En todas partes hay informes sobre el aumento del estrés, la depresión y la ansiedad. La Organización Mundial de la Salud se ha referido a ello como una epidemia, y ha informado que la carga de la depresión está aumentando a nivel mundial. La depresión y la tristeza no son lo mismo. La depresión es una enfermedad mental y los...
If you’re feeling a little unmotivated, lethargic, dull, or have put on some extra weight, have sluggish digestion, or can’t get out of bed, there’s a likelihood that this is an expression of excess Kapha in your mind-body physiology. This is fairly common this time of year due to the heavy energy that has accumulated over the winter and early...
An Ayurvedic approach to depression takes into account mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of health and well-being. Ayurveda has three subsets of depression.
How fitting that the anniversary of the acceptance of my depression would fall around Mental Health Awareness Month. Last year, I had paid no attention to it; this year, I am excited to pay homage to it. However, like most celebrations over the past couple of months, this will be spent with the looming effects of the global pandemic COVID-19....
En todas partes hay informes sobre el aumento del estrés, la depresión y la ansiedad. La Organización Mundial de la Salud se ha referido a ello como una epidemia, y...
If you’re feeling a little unmotivated, lethargic, dull, or have put on some extra weight, have sluggish digestion, or can’t get out of bed, there’s a likelihood that this is...
An Ayurvedic approach to depression takes into account mental, spiritual, and physical aspects of health and well-being. Ayurveda has three subsets of depression.
How fitting that the anniversary of the acceptance of my depression would fall around Mental Health Awareness Month. Last year, I had paid no attention to it; this year, I...