yoga 5 Steps to Take Your Yoga Mat Outside for Outdoor Play Summer is here, bringing with it long, warm days and an outdoor environment bursting with birds, bees, plants, and trees. Take advantage of the season and trade in an hour at your local studio for a r... jennifer partridge Fitness Nature Yoga
yoga 6 Restorative Yoga Poses for Hikers All hikers know that the trail offers its fair share of rewards—beautiful vistas, serene lakes, and a sense of accomplishment. But hiking also has its challenges—uneven rocky terrain, altitude, and po... melissa eisler Fitness Nature Seduction of Spirit Yoga
yoga Spring Equinox: 5 Rituals for a Fresh Start The Spring, or Vernal Equinox, occurs in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20 this year (2017). Marking the end of winter, the equinox is indicated by the equal length of day and night all over the wor... lena schmidt Nature Personal Growth Yoga
yoga 6 Ways to Connect to the Moon During Your Spiritual Practice Solar Eclipse. Blood Moon. Harvest Moon. Ruler of the waves. Temptress of the tides. Mama Moon has gotten a lot of airtime lately. Do you ever notice you’re out of sorts around the same time each mont... lena schmidt Meditation Nature Spirituality Yoga
yoga The Surprising Reason for Adding Playfulness to Your Yoga Practice From the ancient Yoga Sutras by Patañjali, the sutra sthira sukham asanam can be translated into English as “may the posture be steady and full of ease (or joy).” For anyone new to yoga, it might seem... heidi spear Creativity Health and Well-being Inspiration Joy Nature Yoga
ayurveda 5 Ayurveda-Inspired Springtime Activities Finding harmony and inspiration is a lifelong process, and the ancient medical system of Ayurveda can provide guidance and tips along the way, especially as the season changes.According to Ayurvedic w... lena schmidt Ayurveda Health and Wellness Nature
ayurveda Gardening RX: How to Grow 5 Ayurvedic Herbs Growing a mini-Ayurvedic pharmacy at home isn’t as hard as you might think—and the benefits are huge. Imagine being able to reach into your own garden, where you know exactly how plants have been grow... leo carver Ayurveda Nature Nutrition
ayurveda Three Ayurvedic Tools to Help You Reduce Stress Stress is an inevitable part of life. The impact of stress on human health, especially in today’s world of overstimulation, is alarming. April has been observed as Stress Awareness Month since 1992 to... dr manas s kshirsagar Ayurveda Massage Meditation Mind-Body Health Nature Primordial Sound Stress
ayurveda Looking at Abundance Through the Lens of Ayurveda Ayurveda looks at a human being from the lens of abundance. In Ayurveda, perfect health is not simply an absence of disease but rather an abundance of vitality.Swastha Vritti means perfect health. It ... dr manas s kshirsagar Abundance Ayurveda Digestion Doshas Energy Boost Mindful Movement Nature Pranayama
ayurveda 5 Ways to Embrace the Great Outdoors This Autumn As the fun, sun, and play of summer winds down, it can be easy to fall into the slump of back to school—and back to the couch. But autumn promises cooler temps and plenty of opportunities to embrace t... lena schmidt Ayurveda Nature