Emotional Healing

Ask Roger: How to Reside in the Field of Infinite Possibilities
For the Ask Roger column, Roger Gabriel, Chopra’s Chief Meditation Officer, answers questions from our community. If you have a general question for Roger around meditation and spiritual practices, please send an email to askroger@chopra.com, and your question may be one he answers next.In this article, Roger answers questions about manifestation meditation, managing uncomfortable emotions, and staying in the present...
7 Simple Mantras for Healing and Transformation
Mantras are vibrations that create desired effects, such as healing, transformation or self-awareness. Learn these 7 mantras to better meditate & help in your daily life.
How to Cultivate Inner Strength Through Meditation
To build physical strength, you may rely on a gym or a personal trainer. But what if you’re looking to build up inner strength?Cultivating mental and emotional strength may not receive as much attention as physical exercise, but it’s equally vital to your overall health and well-being. Even better, it can be done without setting foot inside a gym! Instead,...
5 Simple Tips for Managing Your Emotions Through Meditation
Harness the power of your breath, focus your mind, and develop a healthy relationship with your feelings.
How Meditation Helps Transform Your Suffering
The dictionary defines suffering as the state of undergoing pain distress or hardship. Suffering is unpleasantness. Suffering can involve physical pain and mental distress. In every life, there will be pain, both physical and emotional, that comes from outside of you—the death of a loved one, contracting an illness, a ski accident, or stubbed toe. Even the Dalai Lama has...
5 Revealing Studies into Compassion
Compassion, wanting to reduce the pain of others, sometimes gets a bad rap. Some view it as a soft and fluffy virtue that allows others to walk all over you. However, giving and receiving compassion offers tremendous benefits for physical and psychological health.Skeptics might be surprised about the science that backs up the power of compassion. Researchers have been studying...
3 Ways to Create Positive Karma
If there’s anything we’ve learned about being human, it’s that none of us are perfect. Every day you wake up and make choices, from the moment you open your eyes until the minute you close them again at the end of the day. The choices you make and the actions you take are based on your past experiences and conditioning,...
Letting Go: A Guided Meditation for Fall
Feeling burdened in the Fall is natural. Letting go meditation can shed your baggage and ease stress. Creating a mindfulness meditation script can also help.
How to Survive Emotional Turmoil: A Meditation for Calming Your Emotions
Life can be difficult to maneuver at times with its ups and downs. Try meditation for emotional healing to settle your emotions & calm down through emotional turmoil.
From Chaos to Calm in an Instant: How to Create a Positive Anchor
Life is stressful. It’s just the way it is … There’s nothing I can do about it … I can’t take a vacation, I’m too busy … I don’t have time to work out … I can’t get sick right now, I have too much to do.The stressors of day-to-day living can be brutally overwhelming. Left unmanaged, stress will slowly...
How to Make Compassion Contagious
Have you ever caught the bug? I’m not referring to something cool like the surfing bug or the rock climbing bug or the bug. I mean the flu bug. It’s the worst, right? A nasty stomach bug can spread quickly throughout families, schools, and communities. Bugs are relentless and uncontrollable, and they wreak havoc when they enter our lives.Wouldn’t it...
Clear Clutter and Enhance Your Environment
Perhaps the greatest gift of meditation is the way in which it cleanses the windows of perception, allowing us to experience our natural state of simple and open awareness. When we’re awake to our essential self, we feel happy, light, and at peace. In contrast, unhappiness is a state of complication and imbalance in our body, mind, and environment. Complications...
The Link Between Your Emotions and Your Digestion
Your emotional state affects your mind and body. Learn more about your stomach issues and spiritual meaning to stimulate emotional digestion for a healthier body.
Ancestral Healing: An IFS Approach
I can feel the clear blue water around my calves. I can see the white sand that’s sinking my toes into its body. It’s cradling my stance as I look next to me and I see my grandmother and her mother standing in a line with all of my cousins, my father, my aunts and uncles, and my grandmother’s cousins....
Finding Gratitude Through Grief
The journal was sturdy and thick with a long, brown silky ribbon for a bookmark. Its pages boasted inspirational quotes I had never heard of before (“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings” – Eric Hoffer) and provided space for the eye to breathe. The font was modern, blue, cute. And on its...
Transmuting Trauma Through Somatic Practices
Traumas can leave a physical imprint, and your body often retains them until they are consciously processed and released. Here are three ways you can help release stored traumas.
Reconnect Your Mind, Body and Soul with These Four Ways to Navigate the Stages Grief
If you are experiencing grief right now, remember that your path may be unique but you are never alone. Here are four ways to help you navigate the five stages of grief in your own time.Everybody experiences grief at some point in their lives. We tend to associate grief with death, but other losses also trigger grief, such as separation...
Why Renewal Begins with Hope
Hope is more than just positive thinking in tough times. Hope plants seeds for a new beginning while simultaneously shining a new perspective on past sorrow.
Por qué la Renovación Comienza con la Esperanza
La esperanza es más que un pensamiento positivo en tiempos difíciles. La esperanza implica la creencia de que, a pesar de la adversidad, existe la posibilidad de tener días mejores. La esperanza requiere un pensamiento resistente y una acción consciente. Puede alejarte de la rumia e inspirar perseverancia. La esperanza planta las semillas de un nuevo comienzo mientras que simultáneamente...
5 Resolutions to Improve Your Mental State
It’s a new year, and you’ve probably already been bombarded with information about how to envision your ideal decade, create goals, stick to resolutions, lose weight, be happier, and <insert self-improvement trend of the day>.It gets overwhelming, right?This overload of information can paralyze you instead of motivating you. Where on earth do you begin?One starting point is taught by inspirational...
7 Health Benefits of Mindfulness
You’re busy. In the race to finish the seemingly never-ending list of tasks, you speed up and multitask while thinking about what’s coming next or dwelling on what just happened. Through it all, you miss out on the present moment.Although you continue to do it, you know it’s not good for you or the people in your life. And so...
5 Steps to Detaching for a Happier Life
Learning how to let someone or something go is an important step to start living from a place of happiness. Learn about practicing detachment today.
Daily Practices for Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical Well-being
Here you can learn how to improve your spiritual wellness along with your physical, mental, and emotional health for a vibrant, healthy life.
5 Signs You Should Go on an Emotional Healing Retreat
Emotions are an important part of daily life, significantly affecting your well-being. You can eat the healthiest foods, exercise, and meditate, but when something weighs heavy on the heart, you’ll feel like something isn’t quite right. True health is experienced when your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, working together toward creating a life that you desire. When any...
The Mind-Body Impact of Anger—and How to Control it
Have you ever noticed that the strong feelings you associate with negative emotions like anger and jealousy have the ability to grab your attention again and again over hours, days, weeks, or sometimes years? Meanwhile, the so-called positive emotions like joy and contentment simply fade away? What is it about some emotions that make them seem so much more powerful...
5 Scientific Explanations of Empathy and Empaths
Empathy is the medicine the world needs now. Empathy is when you reach your heart out to others and put yourself in their shoes. Being an empath, however, goes even farther. Empaths are people who are high on the empathic spectrum and actually feel what is happening in others in their own bodies. As a result, empaths can have incredible...
Eating for Wholeness and Emotional Well-Being
There are different entry points on the path toward emotional well-being. Since each individual is unique, what works for you may not work for someone else. One thing that is consistent, however, is the need to keep your body healthy to help you move through all life’s experiences with strength and beauty.Humans are complex beings and you must honor that...
Seasonal Affective Disorder: 10 Ways to Stay Mentally Strong this Season
For many people, the autumn season represents the start of school, football games, and pumpkin-spiced lattes. For some, it can mark the beginning of a series of unpleasant symptoms associated with seasonal change.People can experience varying seasonal symptoms, including the “winter blues,” which can begin in the fall, and a clinical disorder known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or seasonal...
15 Tips to Help You Get Through the Early Stages of Grief
Losing a loved one is one of the most debilitating experiences you can go through. At times like this, it’s normal to feel confused or even disoriented. Life seems to stop in grief and it’s difficult to summon the energy to do even the most menial tasks. So how do you cope? Where do you go when you’re in such...
Healing from Depression
It is not news that depression has become a kind of invisible epidemic, afflicting approximately 121 million people worldwide. The World Health Organization ranks depression as one of the world’s most disabling diseases, and our best estimates from population studies show that approximately twenty percent of people will experience a serious, clinical depression during the course of their lifetime.While depression...
Chopra Brand Manifesto
We’re Chopra.We don’t just see you – we get you.We know what makes you, you, and how to care for the whole you.A healthy life starts with healthy habits and at Chopra, we can help you build the habits that unlock the best you.Through a blend of modern health practices and centuries-old Ayurvedic life science, we help you unlock your...
3 Ways to Practice Ahimsa in Your Diet
In the Yoga Sutras, the sage Patanjali outlines eight limbs of yoga. The first of these limbs he deems the yamas. The five yamas outline five restraints that an individual can practice in order to reach spiritual awakening. The first of these yamas is the practice of ahimsa.Ahimsa is a Sanskrit term that means nonviolence, both to yourself and the...
How to Rewrite Your Life Story
"We are the sum total of our experiences. Those experiences, be they positive or negative, make us the person we are, at any given point in our lives. And, like a flowing river, those same experiences, and those yet to come, continue to influence and reshape the person we are, and the person we become. None of us are the...
Rest in The Arms of Love
Who you are is love. Love is the essence of all life. It is both delicate and strong. From the pain of separation, it brings the joy of union, it heals a wounded soul, it dissolves all fear and awakens our sleeping heart.
Full of Love: How the Chopra Health Retreat Helped Me Return to Myself... Twice
I just completed my second experience attending the Chopra Health Retreat. The first time was back in 2017 in Carlsbad, California and this time it was May 2023 in Carefree, Arizona. I went for very different reasons each time. The First Experience: Healing Heartbreak The first time, I was heartbroken after not being able to sustain a healthy pregnancy. I...
Empowering Energy of the Divine Feminine 
The energy of the divine feminine is present within all beings. By building awareness around this often-suppressed strength, greater balance can be brought back into our lifestyle to create a more harmonious state of being, both internally and externally.
10 Desencadenantes Emocionales Que Están Retrasando Tu Verdadero Propósito
Una de las formas menos discutidas pero más poderosas de alinearte con tu verdadero propósito es identificar y liberar los desencadenantes emocionales que te están ralentizando y desviándote del rumbo.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en agosto de 2018.This article was originally published in English in August 2018.¿Qué es un desencadenante emocional?Un desencadenante emocional es esencialmente una respuesta emocional...
The Power of Your Inner Child and the Process of Reparenting
Everywhere you look in my area (the southeastern United States), the 90s are back. The sundresses with little flowers on them, chunky white tennis shoes, and even cartoon nostalgia printed on sweatshirts and backpacks. These bucket hats are lighting up a part of me that I had long forgotten. A part of me that I worked so hard to cover...
The Benefits of Therapy
Being a therapist is as much about being present in your own personal work as it is about assisting your clients in their healing.
A Therapist’s Confessions: A New Consideration On Your Healing Journey
I have heard it all. “Isn’t that what friends are for?”, “Why would I pay someone to listen to me complain?” “What good is it going to do to dig up the past? I’m fine.” And my personal favorite, “(insert coping skill here): it’s cheaper than therapy!” Yup. I am a therapist. And these are some of the common themes...
Honoring Lost Loved Ones During the Holidays
Something about the twinkly lights, early dark nights, and the cooler temperatures makes us want to reflect. The holiday season could really be renamed, yearnings of yesterday because of all the feelings that come up during this time.Those sneaky nostalgia feelings combined with staying inside and all the interacting, or lack thereof, can bring up so many emotions. We may...
Cómo Reescribir la Historia de tu Vida
"Somos la suma total de nuestras experiencias. Esas experiencias, ya sean positivas o negativas, nos convierten en la persona que somos, en cualquier momento de nuestras vidas. Y, como un río que fluye, esas mismas experiencias, y las que están por venir, siguen influyendo y remodelando la persona que somos y la persona en la que nos convertimos. Ninguno de...
Embracing the Divine Feminine Power Within Us All
One feels a change in the wind that has been a long time coming. There has been an awakening that has brought on a call to fight for and embrace social equity and justice. The fault lines are related to race, socioeconomics, and gender. This change we sense around us is brought on by a rise in embracing feminine energy,...
8 Ways to Heal Your Soul After a Loss
Grief and loss are natural life experiences; feelings of grief can be a process you move through. How you start healing after a loss determines how you deal with loss.
Feeling Your Way Through Life
There are two basic paths we take through life: thinking and feeling. Rational thought is highly prized in an age of science and technology, but in everyday life all kinds of feelings intervene. People assume they are dealing with their lives rationally, but everyone experiences a mixture of thinking and feeling. This mixture can be confusing and needs to be...
Emotional Release: A Perfect Gift to Yourself
The holidays have gained a bad reputation for being an emotional roller coaster. Instead of experiencing a season of peace, many people dread this time of year as a season of stress and frayed emotions. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can bring the gift of peace to yourself as no one else can. By following the...
10 Ways to Lift Your Spirits When You’re Feeling Stuck
Tough times are inevitable, and even though you are always moving forward, sometimes it can feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Whether it seems like life’s circumstances are piling up against you, your mind can’t get through a mental block, or your emotions are paralyzing you, there is always hope. It does take some effort, but when you are ready...
4 Reasons to Be Thankful for Your Family This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time when family and friends come together in celebration of the bigger, more important things in life—a connection to something more significant than the minutia of everyday life. It’s a time for restoration and rejuvenation, as well as merriment and connection with loved ones and family.Relationships are one of the most crucial aspects of life, and Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving and the Power of Gratitude
In most people’s lives, Thanksgiving Day could serve a higher purpose than food, football, and festivities. The spiritual value at the core of the holiday is gratitude. Everyone considers gratitude to be a positive thing, but we do not always stop to consider how powerful gratitude truly is.Gratitude is a soul quality that brings our attention into the present, which...
6 Healthy Ways to Manage Social Anxiety
“I just don’t want to go.”“Ugh, I’d rather stay home.” “Just thinking about going to that party is giving me so much anxiety.” “Maybe I’ll go for a little while and hide in the corner.” Though often confused and conflated with being shy or an introvert, social anxiety is a distinct disorder that can have a serious negative impact on...
10 Gratitude Activities to Do with Your Family This Thanksgiving
Most people know that gratitude generates good feelings. But did you know that a dose of thankfulness can also positively impact your health, happiness, resilience, and relationships? Research in the field of positive psychology has shown, time and time again, that purposefully cultivating gratitude can have far-reaching effects in your life. This month of November is a perfect time to...
5 Practices to Help You Be More Present This Thanksgiving
Are you finding yourself constantly thinking about your to-do list this time of year? Maybe you need to plan a menu, shop for the holiday meal, coordinate travel plans, purchase gifts, and get ready for family visiting from out of town.If you dread the start of the holidays and want to escape, you are not alone. In fact, fleeing from...
How to Identify Your Soulmate
One of my teachers, the late Dr. David Simon, used to say the purpose of life is to love more and be happy. I believe that each of us has within us, an inherent desire to love and be loved in the truest and grandest of ways. The kind of unconditional, passion-filled love that you experience when you meet your...
5 Ways to Cultivate More Joy in Your Life
Joy is divine. While feelings such as happiness usually come from external sources and are temporary, joy comes from within and is always abiding. It is an innate part of who you are and how you express yourself. Just watch how babies delight in the simplest things—their emotions are raw and true. It is difficult to feign joy.What kindles the...
Emotional Framework: How to Experience Emotions in a Healthy Way
Experiencing and expressing emotions are integral parts of life. Yet, for many people, emotions remain mysterious, confusing, and difficult to express . No one is given an emotional rule book, yet society, community, culture, and context all have unwritten rules about how and when you are allowed to feel your feelings. For example: Tears don’t belong at the office. Don’t...
What Is Fear? And How to Use It as Motivation
When you are scared, vulnerabilities come to life & challenge your body’s automatic fight or flight responses. By following five steps, you can use fear as a motivator.
10 Emotional Triggers that Are Delaying Your True Purpose
One of the least discussed but most powerful ways to align with your true purpose is to identify and release the emotional triggers that are slowing you down and guiding you off course.What Is An Emotional Trigger?An emotional trigger is essentially a strong, often negative, emotional response. These triggers can happen anywhere, at anytime, and anything can activate a trigger;...
What to Do When You’re in a Funk
We’ve all had experiences of life’s highest of highs—falling in love, getting the job we’re excited about, or achieving a meaningful goal. And, then there are the times when you may find yourself in a downright funk and unable to access any level of satisfaction or contentment. When life is flowing, it feels amazing—and when you can’t seem to pick...
Feeling Stuck? Check Your Baggage
Baggage. Everyone has some. To what extent you’re able to maneuver through it is what determines your ability to achieve the success and fulfillment you want—in any area of your life. The key is learning how to know when your baggage is what’s holding you back from living a purposeful life.What Is Baggage?Baggage is a loosely wrapped term for unresolved...
5 Steps to Trusting Your Gut
Intuition is a powerful aspect of the human experience, and something that anyone can access within themselves—if they’re open to it. Often referred to as a “gut instinct,” it’s that hunch that encourages you to go in a certain direction or inspires you to share a piece of wisdom with someone seeking answers. Intuition can lead you to safety in...
The 7 Steps to Forgiveness
Forgiveness is very desirable. For those who receive it, the burden of guilt is lifted. For those who give it, resentment and anger can be released, clearing the slate in a relationship and making room for peace.Despite this, in everyday life forgiveness is not easy to achieve. Let’s see if there is a way to offer genuine forgiveness, especially to...
How to Harness the Power of Your Emotions
Are you using your emotions to inform you or are you letting them control you?Your mental and emotional baggage is primarily responsible for creating the discrepancy between what it is that you say you want and what you are actually experiencing on a daily basis. It’s the dominant driver behind your choices and behaviors, and can be the number one...
10 Positive Emotions That Should Be Part of Your Daily Life
Despite feeling very personal, emotions are not a private experience. Emotions impact relationships, career advancement, parenting, and sense of self-worth. How successfully you handle daily challenges is greatly affected by your current emotional state. For example, when you feel gloomy or sad, you are more likely to negatively interpret even normal events. When things go wrong, it can feel like...
How to Identify—and Conquer—What Is Holding You Back
Follow these tips to identify and move past the obstacles that are keeping you from the life you want Don't let excuses be what's holding you back.
Love Is the Key to Healing
Love is the key ingredient to healing. When we feel love, we are connecting to the True Self, and the True Self is perfect, without flaw. Consequently, the more we can see and appreciate the perfection of spirit in our lives and in those of everyone around us, the more we will feel healed and deeply loved. Very often though,...
Free Yourself From Past Challenges Through Forgiveness
Finding the gifts in past challenges is one of the most key elements to living a life of emotional freedom. In order to move toward becoming the person you aspire to be, it’s important to lighten your load so you can free up valuable energy. The most challenging, traumatic and painful incidents of your life often carry the most weight,...
3 Steps to Loving Your Every Emotion
Your spouse is growing distant. You’re terrified of losing your job. Your teenager is driving you insane. On the inside, you’re falling apart. But from the outside, no one would ever know.No matter your struggles, you shouldn’t hide your sorrow, deny your fear, or stifle your anger. You may think you’ve crafted a mighty shield between you and your pain,...
How to Communicate Your Emotional Needs in Relationships
Learn what your emotional needs are in a relationship and how to communicate that with your partner from Chopra.