for the most confident people in the world, there are inevitable times when doubt and uncertainty creep in and seem to take over your mind,...
Nothing defines the new millennium more than the change in how people view work. Gone, for many, are the days when working to pay the bills was enough. The word job, which was once applauded, is now looked at somewhat disdainfully by those with a career or a calling. A new consciousness has emerged, and with it, a need to...
You’ve been there before. That moment when you realize you have no idea what to do next. The one thing you do know is a major change is upon you.Perhaps you left that painful, but familiar relationship, or you got your dream job and have to leave all your friends and family. Maybe you took that “great opportunity” and lost...
The wellness industry is booming—in fact, the global wellness industry is a $3.7 trillion market. The Yoga Alliance reports that in 2016, 80 million people were estimated to try yoga for their first time. Their study shows the number of U.S. practitioners has increased to more than 36 million, up from 20.4 million in 2012. In some cities, where it...
A new year, a milestone birthday, or a transition like getting married, starting a new job, ending a relationship, or sending the kids off to college are all, in some way, symbolic of the start of a new chapter in your life.More often than not, these significant life events inspire some contemplation around what it is that you would like...
Lose five pounds. Limit time on Facebook. Get promoted at work.In life, you set goals all the time. You strive to be healthier, more successful, and so on and so on. Essentially, your hope is to be the best version of yourself and to reach your full potential. But as you know all too well, it doesn’t happen overnight. It...
If you’re like the majority of other people, you make resolutions each December that you never actually attain. Or perhaps you start off strong on your path to achieving your goal only to drop off after a few weeks. You might even successfully keep your resolution, but still have lots of things in your life you want to tweak or...
As if deciding what to resolve isn’t enough of a challenge, you are also tasked with making a plan to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions. It’s no wonder why so many people give up by mid-January!Need a little help? Don’t go it alone—take these tips from the gurus of habit formation to help you make your resolution stick...
The new year often inspires a renewed sense of purpose, determination, and hope. It’s a time when you put the past behind you and begin new adventures. A time to reexamine your life and figure out what changes you’d like to make.To mark this transition, you typically come up with New Year’s resolutions. After spending the holidays indulging in mashed...
Expectations is a word that changes as you change, and the secret to achieving your expectations, first and foremost, is to absorb this fact. You are not the person you were as a child or adolescent, obviously. But what's less obvious is that you aren't even the person you were yesterday. The process of living brings uncountable experiences, each of...
Time management is one of the biggest challenges people struggle with today. There are only 24 hours in the day, and no matter what you do, that will remain constant. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night for adults, leaving 16 or so hours to get everything else done.With the advent of the internet,...
We all go through times where our creativity is inhibited. We all face blocks that can lead to avoidance of the work that needs to be done to live out our purpose. The good news is there are universal ways to help you pick yourself up and get creating again.When you feel stuck or your creative ideas are lacking, the...
Modern society has reversed the priorities that once ruled society in an age of faith, where spiritual advancement (i.e., avoiding sin and pleasing God) came first and worldly success second. Today many people are rediscovering the spiritual path, but even so they approach it as an add-on to a life that faces all kinds of real-life challenges, especially financial ones....
Often when you hear the word abundance, you think of financial stability. That’s because the world is geared toward the importance of money, how large your home is, and what you purchase. But abundance can be so much more than that.Simply put, abundance is a “large quantity of something.” This could be: Love Health Happiness Peace Confidence Money It can...
What you expect from life is crucially important, but how is this measured? A leading measure of how well a society is doing touches upon expectations. Well-being is correlated with how many people report that they are thriving, and you'd expect that in prosperous developed countries, a healthy percentage of people think they are thriving. However, very few societies can...
I’ve learned something incredibly valuable over the past several years, and it goes against everything I’ve been taught about achieving in my life. It’s been a revolution for me, allowing me to achieve more and actually enjoy the process of working toward my goals, without stress, tension, struggle, and defeat.When I started to dive into what I was discovering, I...
In my heart, I have always been an entrepreneur. I guess it’s in my genes as my mother was a very resourceful single mom who was great at finding new ways to make money while sharing products or services that she believed in. (Think back to the days of Jafra and Tupperware and you’ll get the picture).Similarly, I’ve never been...
Have you ever wondered why it is that what you are trying to communicate to someone else isn’t actually being heard—or why it’s being misinterpreted entirely? It’s like, no matter how you approach the situation, your message just isn’t getting across. It may have to do with charisma and connection—or lack thereof—more so than with the language patterns you are...
It’s pretty amazing that we live in a time when being spiritual has become more popularized; where meditation studios are now trending, yoga studios can be found on nearly every block, and mindfulness themes are ubiquitous. Thanks to the efficacy of Google and social media, you needn’t look far and wide these days to find the Guru or the path.It’s...
You wake up almost as tired as when you fell asleep, four hours ago. After hitting the snooze button twice, you stumble to the kitchen and chug a quart of coffee. It doesn’t help. Your face in the mirror looks like the child you might have had with Voldemort. You can barely squeeze into your last-resort “fat pants.” Getting your...
Have you ever thought: If only I had (fill in blank), then I would be happy. Whether it’s a bigger house, nicer car or heftier paycheck, it’s easy to think that something or more of something will make you happier once you obtain it. But can money really buy you happiness?Researchers have been asking this question for decades. Fortunately, their...
Contrary to popular belief, judgment is not a negative behavior. Every piece of stimulus that comes into our life experience—be that a new person, a new taste, or a new sensation—is filtered through our belief system. After the belief passes through the filter, we have a judgment. In its simplest form, this judgement tells us either we like something or...
With all the distractions in today’s world, it can be challenging to maintain focus. Email, social media, and the general busyness of everyday life can make it difficult to zero in your attention on a single task. Fortunately, certain habits can help enhance your ability to focus and concentrate. One of the easier and more enjoyable habits you can develop...
Over the past few decades, mind-body wellness has had a noticeable impact on the corporate landscape. More and more businesses, both large and small, have been integrating a holistic, consciousness-based approach to wellness and productivity for their employees and business models. The benefits of yoga, meditation, breath work, and other mind-body modalities have been embraced by some of the most...
I was always wishing for time to fast forward when I was working in the financial industry. I would wish the minutes and hours would pass quickly so I could go home. I wished away the weeks looking forward to weekends.Wishing for the future ends up obscuring the present. When you’re constantly looking to the future, you may struggle to...
*This article is adapted from the book, The Type A’s Guide to Mindfulness: Meditation for Busy Minds and Busy People.Thinking about cutting back on fats, sugars, and carbs in order to lose weight and get on a healthier path? I’d like to introduce a technology diet for this year’s health kick, as distractions are setting us up for unhealthy habits...
You’re sitting in the crystal clear waters of Fiji, a tropical smoothie in hand, basking in the glow of the South Pacific Ocean sun. You watch the surfers cascading gracefully toward the shore. This goal was well worth it; you feel as if you’ve reached paradise.Many of us have dream goals. We talk about them in passing or joke about...
The New Year tends to inspire people to think of the future and what they want it to look like. It’s a time of year when we reflect, think of what was and wasn’t accomplished, and how we are going to conquer the upcoming days. Maybe you even prepare a mental to-do list each year of what you will do...
Each of us experiences a lifelong tug-of-war between our money interests and the calling of our soul. When we’re in the domain of soul, we act with integrity. We are thoughtful and generous, allowing, courageous, and committed. We recognize the value of love and friendship. We admire a small thing well done. We experience moments of awe in the presence...
In a society that places a high value on competition and winning, everyone wants to succeed. It becomes difficult to discuss failure, which somehow translates into personal weakness, lack, or vulnerability. I’d like to reframe the whole relationship between success and failure so that both become part of a single process: your personal evolution.As you evolve and grow, certain conditions...
Tackling one task or activity at a time has become a rare practice in a world that seems to place greater value on multitasking, much to the detriment of exhausted people everywhere.Most of us are hustling from the moment our feet touch the floor in the morning until we drop onto the sofa or into our bed at night. The...
Every life has a purpose, and in fact many purposes. Every day each of us is motivated to do many kinds of things. But this is different than a life which is guided by a single purpose. Accumulating many different actions during the day isn’t the same as knowing and achieving your vision. When a personal vision is found, the...
We’ve all been guilty of repeating phrases or sayings without really thinking about the meaning. It’s just a “saying” right? You don’t mean it literally, so what’s the harm?Consider this quote from Buddha: “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” In other words, the mind controls...
Feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of daily life has become a common complaint, especially for those who are trying to balance marriage, family, and work.The external demands can mount up to the point where you feel that simply getting through the day is the biggest challenge you face. There are strategies for coping better with the overwhelm. These generally divide...
Society has taught us to look at life—and the experiences we’ve had—more through the lens of negativity, doubt, and regret than positivity and confidence.Without a conscious effort to shift your thinking, it can become your default view of the world. The more challenges you encounter, the more you zoom in on the negative. It's this conditioning that causes mounting dissatisfaction...
Many people yearn for personal transformation without knowing how to jump-start such a major change in their lives. They generally waste energy on false starts or take a few steps in the right direction, only to find that old habits and conditioning pull them back to where they began, or very close to that.What it takes to create a major...
Change is stressful, and when disappointment strikes, whether in relationships, at work, or your personal health, the stress increases. At such moments you discover how good your coping skills really are. Because life is nothing but change, the part of yourself that wants everything to remain the same isn’t realistic. Beneath the surface there is fear of change, so coping...
Whether you want to eat a healthier diet, exercise regularly, or embark on a new way of parenting, the biggest barrier to change is you. You can make the task as easy as pie, or virtually impossible. The first step is to ensure you have the best mindset to accomplish your transformation goals. Here are three examples of how not...
Almost everyone is on some type of computer each day. Whether it’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone, most people engage in the tech world on a regular basis. It’s exciting to have the knowledge of almost everything at our fingertips, but it’s so pervasive that it’s beginning to take over, consuming our time and thoughts. The challenge is...
Emotional well-being flows from the ability to clearly communicate what you want in life. This isn’t an inborn gift but a learnable skill. If you’re not adept at expressing your needs, it’s because you learned from people who were not proficient.The key principle of conscious communication is making it as easy as possible for another person to meet your need...
It’s the time of the year to dream about new healthy habits and commit to leaving behind negative patterns that don’t align with your true self. Many people promise to eat a healthier diet, start working out, read more, or watch less television, but only a few succeed in the long run. Use these tips to make sure your self-improvement...
In my life coach practice, I work with a lot of professionals who want to use meditation as a tool to reduce stress and cope with the daily demands of the corporate life. One of the major challenges in doing this is the inability to prioritize well-being and find balance in a stressful environment.As my clients move through their sessions...
Ugh! I’m so full, I can’t breathe!” says Rose as she finishes her cheeseburger. “And I’ve got to lose weight … I think I’ll have the crème brûlée” Across the table, her oncologist friend, Linda, lights up, handling the stress of treating cancer patients by smoking like a chimney. Meanwhile Barb is complaining about her 27-year-old son, Randy. “If he...
Every day people all over the world share several universal experiences, and the most common one of these is choices. Life is a series of decisions we make, and depending on our choice, must live with the result of that decision.The choices usually consist of a multitude of possibilities and—whether real or imagined—we must recognize that in some way the...
From the moment that we are born, we learn about survival in the form of gratification, validation, and punishment from our parents or guardians, who serve the role of authority figures. In turn, we become conditioned to react to other authority figures—including our teachers and managers. We react with discipline and obedience, or with defiance, depending on how we learned...
What you appreciate appreciates. It’s true in every area of our lives: It’s true in our money culture, where a desirable house in a desirable neighborhood appreciates in dollar value from year to year. It’s true in our personal relationships, where our appreciation of someone’s special qualities can make them bloom before our very eyes. It’s true in business, where...
Thinking of heading off for a week on a yoga or meditation retreat? I’ve heard some funny stories over the years I’ve spent running retreats and workshops at the Chopra Center: reasons why people didn’t sign up, stories they’ve heard from friends, preconceived ideas of what really happens when they take a week off from their life to retreat …Here’s...
We live in a busy world where time is of the essence. Wanting to learn, explore, and refine your skills requires time—and going to an actual classroom to gain knowledge may not fit into your schedule.“Online learning has become the norm when it comes to education,” says Amanda Ringnalda, Chopra Center Vedic Master Educator and host of Synchrodestiny, a Chopra...
One of the core experiences we all seek is delight, and one of the most common words we use for this experience is happiness. We all want to be happy, and we seek it in countless ways. But there is another word that we use in a similar way—joy. These two words—happiness and joy—actually have somewhat different meanings. We will...
For those seeking love, the questions surrounding love can be plentiful. Once I do find it how do I keep it alive? Here is how to become a love magnet.
Just for a moment, pause and consider all of the roles you have played so far in your life. For example, my life roles have included son, brother, husband, father, student, doctor, author, speaker, and teacher. These have all been fulfilling roles yet they are not who I really am. The real me—and the real you—is infinite and unbounded. Yet...
Dear friend,I hope that this email finds you feeling balanced, centered, healthy – and happy. Here at the Chopra Center we are excited about the launch of our Workplace Wellbeing program, founded on the principle of wholeness. As the world’s great wisdom traditions teach, wholeness is our natural state of balance, harmony, and wellbeing. When we’re living in wholeness, we...
“I decided that it was not wisdom that enabled poets to write their poetry, but a kind of instinct or inspiration, such as you find in seers and prophets who deliver all their sublime messages without knowing in the least what they mean.” ~SocratesScientists estimate that, on average, we have 60,000 thoughts every day. The majority of these thoughts are...
Our work is an act of worship; and that's why both of my main headquarters embody the principles of healing.As a child my parents emphasized a few very important principles regarding work. They are summarized in the following aphorisms: Your work is an act of worship. Pursue the goddess of wisdom and the goddess of abundance will pursue you. Pursue...
We are all born as infinitely creative beings. As children, we freely used our rich imaginations to create entire worlds, whether we were building sand castles at the beach, playing “house” with a collection of dolls, or pretending to be our favorite superhero. As we become adults, many of us unfortunately succumb to the prevailing cultural meme or belief that...
In his book, The Way of Zen, Alan Watts famously wrote, “Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.” Continuing to shake a jar full of water and dirt...
In The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success, Dr. Deepak Chopra discusses ways to manage surviving in the natural world without desperate striving. Learn more about these laws.
While balancing your chakra system can be aligned and healed through Reiki, you are your own healer and can transform your life with chakras. Balance yours.
Have you ever wondered what your life could look like if you had more clarity, better focus, reduced stress, and a sense of purpose—all while having success in your career,...
One of the major medical advances in recent decades has been the importance of lifestyle choices. Your body's cells eavesdrop on everything you say, do, and think, along with the...
Vedanta is one of the world’s oldest and most comprehensive spiritual philosophies. It is based upon the Vedas, or sacred scriptures of India and underlies the principles of Yoga, Ayurveda,...
Ambition is a marvelous trait to have! Ambitious people can liven up a room with their determination and excitement. They are usually the ones who encourage others to stay on...
Big businesses are smart. They’ve read the studies. They understand that time spent meditating means balanced workers who get things done. And they get that putting the mental health of...
Self-compassion involves becoming aware of the presence of suffering in our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and actions—and then taking steps to diminish the suffering. Compassion is the natural and spontaneous feeling...
You alone are the explorer of your inner world. Of all the ways to unfold your inner potential, by far the most powerful is to use the flow of evolution....
From time to time we have the opportunity to speak publicly about something that is meaningful in our lives. In these moments, if we can find ways to ground ourselves...
When we find meaning and purpose in our daily activities, we experience vitality in our lives. We have access to an abundant source of energy, and we feel joy and...
For people with full-time jobs, working four days a week rather than five days could have lasting positive effects for individuals and for society as a whole. Bold companies in...
For most professionals, the feeling of burnout is a familiar one. The energy that once filled your workday slowly trickles away. You notice your efficiency slip but cannot find the...
When we’re trying to cultivate holistic well-being, we must consider what impact our work and workplaces are having on our lives. It’s no secret that a vast majority of our...
Given that most working Americans spend over forty hours in the office each week, it comes as no surprise that prioritizing physical and mental well-being on the job has the...
Here are five steps for harnessing the power of intention setting to create anything you desire. Follow our guide & find the creative power to fulfill your dreams.
Would you believe me if I told you there is an endless wellspring of joy that lives within you, and tapping into it doesn’t have to be complicated? Even amid...
Life is full of challenges. Some people seem to meet every challenge with confidence, while others struggle to overcome them. Pittas especially get a sense of satisfaction from facing challenges...
As the days get longer, nature beckons you outside for a summer full of fun. The sun invites you to sit, relax, and play in its warmth. Your family and...
Exercising your mind may be just as important as exercising your body. Adding brain teasers and learning activities that support mental agility to your weekly routine not only boost your...
How often do you ask yourself, What is my purpose or my life’s plan? How can I discover and manifest what is most important to me? When providing Vedic astrology...
Listening seems like a natural skill, yet it requires attention and practice to stay present and truly hear what another person is communicating. The mind tends to wander, and our...
Only a few decades ago, conventional medicine viewed the body as a machine whose parts would inevitably break down until it could no longer be repaired. As a medical student,...
It is no secret that in today’s modern workplace, we are faced daily with an ever-growing number of responsibilities, challenges, and fires that must be put out with urgency. Our...
Chopra Center Certifications offers teacher certification programs in meditation & Ayurvedic lifestyle. Transform your life, with meditation teacher training.
Your outer beauty and radiance are a direct reflection of your inner health. The foods you eat unequivocally influence your personal fountain of youth down to a cellular level. One...
Vegan or paleo? Gluten-free or whole grain? Whole food or fat-free? What you should eat gets a lot of press. Wanting to eat healthily is a great first step, but...
Many of you may be focused on healthy weight management at the end of the year. With the seemingly endless string of fad diets, differing “expert” opinions, and conflicting information...
In yoga teacher trainings around the globe, aspiring yoga teachers learn creative ways to use their spoken words to guide students into physical postures and into various states of relaxation....
Yoga is a practice that helps individuals develop emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental well-being. If you are dedicated to practicing yoga as a regular part of your life, you may...
Congratulations! You’ve graduated from yoga teacher training with certificate in hand, an impeccably-shaped Downward-Facing Dog, and a renewed sense of purpose. But before you resign from your day job, take...
The Gifts of Letting GoIn the Vedic tradition, the path to freedom and happiness lies in letting go of attachment. This doesn’t mean renouncing your desires or living the life...
“Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self...
For many of us, our 20s can be an era of utter confusion. Pressure from all angles of life including uncertainty towards our career path, unbalanced relationships, and financial struggles...
Una de las formas menos discutidas pero más poderosas de alinearte con tu verdadero propósito es identificar y liberar los desencadenantes emocionales que te están ralentizando y desviándote del rumbo.Este...
Humans seem to have an innate desire to know why we are here. We search for meaning almost as naturally as we breathe. Sense of purpose at work, specifically, is...
The average American spends over 90,000 hours of their life at work. If the majority of those hours are draining and unfulfilling it indicates a misalignment with inner motivations. Whether...
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate...
Now in its third year, COVID has launched us into a new era of work. While some people are going back to their jobs in their pre-COVID offices, others face...
Si suena extraño emparejar las dos palabras "dicha" y "carrera", la razón es clara: en la vida moderna, la satisfacción personal no es una alta prioridad cuando se trata del...
If it sounds strange to pair the two words “blissful” and “career,” the reason is easy to find: In modern life personal satisfaction is not a high priority when it...
La sociedad nos ha enseñado a ver la vida, y las experiencias que hemos tenido, más a través de una perspectiva de negatividad, duda y arrepentimiento que una de positividad...
Early on, many of us are rewarded and learn to feel like we’ve done a good job based on reaching the goals that others tell us to achieve, receiving positive...
Many people are finding themselves changing careers during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period. This two-part article series explores how three professionals prioritize health, wellness, and spiritual development as their...
Many people are finding themselves changing careers during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period. This two-part article series explores how three professionals prioritize health, wellness, and spiritual development as their...
You are a modern day Superhero of epic proportion. Your talents are far-reaching and your noble duties are not for the faint of heart. You are able to engage in...
Work-life balance—a phrase that we hear used all the time. It’s something that almost everyone I speak to seems to be struggling with. However, if we’re honest about this, we...
Life can be challenging. With all the demands put upon you by work, family, relationships, external circumstances, and even yourself, it often feels as if you are Atlas, supporting the...
Spiritual seekers are often intrigued about why their soul chooses to incarnate on Earth at this time. Our purpose is much more than what we do and create. Here are...
Browse Chopra for tips on how to lead your best life, with more intentionality and empathy. These 10 tips will help you discover your purpose to better your life.
We all want things to be different right now. However, what happens today, what happens this hour, what happens in this moment, will define how you go forward. At this...
While there is no magical button you can press to become successful in life, there are certain habits that the most successful people have in common. There have been countless...
Plenty of people set goals, but far fewer are actually willing to declare their goals in a way that sets them up for success. Simply thinking about goals won’t yield...
Everyone has their own unique talents and skills. Learn from Chopra 5 ways to identify your own unique talents and gifts and build them into your life.
You have your heart set on something you really want in your life and the motivation juices are flowing. You’re feeling inspired, you’ve gathered your resources and you have a...
Life already presents multiple factors that can bring you down. A healthy abundance mindset can alleviate these worries. Learn about the meaning of abundance with Chopra.
Finding satisfaction in your job is important. It will help improve your outlook on life. Learn how to improve job satisfaction with these 5 tips from Chopra.
Whether you are feeling the angst of back to school time, lounging by the pool for another few weeks, or counting down the days until you can rationalize lighting that...
Safe. Familiar. Comfortable.These are just a few terms you might use to describe what it feels like when you’re nestled within the confines of your comfort zone. If you avoid...
Low self-esteem is probably something you have struggled with at some point in your life, and it’s important to have tangible practices to pull you out of those difficult ruts...
“Many people confuse the reward with the ultimate goal. This is why so many people still feel empty and lost when they finally achieve their ‘dream’.”–Elisa Romeo, Meet Your SoulResearch...
“Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits. We are...
What exactly is passion? The dictionary defines it as an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. And positive energy is a collection of desirable attributes.“Anything that gets your blood racing...
When you think of having passion in—or for—life, what comes to mind? For some, it may conjure images of being connected to one’s personal drive; what excites or motivates them....
Clutter doesn’t have to be just physical items in your environment. A cluttered mind can include: Ruminating Focusing on the negative Worrying about things outside of your control Holding onto...
The shelves of bookstores are lined with volumes related to self-help and personal growth. From how-to tips for mindfulness meditation and delicious recipes for cure-all, fad diets, to feeding-your-demons therapy...
What is creativity? It is an essential aspect of being human. It’s not just used by artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians. Everyone is creative and has the ability to turn...
Emotional intelligence (EI) was first referenced way back in 1964 but it didn’t become mainstream until science journalist Daniel Goleman wrote Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ...
Do you consider yourself a leader? What is leadership? While some believe that leaders are born that way, the truth is that anyone can learn to be a leader by...
The New Year isn’t the only time of year to think about resolutions, goals, and intentions for a better life. If you are like many people, you may not even...
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”~ Bruce LeeThere are a vast array of options...
Life doesn’t always play out as perfectly as you may like it to. Sometimes you may lose yourself in the daily stress and demands of life and, before you know...
If you’ve ever listed New Year’s resolutions only to find that they wither away moments after the New Year has sprung, there could be an issue with your approach to...
It is human nature to change, grow, and expand, and something about a new year brings all your desires to light. Whether you want to improve your nutrition, ditch your...
New Year’s is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. The year ahead is a clean slate and allots you the opportunity to set goals and improve upon the...
Why? It’s a small word, but a mighty question, especially when it comes to setting a New Year’s resolution. Some of the common turn-of-the-year goals are weight loss, financial fitness,...
Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve to think about your resolutions and goals for next year. Set yourself up for success in the New Year by starting the work now.If...
Change—whether big or small—is an integral part of life. In fact, you have probably heard the expression, “The only constant is change.” Just because change is so common, does not...
Have you ever felt like you weren't deserving of your successes in life? Maybe there is a little nagging voice inside you that says you’re not good enough or qualified...
You have more control over your happiness than you might think. In fact, the happiest people don’t leave their life satisfaction to chance, they do the work necessary to make...
“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”—RumiRight Speech is the third step on the Buddha’s Eightfold Noble Path toward liberation from suffering. It...
If you’ve ever parented a toddler, you are familiar with the repetitive use of the question: “Why?” Why is the grass green? Why do I need to go to bed?...
How would it feel to live your life efficiently and effectively while still having fun? While laughter may feel like a luxury, having a sense of humor might be more...
You may occasionally question why you behave the way you do. You may not know what motivates your actions and behaviors. But it may be valuable for you to attempt...
Do you remember life before social media? When you showed up to your high school reunion having no idea what your classmates had been up to? When people did yoga...
One of the least discussed but most powerful ways to align with your true purpose is to identify and release the emotional triggers that are slowing you down and guiding...
You may have difficulty finding a balance between your exhaustive role at work and your busy life at home. You may think that there is not enough time in the...
Do you ever feel like you’re unhappy with your work or career? If so, you’re not alone. According to Designing Your Life by Stanford University lecturers Bill Burnett and Dave...
Journaling is a healthy practice for your mind and your spirit. Learn more about the benefits of journaling. Using a journal prompts emotional healing.
“A sign of wisdom and maturity is when you come to terms with the realization that your decisions cause your rewards and consequences. You are responsible for your life, and...
When you step into your power, you cultivate self-esteem and personal worth. A new sense of freedom emerges, doubts fall away, and you quit being a marionette to other people’s...
Adults in America spend most of their waking hours at work, and more time at their job than the rest of the world. Considering that less than 50 percent of...
Virtues are universal moral habits that are widely recognized as good character traits. By practicing virtues every day, you can build and live a purposeful and value-driven life. After a...
With books like The More of Less by Josh Becker and The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, people are talking about the effects of simplicity. Is simplicity...
Acts of violence, terrorism, and major natural catastrophes dominate global headlines and, in some cases, they have hit you directly. There is no avoiding the effects these events have; you...
You have infinite potential but sometimes your results don’t reflect that potential. Deeply ingrained unconscious beliefs (feelings of certainty about what something means) are influencing these results in ways you...
The trademark of an empath is that you feel and absorb other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because of your high sensitivity. You filter the world through your intuition and...
The scientific understanding of intelligence has evolved. Where just a generation ago, the understanding of intelligence was limited to how well you did in school, today it is known that...
You have an intention. There’s something you really want to achieve in your life, possibly several things, and no matter how hard you try you’re just not able to make...
If you were adventurous of spirit and chose to embark on the feel-your-feelings experiment, you’ll know that putting down those old familiar mental identities of thinker and doer is not...
Stress happens when something comes between you and something you want. It’s a fact of life that things don’t always go your way. We all deal with it—until we don’t—and...
While it’s true that some people are naturally larks (morning people) and others are owls (night people), you need not restrict yourself to being one or the other. Yoga and...
Looking to find some focus in your life? Try setting a one-word intention. The reason to select one word to encapsulate your intention (for a year or whatever timeframe feels...
Want to jump-start your life? Writing things down can help make them a reality.Use a pretty pen, take notes on your tablet, voice-record these ideas into your phone to listen...
Feeling unmotivated can be attributed to things such as lack of sleep, worry, or just plain laziness. Regardless of why you feel unmotivated, its interference with your productivity can lead...
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of New Year’s? Depending on your stage of life, you might think of champagne and dancing, or a hot...
Making a New Year’s resolution is an optimistic way to look forward, and millions of people follow the custom. Studies have shown that fewer than 20 percent of New Year’s...
The New Year is an exciting time as it marks a fresh, clean slate from which you can start anew. Filled with inspiration, intention, and wonder, you recommit to chasing...
What would happen if you stopped trying to “find your purpose” and instead started vulnerably showing up as you are, ready to be of service?The spiritual Law of Dharma states...
No matter your role in an organization, work can become stressful when you have a difficult coworker. Historically a workplace has been a place to go for teamwork, conversations around...
Life coaches are fantastic investments. Spending money on yourself to further your personal development is one of the greatest signs to the Universe that you value your well-being, happiness, and...
Time isn’t static. Depending on the situation, you may find the same few seconds to seem never-ending or lightning fast. The seconds leading up to a first kiss can go...
Baggage. Everyone has some. To what extent you’re able to maneuver through it is what determines your ability to achieve the success and fulfillment you want—in any area of your...
Following your passions sounds incredibly exciting and enticing. “Leave behind this soul-sucking job? Yes, please!” Wouldn’t you want to spend your days and nights doing the things you are most...
Achieving meaningful goals can be some of the most exhilarating, exciting, and empowering moments in your life. A key component of goal setting is having a vision of where you...
You may be familiar with the phrase, “What you go looking for, you’re sure to find.” Every experience you have comes in through sensory perception—taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell....
You hear it all the time: “Follow your passion!” “Follow your heart!“ or “Follow your dreams!” But what exactly do those catchy phrases actually mean and, more specifically, what do...
Daily life in today’s world can be crazy. Overwhelm and exhaustion are on the rise as endless to-do lists pile higher and higher with each passing day. Responsibilities pertaining to...
When you are aware of your beliefs and thoughts about success and happiness, you can begin to shift your experience from living as a reaction to life toward creating your...
Having meaningful goals you want to achieve in your life is what keeps you motivated and inspired to stay focused on what is truly important to you. Summertime, with all...
Perhaps you are unfulfilled in your day job. Maybe you have had this nagging idea about your own side business that just won’t go away. Maybe you’ve even started working...
Time is flying by, and your intention to set a new habit or pursue a certain goal might have been left in the dust. If that’s the case, don’t fret–there’s...
Creating opportunities for yourself can be a challenge. Read the six ways we recommend on how to navigate the process and step into your success to create opportunities.
Dharma, the principal of cosmic order, is your life's purpose. This definition is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you are ask what you “do.” You...
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average American’s commute to work is 26 minutes, which is 20 percent longer than in 1980. If you calculate that round trip weekly,...
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines a mentor as “a trusted counselor or guide.” Mentors can be consultants, counselors, or even gurus. In a world filled with people who have diverse passions,...
Wouldn’t it be nice if, when you were born, you were given a GPS programmed with the destination: “MY PURPOSE”? Then, you would always be alerted to the exact turns...
In a world full of fear, stress, and sadness, it can become second-nature to develop a negative worldview. There seems to be more pain than you can heal, more dissent...
When people hear the word “willpower,” there’s potential for different reactions. Some people think they generally have a lot of it, others feel as if they have none, and still...
It's no secret that adulting is harder than you thought it would be when you were growing up. Children assume adults have all the answers. As a kid, this leads...
You know it all too well: that sinking feeling that you’re not good enough, that you don’t have what it takes to succeed, or that you won’t be able to...
Nothing defines the new millennium more than the change in how people view work. Gone, for many, are the days when working to pay the bills was enough. The word...
You’ve been there before. That moment when you realize you have no idea what to do next. The one thing you do know is a major change is upon you.Perhaps...
The wellness industry is booming—in fact, the global wellness industry is a $3.7 trillion market. The Yoga Alliance reports that in 2016, 80 million people were estimated to try yoga...
A new year, a milestone birthday, or a transition like getting married, starting a new job, ending a relationship, or sending the kids off to college are all, in some...
Lose five pounds. Limit time on Facebook. Get promoted at work.In life, you set goals all the time. You strive to be healthier, more successful, and so on and so...
If you’re like the majority of other people, you make resolutions each December that you never actually attain. Or perhaps you start off strong on your path to achieving your...
As if deciding what to resolve isn’t enough of a challenge, you are also tasked with making a plan to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions. It’s no wonder...
The new year often inspires a renewed sense of purpose, determination, and hope. It’s a time when you put the past behind you and begin new adventures. A time to...
Expectations is a word that changes as you change, and the secret to achieving your expectations, first and foremost, is to absorb this fact. You are not the person you...
Time management is one of the biggest challenges people struggle with today. There are only 24 hours in the day, and no matter what you do, that will remain constant....
We all go through times where our creativity is inhibited. We all face blocks that can lead to avoidance of the work that needs to be done to live out...
Modern society has reversed the priorities that once ruled society in an age of faith, where spiritual advancement (i.e., avoiding sin and pleasing God) came first and worldly success second....
Often when you hear the word abundance, you think of financial stability. That’s because the world is geared toward the importance of money, how large your home is, and what...
What you expect from life is crucially important, but how is this measured? A leading measure of how well a society is doing touches upon expectations. Well-being is correlated with...
I’ve learned something incredibly valuable over the past several years, and it goes against everything I’ve been taught about achieving in my life. It’s been a revolution for me, allowing...
In my heart, I have always been an entrepreneur. I guess it’s in my genes as my mother was a very resourceful single mom who was great at finding new...
Have you ever wondered why it is that what you are trying to communicate to someone else isn’t actually being heard—or why it’s being misinterpreted entirely? It’s like, no matter...
It’s pretty amazing that we live in a time when being spiritual has become more popularized; where meditation studios are now trending, yoga studios can be found on nearly every...
You wake up almost as tired as when you fell asleep, four hours ago. After hitting the snooze button twice, you stumble to the kitchen and chug a quart of...
Have you ever thought: If only I had (fill in blank), then I would be happy. Whether it’s a bigger house, nicer car or heftier paycheck, it’s easy to think...
Contrary to popular belief, judgment is not a negative behavior. Every piece of stimulus that comes into our life experience—be that a new person, a new taste, or a new...
With all the distractions in today’s world, it can be challenging to maintain focus. Email, social media, and the general busyness of everyday life can make it difficult to zero...
Over the past few decades, mind-body wellness has had a noticeable impact on the corporate landscape. More and more businesses, both large and small, have been integrating a holistic, consciousness-based...
I was always wishing for time to fast forward when I was working in the financial industry. I would wish the minutes and hours would pass quickly so I could...
*This article is adapted from the book, The Type A’s Guide to Mindfulness: Meditation for Busy Minds and Busy People.Thinking about cutting back on fats, sugars, and carbs in order...
You’re sitting in the crystal clear waters of Fiji, a tropical smoothie in hand, basking in the glow of the South Pacific Ocean sun. You watch the surfers cascading gracefully...
Each of us experiences a lifelong tug-of-war between our money interests and the calling of our soul. When we’re in the domain of soul, we act with integrity. We are...
In a society that places a high value on competition and winning, everyone wants to succeed. It becomes difficult to discuss failure, which somehow translates into personal weakness, lack, or...
Tackling one task or activity at a time has become a rare practice in a world that seems to place greater value on multitasking, much to the detriment of exhausted...
Every life has a purpose, and in fact many purposes. Every day each of us is motivated to do many kinds of things. But this is different than a life...
We’ve all been guilty of repeating phrases or sayings without really thinking about the meaning. It’s just a “saying” right? You don’t mean it literally, so what’s the harm?Consider this...
Feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of daily life has become a common complaint, especially for those who are trying to balance marriage, family, and work.The external demands can mount up...