You’ve probably noticed that your mind engages in an inner dialogue. It never seems to stop, producing one thought after another. Like a difficult partner, the mind reminds you of what you did or did not do, what you said or shouldn’t have said, what you noticed or did not notice, and on and on. “I shouldn’t have said that.”...
Learn about how the powerful Ashwagandha herb can improve and help your Ayurvedic healing. Let the experts at Chopra explain the benefits for you today!
Sleep is vital to your health and well-being, but for some people, it’s elusive. According to the American Sleep Association, there are an estimated 50 to 70 million U.S. adults who experience some type of sleep loss or sleep disorder. Sleeping issues can interfere with the quality of your life, your physical health, and negatively affect your emotional balance, cognitive...
A lack of vital energy is a problem that often defies conventional allopathic medicine. In most cases, if you go to a doctor complaining of nagging fatigue and flagging enthusiasm for life, you will have a series of blood tests to rule out the diseases that sometimes cause these symptoms. Chances are high that the tests will come back normal...
Our immune system is a complex and wonderful system. When in balance, it does a seamless job of identifying and eliminating potential threats to our health, such as toxins, bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. However, sometimes our immune system responds too vigorously to a substance in the environment that is usually harmless, such as pollen, animal dander, or mold. As...
Every day we confront challenges to our health. Viruses, bacteria, and toxins are all around us, but our bodies manage to ward off the great majority of them. Why is it, then, that sometimes our defenses can’t keep up? The answer lies in the health and balance of our immune system, the body’s primary defense against infectious disease. The human...
Question: My daughter has just been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, the same one that I have! I feel terrible . . . as if I’ve passed it on to her. What can I do to help her?Answer: Don’t add insult to injury by blaming yourself for your daughter’s situation. Most autoimmune disorders have a genetic component, but we have...
You’re likely seeing and hearing a lot about the novel coronavirus and the associated respiratory disease that it causes, COVID-19. Much of the news focuses on useful preventative measures that include washing your hands, using sanitizers and avoiding close contact with those that are sick, but it often ignores another important part to staying healthy — boosting your own immune...
’Tis the season where you may envision a new year filled with health, renewed energy, honed habits, and hope for feeling your best. While you aspire to transform your health, you may have also found, through past attempts, that you have been left confused, deflated, and scattered with your general direction.You are not alone. You may be confused about which...
You may have heard about celiac disease more often in recent years due to the rise in gluten-free diets and the growing availability of gluten-free products. But what is celiac disease?Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that can develop when people with a genetic predisposition to the disease consumes gluten. When someone with celiac disease eats gluten, the body reacts...
Hormones are chemical messengers that are released by different glands and travel through the bloodstream to influence organs and processes throughout the body. The endocrine system is made up of glands such as the thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testes, and pancreas, which work together to control the levels of different hormones and help the body function and maintain balance.Each woman...
Most of us were taught that to stay healthy, we need to avoid bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. This has led many people to take hygiene vigilance too far, with the constant use of hand sanitizers, household disinfectants, and other antibacterial products. While being clean is beneficial, the attempt to create a sterile environment can weaken our immune system and...
Everyone is a patient and healer in some respect. Your body is constantly breaking down and repairing itself whether you realize it or not. If you have ever been to a doctor, whether for yourself or for a loved one, you know there are as many types of doctors as there are patients. Each doctor has a unique personality (rapport),...
When the average person goes to the doctor, shows up at the ER, or enters the hospital, the possibility of controlling what happens next is minimal. We put ourselves in the hands of the medical machine, which in reality rests upon individual people—doctors, nurses, physician’s assistants, and so on. Human behavior involves lapses and mistakes, and these get magnified in...
Cancer is viewed as a unique kind of threat because of the dread it inspires, but in many ways we’ve reached a tipping point where hope and optimism are replacing fear. A healing lifestyle that includes meditation, dietary changes, and a more serious approach to stress is key. Let me go into some detail because cancer is such an important,...
Stress is usually characterized as an unpleasant and unwelcome feeling that expresses itself both physically and mentally. The effects of stress range from irritability and anxiety to raised blood pressure and heart disease. When you think of stress in these terms, it’s no wonder you spend so much time trying to manage or avoid it altogether.But what if, instead of...
Doing what you can to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and death is an important endeavor in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. And often, lowering your cholesterol is part of that conversation with your doctor or medical practitioner. However, the first step to take when assessing the importance of lowering your cholesterol is to identify your primary goal. For instance,...
The human body is remarkable. It’s constantly replacing dying cells with new cells in order to maintain function and keep you as healthy as possible. The living tissue inside your body keeps everything running smoothly, and your bone is no exception. As a living tissue, your bone can both increase and decrease in quality. Osteoporosis occurs when there is an...
Fatigue is a lack of energy, motivation, and/or concentration. The all-too-worn-out phrase, “it takes energy to make energy,” gets at the crux of the “chicken or egg” problem. How can such a nebulous word hold so much power over you? You would think that just as a day only has 24 hours, you too only have so much energy at...
Sleep is critical for good health and well-being. However, due to our busy lifestyles, millions of us do not get enough sleep—a problem that can lead to lack of attention, irritability, digestive issues, poor judgement, and drowsiness during the day.Sleep deficiency has also been linked to more serious physical health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, immune deficiencies, increased risk...
If you have osteoarthritis (OA) in your knees, you’re not alone. Of the weight-bearing joints, knees are the most commonly affected; by age 85, nearly one in every two people may develop symptomatic knee OA. There are lifestyle, diet, and supplement choices that can help keep your knees as healthy as possible (see 3 Considerations for Maintaining Healthy, Happy Joints)....
Do you wear long sleeves, sunscreen, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun? Despite the highly publicized hazards of sunlight exposure, using sunlight as a healing therapy dates back to ancient civilizations in Egypt, Greece, and Rome, when individuals would sunbathe to heal certain conditions.Today, the sun is not the only source for healing light. Targeted light therapies, such...
Located throughout your body, joints play a key role in your mobility and overall well-being. While a variety of factors can affect your joints, such as injuries, inflammation, muscle atrophy, and overuse, there are things that you can do to protect your joints and prevent degeneration. The following lifestyle, diet, and supplement recommendations could help keep your joints healthy for...
The thyroid gland is small, yet it has a mighty impact on every cell in your body. It secretes hormones that influence metabolism, bone growth, temperature regulation, mental clarity, and more.Unfortunately, thyroid dysfunction is extremely common—experienced by approximately 20 million Americans. Many cases go undiagnosed. Symptoms can range from fatigue and weight gain (from an underactive thyroid) to irritability and...
Headaches are frequent cause for concern: Every 10 seconds, someone in the United States goes to the emergency room for a headache or migraine. The three most common types of headaches—tension headaches, cluster headaches, and migraines—can range from mild aches to a debilitating pains, and are often difficult to treat.While your primary focus may be to relieve the pain you...
Being overweight or obese isn’t just a cosmetic issue. Both conditions put your health at risk and can contribute a number of diseases, including diabetes and cancer. That risk only increases in individuals who have a family history of health problems, have a sedentary lifestyle, smoke, or have an unhealthy diet.Despite the mounting research about the risks of excessive weight,...
I wasn’t always an empowered participant in my health. But when I started connecting the dots between my diet and lifestyle, chronic inflammation, and disease, a light bulb turned on. Why? Because our daily choices are at the root of chronic inflammation. Over the past decade, I’ve renovated everything from my grocery cart to my makeup bag to my mind...
The message pushed on us by our own government, health agencies, professional organizations and especially the food industry is this:It’s your fault you are fat. Just eat less and exercise more.But is that actually true? Do 70 percent of Americans wake up every day thinking, “I want to be fat. How can I eat more and exercise less today?” Are...
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world, with as many as 300 million sufferers. We’ve all seen what an asthma attack looks like, the typical symptoms being shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Because natural breathing is something most of us take for granted, asthma is a distressing disruption. Each day you...
In the first post we confronted the primary fact about Alzheimer’s disease – fear and terror – which is a psychological reality, not a piece of scientific data. Our minds are the window to reality. Any form of mental illness is frightening to the patient because their grip on reality has become tenuous, if not delusional. The same disorder is...
Few people feel comfortable thinking about the aging process, but discomfort turns to fear when it comes to the brain. Medically, everyone’s brain slows down in some way as they age. This doesn’t have to be a source of fear – to be older is often to be calmer, wiser, more at peace. Those desirable states are mental. The brain...
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world, with as many as 300 million sufferers. We’ve all seen what an asthma attack looks like, the typical symptoms being shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Because easy, natural breathing is something everyone takes for granted, asthma is a distressing disruption. Each day you breathe...
Turmeric! This wonder spice has been in the news as study after study touts its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, wound-healing, pain-relieving, anti-arthritic, anti-dementia, and even anti-cancer properties. According to Dr. Michael Greger, author of How Not to Die, more than 5,000 articles have been published in medical journals about the health benefits of curcumin, the pigment that gives turmeric its bright yellow...
Blood pressure is a term most people are familiar with, but what exactly is it? Blood pressure is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the pressure of the blood circulating through your vessels. Simple, right? But blood pressure is extremely important to your overall heart health.According to the American Heart Association, your blood pressure is measured in two ways: Systolic...
When looking at a nutrition label, most people think it’s important to look at the calories, fats, sugars, etc. However, the ingredients are just as important as anything else on the nutrition label. Those calories, fats, and sugars are all made up of the ingredients that are in that product.What about “healthy” foods? Are ingredients important in healthy packaged products,...
You may find yourself struggling to fit a healthy breakfast into your life. Between getting the kids ready for school, trying to get some exercise, and getting to the office on time, there is little time left to prepare a healthy meal. In addition to rushing in the morning you may feel overwhelmed by the variety of breakfast choices and...
Do you ever find yourself getting tired of cooking the same recipes? It can feel overwhelming to search for new recipes online and in cookbooks, and most of them seem complicated and too long to make. But before throwing in the towel and going back to your staples, know there are easy-to-follow and delicious recipes out there.Whether you have a...
Question: Is chicken soup really good for colds, or is this just an old wives’ tale?Answer: In some cultures, chicken soup has long been a traditional cold remedy. I've read that Maimonides, the Jewish physician and philosopher, recommended it back in the 12th century.But there's more than folk wisdom at work here. At least one scientific study suggests that a...
People often use the terms “food intolerance” and “food allergy” interchangeably. The two, however, do not mean the same thing.Not only do they have different definitions, their effects on the body require distinct solutions. Learn how to determine if you have a food intolerance or food allergy, and what is the best course of action for each one. What Is...
Often, when people first meet me and find out who my father is, one of the first questions they ask is, “What was it like growing up with Deepak as your father?” And I understand, my father is an amazing man who has helped so many people heal themselves. But what people don’t know is that my dad didn’t become...
You’ve probably noticed that your mind engages in an inner dialogue. It never seems to stop, producing one thought after another. Like a difficult partner, the mind reminds you of...
Learn about how the powerful Ashwagandha herb can improve and help your Ayurvedic healing. Let the experts at Chopra explain the benefits for you today!
Sleep is vital to your health and well-being, but for some people, it’s elusive. According to the American Sleep Association, there are an estimated 50 to 70 million U.S. adults...
A lack of vital energy is a problem that often defies conventional allopathic medicine. In most cases, if you go to a doctor complaining of nagging fatigue and flagging enthusiasm...
Our immune system is a complex and wonderful system. When in balance, it does a seamless job of identifying and eliminating potential threats to our health, such as toxins, bacteria,...
Every day we confront challenges to our health. Viruses, bacteria, and toxins are all around us, but our bodies manage to ward off the great majority of them. Why is...
Question: My daughter has just been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, the same one that I have! I feel terrible . . . as if I’ve passed it on to...
You’re likely seeing and hearing a lot about the novel coronavirus and the associated respiratory disease that it causes, COVID-19. Much of the news focuses on useful preventative measures that...
’Tis the season where you may envision a new year filled with health, renewed energy, honed habits, and hope for feeling your best. While you aspire to transform your health,...
You may have heard about celiac disease more often in recent years due to the rise in gluten-free diets and the growing availability of gluten-free products. But what is celiac...
Hormones are chemical messengers that are released by different glands and travel through the bloodstream to influence organs and processes throughout the body. The endocrine system is made up of...
Most of us were taught that to stay healthy, we need to avoid bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. This has led many people to take hygiene vigilance too far, with...
Everyone is a patient and healer in some respect. Your body is constantly breaking down and repairing itself whether you realize it or not. If you have ever been to...
When the average person goes to the doctor, shows up at the ER, or enters the hospital, the possibility of controlling what happens next is minimal. We put ourselves in...
Cancer is viewed as a unique kind of threat because of the dread it inspires, but in many ways we’ve reached a tipping point where hope and optimism are replacing...
Stress is usually characterized as an unpleasant and unwelcome feeling that expresses itself both physically and mentally. The effects of stress range from irritability and anxiety to raised blood pressure...
Doing what you can to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and death is an important endeavor in your pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. And often, lowering your cholesterol is part of...
The human body is remarkable. It’s constantly replacing dying cells with new cells in order to maintain function and keep you as healthy as possible. The living tissue inside your...
Fatigue is a lack of energy, motivation, and/or concentration. The all-too-worn-out phrase, “it takes energy to make energy,” gets at the crux of the “chicken or egg” problem. How can...
Sleep is critical for good health and well-being. However, due to our busy lifestyles, millions of us do not get enough sleep—a problem that can lead to lack of attention,...
If you have osteoarthritis (OA) in your knees, you’re not alone. Of the weight-bearing joints, knees are the most commonly affected; by age 85, nearly one in every two people...
Do you wear long sleeves, sunscreen, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun? Despite the highly publicized hazards of sunlight exposure, using sunlight as a healing therapy dates back...
Located throughout your body, joints play a key role in your mobility and overall well-being. While a variety of factors can affect your joints, such as injuries, inflammation, muscle atrophy,...
The thyroid gland is small, yet it has a mighty impact on every cell in your body. It secretes hormones that influence metabolism, bone growth, temperature regulation, mental clarity, and...
Headaches are frequent cause for concern: Every 10 seconds, someone in the United States goes to the emergency room for a headache or migraine. The three most common types of...
Being overweight or obese isn’t just a cosmetic issue. Both conditions put your health at risk and can contribute a number of diseases, including diabetes and cancer. That risk only...
I wasn’t always an empowered participant in my health. But when I started connecting the dots between my diet and lifestyle, chronic inflammation, and disease, a light bulb turned on....
The message pushed on us by our own government, health agencies, professional organizations and especially the food industry is this:It’s your fault you are fat. Just eat less and exercise...
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world, with as many as 300 million sufferers. We’ve all seen what an asthma attack looks like, the typical symptoms...
In the first post we confronted the primary fact about Alzheimer’s disease – fear and terror – which is a psychological reality, not a piece of scientific data. Our minds...
Few people feel comfortable thinking about the aging process, but discomfort turns to fear when it comes to the brain. Medically, everyone’s brain slows down in some way as they...
Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the world, with as many as 300 million sufferers. We’ve all seen what an asthma attack looks like, the typical symptoms...
Turmeric! This wonder spice has been in the news as study after study touts its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, wound-healing, pain-relieving, anti-arthritic, anti-dementia, and even anti-cancer properties. According to Dr. Michael Greger,...
Blood pressure is a term most people are familiar with, but what exactly is it? Blood pressure is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the pressure of the blood circulating...
When looking at a nutrition label, most people think it’s important to look at the calories, fats, sugars, etc. However, the ingredients are just as important as anything else on...
You may find yourself struggling to fit a healthy breakfast into your life. Between getting the kids ready for school, trying to get some exercise, and getting to the office...
Do you ever find yourself getting tired of cooking the same recipes? It can feel overwhelming to search for new recipes online and in cookbooks, and most of them seem...
Question: Is chicken soup really good for colds, or is this just an old wives’ tale?Answer: In some cultures, chicken soup has long been a traditional cold remedy. I've read...
People often use the terms “food intolerance” and “food allergy” interchangeably. The two, however, do not mean the same thing.Not only do they have different definitions, their effects on the...