
Harnessing the Power of the Cosmos
Pure Consciousness is the basis of all creation, constantly transforming itself from the non-local field of pure potentiality into the localized conditioned consciousness we call the material world.As Deepak Chopra tells us, spiritual energy, the energy that comes from pure consciousness, is the creative energy of the Universe. This spiritual energy pervades all aspects of life and by aligning ourselves...
A Primer of the Chakra System
There are 7 main chakras. Learn about each of them and gain a deeper understanding on chakras & meditation from Chopra today.
Curación con el Sonido: Afinar para Encontrar la Armonía Interior
El sonido ha sido utilizado durante generaciones por la mayoría de las culturas para traer paz y equilibrio. El sonido de un tambor, tocar un cuenco y cantar mantras pueden tener un efecto armonizador. Escuchar los sonidos de la naturaleza también tiene un efecto curativo en tu bienestar.
Healing with Sound: Tune Up to Find Inner Harmony
A physician friend of mine once jokingly said that most of the time, doctors just entertain their patients until they cure themselves. While he was joking, there is an element of truth in what he said. The body is its own best healer. When balanced and harmonious, your body knows exactly what to do in any situation. One tool that...
A Ritual to Support the Collective Consciousness
The human heart naturally feels connection, love, and empathy. When your heart chakra is open and in balance, you feel joy for others when they experience it. You also feel oneness, and a desire to support them in some capacity. The following is a ritual you can practice to energetically contribute to the collective consciousness. This six-part ritual can be...
7 Chakra Meditations to Keep You in Balance
Learn how to balance your chakras with these 7 meditations. Learn more today from the experts from Chopra.
7 Mantras to Create the Life You Want
Learn how to improve your life and your outlook with these 7 simple mantras. From improving your daily mood to focusing on success, Chopra has the perfect mantra for you.
5 Signs Your Chakras Are Out of Balance & How to Test Them
Diagnose any potential imbalances in your body's chakras by performing a chakra test and looking out for these 5 signs that they may be out of alignment.
5 Ways to Improve Creativity Through Meditation
Artists and art lovers alike have gathered the evidence to support their belief that unless you are filled with angst like Bob Dylan, Alanis Morissette, or Ernest Hemingway, you might not be able to tap into your creativity. Even Socrates and Plato historically took “melancholic habitus” (a sulking holiday) in order to fan the flames of their creative minds. It’s...
How to Build Self-Confidence
Every individual has a different outlook on what self-confidence means, how to get it, and how to maintain it. Think about what scrolls across your mind when you hear the words.I have been a confident person most of my life but as I write this, I reflect upon a time in my life when I was not. How did I...
Understanding Ayurvedic Terminology: A Simple Dictionary
Ayurvedic terms are spread throughout this website, app, and our community as a whole. You’ve probably picked up on the meanings of a lot of them, but why struggle when we’ve made this simple guide to understanding common Ayurvedic terms with definitions and examples of how to use them in sentences. Enjoy! Agni: Translates to "fire" and is commonly referred...
The Evolution of Consciousness—A Map for Understanding Us and the World
Learn more about the Seven Foundational Biological Responses, how they relate to your chakras, and how to they can help you towards a spiritual awakening.
Balance the 6 Shadows of the Root Chakra Amid COVID-19
The shadow is the part of you that blocks you from the light. It includes your limiting beliefs, inherited trauma, learned patterns, and stored emotions that you can choose to work through in order to balance your chakras and realize your full potential.The root chakra is the first of seven energetic centers. It’s a red wheel of energy, located at...
Eating to Balance Your Chakras
Most people have heard of the charka system and understand it to be a collection of seven distinct energies that contribute to specific physical and emotional states. While there are numerous methods of modulating the energy flowing into the chakras, one very accessible means is through diet. Below are ways to integrate dietary considerations into your overall energy-balancing regimen and...
Keeping Your Chakras Balanced During COVID-19
Quarantined. Working. Out of work. Feeling ill. Recovering. Home with kids. Home alone. Home with loved ones. Not at home. There are so many situations you are in during the days of the COVID-19 crisis. The general air of uncertainty, fear, and grief manifests in many ways. You may feel creative bursts and like jumping into action. Or you may...
The Root Chakra: Muladhara
Discover the root chakra and its role in your sense of safety and security. Learn about the muladhara chakra meditations that can help activate it.
Connect to the Divine With the Seventh Chakra
Create moments of awareness when you meditate on the seventh chakra sahasrara. The more time you dedicate to this practice, the more you will feel love & compassion.
Trust Your Intuition With the Sixth Chakra
Located in the area of your third eye, the Ajna Chakra connects you to your center of intuition. Learn how to activate this chakra with meditation from Chopra.
Aprende Sobre tus Siete Chakras y cómo Mantenerlos en Equilibrio
Los chakras se describen comúnmente como centros de energía que corresponden a varios órganos y nervios del cuerpo. Este es un punto de partida para la comprensión. Sin embargo, son mucho más.
Learn About Your Seven Chakras and How to Keep Them in Balance
Learn to find energy and stability in yourself with chakra balance through this guide from Chopra. Balance the seven chakras with these simple practices.
Chakra Cleansing: How to Clear Your Chakras & Free Your Energy
Clogged chakras can be a source of low energy or emotional distress. Learn how to cleanse your chakras to remove blockages and free your energy.
Speak Your Inner Truth With the Fifth Chakra, Vishuddha
The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is the first of the three spiritual chakras. In the area of the throat, it governs the anatomical regions of the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx. To be open and aligned in the fifth chakra is to speak, listen, and express yourself from a higher form of communication. Faith and understanding combine the...
Open Yourself to Love With the Healing Heart Fourth Chakra
Make way for love with the fourth chakra, anahata. Learn more about the healing heart chakra from the experts at Chopra.
Your Third Chakra: Find Power & and Warrior Energy in Your Solar Plexus & Manipura Chakra
Learn about the meaning of manipura chakra, the third chakra. Solar plexus chakra healing can be a powerful tool in tapping into the power of transformation.
Awaken Your Creativity With the Sacral Chakra, Svadhisthana
The svadhisthana chakra is where creative and sexual energy originate. Learn more about the meaning of the sacral chakra with Chopra.
7 Chakra-Based Goals for the New Year
It’s that time of the year—you probably want to make some changes and see some dreams come to fruition. Setting goals—and working towards them—can help you create the kind of life you truly want to live.Charting your own path can feel intimidating, but with the right focus, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. By...
What the Chakras Teach Us About the Mind and Body Connection
The Sanskrit word chakra translates to “wheel,” and refers to the energetic vortexes that align along the spine and head. They hold the energy of your thoughts, feelings, habits, deeds, and more. More than 4,000 years ago, ancient Indians suggested that there are seven major chakras, along with numerous other ones. Chakras are not physical in nature but influence your...
Break Out of a Rut with These 7 Tips for Creativity
“Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits. We are terrified, and we are brave. Art is a crushing chore and a wonderful privilege. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.” –Elizabeth Gilbert,...
10 Ways to Be Your Own Valentine
Valentine’s Day provides a reminder that you don’t need anyone else to make you feel loved and important. You can choose to approach Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to be grateful, love, and take care of yourself, not as a commercial holiday that requires the validation of a mate. This Valentine’s Day, try these 10 ways to honor yourself by...
Open Your Heart to Giving
According to the universe’s principle of dynamic exchange, giving and receiving are different expressions of the same energy. Every act of giving is simultaneously an act of receiving. Each time you welcome a gift into your life, you are providing the opportunity for someone to give. Giving and Receiving teaches that anything that we give joyfully and freely returns to...