Collective Consciousness

Consciousness in Motion: Walking with Awareness
Anything we do with awareness is a meditative experience so, if we live our lives with awareness, our whole life becomes a meditation. A walking meditation allows us to be fully in the present moment.
Harnessing the Power of Om for Inner Peace
For most people in the West, chanting "Om" is a practice that's typically reserved for the beginning or the end of a yoga class. As this chant fills the classroom with beautiful resonance, you may notice a subtle shift in your state of mind. For many people, chanting Om brings about a sense of peace and relaxation, moving you from...
Una Mente Sana Es Una Mente Dichosa
Ahora es un buen momento para cambiar tu definición de una mente sana, porque las definiciones actuales son muy cortas de lo que puede ser tu mente. Tu mente fue diseñada para brindarte la experiencia de la dicha, no solo en momentos especiales de alegría, sino en cualquier momento que desees. Ya sé que este nuevo estándar es una sorpresa...
A Healthy Mind Is a Blissful Mind
Now is a good time to change your definition of a healthy mind, because the current definitions fall so short of what your mind can be. Your mind was designed to give you the experience of bliss, not just in special moments of joy but any time you wish. I realize that this new standard comes as a surprise or...
Satsang: A Gathering of Consciousness
Being on a spiritual journey can be fraught with many challenges and obstacles. Questions, concerns, and doubts may arise at any time. We sometimes feel stuck or just spinning our wheels, in need of some external insight or inspiration. Or perhaps we just wish to share our spiritual story with others. Satsang provides the opportunity and support for all of...
The Healing Gifts of Silence
On the spiritual path, silent mind is associated with inner peace, calm, and quiet. Yet these qualities, desirable as they sound, barely hint at what a silent mind is capable of. Particularly in these difficult times, everyone should realize that silent awareness has the ability to heal. Let’s go deeper into why this is true.Silent mind, which is experienced in...
Meditation: The Key to Inclusion
Our world can be a divisive and polarizing place. Recent times have been a testament to this as we have collectively witnessed what feels like an ever-growing rift in our society. Disparities in race, gender, sexual identity, economic status, and ideology are like open wounds that have been unable to heal. With every step forward we make toward equality and...
Accessing the Infinite Power of Inner Connection
Listen to the call from your heart for nurturing and restful awareness, and tap into your intuition and creativity.
A Ritual to Support the Collective Consciousness
The human heart naturally feels connection, love, and empathy. When your heart chakra is open and in balance, you feel joy for others when they experience it. You also feel oneness, and a desire to support them in some capacity. The following is a ritual you can practice to energetically contribute to the collective consciousness. This six-part ritual can be...
Awaken to Spring: 3 Steps to Use the Energy of the Season in Your Meditations
The qualities you associate with spring center on renewal. Just as nature renews itself with the awakening of spring, so can you. Renewal is a quality of consciousness that permeates body, mind, and spirit. In the body, renewal involves feeling fresh, energetic, and youthful. In the mind, renewal is about new creative possibilities. In spirit, renewal is about living from...
Is the Ego Your Friend or Foe?
It’s common to hear people on a spiritual path saying that you need to destroy or erase the ego. However, while you have a physical body, it’s necessary to have an ego just as much as you have a mind and intellect. Rather than focusing on eliminating the ego, your aim should be to balance it so it acts in...
Ayurveda for Spiritual Well-being
Ayurveda is the traditional healing system from India that is literally translated as "the science of life." Through healthy daily practices and aligning with natural rhythms, one can prevent disease and create health on a daily basis. And although the outcome of Ayurvedic lifestyle and medical treatment is a healthy body and mind, the true aim of Ayurveda is to...
La Máxima Prioridad Para Tener un Cuerpo Sano
Aquí hay un cuestionario con una sola pregunta: ¿Para tener un cuerpo sano, que es más deseable, estar en forma físicamente o estar libre de depresión? La respuesta correcta es estar libre de depresión. La depresión está relacionada con la falta de sueño, la fatiga, la disminución de la inmunidad, la susceptibilidad a las infecciones, los ataques cardíacos prematuros y...
The Top Priority for Having a Healthy Body
Here’s a quiz with only one question: To have a healthy body, which is more desirable, being in shape physically or being free of depression? The correct answer is being free of depression. Depression is linked to poor sleep, fatigue, lowered immunity, susceptibility to infections, premature heart attacks, and more. But most people are in the habit of approaching their...
The Evolution of Consciousness—A Map for Understanding Us and the World
Learn more about the Seven Foundational Biological Responses, how they relate to your chakras, and how to they can help you towards a spiritual awakening.
How to Cultivate Deeper Connection through the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga
Yoga is the practice of merging all the disparate aspects of our being into one, unified essence. In fact, the word yoga in Sanskrit means union. When we experience yoga we experience our true nature, which is unbounded and unchanging. We can understand the true nature of our being through the Seven Spiritual Laws, as disseminated by Deepak Chopra.The Law...
Cinco Señales de Crecimiento Espiritual
De todas las formas en que uno puede crecer, la mayoría están marcadas por aspectos externos (por ejemplo, hacerse más rico, más exitoso o con una familia más numerosa) y otras se conocen por su comportamiento y actitud, por ejemplo, volverse más feliz, más amoroso y más maduro. El único tipo de crecimiento que es totalmente silencioso, oculto e invisible...
Using Vibration to Support Your Spiritual Growth
Tap into the power of vibration and energy to connect to your highest self.
Five Signs of Spiritual Growth
Of all the ways you can grow, most are marked by externals—growing richer, more successful, or with a larger family, for example—and others are known by your behavior and attitude—for instance, growing happier, more loving, and more mature. The only kind of growth that is totally silent, hidden, and unseen is spiritual growth. The Bhagavad-Gita says that even someone who...
Flipping the Script on Femininity with Dr. Shefali Tsabary and Keys SoulCare
Oprah fave and much-loved author Dr. Shefali Tsabary is making a case for revolutionizing the concept of "femininity." This discussion with Dr. Shefali Tsabary was first published on Republished with permission. Columbia professor and clinical psychologist Dr. Shefali Tsabary is a best-selling author, regular on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, and an outspoken advocate for rethinking relationships through the lens...
The Rest and the Reckoning: A Call to the Divine Feminine
In a world that is constantly telling us who we should be, to hurry up and wait for the manifestation of that narrative, it is no wonder it took a pandemic to slow us down and provide us an invitation to become. It was, and has been, a harsh and yet necessary pause; a diversion in this road of life...
Embodying the Divine Feminine Archetypes In Your Life
I grew up in a home where we learned a lot about Hindu mythology. It seemed there were an endless number of gods and goddesses and it was easy to get caught up in a literal interpretation of their stories. In all honesty, it never really resonated with me. In my analytical mind, I never connected to the idea that...
Cultural Appropriation vs. Cultural Appreciation: How to Do Better
With generations of consistent movement of people all around the globe and the ever-increasing globalization of society comes the transference of goods, foods, traditions, languages, music, and people. Cultures morph, combust, and combine. Almost every ritual, practice, and beloved tradition you have ever (or never) heard of comes from another. There is a sweetness and connection that comes from, say,...