
Using Mindful Awareness to Step Into the Flow State
When we can reimagine what access to inner peace looks like we start to find it through a balance between movement and perceived stillness.
6 Pathways to Remove Negative Energy from Your Mind and Body
Learn six methods of energy cleansing from your mind and body from Chopra. Further, your journey of well-being cleanse negative energy.
Gratitude Meditation: Connect to the Happiness Within
Guided meditation can help direct your attention to all of what you have to be thankful for. Your inherent happiness will shine.
The Shakti Goddess: A Universal Force
Shakti, also known as Parvati, Durga, or Kali, is one of the most important goddesses of the Hindu pantheon. She serves as goddess of balance, creation, and destruction.
How Learning a New Hobby Can Help You Find Your Flow State
Learning a new hobby is a fun way to try something new and potentially meet new, like-minded people. But the benefits of hobbies expand even further, into the realm of mind-body connection and flow state.
Laughter for the Lymph: How Laughing Benefits the Lymphatic System
They say laughter is the best medicine and while that is certainly true for our mental health — laughing releases endorphins, which can boost the mood! — it’s also wildly true for our physical health. Laughing requires more oxygen intake so, in a way, it’s like its own form of breathwork. It can also even help temporarily relieve pain. But,...
How Does Kindness Affect Your Mental Health?
If there was one magical cure for many of the woes of the world, it might be the power of kindness. When the epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression threatens to overload the medical system and impede progress toward a greater sense of common humanity, and when the world can seem more divided than united, giving and receiving kindness is...
Inner Treasures: Positive Perspectives & Practices to Incorporate Into Your Life
In honor of Suicide Prevention Week, I wanted to offer a collection of questions, statements, and inspirational bits of wisdom gleaned from my years of practice as a holistic and spiritually oriented psychiatrist. Review this list and make a mental note of the words and phrases that resonate the most. Repeat these to yourself when you need to reorient to...
Cómo Encontrar Alegría Durante Tiempos Difíciles
¿Me creerías si te dijera que hay una fuente interminable de alegría que vive dentro de ti y que aprovecharla no tiene por qué ser complicado? Incluso en medio de una pandemia, está en tu corazón, ¡esperándote!Es posible que estén llenos de sentimientos como desesperanza, desesperación, miedo, ansiedad, ira, dolor, soledad y más en este momento. Y no estás solo....
5 Health Benefits of Gratitude
Expressing gratitude is much more than the act of saying “thanks”—it’s the cultivation of a feeling that serves an important biological purpose. Gratitude, according to scientists, is a deep feeling of appreciation. Studies have linked practicing gratitude with an assortment of positive health impacts on physical and emotional well-being, including the following.1. Gratitude Can Lead to Greater Physical and Mental...
7 Ways to Reboot Your Brain
Rebooting your brain can help remove patterns, habits & biases that limit you. Learn how to reboot your brain and fix these issues from Chopra.
6 Ways to Boost Your Mood This Fall
As the days grow shorter, the leaves turn to shades of burnt orange, yellow, and red and are eventually released to blanket the earth. The air is a bit crisper. The seasonal change from shorts and sandals to jeans and boots is underway. Iced tea shifts to lattes. Fruits such as berries and tomatoes make room for pumpkins and squash...
5 Steps to Detaching for a Happier Life
Learning how to let someone or something go is an important step to start living from a place of happiness. Learn about practicing detachment today.
Smile Your Way Out of Stress
Put a pencil between your lips in just the right way, and you’ll feel happier—though you won’t know why. The result is so reliable, I used this trick on students as a foolproof demo when I taught intro to psychology.This effect demonstrates the “facial feedback” theory of emotion—but you can think of it as “fake it til you make it.”...
Cómo Vivir el Propósito de tu Vida
Todo el mundo tiene un propósito en la vida, y dentro de ese propósito se encuentra un talento único que espera ser expresado y compartido con el mundo. Si alguna vez has visto a alguien viviendo el propósito de su vida, es inspirador ver que exudan felicidad. Tener la misma experiencia para ti es pura felicidad. Si no has encontrado...
How to Evolve Your Career to Be in Line with Your Purpose
Humans seem to have an innate desire to know why we are here. We search for meaning almost as naturally as we breathe. Sense of purpose at work, specifically, is more important than ever, as burnout is sharply on the rise. In fact, scientists have proven that sense of purpose is a key feature of resiliency. People connected to a...
How Passion Activates Purpose
“Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not. Find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible” - Deepak ChopraPassion is defined as an intense driving conviction. It’s a powerful feeling of enthusiasm towards someone or something. Passion is the feeling that nothing else exists. It’s loving yourself as if you were a rainbow with...
Shifting from Work-Life to Life-Work Balance
Work-life balance—a phrase that we hear used all the time. It’s something that almost everyone I speak to seems to be struggling with. However, if we’re honest about this, we aren’t struggling with work-life balance because, for many people, the balance is nonexistent. We’re actually struggling with getting life back into the phrase.But what if you reversed the order and...
Happiness Song Playlist: 101 Songs To Improve Your Mood And Boost Your Spirits
Music is great at lifting your spirits and boosting your mood. Here is a 101 song playlist of happiness-inducing songs from Chopra!
What's the Difference Between Empathy, Sympathy, and Compassion?
Take a closer look at how to differentiate compassion vs. empathy vs. sympathy and learn the important differences of being empathic vs. sympathetic.
4 Reasons to Be Thankful for Your Family This Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time when family and friends come together in celebration of the bigger, more important things in life—a connection to something more significant than the minutia of everyday life. It’s a time for restoration and rejuvenation, as well as merriment and connection with loved ones and family.Relationships are one of the most crucial aspects of life, and Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving and the Power of Gratitude
In most people’s lives, Thanksgiving Day could serve a higher purpose than food, football, and festivities. The spiritual value at the core of the holiday is gratitude. Everyone considers gratitude to be a positive thing, but we do not always stop to consider how powerful gratitude truly is.Gratitude is a soul quality that brings our attention into the present, which...
10 Gratitude Activities to Do with Your Family This Thanksgiving
Most people know that gratitude generates good feelings. But did you know that a dose of thankfulness can also positively impact your health, happiness, resilience, and relationships? Research in the field of positive psychology has shown, time and time again, that purposefully cultivating gratitude can have far-reaching effects in your life. This month of November is a perfect time to...
10 Ways to Give Thanks to Your Community This Thanksgiving
The spirit of Thanksgiving is more than just eating a big meal and watching football; this holiday season is about expressing gratitude for the people, places, and things in your life that you often take for granted. A chance to slow down and consider the abundance in your life, Thanksgiving is a time for community involvement and provides countless opportunities...
5 Ways to Show Gratitude in Your Workplace
Have you ever received a thank-you gift from a colleague or client? Been recognized or awarded for your hard work? Received a shout out for your contributions or input? Then you know how meaningful it can be to be appreciated and seen. Even a heartfelt “thanks!” can leave you glowing. No matter where you work, a little thanks and acknowledgment...
How to Raise Your Emotional & Spiritual Vibration
Learn how to raise your emotional vibration frequency with these tips from Chopra. Raise your vibrations and support positivity in your life.
9 Acts of Kindness You Can Do Every Day
Do you ever think you’re too busy for compassion or kindness? Juggling work, family life, and other obligations might mean that acts of kindness fall by the wayside. Who has time to feed the homeless or purchase coffee for the person behind you when you can barely find time to buy your own groceries?Since compassion is my line of work,...
Take Some Time for End-of-Summer Reflections
Whether you are feeling the angst of back to school time, lounging by the pool for another few weeks, or counting down the days until you can rationalize lighting that pumpkin spice candle, it is important to take some time to reflect on the end of summer. As the season of swimsuits, suntans, and sweet vacations draws to a close,...
The Power of Positive Thinking: How It Enhances Happiness, Health, and Success
“Stay positive.”“Don’t give in to negativity.”“Think happy thoughts.”Such phrases are often used to encourage you when you’re feeling frustrated or challenged. After a while, however, these words may feel empty and unachievable.But what if you could use the power of positive thinking to improve your life—genuinely believing in the power it has on your well-being? What if you allowed positivity...
How to Reduce Stress Through Positive Thinking: 5 Methods
There is an epidemic of stress, depression, and anxiety. Despite the fact that people are talking more openly about their mental health, removing stigma does not seem to have affected the actual levels of stress being experienced. Your newsfeed and the news itself are filled with articles telling you to just be positive. The thing about positive thinking is that...
6 Proven Benefits of Gratitude
It is likely that you have been rewarded for working hard and striving to obtain the next goal.While pushing yourself often precedes personal growth, it can muddle the importance of being grateful for the things you already have, the goals you’ve already obtained, and the progress you’ve made in life thus far.Like eating well and getting enough exercise, practicing gratitude...
5 Ways to Build Up Your Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is probably something you have struggled with at some point in your life, and it’s important to have tangible practices to pull you out of those difficult ruts whenever you feel yourself slipping.Generally speaking, people have an inherent need to be seen, feel valued, and have a true sense of connectedness—with yourself and with others. When you are...
10 Personal Development Books to Read This Summer
Thanks to the fast-paced world, the days seem to fly by. Did you feel like the new year arrived, you blinked, and then it was nearly summer?Me, too.The arrival of summer means you might have an opportunity to slow down because more daylight gives you more hours in the day. While you may feel yourself using that extra time to...
How to Create a Passion List that Improves Your Life
“Many people confuse the reward with the ultimate goal. This is why so many people still feel empty and lost when they finally achieve their ‘dream’.”–Elisa Romeo, Meet Your SoulResearch has shown that setting goals based on your interests can contribute greatly to a happy life, but goal setting can be dry work when done by the book. Sure, you...
Practicing Gratitude Beyond Your Journal
Gracias. Thank you. Grazie. Merci. Arigato. Most learn early on the power of a simple expression of “thanks.” Besides just being good manners, saying thank you can transform your day and that of those around you. Where gratitude exists, human connection flourishes. Being thanked, in a genuine, meaningful way helps you feel seen. When you feel seen, appreciated for something...
8 Ways to Choose Optimism Over Pessimism
Is your cup half empty or half full? Your answer to this question says a lot about you, your health, and your happiness. At a time when the world could really use it, it pays to be optimistic. Not only are optimistic people more enjoyable to be around, research shows that they are healthier, do better in school, age more...
5 Ways to Cultivate More Joy in Your Life
Joy is divine. While feelings such as happiness usually come from external sources and are temporary, joy comes from within and is always abiding. It is an innate part of who you are and how you express yourself. Just watch how babies delight in the simplest things—their emotions are raw and true. It is difficult to feign joy.What kindles the...
7 Strategies to Attract Everything You Want in the New Year
It is human nature to change, grow, and expand, and something about a new year brings all your desires to light. Whether you want to improve your nutrition, ditch your desk job, or finally write the book that’s been buried in your private journals for all these years, now is the perfect time to make those dreams a reality. With...
The 1 Question to Ask Yourself This New Year: Why?
Why? It’s a small word, but a mighty question, especially when it comes to setting a New Year’s resolution. Some of the common turn-of-the-year goals are weight loss, financial fitness, and relationships. To resolve to improve or change something can be a positive pursuit. However, the desire to change—or even preparing an action plan to get there—isn’t always enough to...
52 Gratitude Prompts for 52 Weeks of Appreciation
Giving thanks doesn’t have to be restricted to Thanksgiving In fact, expressing your gratitude regularly is essential & using a gratitude journal prompts ideas.
11 Creative Ways to Express Gratitude
“Thank you.” “I’m so grateful.” “I appreciate you.” When spoken from the heart, these simple phrases express so much. Think about how good it feels to hear them! Sincerely thanking someone honors their help and humanity as well as validates their efforts. You could make someone’s day or week by thanking them. Whether someone in your life has gone above...
4 Techniques to Outsmart Your Mind to a Better State
You may have noticed times when you want to feel a certain way, but your mind isn’t cooperating. Have you ever wanted to feel confident, but you didn’t? Have you ever been in a funk, and you wanted to get out of it? Have you ever felt anxious about a situation, and you needed to be calm?Perhaps someone has suggested...
8 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mood in 5 Minutes or Less
Mood plays an important role in determining your quality of life. It can affect your perception of the world, influence your relationships, and affect your mental and physical health.Have you wondered how to improve your mood? Fortunately, the simplest of pleasures can elevate your mood and cost next to nothing in both time and money. Research supports the efficacy of...
6 Ways to Find Happiness in Tough Times
Part of being human is experiencing the challenges life throws at you. Sometimes you’re prepared for them and other times you’re completely blindsided. Here’s the good news: while it’s impossible to have complete and utter control over what happens to you, you can control your emotional reaction to whatever external events you face.When you’re dealt a tough hand, your natural...
9 Ways to Increase the Positivity in Your Life
You have more control over your happiness than you might think. In fact, the happiest people don’t leave their life satisfaction to chance, they do the work necessary to make their happiness a priority. While there is no happiness switch that you can simply turn on, focusing your attention on positive thoughts and actions through mindfulness will most certainly lead...
6 Ways to Embrace Your Sense of Humor for a More Fulfilling Life
How would it feel to live your life efficiently and effectively while still having fun? While laughter may feel like a luxury, having a sense of humor might be more important for a healthy and happy life than you think.While there is plenty in life to be serious about, taking life too seriously can deplete your happiness, impair your sense...
How to Live Your Life’s Purpose
Everyone has a purpose in life, and within that purpose lays a unique talent just waiting to be expressed and shared with the world. If you’ve ever witnessed someone living their life’s purpose, it’s inspiring to see—they exude happiness. Having the same experience for yourself is pure bliss. If you haven’t found your purpose, that’s okay, you will. After all,...