
A Meditation for Healing Heartbreak
Try this meditative practice to soothe heartbreak and grief. 
Total Meditation: How to Meditate for Healing
There are now thousands of studies spanning five decades to validate the benefits of meditation. As widespread as this information is, the effect on everyday life has been limited. In my new book, Total Meditation, I wanted to correct the under-use of meditation and the large problem of non-compliance, as a doctor would call it. Too many people start meditating...
Meditación Total: Cómo Meditar Para la Curación
La técnica es la simplicidad misma. En cualquier momento del día en que te encuentres distraído, abrumado, preocupado, cansado o estresado, trata inmediatamente con este estado de desequilibrio.
Only a Silent Mind Can Be a Healing Mind
Originally published by SF Gate. Crises call for action and may even trigger global action that is motivated by alarm, fear, and the dread of uncertainty. But what about the individual person who feels afraid and uncertain? I’d like to propose an answer based on the silent mind. I realize that this approach might sound a bit alien and “spiritual”...
4 Ways to Create and Maintain Inner Peace
More than in the past, people are recognizing the value of having inner peace. This represents a shift away from an earlier value system that put the highest priority on consumerism, career success, competition, and unending distractions. But wanting inner peace is only the first step. Actually having and seeking inner peace as a lasting experience involves a journey inward....
Understanding Nature’s Role In Ayurvedic Healing
The human body is the product of five elements of nature: Akasha i.e. Space; Vayu i.e Air; Agni i.e Fire; Jal i.e. Water; Prithvi i.e. Earth. In Ayurveda, each body is considered to be a blend of these five elements
A Holistic Psychiatrist’s Tips for Reducing Burnout and Enhancing Resiliency
How to heal and transform your career into something you can love and successfully manage without losing balance.
The Healing Benefits of Salt Water
It’s hard to imagine our world without salt. In fact, it would be impossible since salt — or, sodium, rather — plays such an important role in the human body’s natural functions, and in Mother Nature. “Salt is closely tied, along with water, to the origins of life and, thus has numerous enlivening properties,” says Chaye McIntosh, the clinical director...
The Healing Power of Creativity
Almost everyone appreciates the power of creativity. Unique things or novel ideas can catch our eye, brighten our day, and ignite change. Creativity is inspiring, and feeling inspired is fun! Of course, having fun is its own kind of medicine. Fun enhances our sense of connection (to others, self, and life). It reduces stress and increases happiness. Creativity, specifically, can...
Grounding in the Garden: How Planting Seeds Promotes Healing
Have you ever taken a walk through a garden and felt an immediate sense of relief? Spending time in nature is believed to have profound mental health benefits and manmade gardens are no different. Whether it’s a rose garden, herb garden, or vegetable garden, each can bring about feelings of peace and wonder — and have a grounding energy, too.Walking...
From Celiac to the Soul: How I Embrace My Journey of Chronic Illness
I was a freshman at my dream school, feeling decisive and motivated to pursue a career in finance, and had even landed an exciting internship at a hedge fund in New York City. My life felt comfortable and in control. I grew up learning that if you work hard and go to a good school, you will get a good...
Transmuting Trauma Through Somatic Practices
Traumas can leave a physical imprint, and your body often retains them until they are consciously processed and released. Here are three ways you can help release stored traumas.
Vitamin “F”: Forgiveness—and the Power of Letting Go
Learning to forgive doesn't always come easy, and it's a patient and tender process. Many times, forgiveness can feel more like a weakness than an act of courage and strength.Let's explore how elevating awareness around this powerful act can be a catalyst toward greater health—physically, mentally, and spiritually—while helping to transform your family, community, and country. Good health and nourishment...
Existence and the Virus: A Healing Solution
Originally published by SF Gate.The COVID crisis is being fought on two fronts, medical and economic, but most people are suffering psychologically. The word “existential” rarely comes up in normal everyday life, but the crisis has created all the symptoms of existential dread: a sense of futility, anxiety about the human condition, and a deep fear of death. This comes...
The Health Benefits of Ginger Tea
Ginger tea is one of the oldest medicinal drinks. From digestive health to helping inflamed airways, there are plenty of benefits. Learn more at Chopra!
Grounding the Human Body: The Healing Benefits of Earthing
Learn how grounding yourself to the Earth's electrical energy can have substantial healing benefits from the experts at Chopra.
Healing Through the 5 Senses
In this very moment you are seamlessly connected to the cosmos. The same deep intelligence that streams through the rivers flows through your bloodstream, and the same breath that nourishes your cells animates the life of a rain forest. Although it may seem like you are separate from the world “out there,” in reality your body and the universe are...
Asana Practices to Nurture Your Heart Part 2
In the midst of life happening all around us, sometimes it can feel easy to forget the practices that nurture our hearts. We get caught up in the day-to-day tasks, the demands of all of the happenings in our lives and it seems like the practices for ourselves are the first ones to slip away.The practice of nurturing your heart...
Asana Practices to Nurture Your Heart Part 1
In the midst of life happening all around us, sometimes it can feel easy to forget the practices that nurture our hearts. We get caught up in the day-to-day tasks, the demands of all of the happenings in our lives and it seems like the practices for ourselves are the first ones to slip away.The practice of nurturing your heart...
I Went On Chopra's Explore & Restore Wellness Voyage and Here's What Happened
Join Alex May as she sets sail from Panama to Acapulco on the Explore and Restore wellness voyage aboard Swan Hellenic's luxury yacht. In this vlog, Alex shares her experience and offers a glimpse into the self-discovery workshops, daily meditation and yoga classes, cultural expeditions, and stunning accommodations. Watch her transformational journey unfold and the connections that form along the way:  Begin Your Journey  Interested in experiencing this for yourself? The Explore...
Rest in The Arms of Love
Who you are is love. Love is the essence of all life. It is both delicate and strong. From the pain of separation, it brings the joy of union, it heals a wounded soul, it dissolves all fear and awakens our sleeping heart.
Ghosted by Someone? Love and Show Up for Yourself.
I have a ghost.No, not the spirit or soul of a deceased person that can appear to the living. My ghost, who was a friend, is very much alive. However, some years ago, they decided to end a personal relationship with me by suddenly – and without explanation – withdrawing from all communication.Ironically, the last words my now-ghost said to...
Three Ways to Cope with Trauma and Grief
How to address trauma and navigate your healing journey.
How Embracing Your Inner Child Makes You a More Resilient Adult
When we are young, we are no stranger to resilience. As children, we are constantly trying new things — such as sports, games, and creative activities — meeting new people, and putting ourselves out there to form lasting friendships. But, as we get older and into adulthood, we start to lose a little bit of resilience. And, on top of...
Endings: A Spiritual Birthplace
The car is driving away. The phone call has been terminated. Your moving van is packed. You are boarding the plane. You are holding your grandmother’s hands and telling her how she has impacted you because you know this is the last time you will be able to look into her eyes. You are rubbing your cat’s chin for the...
Cómo Aceptar Finales y Crear Espacio Para Nuevos Comienzos
Las intenciones son como semillas: desde el momento en que se plantan, el potencial de crecimiento está plenamente presente. Pero, al igual que las semillas, se necesita algo más para que ese potencial no se vuelva latente. Tiene que haber suelo: suelo que sea fértil y hospitalario para el crecimiento.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en enero de 2022.This...
How to Accept Endings and Create Space for New Beginnings
Intentions are like seeds: from the moment they are planted, the potential for growth is fully present. But, also like seeds, something else is needed lest that potential becomes dormant. There needs to be soil: Soil that’s fertile and hospitable to growth.Acceptance is the soil in which we plant our new intentions. As we all have stood witness to, new...
Rediscover Your Feelings and Find Peace
A state of peace is among the most sought-after human experiences. You, like the rest of us, want it, yet you may struggle to achieve it.Why?One reason, according to spiritual teacher and self-help author Eckhart Tolle, is you may mistake peace for unconsciousness. However, in his guide to spiritual enlightenment, “The Power of Now,” Tolle describes peace in the reverse:...
Make Yourself New Again
Ready to shed the old and blossom into a vibrant new you? Learn how to break free from limiting habits, challenge stale beliefs, and unlock the innate renewal potential within.
The Transformational Journey Towards Wholeness
I recognized at a young age that when I expressed myself in ways that were seen as ‘different’ it wasn’t received well. As a trans kid in this world, you learn pretty early on what folks around you believe to be right and what they believe to be wrong. Because difference in the Western world is often used as a...
Experiencing Liberation Beyond Binary Limits
We’re living in a time that is reflective of imbalance at every level, whether it be in physical and tangible space, or reflected in the depths of energies within us. What the Western world has created is a society that favors specific qualities, often related to masculine energy, and shies away from other qualities, related to feminine energy. This carries...
Is Peace Possible? How to Create a Peaceful Moment, Day, and World
Today, September 21, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace—a day declared by the United Nations in 1981, asking humanity to commit to peace. On this day, we press pause on our disagreements, set down our weapons, and join together as one human race.This year, however, Peace Day feels particularly far-fetched, especially in the United States. While in the...
The Virus Can Give Your Life More Meaning
Originally published by SF Gate. One way to respond in a crisis is to reduce its threat. The other way is to add to the threat. The coronavirus COVID-19 might be the first collective crisis that many people have faced, and it poses an uncertain future in every country that confronts it. But this doesn’t change the two choices just...