Personal Growth
These 4 Purusharthas are the inherent values of the universe. They are Dharma (righteousness), Kama (pleasure, Moksha (liberation), and Artha (economic values).
Seeking happiness, joy, and fulfillment is a natural and evolutionary byproduct of your spirit progressing toward ever-increasing levels of expansion and awareness. Life, however, inevitably contains pain. When you become triggered by painful events, you experience mental and emotional turmoil. Negative thoughts and emotions feel heavy, dark, and burdensome. This collapses your awareness into defensiveness, anger, gloom, and worst-case scenario...
Have you ever considered incorporating a self-care practice for emotional release into your daily routine? Just like how we prioritize our physical hygiene with habits like showering and brushing our teeth, it's equally beneficial to prioritize our energetic hygiene by regularly cleansing our energy fields. By committing to a regular practice of emotional release, we can cultivate a clear and...
Salutations to the supreme Lord Ganesha, whose curved trunk and massive body shines like a million suns and showers his blessings on everyone. Oh Lord Ganesha, kindly remove all obstacles, always and forever from all my activities and endeavors. - Ganesh InvocationOf all the archetypal gods of the Vedic tradition, one above all stands as the most recognized and popular...
¿Qué pasaría si pudieras tomar una píldora mágica cada mañana que reduciría tu estrés, disminuiría tu ansiedad, aumentaría tu capacidad de concentración y mejoraría tu memoria? También te ayudaría a ser más consciente de ti mismo, más paciente con las personas en tu vida e incluso te ayudaría a vivir una vida más larga, saludable y feliz. Tampoco habría efectos...
Our minds are constantly flooded with desires, most of which disappear as fast as they arise. Those that stick and take a firmer footing move on to become intentions, which we could say are desires with more of a focus. These have been plucked from the stream to be classified as more important.The ancient Vedas say, “As is your desire...
We’re faced, every day, with stress, anxiety, and an overwhelming amount of stimuli. Our bodies, our minds, and our spirits absorb each of our experiences and store all of them in some capacity. With so much tension being held in our space, the commitment to engage in daily practices rooted in compassion, love, tenderness, and gratitude can be pivotal parts...
Seamos realistas, los obstáculos son parte de la vida y ninguno de nosotros tiene el manual de cómo superarlos. Por muy ideal que parezca, esquivar obstáculos no es posible; aunque puedes aprender a trabajar con la energía que los crea y superar la noción de que de alguna manera estás a su merced. Primero, identifiquemos qué son los obstáculos, por...
The physical heart is the organ we are all aware of in the body. It ceaselessly circulates the blood, bringing oxygen and energy to all the cells. The body cannot survive for long without the working of this heart, located in the left chest. You may also be aware of the Anahata or heart chakra, the energy center located in...
Over the last decade, meditation and mindfulness practices have taken the well-being world by storm. In countless research studies, meditation has been proven to be a profound tool to help enhance physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. As a result, the wellness community has been quick to capitalize on meditation’s appeal and make mindfulness and meditation offerings a part of...
"Dondequiera que estés, está allí del todo".—Ram DassEste artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en agosto de 2019.This article was originally published in English in August 2019.La conciencia es tu bien más preciado. Es la luz de la atención que energiza, activa, aclara e ilumina. Puede restaurar el equilibrio, la armonía y la salud de tu mente y cuerpo, así...
Follow along with Roger Gabriel, Chopra's Chief Meditation Officer, in this new article series on the Vedic Yugas. Read previous articles in the series:Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4BeginningUnfortunately, very few heed Krishna’s or the other teachers' advice. Morality continued to decline and it is said that Kali Yuga was crouched like a demon, impatient to be loosed upon the earth.This...
Follow along with Roger Gabriel, Chopra's Chief Meditation Officer, in this new article series on the Vedic Yugas.Read previous articles in the series:Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3BeginningThe bull, representing dharma, the true purpose in life, which had stood on four legs during Sat Yuga and three during Treta Yuga, now balances on two legs. Less than half the people followed moral...
Follow along with Roger Gabriel, Chopra's Chief Meditation Officer, in this new article series on the Vedic Yugas.Read previous articles in the series:Chapter 1Chapter 2BeginningAs Sat Yuga drew to a close, the fortunate, pure souls, merged back into the Absolute, to journey where we cannot imagine. Those who had succumbed to distraction and delusion became part of the now emerging...
Teaching meditation, mindfulness practices, and positivity to children is fun and fulfilling. Children bring a sense of wonder and innocence to everyday practices that remind adults of the magic and smiles that come with connection.As a parent, it is wonderful to guide your children with simple practices throughout the day and watch how they connect with their breath, feelings, body,...
Follow along with Roger Gabriel, Chopra's Chief Meditation Officer, in this new article series on the Vedic Yugas.The BeginningAs we discussed in Chapter 1, The Beginningless Beginning, the Absolute is nothing in itself but the potential for everything.The Aitareya Upanishad tells us the story of creation, it starts,In the beginning the Self alone existed. Nothing whatsoever winked.From out of itself,...
Follow along with Roger Gabriel, Chopra's Chief Meditation Officer, in this new article series on the Vedic Yugas. I’ve written articles and recorded talks on the Vedic concept of evolution. Even though we call it a journey through time and recognize the great time periods known as Yugas, it is timeless, without beginning or end. It is a journey where...
Our world can be a divisive and polarizing place. Recent times have been a testament to this as we have collectively witnessed what feels like an ever-growing rift in our society. Disparities in race, gender, sexual identity, economic status, and ideology are like open wounds that have been unable to heal. With every step forward we make toward equality and...
Listen to the call from your heart for nurturing and restful awareness, and tap into your intuition and creativity.
The Great Feminine Trinity: Archetypes and Mantras for Awakening the Divine Power Within You
Adam Brady
"Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does he have the power to create." - SoundaryaThe history of both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions has largely been dominated by a masculine bias. From archetypes and godheads to qualities of consciousness such as strength, control, dominance, force, or rigidity, the masculine principle is often viewed as the seat of power and...
My consistent spiritual practice began about six years ago, after I gave birth to my son Genesis. Like so many new moms I was exhausted, but the depletion was more than physiological; my spirit was shot. I needed to do something so I could continue to be a good mother to my children, partner to my husband, and friend to...
While the world turned upside down during COVID-19, parents, teachers, therapists, social workers, families, and community leaders have had the added responsibility of keeping children physically and mentally safe, educated through virtual learning, occupied with restrictions and cancellations, and also healthy and happy amidst overall uncertainty.If you are reading this article, please pause for a moment and take a deep...
Gratitude has become very popular lately, and for good reason. According to research, gratitude is one of the easiest and most beneficial tools for boosting happiness levels on a neurological and emotional level. Many “gratitude practitioners” already employ the practice of gratitude journaling and other simple gratitude practices, but what if you’re ready to graduate to a more developed practice?According...
The line between religion and spirituality can be very fine, and they are similar in many ways. How do we tell the difference between spirituality and religion?
We all lead busy lives, but if you can find time to brush your teeth or watch TV, you have time to meditate. Here are seven ways you can squeeze meditation into your schedule.When you lead a busy life, the idea of squeezing in one more thing such as meditation may seem unrealistic—especially if the image of meditation is that...
Todos llevamos vidas ocupadas, pero si puedes encontrar tiempo para lavarte los dientes o ver la televisión, tienes tiempo para meditar. Aquí hay siete maneras de incluir la meditación en tu agenda.Cuando llevas una vida muy ocupada, la idea de incluir una cosa más, como la meditación, puede parecer poco realista, especialmente si la imagen de la meditación es la...
Learn how to balance your chakras with these 7 meditations. Learn more today from the experts from Chopra.
Over the last several decades, scientific research into meditation has revealed a wealth of profound benefits. Daily meditation practice is a form of mindfulness that has been shown to positively impact your mind, body, emotions, relationships, and performance, as well as deepen your connection to spirit. Essentially, every layer of your life stands to benefit from making meditation a part...
In his book, The Way of Zen, Alan Watts famously wrote, “Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.” Continuing to shake a jar full of water and dirt will only make the water cloudier; the only way to find clarity is by letting the jar sit and settle.So, too, does the mind need stillness for clarity, yet people...
Learn about Samadhi meditation and the ways in which the Eight Limbs of Yoga can help you reach the freedom and enlightenment of Samadhi.
Learn six methods of energy cleansing from your mind and body from Chopra. Further, your journey of well-being cleanse negative energy.
Mantras are vibrations that create desired effects, such as healing, transformation or self-awareness. Learn these 7 mantras to better meditate & help in your daily life.
In The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success, Dr. Deepak Chopra discusses ways to manage surviving in the natural world without desperate striving. Learn more about these laws.
Learn how to improve your life and your outlook with these 7 simple mantras. From improving your daily mood to focusing on success, Chopra has the perfect mantra for you.
Guided meditation can help direct your attention to all of what you have to be thankful for. Your inherent happiness will shine.
Learn how to meditate from Chopra! These 6 tips will help your path from being a beginner to being a meditation expert.
“Wherever you are, be all there.” — Ram DassAwareness is your most precious commodity. It is the light of attention that energizes, activates, clarifies, and illuminates. It can restore balance, harmony, and health to your mind and body as well as help you connect more deeply to spirit. From a chronological perspective, your awareness can embody one of two states:...
What if you could take a magic pill each morning that would reduce your stress, lessen your anxiety, increase your ability to focus, and improve your memory? It would also help you to become more self-aware, more patient with the people in your life, and even help you live a longer, healthier, happier life. There would also be no side...
You’ve had the experience of feeling good—really good—about yourself at least once in your life. Maybe it was something you accomplished after dedicating a lot of resources, like time, energy, and money. Or perhaps it was just a moment in time where you shined brighter ever before. Whatever that moment was, you will always remember the feeling you had, and...
One of the best things about meditation, that practice of quietly observing your thoughts and feelings in your mind without judgment, is that you do not need anything to practice. No gadgets or gear are necessary. You can practice meditation on the subway. You can practice meditation in bed. You can practice meditation in the bath! Simply breathe in and...
All traditions and religions describe some form of enlightenment or spiritual awakening. Unfortunately, most people are spiritually asleep, some snoring soundly. Meditation is your wake-up call, when you rub the sleep of ignorance from your eyes and begin to enjoy the great bounty that awaits you.The good news is that you’re all already enlightened and perfect in every way—perfectly happy,...
The benefits of meditation have been known and espoused for thousands of years despite its seemingly recent rise in social awareness. It’s hard not to notice the shift happening as more comedians, actors and actresses, CEOs, and thought leaders are attesting to the fact that meditation works and helps them achieve success on many levels. It’s safe to say that...
The act of focusing involves paying particular attention to a certain thing, thought, or idea. In the age of distraction—the digital age—it is all too easy to become unfocused when a notification comes in on your phone or an ad pops up on your computer. The news no longer has a single story—it is usually accompanied by a banner at...
Bring to mind the happiest and most successful people you can think of and you can virtually guarantee two things: They have a meditation or mindfulness practice. They have conscious mornings rituals. People who have manifested their best lives will tell you that success didn’t just land in their laps; they had to work for it. They had to make...
No project is more valuable than finding your true self. Once you wake up to who you really are and realize your other selves. Read how to find your true self.
Your physical and mental health is highly influenced by the natural world. Environmental influences on health include: Clean air Safe drinking water Sufficient nourishing food Secure shelter Regular contact with nature has been shown to reduce depression and anxiety, decrease death rates, and may help to increase longevity.On the other hand, numerous studies demonstrate how air pollution contributes to respiratory...
When you feel like you’ve been skimming the surface of life, it is likely a sign you need to reboot. Feeling like you’re stuck in a rut can put a damper on even the most blessed life; however, spiritual stagnation can also give you the motivation you need to refresh yourself and recommit to a journey of profound inner growth.Has...
Consciousness is infinite and unbounded at its source. Let’s apply this idea to gratitude, because for many of us, gratitude isn’t unbounded. It comes and goes. You feel thankful for this or that experience, for one person but not another, and for various things that feel like a gift. However, you may take the things you value—your families, friends, a...
Do you find yourself wanting to meditate more but don’t seem to have the time? Perhaps your image of what meditation should be is actually getting in the way of starting or maintaining a meditation practice. Whatever the hindrance, place it aside for now. Meditation is for everyone, especially for those who have a busy lifestyle.Fortunately, our modernized world brings...
Your intuition is always there, but there are ways to learn how to access your intuition. Overall awareness will strengthen and allow you greater insight.
The world is chaotic because human beings are chaotic in their awareness. Here's how you can cultivate an orderly mind as your best asset to meet life's challenges by Deepak Chopra M.D.
Learn how to manifest your desires quickly and align them with your journey from Chopra. Find your goals and how move toward them.
Despite appearances, the act of meditation is more than simply sitting in silence for a period of time. It is the beginning of a journey into the inner depths of your heart and mind. It is through the exploration of these depths where we tap into our true desires and develop an understanding of who we are and what unique...
You were born to experience joy; it wasn’t something you had to learn. You need only to observe children playing to remember the small delights that life offered from chasing butterflies to lighting up at the sight of ice cream. That is true joy—the freedom to be who you truly are and feeling at peace. Not worrying about the past...
When you think of mindfulness, what do you picture? Do you see yourself sitting … and sitting … and sitting? Sure, there are tremendous benefits of having a sitting meditation practice to cultivate mindfulness. Nonetheless, it just might bore you to tears.Despite popular belief, mindfulness doesn’t have to be dull. You can set an intention to make mindfulness a little...
The word Mahavakya means a great pronouncement or great statement, which expresses the message of the One Universal Truth.In ancient Vedic times, a teacher would sit with his or her students and expound on the great wisdom teachings. The more advanced students were introduced to the knowledge of higher states of consciousness and enlightenment. Many of these teachings are recorded...
Meditation is entering the mainstream. Large companies offer courses on meditation and mindfulness for their employees. Doctors recommend techniques such as meditation to help reduce stress and improve health. Schools teach meditation to their students. What is creating such an interest in meditation?Paradigm ShiftThis is an era of great change in the world. Your inner world is deeply affected by...
Meditation has a short history in this country, and it's gratifying that the history has been so positive. No longer is closing your eyes to meditate considered exotic, Eastern, or strange. There is so much research on the benefits of meditation that the future will only make the practice more popular.But there is still a tendency to study meditation in...
While balancing your chakra system can be aligned and healed through Reiki, you are your own healer and can transform your life with chakras. Balance yours.
Have you ever wondered what your life could look like if you had more clarity, better focus, reduced stress, and a sense of purpose—all while having success in your career, meaningful relationships, and the time in your day to enjoy the things you love? Have you ever wondered how some people manage to have it all while you’re struggling to...
Learn about how the Law Of Attraction and how it relates to your unconscious mind and meditation. Learn how to attract the positive emotions from Chopra.
The quick answer is “Don’t Quit”!During my years of teaching meditation, I’ve heard a multitude of excuses for ending a meditation session early so let’s look at some of them and what to do when they occur.ComfortOne of the simplest reasons for feeling restless during meditation is because you’re sitting in an uncomfortable position. If you can sit for 20–30...
Learn how to start your day with breathing exercises that will help you start each morning right. Learn more from Chopra today.
When it comes to meditation, you’re curious about it. Most likely, you’re convinced of the scientific benefits. You’d like to make meditation part of your life. You may have even tried a few times but the moment you close your eyes, thoughts, stories, and mental noise flood your mind. What seems like a simple process of finding inner peace feels...
You’ve probably noticed that your mind engages in an inner dialogue. It never seems to stop, producing one thought after another. Like a difficult partner, the mind reminds you of what you did or did not do, what you said or shouldn’t have said, what you noticed or did not notice, and on and on. “I shouldn’t have said that.”...
Are you having trouble sticking to your meditation practice? Perhaps you have every intention of meditating, but you run out of time each day. Or maybe you get flooded with texts and emails before the day officially gets started, so you skip your practice to get a head start. Perhaps you flat out don’t like meditating.There are many reasons you...
One of the major medical advances in recent decades has been the importance of lifestyle choices. Your body's cells eavesdrop on everything you say, do, and think, along with the food you eat, the sleep you get, and the exercise you take. Coursing through the bloodstream is a superhighway of information in chemical form. We are just beginning to understand...
In chapter 2 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, he shares that the fourth cause of suffering is known as Dvesha, or aversion. It refers to the repulsion or avoidance of things you don’t want. Patanjali goes on to explain that aversion is essentially clinging to pain. Aversion can also take the form of resistance to what is and, as a consequence,...
Compassion, wanting to reduce the pain of others, sometimes gets a bad rap. Some view it as a soft and fluffy virtue that allows others to walk all over you. However, giving and receiving compassion offers tremendous benefits for physical and psychological health.Skeptics might be surprised about the science that backs up the power of compassion. Researchers have been studying...
One aspect of life that can feel hard to deal with is managing thoughts you don’t want to have. These can be restless thoughts that fill the mind, or compulsive thoughts that keep coming back despite your desire to get rid of them. Anyone who has had the same tune running through his or her mind for a day or...
Within you is contained an assembly of beliefs—a vast collection of ideas you support, views and opinions on various subjects, the ideologies, principles, and positions you endorse and hold dear. Beliefs express and govern your attitudes; they filter your perceptions, and in many ways direct your outlook on life.Types of BeliefsBeliefs generally fall into two categories: Constricted, narrow, and limitingLeads...
Meditation is an effortless process that will enrich all aspects of your life. Anyone who can think a thought can meditate, and everyone will benefit from it. If you or someone dear to you is still holding out, hopefully at least one of the following 13 reasons will strike the necessary chord to get you started. Once the gifts start...
The qualities you associate with spring center on renewal. Just as nature renews itself with the awakening of spring, so can you. Renewal is a quality of consciousness that permeates body, mind, and spirit. In the body, renewal involves feeling fresh, energetic, and youthful. In the mind, renewal is about new creative possibilities. In spirit, renewal is about living from...
Spring has arrived! With the return of the sun, new blooms begin to sprout up all around. The emergence of spring may find you yawning and stretching after a nice, long winter hibernation. Your days may seem brighter, your mood lighter, and a new sense of inspiration may begin to stir within you. Have you noticed the bubbling up of...
If there’s anything we’ve learned about being human, it’s that none of us are perfect. Every day you wake up and make choices, from the moment you open your eyes until the minute you close them again at the end of the day. The choices you make and the actions you take are based on your past experiences and conditioning,...
You hear people talking about meditation and how their lives have improved. Perhaps you have even tried meditating a few times on your own. But for some reason, days go by and that meditation pillow you bought remains unused. Does this sound familiar?Before you decide the “art of stillness” is not for you, consider that there are many paths to...
Do you ever find yourself avoiding your meditation cushion? Whether subconsciously or on purpose, you’re not making the time to sit.Or have you tried meditating, and you’ve decided it’s not for you?Luckily, meditation and mindfulness are not one in the same. You don’t have to meditate in order to be mindful. Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental awareness of thoughts, sensations, surroundings,...
Establishing a formal meditation practice is a powerful way to tap into stillness, manage stress, enhance your overall well-being, and explore the spiritual layers of life. Dedicating time daily to practice meditation creates a habitual retreat into stillness that can serve as an anchor to a deeper level of awareness and keep you from drifting too far out to sea...
A lifetime on the spiritual path means revisiting the sacred texts over and over again. Whether this is your first foray into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali or the hundredth, you will encounter in Chapter 2 Verse 4 a simple explanation of the obstacles on the path to liberation from suffering. Here’s a crucial piece of the puzzle: the reason...
We live in a high-speed world. Work and personal life are often rushed and mashed together in a blur of activity. Information streams into you faster than any time in human history. Thanks largely to advances in technology, the pace of life seems to be getting faster and more frenetic every year. It can feel as if your internal gear...
In her book, The Gifts of Imperfection, author Brené Brown defines spirituality as the following: “Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us, and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion.”Whether you grew up attending church each...
The heart sometimes gets a bad rap. Although there’s no minimizing its physiological importance to your life and health, as an organ the heart is often relegated to being a mere pump whose sole purpose is to circulate blood throughout your body. Yes, it works hard beating day in and out, but besides that, what’s so great about it?The heart...
One of the main pillars of today’s mindfulness-based practices is the art of cultivating gratitude. You may hear it as a theme in yoga class, read about it in self-help books, hear about it in seminars and retreats, or see it every day in your social media feeds. Cultivating gratitude every day can be a powerful catalyst for creating a...
Life can be unpredictable. Despite the best-laid plans and precautions, external events (often completely beyond our control,) can hurl your life into chaos. Family tragedies, job losses, unexpected upheavals, and natural disasters can completely upend the balance, stability, and normalcy of your daily routine.To make matters worse, traumatic events can generate an enormous amount of stress, anxiety, fear, and worry....
Ancient cultures welcomed the changing of seasons by adapting to and synchronizing themselves with nature’s cycles and rhythms. For many of us in modern day society, autumn is marked by the leaves changing color, back-to-school sales, and the arrival of fall décor in department stores. While you’re pulling out your favorite cozy sweaters and sipping pumpkin spice lattes, mother nature...
Feeling in control is a critical issue in everyone's life. Most people are uncomfortable being out of control—a state that produces anxiety, uncertainty, confusion, panic, and loss of self-confidence, depending on how severe the loss of control is. Let's see what a natural way of being in control looks like.Control Starts at the Cellular LevelIf you live entirely in the...
Learn how to connect to your spiritual life with these four tips from the experts at Chopra. Read online today!
Mastery of the Self is to fully understand who you really are. Check out the steps you can take to become more self-aware and unlock the full potential of your Self-Mastery.
You’ve heard the benefits of meditation, and maybe you have a devoted formal practice that gets you up before sunrise. But your ability to connect to the present moment needn’t be limited to the time you are sitting on your zafu or meditation seat. When you soften your expectations of what mindfulness practices look like from the outside, you find...
After being inspired to expand their awareness and walk the path of higher consciousness, people can lose motivation. Modern society has so much stress and rush—relieved by endless distractions—that a consciousness-based lifestyle seems out of joint. Meditation retreats may show a stark contrast to all this hustle and bustle, but when you come home, the pull of everyday life can...
As F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote in The Great Gatsby, “And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”The arrival of summer marks a special time in the seasonal cycles of the planet. Astronomically...
Vedanta is one of the world’s oldest and most comprehensive spiritual philosophies. It is based upon the Vedas, or sacred scriptures of India and underlies the principles of Yoga, Ayurveda, and Hinduism. The word “Vedanta” has two parts, Veda, which means knowledge, and anta, which means the end or goal of.Therefore Vedanta means the end of all knowledge and where...
With summer rapidly approaching, you may be gearing up for the fun, excitement, and spontaneity that are just around the corner. Out comes the camping gear, hot dogs, bathing suits, and beach towels as you prepare for family vacations, hot weather, and fun get-togethers.Whether summer equals downtime or a jam-packed list of outdoor activities, you can agree there is a...
Ambition is a marvelous trait to have! Ambitious people can liven up a room with their determination and excitement. They are usually the ones who encourage others to stay on task and see the end goal as a certainty. Here's the thing that go-getters often neglect though: their personal down time and self-care when it comes to health, relaxation, and...
Everyone can occasionally find themselves prey to heavy thoughts, which is a natural response to emotional sadness and anxiety. Forcing yourself to be positive under every circumstance is a constant strain and undesirable as a realistic view of life. If heavy thoughts keep returning, however, and begin to attach themselves, you need to know how to lift yourself out of...
Forgiveness is an essential part of your spiritual growth and a necessary tool to cleanse karma. It is the key that unlocks the heart and the door to the body of love. If you cannot forgive, you will never be able to truly love. You have karmic connections to everyone in your life past and present—this connection is like a...
The more you try to ignore negative thoughts, the more they can impact you. Try creating a list of negative thoughts and analyzing why they occur.
The word ashram comes from the Sanskrit word, Srama, which means "religious exertion." However, in more recent times the term "ashram" is used to describe any facility used by a spiritual community. They can vary in size from a small hermitage housing just a few people to multiple building complexes which are home to hundreds, including whole families.Ashrams have existed...
Facing the unknown can be unsettling to say the least, and many around the globe are embarking on an era of uncertainty. The United States seems more divided than united, Brexit has turned the United Kingdom on its ear, and the Syrian refugee crisis continues to affect millions. Unfortunately, these problems are just the tip of the iceberg (the melting...
Karma, as a mainstream concept, is often misleading. Though some would limit its meaning to “reaping what you sow” or the universe getting even with wrong doing, Karma actually carries a more specific truth. “Karma” in Sanskrit means “action.” The ancient spiritual traditions of the East speak of life as an expression of consciousness. In this way, life is a...
More and more people are turning to the ancient practice of meditation for cultivating clarity, peace, and purpose in their lives. While meditation is simple to practice, for some it is anything but easy. Just like having an entrepreneurial mindset is key to success in one’s career, having the right meditation mindset is crucial for developing a worthwhile spiritual practice...
If you’ve ever felt “stuck,” you know what it’s like to have a certain mood that lingers over you like a dark cloud. Procrastinating on deadlines, confusion about what to do or where to begin, and other experiences of feeling stuck can leave you feeling anxious, apathetic, and out of options.What causes a person to remain in a stuck state...
With the New Year in full swing, it’s time to reflect on your goals and intentions. You probably started the year with boundless energy and the will to stick to your goals. Yet, if you’re like many others, you may have stumbled off track by this point.You are not alone. In fact, recent data suggests that nearly half of the...
A gentle & inspiring approach to identifying your goals and determining where to focus your energy & attention is through meditation. Here is a guided meditation.
This article was co-authored by Deepak Chopra and Tiffany Barsotti.Millions of people have adopted some plan for personal growth, depending on the goals they set for themselves. Some people want to be happier, others closer to God; some have committed themselves to find enlightenment, which would be alien to someone else trying to escape suffering and self-defeat. So what part...
Reflect to Connect: A Year-in-Review Practice to Count Your Blessings and Create New Goals
Michelle Fondin
After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the New Year rushes in quickly. Often, you’re pumped with new vigor as you have a clean slate before you. You start to hastily make your New Year's resolutions, which often look similar to those you’ve created in years past. A few weeks later, your waning enthusiasm makes your list seem less...
Let’s face it, obstacles are a part of life and none of us have the playbook on how to overcome them. As ideal as it may sound, dodging obstacles isn’t possible; although you can learn how to work with the energy that creates them and overcome the notion that you are somehow at their mercy. Let’s first identify what obstacles...
The balance of peace in the world can seem overwhelming, as if huge forces outside your control are in charge. But you can take a different perspective by setting the goal for yourself of creating peace all around you. The world's wisdom traditions teach that the source of violence, war, discontent, rebellion, and unrest lies inside each of us. When...
More than in the past, people are recognizing the value of having inner peace. This represents a shift away from an earlier value system that put the highest priority on consumerism, career success, competition, and unending distractions. But wanting inner peace is only the first step. Actually having and seeking inner peace as a lasting experience involves a journey inward....
What is internal dialogue and its vital role in shaping our perceptions of reality. Check out these six ways to master your internal dialogue and shape your life.
For most people, the path to enlightenment means living a spiritually oriented life while remaining fully engaged in the world. A select few withdraw from everyday life, take vows, and give up worldly possessions to become enlightened.Vedanta, which guides the steps on our spiritual journey, says that regardless of which path you take, the key to success is to find...
Artists and art lovers alike have gathered the evidence to support their belief that unless you are filled with angst like Bob Dylan, Alanis Morissette, or Ernest Hemingway, you might not be able to tap into your creativity. Even Socrates and Plato historically took “melancholic habitus” (a sulking holiday) in order to fan the flames of their creative minds. It’s...
Follow these tips for developing intuition with these five tips from Chopra. Learn meditations for intuition and much more.
I remember being shocked and intrigued by a statement made once by a famous spiritual teacher in India, Nisargadatta Maharaj. We never met, and Maharaj was not a prominent public guru. In fact, he lived above his small shop in Bombay without great fanfare. What he said was this: "You need to realize that the entire Universe has conspired to...
Have you ever caught the bug? I’m not referring to something cool like the surfing bug or the rock climbing bug or the bug. I mean the flu bug. It’s the worst, right? A nasty stomach bug can spread quickly throughout families, schools, and communities. Bugs are relentless and uncontrollable, and they wreak havoc when they enter our lives.Wouldn’t it...
“Know thyself.” - Ancient Greek aphorism inscribed in the Temple of DelphiOnly with self-knowledge can you be the best version of you. The more consistent you are in your meditation practice, the more you come to understand about yourself, which is the source of freedom and fulfillment in life.When you challenge yourself in a safe space, you’re more equipped to...
Growing up in America, you’re surrounded by images of potential male role models including superheroes in cartoons, presidents, public figures, and countless male characters on TV and in the media. Boys seem to have at least one favorite hero at any given point in their childhood.As you grow up and find yourself in the shark tank of work, adult responsibilities,...
Help support yourself in life with these positive healing affirmations from the experts at Chopra and support the natural healing process.
For women in the 21st century, it can be hard to find a strong feminine role model. Although you may have strong mothers, grandmothers, and sisters, in this stage of evolution you may be working on goals that are often misunderstood by your living ancestors. This is where your chosen female heroine or archetype comes in. An archetype isn’t defined...
You’ve been meditating consistently for an extended period of time now, and you’re ready to take your practice to the next level. Perhaps you’ve now reached a plateau and you’re wondering if meditation is really working … or when you’ll arrive at the next stage. Inevitably, at some point, we all come to a place of expectation that something profound...
Have you ever heard anyone tell you, “Follow your heart,” or “Use your head a little more next time?” The opposing forces—the head and the heart—are muscles many of us wrestle with.It seems as if my journey in life has either had me making choices that favor my intellect (my head) or my emotions (my heart). With the practice of...
I’ve answered thousands of questions over the years for folks new to retreats. If you’ve never been on a retreat and are curious, here are some common questions to quell your curiosities.I’ve never meditated before, what can I do to prepare?The best thing you can do to prepare is to make sure you’re here on time for the Primordial Sound...
In 2012, I attended a small ceremony with my art teacher, a striking woman who paints abstract watercolors that speak directly to your heart. The ceremony was inspired by her spiritual study of Native American culture. We played drums, chanted, lit sage, and welcomed everyone as we went around in a circle. I was so impressed with her language and...
Without taking a poll, it's safe to say that people who believe in God also believe that he answers prayers. If he didn't, one would be left with an indifferent, distant deity who pays no attention to human affairs. This alternative is hard to reconcile with faith, and so believers are left with a God who seems to answer prayers...
It’s hard to believe that in 2005, I could barely walk, and now I can ski down black diamonds and trek in the Himalayas. It’s hard to believe that I once thought meditation was a bunch of Southern California woo-woo hippie talk, and now I research its effectiveness. It’s hard to believe that less than a decade ago, I thought...
There are many benefits to meditating with others. Meditation generates inner peace and the ability to connect with yourself at a deeper level. When you sit with others, it can be powerful to influence one another in a community setting.Benefits of Meditating in a GroupThere is power in numbers and creating intentions. Coming together with a shared intention can have...
Self-compassion involves becoming aware of the presence of suffering in our bodies, emotions, thoughts, and actions—and then taking steps to diminish the suffering. Compassion is the natural and spontaneous feeling that arises when we witness suffering, and that triggers our taking action to alleviate the suffering. While it may sound easy, practicing compassion for ourselves is the more difficult of...
From time to time we have the opportunity to speak publicly about something that is meaningful in our lives. In these moments, if we can find ways to ground ourselves and connect with our true self, we may be able to say what we really want to say in the way we really want to say it.I recently had an...
Learn from Chopra about cosmic consciousness and how to achieve it. By learning about master consciousness, you can work on achieving it yourself. Learn more today.
Each one of us has the power to shift global consciousness into the mind of peace. To achieve a mind of peace, we must understand healing as a perennial process, the ever-generating energy of being whole. Wholeness is not a state of being free from disease. We are forever whole, with disease, without disease, with despair, without despair, with pain,...
Joy is a divine quality of our true self, which is inherently lighthearted, playful, and free. You can see the full expression of this joy in young children who haven’t learned to worry or take themselves too seriously. They play and laugh freely, finding wonder in the smallest things. They are infinitely creative because they haven’t yet built up the...
Discover how to cultivate self-awareness to release limiting beliefs and create a new, self-affirming perspective.
As we welcome in the New Year, resolutions might be on your mind. Your goals for the year ahead can fall under a plethora of categories: financial, physical, family-related, education, etcetera. However, the one thing that is going to make it possible for you to manifest these goals is to reconnect with your soul.Ancient texts of Ayurveda have exalted the...
I was born on the South Side of Chicago where the city blocks are wide and the cookouts are live. My parents raised four children and I am the youngest. Growing up I spent every weekend and every summer at my great grandmother’s house. I called her “Grandma.” By the time I came to this earth, Grandma was already 80...
As a physician, I have come to understand the impact that lifestyle choices have in preventing chronic disease. And although approximately 90% of chronic diseases can be prevented by lifestyle, we are seeing all chronic diseases on the rise around the globe.In an age where people have access to more information than ever before, people are more confused about what...
Traveling can be exciting, full of treasured memories in the making. Part of the fun is the anticipation, waiting for the day to finally arrive when it’s time to head out on the open road or board the plane to your dream destination. Much time and effort is spent planning a trip—when it finally happens, the excitement is palpable. What...
Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. ~Oscar WildeThere is no question that as a human, you are a sensual being. You rely on your senses to help you both survive and enjoy the pleasures of life. Ayurveda, the ancient mind-body healing system developed in India, teaches...
Spring is the season of rebirth, renewal, and fresh beginnings, and the ideal time for clearing out the old and making way for the new. As the buds stretch toward the light, you have the capacity to grow in new ways each time spring comes around. According to Ayurveda, spring is a Kapha season, comprised predominantly of the water and...
“Reality is a selective act of attention and interpretation.” This deeply profound insight (attributed to Chopra Center co-founder Dr. David Simon) reveals your hidden ability to influence the experience of life. You may consciously choose what you give your attention to and how you process what you perceive. Consider the phrase, “you are what you eat.” Dr. Simon’s understanding goes...
The most difficult season for many people, especially as they grow older, is winter. The issues are cumulative—dropping temperatures, intermittent storms, seasonal cold and flu, and extra traffic hazards. When you add the additional stress and strain that many people experience over the holidays, “I can’t wait until spring” becomes the common sentiment.But the body-mind is designed with adaptability as...
Psychologist Dr. Jean Houston has said that we are the victims of an "age of interrupted process." Meaning, you generally know a bit about how things begin and how they end, but you are rarely present throughout the middle – or the process. The point she makes is that people tend to either be ruminating about the past or worrying...
Create practices at work and at home to balance the gunas and tap into more contentment and joy in your life.
Receptivity — or open-mindedness — requires more cognitive effort than dogmatism. Receptivity asks you to welcome uncertainty and information you may not align with, which isn’t always easy.Our brains generally crave certainty and routine. Certainty rewards the brain with a feeling of “everything is in order and, therefore, OK.” By contrast, the more ambiguity or uncertainty, the more the brain’s...
“Be a traveler, not a tourist” - Anthony BourdainLately, I've been considering getting these words tattooed on my body somewhere. I think about them all the time. This one sentence helps me reflect on not just the places I’ve been, but the experience of those places. I think about the stars in Saint-Tropez that I watched on a dark night...
Follow along in this new article series exploring the author's experience on the path to becoming a Chopra Well-being Coach.Read previous articles in the series:Chopra Coaching: A Pathway for Conscious LivingChopra Coaching: My Path Through the Enrichment ProgramOne short week after the completion of my Chopra Coaching Enrichment Program in June of 2021, I was poised to begin the Chopra...
“You’re grounded.”Do you remember when that statement was a bad thing? If my parents said those words to me when I was a teenager, I knew that I had messed up in a big way.These days, though, I take those words as a compliment.While in the midst of fighting this ongoing pandemic, suffering from the consequences of extreme weather, dealing...
Humans have an undeniable connection to nature and the environments around us. As the seasons change, you might notice mood changes or a craving for certain foods. Our bodies have this internal knowledge and are attuned deeply to our surroundings because we are part of them and they are a part of us.“If we consider that the human body is...
Follow along in this new article series exploring the author's experience on the path to becoming a Chopra Well-being Coach.Read previous articles in the series:Chopra Coaching: A Pathway for Conscious LivingIn each life there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever. - Ralph Blum, The Book of RunesIn the fall...
Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. - Harold WhitmanIn 2021 Chopra Global launched its premier certification program, the Chopra Well-being Coaching Certification. The Chopra Coaching Certification Program is the third and final certification on the...
Have you ever had a feeling of purpose in a way that strikes you to your core? A moment of alignment so clear that you can feel it with every cell? That seemingly fleeting feeling is something we can access at any time of any day, the truth is all it takes is a moment of pause.Last year (2020) you...
It’s difficult to maintain your spiritual equanimity during these trying times. Chopra has several methods to better balance yourself spiritually no matter what gets throw your way. Read more online today.
To help you navigate life’s challenges and build resilience, look to the five elements of nature—earth, air, fire, water, and space—for inspiration. Read how these elements can help you adapt to change.Resilience is a muscle that is strengthened every time you let yourself adapt to change. By virtue of being alive, you’re vulnerable to change and hardship. In a flash,...
En las comunidades latinas, los estigmas culturales en torno a la salud mental y las barreras estructurales a la terapia, han impedido durante mucho tiempo que muchos busquen y obtengan la atención necesaria. Sin embargo, a medida que las generaciones más jóvenes rompen los estigmas y más profesionales latinos ingresan a las industrias terapéuticas y de bienestar, estamos viendo un...
According to Mental Health America (MHA), about 8.9 million Latinos living in the country have a diagnosable mental illness. The reasons for the disparity are numerous, including several cultural myths and stigmas as well as systemic and financial barriers.
Renewal is such an appealing concept that it is held out by advertisers for skin creams, vitamins, diets, and exercise machines. But in reality, your existence depends on every cell in your body knowing with perfect precision how to renew itself. There are hardly any cells in your body today that were there when you were born, and certain types...
Humans are much more than a body and a mind. Along with your organs, bones, tissues, and thoughts, you comprise lifeforce or spirit. Cultures around the world called this prana, chi, or ki. By healing your vital energy, you strengthen your sense of purpose, physical well-being, and mental clarity.What Drains Your Spirit?There are a few lifestyle factors and emotions that...
Here are five steps for harnessing the power of intention setting to create anything you desire. Follow our guide & find the creative power to fulfill your dreams.
Would you believe me if I told you there is an endless wellspring of joy that lives within you, and tapping into it doesn’t have to be complicated? Even amid a pandemic, it’s there in your heart, just waiting for you!You might be experiencing feelings like hopelessness, despair, fear, anxiety, anger, grief, loneliness, and more right now. And you’re not...
Your child is unique. Your child is incredibly special in ways no one else but you will ever know. There is, indeed, not one single person in the world like your child! That being said, if you have an interest in learning how to better understand your child, and help nurture their well-being, you may wish to investigate the Ayurvedic...
La alegría es una cualidad divina de nuestro verdadero ser, que es inherentemente alegre, juguetón y libre. Pueden ver la plena expresión de esta alegría en los niños pequeños que no han aprendido a preocuparse o a tomarse demasiado en serio. Juegan y ríen libremente, encontrando maravillas en las cosas más pequeñas. Son infinitamente creativos porque aún no han construido...
Originally published by SF Gate.Self-care should be uppermost in our minds during the COVID-19 crisis, for several urgent reasons. Self-care returns a sense of control over your own life. It gives you an integrative approach to mind and body. It aligns you with the best knowledge currently available about who is more at risk for developing acute symptoms after being...
Follow these five steps to learn how to cleanse your karmic debt, get rid of bad karma, and stop wishing bad karma on those who have hurt you.
Consider what you might say to yourself after spilling coffee all over your new outfit on the way to work. Consider what you might say to yourself after missing your latest deadline—again. Consider the wild ideas you might formulate about yourself after being let down by your latest crush. If your inner dialogue is anything like most people’s, you are...
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? And how many of those resolutions are centered around wellness? Goals like lose weight, exercise more, or eat more vegetables? They seem like a good idea but as the year goes on, you may feel disappointed in yourself if you don’t accomplish what you set out to do. Oftentimes, your New Year’s resolutions can...
While you may think that winter weight gain is inevitable with the colder, shorter days; the holiday bustle; and your inherent urge to hibernate more, consider these tips for taking charge of your weight and health.1. Eat Whole FoodsYou may have heard of the whole food movement. This eating style is focused on eating foods that are in their whole...
It’s recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity—or a combination of both—throughout the week.During the winter months, fewer daylight hours, colder temps, and seasonal mood shifts can make it tough to stick to a regular workout routine.However, if you can stay motivated to exercise, your workouts...
The Neuroscience Behind Gratitude: How Does Cultivating Appreciation Affect Your Brain?
Tamara Lechner
When you express feelings of gratitude for someone or something, you do more than making yourself happier. Gratitude rewires your brain and improves daily life.
If you've ever had a negative thought take hold--you're not alone. However, you can train your brain to stop going negative. Learn how with Chopra.
Learning how to let someone or something go is an important step to start living from a place of happiness. Learn about practicing detachment today.
Forgiveness is a vital spiritual and emotional practice, and yet it is one of the hardest things to do. The idea of forgiveness can be conflicting as thoughts and emotions swirl around how or even if you could ever forgive someone who has wronged you or hurt you.Forgiveness isn’t easy, but your innate capacity for forgiveness offers hope that it...
Thanks to Marie Kondo and her Konmari Method, decluttering and finding what “sparks joy” is all the rage right now. Of course, spiritual practices around cleanliness and order are age-old practices, and the yogic teachings found in the Yoga Sutra contain powerful inspiration for how to create an inner environment for peace, joy, and freedom.Saucha means cleanliness or purity, and...
’Tis the season where you may envision a new year filled with health, renewed energy, honed habits, and hope for feeling your best. While you aspire to transform your health, you may have also found, through past attempts, that you have been left confused, deflated, and scattered with your general direction.You are not alone. You may be confused about which...
With the holiday season behind you, pause for a moment to reflect on how you experience winter. Was your holiday activity so frenetic that you wound up exhausted? Did you go through an annual cycle where you felt more stressed than uplifted, much less rested? Some people get the winter blues or even suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) due...
Surrendering yourself spiritually through meditation can help you live a more fulfilled life. Learn from Chopra how you can practice this concept.
If you want next year to be better than ever, you need to think about making changes—meaning improvements—in your life. Instead of picking out a single bad habit or negative part of your life, which is how the vast majority of people approach New Year’s resolutions, do something different: go into the whole issue of how people actually change—or don’t....
The New Year is often revered as a special time to make changes in your life for the good, turn over a new leaf, and set some productive goals for your health and more. Some of the more common New Year’s health goals include: Getting a gym membership Losing weight Eating healthier Doing more yoga Over the years, you have...
Emotions are an important part of daily life, significantly affecting your well-being. You can eat the healthiest foods, exercise, and meditate, but when something weighs heavy on the heart, you’ll feel like something isn’t quite right. True health is experienced when your mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, working together toward creating a life that you desire. When any...
Music is a holy place, a cathedral so majestic that we can sense the magnificence of the universe, and also a hovel so simple and private that none of us can plumb its deepest secrets.–Don Campbell, author of The Mozart EffectA fundamental aspect of the human experience is the art and science of music. Existing far into the depths of...
You may have heard about celiac disease more often in recent years due to the rise in gluten-free diets and the growing availability of gluten-free products. But what is celiac disease?Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that can develop when people with a genetic predisposition to the disease consumes gluten. When someone with celiac disease eats gluten, the body reacts...
Most of us were taught that to stay healthy, we need to avoid bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. This has led many people to take hygiene vigilance too far, with the constant use of hand sanitizers, household disinfectants, and other antibacterial products. While being clean is beneficial, the attempt to create a sterile environment can weaken our immune system and...
Chronic Stress and Inflammation: The Hidden Culprits Behind Disease and How to Eliminate Them
Deepak Chopra™, M.D.
We all face stress at work. No matter what kind of job you have, every day brings minor hassles such as traffic jams, boring commutes, computer breakdowns, short-tempered clients, sensory overload, and tight deadlines. Sometimes you barely notice you’re living with chronic stress because you’ve learned to adapt to it. Feeling tired, distracted, irritated, and plagued by a nagging sense...
Despite all the standard advice about exercise – much of it is very worthwhile – the issue of having energy all your life runs deeper than just getting more exercise. At present, more than half of young adults regularly exercise, in contrast to the obesity epidemic that is occurring at the same time, but there's a steady decline in exercise...
In the past three articles in this series, we learned about people who live in Blue Zones (areas in the world where there is a high rate of centenarians) and how cultivating a healthy diet, having a purpose, and staying active are all factors that are involved in their longevity.This series of articles is based on a 2004 study led...
Spring is the period between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It's considered a symbol of rebirth and is associated with new beginnings. Farmers and gardeners plant their seeds as temperatures slowly rise. The formerly frozen ground grows softer and more yielding. Gentle rains tease new life into dormant grasses and help seeds take root, leading to buds and...
Spring is a time of renewal and cleansing, making it the perfect season for deep cleaning the house and organizing desk drawers. But why stop there?While a clean and organized living space can be beneficial on its own, the same cleansing principals can be applied to your body and mind. And what better time for restoration than after winter when...
Empathy is the medicine the world needs now. Empathy is when you reach your heart out to others and put yourself in their shoes. Being an empath, however, goes even farther. Empaths are people who are high on the empathic spectrum and actually feel what is happening in others in their own bodies. As a result, empaths can have incredible...
Empaths are highly sensitive, finely tuned instruments when it comes to emotions. If you are an empath, you feel everything, sometimes to an extreme, and are less apt to intellectualize feelings. Intuition is the filter through which you experience the world. Empaths are naturally giving, spiritually attuned, and good listeners. If you want heart, empaths have got it. Through thick...
Mild levels of worry can be helpful as you prep for what’s to come. But if you’re reaching worrywart levels, how does worrying affect the body?
The desire for meaningful social connections is inherent in human nature. Loneliness or perceived isolation results in difficult and painful emotions that arise when a person experiences a discrepancy between her desired and actual social relationships.Loneliness is pervasive. Since 1980, the percentage of American adults older than 45 years who say they are lonely has doubled from 20 percent to...
Smiling Is Powerful Medicine: Research on How Smiling Can Improve Your Health, and Relationships
Karson McGinley
No matter where you find yourself on this planet or what language you speak, you’ll know a smile when you see one. While cross-cultural studies reveal slightly different meanings ascribed to smiling, they appear throughout the lifespan of all human (and some non-human) beings. Scientists have identified three different kinds of authentic smiles as well as identified the traits of...
Typically, New Year’s resolutions describe an end goal. Common goals are to drink more water, lose weight, eat more vegetables, or exercise more. While health goals centered around specific actions may work temporarily, you often finish the year feeling somewhat behind the eight ball. You have done the action, but now what?This season, try shifting your New Year’s resolution to...
The winter blahs are not all in your head! The time of year between the winter holidays and the rebirth of spring can bring them on. Shifting seasons, less daylight, and colder weather lead to more time spent indoors, and a tendency to be less active can push your mood, hormones, and mindset out of balance.There are biological and physiological...
With the chaos across the globe and in your everyday life, it can be easy to overlook seemingly minor stressors. Sometimes it’s easy to identify the daily habits that induce stress such as consuming large quantities of caffeine, overloading on processed foods, or overscheduling appointments and activities to the point of burnout. But often the daily habits that heighten stress...
Getting through the holidays well is part of being on your own path. What works at this time of year is the same as the rest of the year, except that you need to be more mindful of pitfalls and possible stresses.Stress over-stimulates the body-mind, throwing off its tendency to remain in dynamic balance. "Dynamic" means that your body-mind is...
Yoga has always been a practice of mental development (and for many, in recent years, physical development) with the goal to experience expanded consciousness and enlightenment. As the ancient sage Patanjali describes in the first lines of the Yoga Sutras, the purpose of yoga is to still the turbulence of the mind.As the rising popularity of yoga in the U.S....
Imagine if you had, within your body, every prescription you needed to feel healthy, vibrant, and energized. Great news: Just like Glinda the Good Witch said in The Wizard of Oz, “You're capable of more than you know.”The first step in harnessing your body’s natural pharmacy is to look for obstacles to good health in your lifestyle or environment; recognize...
As the days get longer, nature beckons you outside for a summer full of fun. The sun invites you to sit, relax, and play in its warmth. Your family and friends get together on the beach, in your backyard, or at a local park for hours on end. Life is good, and it’s natural to want to embrace as much...
During a routine visit, your doctor tells you that you have high blood pressure. Panic-stricken, you join a gym, buy an annual pass to a yoga studio, and hire a nutritionist. After doing all of those things, you take your blood pressure, and it’s even higher than before. You ask yourself, “What is happening? I’m determined to lower my blood...
There is power in nature. Generally undisrupted by modern conveniences, nature offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of your daily life. No cubicles, no traffic, no emails—it’s a stark departure from what modern society tends to value.Sacred men and women throughout history have understood the power of nature, using the wilderness (whether forest, beach, or desert) to cultivate...
Are you tired of setting unrealistic weight loss goals?If you are like most people, you have probably set some lofty weight loss goals for yourself several times in your life. Did you ever stop to think, “Is this goal realistic?” “Is my goal sustainable?” “Am I just participating in one of those fad diets?”If you’re ready to make a change...
You can probably think of a daily habit you perform—perhaps it’s checking Twitter first thing every morning or taking a shower before bed. Whatever the habit may be, it is typically automatic, meaning you don’t give it much thought, if any at all.Luckily, as a human, you have the ability to choose which habits you’d like to adopt and which...
Fueling your body and your mind is something you do every single day. Most of us are consuming three meals a day. The average American consumes 15.5 hours of media each day. With obesity and stress levels rising, how can you optimize what you use to fuel your body and mind as a way to strengthen health and restore peace?4...
Exercising your mind may be just as important as exercising your body. Adding brain teasers and learning activities that support mental agility to your weekly routine not only boost your memory, but can also protect against aging and certain types of dementia, and improve the quality of life in your mature years.Nurturing Nimble NeuronsStaying mentally active throughout your life is...
Many people report being down during winter, and their experience falls into three categories—all of them treatable. Let's call them the blahs, the blues, and winter depression (or SAD).The BlahsThe holiday season often serves as a trigger for feeling down. Why are some people at their jolliest during the holidays, while others feel down? Bad memories of family get togethers...
Habits are behaviors or thoughts so strongly wired into your brain that you can perform them without thinking. Why, if the brain is plastic and able to change, are bad habits so hard to break? Here you can learn about the neuroscience of how habits form—and how to use that knowledge to replace bad habits with positive ones. The Defining...
As you reflect back on the past year, identify opportunities for taking your emotional health to the next level next year. It’s important to be aware that anytime you set an important goal and actively move toward it, you can come up against resistance, either from yourself or other people. Have you ever set a new goal and then heard...
“A dream not interpreted is like a letter not read.” —The TalmudDreams can be fun adventures that you don’t want to wake up from, or scary nightmares that shake you out of sleep. More often than not, however, there’s deeper meaning behind the storyline. With the right intention, you can extract wisdom from your dreams, which can help guide you...
The first time I heard the word Ayurveda was a few years ago. I became a bit overwhelmed as I began learning about the Ayurvedic practices and routines. How could I do the morning routine if I had to rush to work and take my kids to school? How could I have the time to meditate in the afternoon?After some...
In an interdisciplinary field that combines all sciences into one framework called Interpersonal Neurobiology, we see the mind as an emergent, self-organizing process that regulates the flow of energy and information. This definition reveals how this aspect of mind is both within and between us, and helps us clarify how a healthy mind is one that moves these inner and...
How often do you ask yourself, What is my purpose or my life’s plan? How can I discover and manifest what is most important to me? When providing Vedic astrology consultations, I am often asked these questions. My answer is, “Let’s take a look at what your birth chart reveals about your deeper self and the path you’re traveling so...
"When all your desires are distilled You will cast two votes: To love more. And be happy." ~HafizHuman beings are social creatures; we have the desire and passion to deeply connect with one another, to love and be loved, to understand and be understood. These desires are universal, and when they stem from a place of wholeness, our relationships can...
During the dark winter season when there is a limited amount of light, it is especially important to reconnect with friends and loved ones and with our deeper self. Reconnecting gives us emotional nourishment, enlivens our mind, and expands our experience of the inner light of consciousness. While forming the intention to reconnect may feel easy, many of us find...
The greatest contribution we can make to the wellbeing of those in our lives is to have peace in our own hearts. Our state of being broadcasts expansion or contraction to every sentient creature within our midst. When our hearts are filled with gratitude and our minds are brimming with enthusiasm, everyone we encounter leaves our space feeling a little...
We have all experienced loss, heartache, and sorrow. Nobody wants to go through emotional pain, but it is inevitable. Here is how to let go of past trauma.
Most of us do not believe that we live in mythic times, and we look back on such times – when knights sought the Holy Grail and Icarus flew too close to the sun – through a thick haze. Why is myth relevant? Why bother? At best myth flickers in and out of modern life, making it hard to tell...
A Free Global Online Event with Neale Donald WalschJoin bestselling author and spiritual messenger Neale Donald Walsch as he reveals the secret to ending your feelings of emptiness, separation or hopelessness by making a simple shift in your life and following three simple steps.Discover how to . . . Engage each day with renewed purpose, energy, and excitement Experience deeper,...
Listening seems like a natural skill, yet it requires attention and practice to stay present and truly hear what another person is communicating. The mind tends to wander, and our internal narratives and busy thoughts fragment our attention and sap our ability to stay focused in the moment. Our emotions can also interfere with our ability to listen. For instance,...
For many years I wrote a column called Ask Deepak, answering questions about personal dilemmas that people sent in from all around the world, including India, China, the United States, Canada, and many countries in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Yet in a sense, everyone was writing from the same place inside, where confusion and darkness had...
Last week, I was in the grocery store when I came across a rack of Father’s Day greeting cards. As I looked through the cards honoring dads, I started to think about how occasions like Father’s Day, birthdays, and anniversaries typically prompt us to celebrate special people in our lives. They’re a chance to reflect on how important these individuals...
I have come to believe that life is allied with myth in order that we may advance along an evolutionary path that carries us nearer to the spiritual source that lures us into greater becoming. It is for this that myth remains closer than breathing, nearer than our hands and feet. I think it is built into our very being....
Enlightenment is generally considered to be an out-of-reach goal, attainable by only a few of the most evolved yogis, monks, and sages. What many people do not realize is that if we find the right path, this seemingly unreachable goal can become a reality for every one of us. As Deepak Chopra notes in his book Super Brain, we are...
Eating intuitively can nourish your body, mind, and spirit and also invite renewal. Honoring your inner wisdom is an act of courage. In a world that constantly and consistently tells you that you are not enough, that being you is wrong, and that you just need to buy this cream, or take this supplement, or sign up for this course...
Comer intuitivamente puede nutrir su cuerpo, mente y espíritu y también invitar a la renovación. Honrar tu sabiduría interior es un acto muy fuerte. En un mundo que te dice constante y consistentemente que no eres suficiente, que ser tú está mal, y que solo necesitas comprar esta crema, o tomar este suplemento, o apuntarte a este curso para que...
We’re Chopra.We don’t just see you – we get you.We know what makes you, you, and how to care for the whole you.A healthy life starts with healthy habits and at Chopra, we can help you build the habits that unlock the best you.Through a blend of modern health practices and centuries-old Ayurvedic life science, we help you unlock your...
Your outer beauty and radiance are a direct reflection of your inner health. The foods you eat unequivocally influence your personal fountain of youth down to a cellular level. One essential quality to include in your quest to look and feel your best is food high in powerful antioxidants. Anti-aging products can only take you skin deep, you must begin...
You can hardly watch the news without being reminded of global warming. Research provided by NASA has found that the atmospheric temperature has risen at an unprecedented rate since 1950; this increase is extremely likely to have been caused by human activities.How? Carbon, the most basic building block of human life, traps heat. Pollution created on Earth through biological emissions,...
Vegan or paleo? Gluten-free or whole grain? Whole food or fat-free? What you should eat gets a lot of press. Wanting to eat healthily is a great first step, but when it comes to aligning with a particular eating style, there are many factors to consider.People are often confused about which dietary approach to choose in order to obtain optimal...
If you haven’t heard of lycopene before, it’s time to get familiar with lycopene foods that fight cancer, help the heart, & reduce inflammation.
One of the best parts of the changing seasons is that new vegetables come into season. Although the interconnectedness of the world means that most produce can be found year-round (it’s always being grown somewhere!), your palate is primed for the changes in what’s available locally at their traditional in-season times.Broccoli, ginger, and zucchini are flavorful and healing ingredients that...
Many of you may be focused on healthy weight management at the end of the year. With the seemingly endless string of fad diets, differing “expert” opinions, and conflicting information out there, it can be hard to grasp why some styles of eating come highly recommended by dietitians. The following is a breakdown of four popular diets as explained by...
Holidays are a time to get together with family, and inevitably, there are plenty of food temptations at events and gatherings. Being that desserts are more readily available at this time of year, it’s easy to overdo it with your sweet tooth. After eating too many rich desserts, you may be left feeling physically sluggish and emotionally stressed from feeling...
Have you ever stopped to think about what it takes to get the food on your plate?Most people eat three times per day (or more), but rarely take the time to think about where the food comes from. Less than 100 years ago your grandparents used to go to their local market or butcher shop to purchase their ingredients. They...
Avoiding meat doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice flavor. Everyone has his or her own reason for choosing a vegetarian diet, and health is a common one. When you design a meal, of course you need to make sure it’s going to be full of nutrients, good proteins, and fats. But you need to make sure it’s going to taste...
If you remember chasing after the neighborhood ice cream truck when you were a child, you know the joy that came with tearing the plastic wrap off a Big Stick or Creamsicle and taking that first bite of a cool, refreshing, sweet delight. As an adult, you may want something a little healthier or more natural, for you and for...
Summer is here, and it’s a great opportunity to pick up your green smoothie habit. It’s common for your taste preferences to change with the seasons, and during the winter time, you probably craved more grounding and warm meals. Now that it’s the summer, it’s time to enjoy lighter and fresher foods.If you tend to be someone who rushes in...
Following our own dharma takes courage. On the one hand it is deeply fulfilling and meaningful, and on the other hand it challenges us to overcome our limiting beliefs. Self-awareness and growth, again and again, are an essential part of the path. Obstacles appear, and we must figure out new ways to overcome them. Yoga gives us tools to find...
Throughout life as we come up against challenges, we begin to seek more knowledge about how to take care of ourselves, how to understand who we truly are, and how to live a life aligned with what lights us up. We know that to feel well and fulfilled, we need access to tools, skills, and experiences that are going to...
As the days grow hotter and the world looks to put itself back together again, finding the space and time to catch our breath has become one of the more daunting tasks. Much like Humpty Dumpty, who apparently had a great fall, according to our storybook time, so too do we look to renew and reclaim a sense of security...
In yoga, we learn this sacred practice is a practice toward the liberation of mind, body, and spirit. We learn that true liberation arises from the unification and embodiment of our true nature, the Self that exists beyond space and time, eternally connected to Divine Source Consciousness. And yet, as powerful as the practice of yoga may be, many of...
In yoga teacher trainings around the globe, aspiring yoga teachers learn creative ways to use their spoken words to guide students into physical postures and into various states of relaxation. A yoga teacher can guide a student to step forward into a lunge pose, balance on one foot, and twist their arms in such a way that they become an...
While it is true that you need nothing but your body and breath to practice yoga, yoga props are extremely useful in helping to create sthira (steadiness) and sukha (comfort) in your yoga practice. By no means limited to beginners, props help to accommodate anatomical differences, tight muscles/joints, and limited ranges of motion. If you’ve ever wondered how to efficiently...
The warrior poses are among the most well recognized postures in the Hatha yoga tradition. Standing poses that are accessible to almost everyone—Virabhadrasana I, II, and III—engage the entire physical body, while providing an opportunity to bring a powerful focus and attitude into the moment you are in. Just putting your body into these shapes brings about a certain attitude—one...
It’s halfway through the year (already!), and it’s a good time for a personal check-in: Are you on a path of happiness? Are you following your bliss? Are you taking time to attend to your body, mind, heart, and spirit? Using the chakras as a framework for reflection allows for a holistic assessment. In yoga philosophy, the Chakras are wheels...
In The Willpower Instinct, health psychologist Kelly McGonigal explains that willpower is the ability to do what really matters, even when it’s difficult.Anoher way to think of willpower is taking control of an undesirable behavior or impulse. You exert willpower to refrain from doing what you’re craving (or desiring) and can then celebrate passing beyond the urge. For example, you...
There’s a saying in yoga—“Your issues are in your tissues.” It’s amusing shorthand, but true. It is not uncommon to be in a yoga practice only to find the unsettling feeling of anger, jealousy, or resentment arise from what seems like out of nowhere. The good news is that yoga can help you acknowledge and digest your difficult feelings—whether they...
The wisdom of any given day reflects the beliefs and values of that time. Wisdom about how to get from point A to point B in the 1800s, for example, likely had to do with how to get your horse to keep at a steady pace—information that is unlikely to be helpful to inhabitants of the 21st century.However, there is...
The shift in seasons is nature’s way of reminding you to pay attention. While it seems obvious that you adjust your outer life to acclimate to the changing weather, you may often forget the shift that is necessary in the inner realm when seasons change.Yet, aligning yourself with nature helps you to live in the path of least resistance. If...
The Spring, or Vernal Equinox, occurs in the Northern Hemisphere on March 20 this year (2017). Marking the end of winter, the equinox is indicated by the equal length of day and night all over the world. Trees and plants begin new cycles of growth. Butterflies emerge. Birds remember their songs. People leave scarves and winter coats at home in...
Move through this asana sequence to prepare your body, mind, breath, and emotions for the upcoming year.Start by finding a comfortable seat and close your eyes. Position yourself on a bolster, blanket, or block for optimal comfort and center yourself with three to five deep, full breaths.Keeping your eyes closed, set an intention for your practice. Call to mind an...
You’re 45 minutes into a great class, you’re in your vinyasa groove, or you’re grateful to be resting in child’s pose, and then the teacher utters the dreaded words, “Alright, let’s move into an inversion practice, time to go upside down!”Immediately your heart sinks, your stomach drops, and you do everything you can to avoid eye contact with the teacher...
Vedanta offers us four paths of yoga to help us rediscover who we are and
return to a life of joy, bliss, and freedom. Read how you can incorporate yoga into your life.
You may be familiar with Yoga poses, but did you know that yoga was intended to be an entire lifestyle and way of living? Discover what the Eight Limbs Yoga are.
The ancient practice of yoga is so much more than the physical practice that we've come to know in modern times. The word "yoga" means union of body, mind, and spirit. If you look closer at the origins of yoga, you'll come to know that it’s an invitation to part the veils that cloak the deepest aspects of your being....
The ancient spiritual teachings of yoga hold a lot of wisdom—useful even in today’s modern world. If you’re new to yoga philosophy, the five Niyamas are a great place to start. They are personal rules of behavior that provide a guide to help you live a more balanced life.The word "yoga" means to unite the three layers of our existence:...
If only our life choices were labeled as clearly as our food. Instead of saying “now gluten free,” it might say something like “karma reducing or now with 50 percent less karma.”“Karma is the sum of a person’s actions, right or wrong. It’s the residue that’s left behind when we make good or bad life choices. Karma is why yogis...
The call to step into the role of teacher can be frightening. Even after your training, you might wonder if you know enough, if you’re ready, if you really have what it takes to be a good teacher. You start comparing yourself to other instructors and trainers, and wonder if you’ll be “that good.”Role models and archetypes give you something...
The question I most often hear from students and clients is, “What can give me the quickest results to take my practice, diet, or health to the next level?”For all inquisitive minds out there, my advice is to focus on simplicity and master the basics: Learn to meditate and practice it Start eating with awareness Listen to your inner voice...
You know you need to take a break when you can’t even remember the last time you took a vacation. You’re interested in going on a retreat, but not sure when you’ll find the time go, which retreat to try, or what to expect.There are dozens of different types of retreats out there, from power yoga vacations and Vino and...
For many of us, the act of driving is an aspect of our lives that we take for granted. Getting behind the wheel to go to work, school, the store, or on a road trip seems so routine that most of us rarely give it a second thought.Despite this fact, driving is a highly complex activity made possible by the...
If any of these sound like you, it might be time for a relaxing getaway … 1. You have said “I’m too busy” in the last week at least 10 times (this goes for saying it loud, under your breath, or silently in your mind)blogpost-signs01.jpg 2. You recently caught yourself yelling at inanimate objectsblogpost-signs02.jpg 3. You start referring to yourself...
Our body posture can be an indicator of how we are feeling. We sit with our backs straight when we are alert; we slouch when we are tired, and so on. As we bring awareness into our bodies, we tend to change postures so we can get more comfortable. In turn, as we change postures it results in a spontaneous...
Join Alex May as she sets sail from Panama to Acapulco on the Explore and Restore wellness voyage aboard Swan Hellenic's luxury yacht. In this vlog, Alex shares her experience and offers a glimpse into the self-discovery workshops, daily meditation and yoga classes, cultural expeditions, and stunning accommodations. Watch her transformational journey unfold and the connections that form along the way: Begin Your Journey Interested in experiencing this for yourself? The Explore...
"We are the sum total of our experiences. Those experiences, be they positive or negative, make us the person we are, at any given point in our lives. And, like a flowing river, those same experiences, and those yet to come, continue to influence and reshape the person we are, and the person we become. None of us are the...
The Bhagavad Gita is universally renowned for its consciousness-based spiritual wisdom, still relevant in the 21st century. The 700 concise verses in this scripture provide a framework to decode the science of self-realization, offering profound wisdom and guidance for leading a purposeful and fulfilling life. Join Dr. Deepak Chopra and me in a six-part series of LIVE Webinars starting in...
Who you are is love. Love is the essence of all life. It is both delicate and strong. From the pain of separation, it brings the joy of union, it heals a wounded soul, it dissolves all fear and awakens our sleeping heart.
As you step into the unknown and dive deep within yourself, return to the foundations of restoration and exploration—cultivate daily mindfulness, connect with nature, embrace uncertainty, and practice self-reflection—allowing the universe to guide your way. For those of us on a journey of personal transformation, restoration and exploration are integral components of growth, allowing us to continuously learn, renew, and...
Full of Love: How the Chopra Health Retreat Helped Me Return to Myself... Twice
Jennifer Borba von Stauffenberg
I just completed my second experience attending the Chopra Health Retreat. The first time was back in 2017 in Carlsbad, California and this time it was May 2023 in Carefree, Arizona. I went for very different reasons each time. The First Experience: Healing Heartbreak The first time, I was heartbroken after not being able to sustain a healthy pregnancy. I...
Change is an inevitable aspect of our journey through life. Whether anticipated or unexpected, big or small, good or bad, change has the potential to leave us feeling disoriented and anxious.In these moments of uncertainty, it can be difficult to recognize the opportunities for growth and self-discovery available to us.Here are seven powerful steps to embrace change as a catalyst...
The energy of the divine feminine is present within all beings. By building awareness around this often-suppressed strength, greater balance can be brought back into our lifestyle to create a more harmonious state of being, both internally and externally.
I have a ghost.No, not the spirit or soul of a deceased person that can appear to the living. My ghost, who was a friend, is very much alive. However, some years ago, they decided to end a personal relationship with me by suddenly – and without explanation – withdrawing from all communication.Ironically, the last words my now-ghost said to...
"It’s the most selfish thing I’ve done in my life is give. Because of the joy that I get from it. I love it.” I’m a believer in loving yourself before you can love others. No question there. And certainly, after the past few years and challenging series of events, we could all use some extra TLC. But what if...
Loving yourself is considered a key part of being happy and contented, but getting there is puzzling. Who is the self doing the loving, and how is it different from the self you are supposed to love? Aren’t they the same person?
We are all intrinsically connected to nature. The more we awaken to this truth, the more powerful we become. The same five elements in nature- fire, water, earth, air and space- are the same five elements found within our bodies; in Ayurveda this is known as the Panchamahabuta theory.The Ayurvedic tradition recognizes that there is a delicate balance between these...
If you were asked to name a major crisis facing humanity right now, most people would include the environment at the top or near the top of the list. Thinking about climate change, how do you feel personally? The range of responses for most people is dominated by anxiety, a fear that Nature is approaching a disaster that seems inevitable....
Although much of the time we view ourselves as separate from nature and our surroundings, we are all actually part of the same wholeness. Everything you do affects the nature around you and everything that happens in nature influences you.
En esta tierra, cada uno de nosotros experimenta de manera distinta cómo es vivir su propósito porque tu propósito es tan único como tú. A menudo, cuando pensamos en la pregunta “¿cuál es mi propósito?” nos quedamos pensando en nuestro trabajo o carrera ; sin embargo, tu propósito abarca mucho más que eso. El dharma no siempre tiene que ver...
Discover your flow state and how to drop into the peace of the present
As families find new rhythms and adjust to the new school year, it is a good time to set intentions for joy, wonder, and purpose. There are simple exercises that families can do together to stay grounded and connected, things like: Setting intentions in the morning before school Choosing a mindful exercise for the day Adding a weekly family meditation...
Gratitude is a universal presence that makes us aware of the preciousness of our lives, puts us in touch with the love we have for those we share it with, and reminds us that we are already whole. It is also an invitation for abundance.
Abundance is a word I’ve always admired. Beautiful but distant to me. You see, I believed there is enough but haven’t always acted that way. And this is particularly true when it comes to time.
Awakening to the ever-present flow of abundance allows us to see the infinite potential and possibilities that exist at every moment of every day.
Abundance is a baffling issue for most people because they approach it from a place of scarcity and lack. Changing your perspective is the first step is achieving genuine abundance.
Repair is the foundation of building trust. Here are some ways to give a stellar apology and mean it.
Self-compassion is a powerful way to move you out of mediocrity – or whatever other challenge or rut you may be experiencing. Once you soften towards yourself, it allows you to move forward with a new level of self-esteem.
How to address trauma and navigate your healing journey.
Si algo aprendemos a lo largo de nuestra vida es que somos seres adaptables, capaces de cambiar en cualquier momento. A medida que navegamos por las muchas transiciones que la vida tiene para ofrecernos, se desafía nuestra capacidad de ser flexibles y movernos con, en lugar de en contra. Aunque a veces puede ser incómodo, todos tenemos la capacidad para...
New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult once said, “The human capacity for burden is like bamboo — far more flexible than you'd ever believe at first glance.”The good news: That elasticity can be developed with focus and practice.You and everyone you know experiences challenges in life. When difficulties pop up, you have a choice: wallow and dwell or adapt...
We treasure our intimate relationships for an infinite number of reasons. With our partner, we experience joy, rapture, safety, friendship, and pleasure. We create a safe haven from the outside world in which we can nourish and be nourished.When life is going smoothly for us, it’s easy to cultivate this kind of bond. However, when we’re faced with obstacles that...
When we are young, we are no stranger to resilience. As children, we are constantly trying new things — such as sports, games, and creative activities — meeting new people, and putting ourselves out there to form lasting friendships. But, as we get older and into adulthood, we start to lose a little bit of resilience. And, on top of...
You possess innate resilience.Maybe you read that sentence and recognized its truth, proud of all you have overcome. Or maybe you read those words and balked, hearing a familiar critic say, “No, you don’t. You can’t handle this.”For so many of us, we most often hear the inner critic. It’s the voice that fuels our fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and feelings...
For many of us, our 20s can be an era of utter confusion. Pressure from all angles of life including uncertainty towards our career path, unbalanced relationships, and financial struggles appear to be thrown at us faster than a 90-mph baseball pitch. It’s as though the world is grabbing us by the shoulders and shaking us to say, “wake up,...
You can access every gift that the spiritual path opens up. Some of these gifts are well known, others are hidden. It might never occur to you, for example, that resilience is a spiritual quality. Resilience is the same as being flexible; it is the opposite of being rigid or stuck. In Buddhism resilience is defined by a simple image:...
Todo el mundo tiene un propósito en la vida, y dentro de ese propósito se encuentra un talento único que espera ser expresado y compartido con el mundo. Si alguna vez has visto a alguien viviendo el propósito de su vida, es inspirador ver que exudan felicidad. Tener la misma experiencia para ti es pura felicidad. Si no has encontrado...
Una de las formas menos discutidas pero más poderosas de alinearte con tu verdadero propósito es identificar y liberar los desencadenantes emocionales que te están ralentizando y desviándote del rumbo.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en agosto de 2018.This article was originally published in English in August 2018.¿Qué es un desencadenante emocional?Un desencadenante emocional es esencialmente una respuesta emocional...
Deepak Chopra has notably said, “There are no accidents … there is only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood.”When things are going relatively well in our lives, this statement feels like a welcome promise – an affirmation that this mysterious path is ours and it is right. We experience moments of coincidence and serendipity as the Universe’s way of...
Humans seem to have an innate desire to know why we are here. We search for meaning almost as naturally as we breathe. Sense of purpose at work, specifically, is more important than ever, as burnout is sharply on the rise. In fact, scientists have proven that sense of purpose is a key feature of resiliency. People connected to a...
Everywhere you look in my area (the southeastern United States), the 90s are back. The sundresses with little flowers on them, chunky white tennis shoes, and even cartoon nostalgia printed on sweatshirts and backpacks. These bucket hats are lighting up a part of me that I had long forgotten. A part of me that I worked so hard to cover...
Pursuing your purpose doesn’t have to be intimidating. Begin with a few simple steps to point your life in the right direction.
"I dreamed I was a butterfly, flitting around in the sky; then I awoke. Now I wonder: Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?" - ZhuangziRecently, a good friend and I were discussing the philosophy of one of our favorite films, The Matrix. For those who...
Living your purpose will look and feel different for every person on this earth because your purpose is just as unique as you are. Often when we think of the question “what is my purpose?” we are left to think about our job or career, yet your purpose encompasses so much more than that. Dharma doesn’t always have to do...
Purpose and inner growth come from the same source. Find and live from this source to unite all your goals and aspirations.
Cuando estamos creciendo, estamos llenos de asombro porque cada experiencia que tenemos es algo completamente nuevo para nosotros. Siempre estamos en el espacio de descubrir algo por primera vez. A medida que crecemos en el mundo y nos asentamos en la edad adulta, tendemos a caer en varias rutinas y estructuras que limitan nuestra capacidad de explorar libremente. La maravilla...
Poder jugar hace felices a los niños, pero crecer cambia esto y no para mejor. Los niños juegan, pero los adultos trabajan. Esa es la opinión predominante, como lo ha sido durante siglos, así que veamos a dónde se fue la diversión de la vida y por qué necesita regresar. Lo ideal, de hecho, es llenar de juego toda tu...
Relationships are a profound source of joy, support, and engagement in most people’s lives. Yet, over time, connections may fall prey to the monotony of familiar routines, busy schedules, and fixed mindsets, thus, losing their ability to bolster happiness. The good news is that with a little attention and intention, any relationship can be reinvigorated! Whether you are looking to...
We could all benefit from a little more peace in our lives. And, one way to invite more calming energy into your home is through sound, particularly the relaxing sound of wind chimes. Much like attending a sound bath, listening to wind chimes can have a soothing effect on the mind, helping to lower stress levels and feelings of anxiety...
In a culture that has commodified the fruits of creativity to the degree that ours has, it can be easy for us to feel cut off from our inherent creative energy if we are not producing something tangible. In reality, creativity is not a special stream that only some of us can tap into and enjoy. By the very virtue...
As human beings, creativity is one of the most powerful energies we can tap into. After all, it is a natural part of who we are — which is why those who carve out time for creation often compare the process to meditation. “As we tune into our creativity, we are transpired to that transcendent space, the present moment, and...
On the surface, the world may appear to have many challenges and it’s easy to get distracted or even overwhelmed by them. However, whenever we allow ourselves to play, we slip beyond everyday limitations and into a realm of infinite possibilities, joy and love. Play should be an essential part of everyone’s life, because the real reason that we’re here...
We can’t always control the circumstances of our lives, but we can control how we react to them. The way we respond to what’s going on in our day-to-day can have a considerable impact on how we manage, shift, and move through difficult situations. Meeting your present reality with acceptance is a powerful practice. Acceptance doesn’t mean that you succumb...
When we’re growing up, we are full of wonderment because every experience we have is something brand new to us. We are always in the space of discovering something for the very first time. As we grow up in the world and settle into adulthood, we tend to fall into various routines and structures that limit our ability to freely...
Being allowed to play makes children happy, but growing up changes this and not for the better. Children play, but adults work. That’s the prevailing view, as it has been for centuries, so let’s see where the playfulness of life went and why it needs to come back. The ideal, in fact, is to infuse your whole life with play,...
Although he may never have thought of himself as such, Ram Dass was a spiritual giant. A trained psychologist, author, teacher, and counterculture icon, Ram Dass was a driving force behind the evolution of spirituality in the West. Known for his pursuit of a wide array of spiritual practices and teachings, he led the way for countless seekers to find...
Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached. - Simone WeilOne of the most profoundly transformational life skills we can ever learn is that of detachment. Praised by Zen masters, yogis, coaches, motivational speakers, and even Lord Krishna himself in the Bhagavad Gita, detachment is typically defined as the ability to...
The average American spends over 90,000 hours of their life at work. If the majority of those hours are draining and unfulfilling it indicates a misalignment with inner motivations. Whether you are in a career that you love or one that you would rather leave, the integration of intentional behaviors offers a springboard to greater fulfillment.Below are four strategies that...
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. - Khalil GibranMost of you reading this are probably engaged in two types of work. One is the...
De todas las formas en que uno puede crecer, la mayoría están marcadas por aspectos externos (por ejemplo, hacerse más rico, más exitoso o con una familia más numerosa) y otras se conocen por su comportamiento y actitud, por ejemplo, volverse más feliz, más amoroso y más maduro. El único tipo de crecimiento que es totalmente silencioso, oculto e invisible...
If you want to change the world, become an activist. If your goal is inner peace, become a monk. If you wish to know yourself, become a parent. Raising children uncovers aspects of a parent’s nature that otherwise might remain latent. A cooing baby is likely to reveal unfathomable depths of love while a defiant teenager has the potential to...
Now in its third year, COVID has launched us into a new era of work. While some people are going back to their jobs in their pre-COVID offices, others face a different reality: they have permanently adjusted to working from home, pivoted to a new position during the Great Resignation, or taken up entrepreneurship.Regardless of the circumstances that may have...
Si suena extraño emparejar las dos palabras "dicha" y "carrera", la razón es clara: en la vida moderna, la satisfacción personal no es una alta prioridad cuando se trata del ámbito laboral. Los encuestadores reportan que a la mayoría de las personas les gusta su trabajo, pero eso no es decir mucho. Por lo general, una semana laboral moderna consiste...
If it sounds strange to pair the two words “blissful” and “career,” the reason is easy to find: In modern life personal satisfaction is not a high priority when it comes to the workplace. Pollsters find that most people like their jobs, but that doesn’t place the bar high. Typically, a modern work week consists of long hours, taking work...
Enlightened teachers of every faith have exemplified a willingness to let go of anger, resentment, and vengeance toward those who have harmed them. Major world religions extol the practice. Yet, how does one move from the anger of injustice to the peace of forgiveness? What happens to feelings of rage, sadness, disappointment, or anger stemming from an offense?The following steps...
La sociedad nos ha enseñado a ver la vida, y las experiencias que hemos tenido, más a través de una perspectiva de negatividad, duda y arrepentimiento que una de positividad y confianza.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en julio de 2015.This article was originally published in English in July 2015.Sin un esfuerzo consciente para cambiar tu forma de pensar,...
People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a...
The car is driving away. The phone call has been terminated. Your moving van is packed. You are boarding the plane. You are holding your grandmother’s hands and telling her how she has impacted you because you know this is the last time you will be able to look into her eyes. You are rubbing your cat’s chin for the...
So often, spiritual journeys feel like solo ones. Whether we’re wrestling with our dark night of the soul or finally feeling the liberation of our loving, awakening heart, these are experiences that belong to our own consciousness, our own awareness. Yet the wisest and most nourishing spiritual practices also encourage us to experience our interconnectedness with others. We are individuals,...
Have your spiritual beliefs and practices become stale? Do you sense that there is something more that you could be doing to bridge the gap between metaphysical theory and spiritual experience? If so, you are likely experiencing a spiritual rut. The good news is that a spiritual rut is a pathway to transformation. It is a rebirth of sorts, with...
Tap into the power of vibration and energy to connect to your highest self.
Of all the ways you can grow, most are marked by externals—growing richer, more successful, or with a larger family, for example—and others are known by your behavior and attitude—for instance, growing happier, more loving, and more mature. The only kind of growth that is totally silent, hidden, and unseen is spiritual growth. The Bhagavad-Gita says that even someone who...
Being a therapist is as much about being present in your own personal work as it is about assisting your clients in their healing.
El éxito y la abundancia son cosas deseables, pero el camino para alcanzarlas, el camino que ha entrado en la mitología popular, implica lucha, trabajo arduo, impulso competitivo, estrés y, si quieres riquezas reales, una racha despiadada. Este camino va en contra de llevar una vida feliz y, por lo tanto, la mayoría de las personas se sienten desanimadas por...
Success and abundance are desirable things, yet the path to achieving them, the path that has entered popular mythology, involves struggle, arduous work, competitive drive, stress, and if you want real riches—a ruthless streak. This path runs contrary to leading a happy life, and most people therefore feel discouraged by the struggle before they have gone very far on such...
I have heard it all. “Isn’t that what friends are for?”, “Why would I pay someone to listen to me complain?” “What good is it going to do to dig up the past? I’m fine.” And my personal favorite, “(insert coping skill here): it’s cheaper than therapy!” Yup. I am a therapist. And these are some of the common themes...
Early on, many of us are rewarded and learn to feel like we’ve done a good job based on reaching the goals that others tell us to achieve, receiving positive feedback, and moving on to the next goalpost. As adults, this definition of success isn’t working well for us. It can lead to perfectionism, burnout, and the feeling of constantly...
As a holistic psychiatrist many of my patients ask, “How can I love myself more?” Our inability to love and accept ourselves plays a large role the mental health crisis on the planet. We reject our appearance, our abilities in mind or body, our challenging personality traits, our family backgrounds, the conditions of our upbringing, our jobs, our bank account,...
Look up “fear” on, and you’ll find that the primary definition is “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain etc. whether the threat is real or imagined.”I love this definition. Not only does it declare that the emotion arises from “impending danger, evil, pain, etc.,” but it also acknowledges that the threat may be imaginary, unreal.Ah yes,...
Las intenciones son como semillas: desde el momento en que se plantan, el potencial de crecimiento está plenamente presente. Pero, al igual que las semillas, se necesita algo más para que ese potencial no se vuelva latente. Tiene que haber suelo: suelo que sea fértil y hospitalario para el crecimiento.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en enero de 2022.This...
We all get stuck following the same old routines and patterns and there’s often a certain sense of security and comfort in doing things the same way as we’ve always done them. The question therefore arises, “Why do I need to change?” Well, if your habits are healthy ones, such as brushing your teeth, exercising daily, getting a good night’s...
If you are connected to the outside world, which I think most of us are, then you are probably being inundated with messages about goal setting, new year’s resolutions, and the “new you”. Well, nothing against goal setting or intention creation, but what if instead of the “new you” it became about the “new us?”In my work as a therapist,...
Setting intentions for the New Year is an excellent ritual to invite more mindfulness and care into your life. Many New Year’s resolutions are centered around self-improvement — and for good reason. It’s a new year and we want to use this opportunity to improve our lives and ourselves. But, intention setting doesn’t only adhere to personal growth, it can...
Kimberly Snyder is a spiritual and meditation teacher, and a holistic wellness expert. She is the three-time New York Times bestselling author of five previous books, including Radical Beauty, which she co-authored with Deepak Chopra.Chopra Global is thrilled to announce that Kimberly will join Deepak and friends in 2022 for Journey to Well-being, a series of free programming on the...
All too often, our routines can become a little too rote, making our lives feel a little too stale. But with the birth of a New Year comes new opportunities to find variety in the everyday. Whether you consider yourself to be a “capital A Artist,” or not, here are a few ideas to spark inspiration.1. Create a yoga challenge....
Intentions are like seeds: from the moment they are planted, the potential for growth is fully present. But, also like seeds, something else is needed lest that potential becomes dormant. There needs to be soil: Soil that’s fertile and hospitable to growth.Acceptance is the soil in which we plant our new intentions. As we all have stood witness to, new...
Dado que todos tenemos sueños, deseos y esperanzas, hacerlos realidad ocupa mucho de nuestro tiempo y esfuerzo. Pero el camino para hacer realidad un sueño es muy turbio y muchas personas quedan atrapadas en un estado de duda, frustración o ilusiones. Veamos si se puede encontrar un camino que tenga una base sólida con una alta probabilidad de funcionar mejor...
Finding balance often equates to holding two things next to each other and trying to bring them into an equilibrium of sorts. When we try to conjure up a visual representation of what balance means, likely the first thing to come to mind is a scale or some variation of linear representation with two opposing sides. The balance, of course,...
In the first months of the year, we tend to reflect on the past and create wishes and intentions for the new year. Now is the perfect time to journal as a way of engaging in conversation with yourself. Whether you need to vent, ask questions, or explore a complicated situation, there’s nothing quite like sitting down with a journal,...
Since everyone has dreams, wishes, and hopes, making them come true occupies a lot of our time and efforts. But the path to making a dream come true is very murky, and many people are caught in a state of doubt, frustration, or wishful thinking. Let’s see if a path can be found that has a solid foundation with a...
As we move into the new year, whatever you experienced this past year, now is the time to let go of and explore the adventures that lie ahead. Times of transition give us the opportunity to re-evaluate our lives, perhaps making any necessary adjustments to realign with our spiritual goals. Goodbye 2023 Oprah Winfrey said, “We can’t become what we...
In many parts of the world, winter is an auspicious time as we find ourselves deep in the darkness of the longest nights of the year, and the daylight hours begin to increase with the winter solstice. We can honor and appreciate winter as representative of a much-needed fallow time to nourish ourselves and plant seeds for our re-emergence in...
A state of peace is among the most sought-after human experiences. You, like the rest of us, want it, yet you may struggle to achieve it.Why?One reason, according to spiritual teacher and self-help author Eckhart Tolle, is you may mistake peace for unconsciousness. However, in his guide to spiritual enlightenment, “The Power of Now,” Tolle describes peace in the reverse:...
Something about the twinkly lights, early dark nights, and the cooler temperatures makes us want to reflect. The holiday season could really be renamed, yearnings of yesterday because of all the feelings that come up during this time.Those sneaky nostalgia feelings combined with staying inside and all the interacting, or lack thereof, can bring up so many emotions. We may...
The daily forces that make your life less than peaceful are magnified during the holidays. Holiday bustle is a nice way of referring to added stress, family conflicts, overeating, and enduring winter’s blast.Yet if you can radiate peace, you will bring the joy and grace that the holidays are all about.The first and most practical way to radiate peace is...
At varying times in your life, you may need different people and communities to feel connected and supported. Making new friends – at any age – can be daunting and overwhelming.Self-reflection is one way to explore your intentions in friendship and community. For some, keeping one or two deep friendships is most nurturing and, for others, a wider social circle...
Maintaining a daily gratitude practice is perhaps the fastest, easiest, and cheapest means of cultivating happiness. But what happens when you feel a little burned out from the same old gratitude journaling? Or, what if you’ve never practiced gratitude? Where to begin?If this sounds like you, here are 10 unique ways to reignite joy and contentment in your life.1. Three...
Humans are wired to connect. That’s because, at one time, our cooperation with each other enhanced our ability to survive under the harshest of conditions. Although survival threats are far less today, people still desire and need connection.Research shows that social connection not only improves physical health, but also mental and emotional well-being. Everyone wants to feel like they are...
Once upon a time, a financial tale was woven for you. Its plot was carefully crafted from family experiences, societal influences, and cultural patterns. Even though the money story of your youth may not be representative of your present values, it has likely guided your entire financial life. Fortunately, you are not bound by the narrative of your past.The following...
"Somos la suma total de nuestras experiencias. Esas experiencias, ya sean positivas o negativas, nos convierten en la persona que somos, en cualquier momento de nuestras vidas. Y, como un río que fluye, esas mismas experiencias, y las que están por venir, siguen influyendo y remodelando la persona que somos y la persona en la que nos convertimos. Ninguno de...
Wanting to be yourself is a natural desire, but also a confusing one. The mind is a wanderer, going anywhere it likes. All day it wanders not only from thought to thought but from self to self. Without realizing it, we slip from one self to another as the situation demands. This fluid sense of identity allows you to choose...
“To know that you do not know is the best. To think you know when you do not is a disease. Recognizing this disease as a disease is to be free of it. - Lao Tzu”Limiting beliefs aren’t created from ignorance, they’re created from the illusion of knowing. I know for me when I’m unwilling to acknowledge the truth–“I don’t...
Everyone has a certain level of resilience. From time to time, we all experience stress, emotional upsets, and challenges in our lives. Resilience is the ability to withstand these situations, quickly recover from them, and be able to return to balance and harmony. Often our resilience depends on the resources we have to call upon, which could include friends and...
If we learn anything over the course of our lives it’s that we are adaptable beings, capable of changing at a moment's notice. As we navigate the many transitions that life has to offer us, our ability to be flexible and move with, as opposed to against, is challenged. Though it may be uncomfortable at times, we all have the...
Many people are finding themselves changing careers during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period. This two-part article series explores how three professionals prioritize health, wellness, and spiritual development as their careers transform from what was to what is.In Part 1 of Changing Careers to Understand Holistic Success, I shared about my own career change and introduced the stories of hotelier...
Sometimes self-trust can be confused with thinking you need to have all the right answers or that you will always make the best decisions. However, self-trust is the solid reliance on your own integrity. It’s believing in and being kind to yourself regardless of outcomes.This isn’t always easy. If you feel challenged to trust yourself, know you’re not alone. It’s...
Many people are finding themselves changing careers during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period. This two-part article series explores how three professionals prioritize health, wellness, and spiritual development as their careers transform from what was to what is.In Part 1 of Changing Careers to Understand Holistic Success, I share about my own career change and introduce the stories of hotelier...
Nothing is left to you at this moment but to have a good laugh. – Unknown Zen MasterLaughter is one of the great joys of life. Whether it’s a subdued snicker, an uncontrollable giggle, or a full-blown belly laugh, very few of us don’t relish moments of humor, comedy, and laughter. Human beings like funny things, and we like them...
“Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not. Find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible” - Deepak ChopraPassion is defined as an intense driving conviction. It’s a powerful feeling of enthusiasm towards someone or something. Passion is the feeling that nothing else exists. It’s loving yourself as if you were a rainbow with...
Ready to shed the old and blossom into a vibrant new you? Learn how to break free from limiting habits, challenge stale beliefs, and unlock the innate renewal potential within.
In many Indigenous traditions, and specifically the Q’ero lineage that I am honored to work with, medicine people describe spiritual energy in the form of feminine and masculine. We view feminine and masculine, not merely at the human level of gender, but beyond it, as spiritual energies that we all must encompass to be in harmony and balance with self...
During the month of June, what a lot of us have come to know as Pride month, there’s an energy, almost a buzz in the air. It’s an energy of freedom, lightness, uninhibited joy. I think about pride and I remember moments of celebration surrounded by love and embraced in community.There is a feeling of ease when you’re surrounded by...
I recognized at a young age that when I expressed myself in ways that were seen as ‘different’ it wasn’t received well. As a trans kid in this world, you learn pretty early on what folks around you believe to be right and what they believe to be wrong. Because difference in the Western world is often used as a...
Flipping the Script on Femininity with Dr. Shefali Tsabary and Keys SoulCare
The Editors at
Oprah fave and much-loved author Dr. Shefali Tsabary is making a case for revolutionizing the concept of "femininity." This discussion with Dr. Shefali Tsabary was first published on Republished with permission. Columbia professor and clinical psychologist Dr. Shefali Tsabary is a best-selling author, regular on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, and an outspoken advocate for rethinking relationships through the lens...
One feels a change in the wind that has been a long time coming. There has been an awakening that has brought on a call to fight for and embrace social equity and justice. The fault lines are related to race, socioeconomics, and gender. This change we sense around us is brought on by a rise in embracing feminine energy,...
In a world that is constantly telling us who we should be, to hurry up and wait for the manifestation of that narrative, it is no wonder it took a pandemic to slow us down and provide us an invitation to become. It was, and has been, a harsh and yet necessary pause; a diversion in this road of life...
I grew up in a home where we learned a lot about Hindu mythology. It seemed there were an endless number of gods and goddesses and it was easy to get caught up in a literal interpretation of their stories. In all honesty, it never really resonated with me. In my analytical mind, I never connected to the idea that...
In this human experience, it can be easy to get caught in a world of binary 'truths', a world where two opposing forces or qualities exist with little to no room in between or outside of. We interpret these two sides to be unwavering qualities of opposition on a linear spectrum. With certain limitations in our ability to understand, this...
Dharma is your unique purpose in life. It is the process by which you use your unique skills and passions to serve your community and the world.As children, my father Deepak Chopra taught my brother and me the concept of dharma through his intentions, choices, and actions. We watched him transition professionally from a traditional doctor with a successful medical...
Everything grows in one way or another. Growth is the development or change we see in the physical universe around us. While growth is happening constantly, spring is when we usually notice it more in nature. The growth that had been resting and dormant during winter, suddenly bursts forth, as if it’s trying to make up for lost time. Some...
A Guide to Thriving in 2021 with Sahara Rose & GT Dave, Founder of GT's Living Foods
The Editors at
Industry leaders in the world of wellness, Sahara Rose and GT Dave (Founder of GT’s Living Foods, the producer of the #1 Kombucha brand in the world), took over Chopra's Instagram to dig deep into the self-care tools they are using to thrive in 2021. Learn what these experts in mind-body wellness had to say about self-care, balance, being of...
Bringing meditation of abundance into your life is more than a game of chance—it’s about creating the life you want. Here are the guidelines for creating abundance.
Without question, mindfulness has been experiencing a huge surge of popularity over the last several decades. Hospitals, schools, corporations, law enforcement, athletes, the armed forces, and high performers from all walks of life are enthusiastically embracing the multiple benefits of mindfulness on both the professional and personal levels. More than a buzzword or passing trend, mindfulness has become firmly established...
A year like 2020 will have many of us asking bigger questions than we ever have before. What is our purpose? Why are we here? This is when the concept of dharma arises. I break these 5 stages down and the journey to remembering your soul’s purpose.
Work-life balance—a phrase that we hear used all the time. It’s something that almost everyone I speak to seems to be struggling with. However, if we’re honest about this, we aren’t struggling with work-life balance because, for many people, the balance is nonexistent. We’re actually struggling with getting life back into the phrase.But what if you reversed the order and...
It’s that time of the year—you probably want to make some changes and see some dreams come to fruition. Setting goals—and working towards them—can help you create the kind of life you truly want to live.Charting your own path can feel intimidating, but with the right focus, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. By...
Experiencing a spiritual awakening and overall spiritual enlightenment can be a long process. Here are ten signs you're experiencing spiritual awareness and the meaning behind it all.
Life can be challenging. With all the demands put upon you by work, family, relationships, external circumstances, and even yourself, it often feels as if you are Atlas, supporting the entire world upon your shoulders. The modern world is moving faster than ever, and it seems as if you will never catch up to all the competing priorities and challenges...
Grief and loss are natural life experiences; feelings of grief can be a process you move through. How you start healing after a loss determines how you deal with loss.
Spiritual seekers are often intrigued about why their soul chooses to incarnate on Earth at this time. Our purpose is much more than what we do and create. Here are seven ways in which we can step into our purpose beyond what we “do.”
Los momentos difíciles pueden ser complicados de comprender a veces, pero siempre hay una sabiduría que proviene del sufrimiento o de cualquier reto en la vida. Se necesita mucha gracia para mirar hacia atrás a los eventos de su vida en los que luchó y descubrir las lecciones.Sin embargo, al hacerlo, empiezas a reconocer que otra historia estaba en juego,...
Take the difficult moments in your life and find the wisdom to become your best. Learn how take life on with grace and improve yourself.
Browse Chopra for tips on how to lead your best life, with more intentionality and empathy. These 10 tips will help you discover your purpose to better your life.
There is no denying that we’re in the midst of an incredibly challenging moment in time. This pandemic has thrown us all out of our comfort zones, changed our routines, and created waves of fear, grief, anger, uncertainty, and other powerful emotions in the global collective. The lack of control we’re all experiencing has many people feeling victimized by these...
When events of global impact occur, you may feel confronted by the limitations of your control in the physical world. You may find yourself questioning your power or feeling uncertain about your future. The vacation trips you planned, conferences you scheduled, playdates/events you arranged—everything suddenly halts, and it is as if time itself has come to a sudden stop.It is...
We all want things to be different right now. However, what happens today, what happens this hour, what happens in this moment, will define how you go forward. At this very moment, you’re faced with letting go of what is familiar and comfortable and are left to embrace the unknown. It is scary. It is exciting. You get to decide....
The road to the life of your dreams is paved with good intentions. You may want more for yourself, and mean well, but inevitably after a challenge or two crosses your path, you may change course, get distracted, and put off for later the healing and growth that can be done today.A common question that comes to all of us...
You’ve probably noticed that during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, people have been responding differently to their abrupt life changes. Since we all are very unique in our mind-body types, we will absolutely have varying responses to what is happening around us, and may need to focus on different practices to stay healthy—in addition to the typical preventive practices that...
Charisma is a quality we would all like more of and yet have a difficult time defining.Often described as that “something special,” the “x-factor,” or even simply having “it,” we can typically point to charisma when we see it but find it challenging to put into words. Charismatic people are certainly likable but their influence runs much deeper. Often described...
You don t have to power through life alone. Open yourself to others and experience the true rewards of connecting with people. Here's how to build connections.
Plenty of people set goals, but far fewer are actually willing to declare their goals in a way that sets them up for success. Simply thinking about goals won’t yield results. There is one critical component of bringing a desired goal to fruition: accountability.Consider this scenario: Your alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m. It is your intention to go to...
¿Alguna vez se te ha metido una canción en la cabeza? ¿Sabes cómo se repite una y otra vez? Si vas a tener algo repitiéndose en tu mente, puede ser algo que has elegido intencionalmente. ¿Y qué tal si dices algo una y otra vez que tenga un mensaje positivo? Repetir los mantras antiguos en voz alta, en silencio en...
These mantras from Sanskrit & Gurmukhi will help calm your nervous system and raise your energetic vibration and more. Learn 9 great mantras from Chopra today.
Music is great at lifting your spirits and boosting your mood. Here is a 101 song playlist of happiness-inducing songs from Chopra!
In theory, it sounds simple: To do less, simply do less. In practice, however, it’s not that simple. In fact, it’s actually pretty difficult. Many aspects of our modern culture encourage chasing after more. More money, more material possessions, more status, more of everything. Everywhere you turn, the message of limitlessness abounds. And although for a split second it may...
You are whole. You are perfect. You do not need to change a single thing about yourself. However, if there are some aspects of your life that you would like to change, the start of the year may be just the time to set goals and make positive shifts.Although most of us know that January first is an arbitrary date,...
You would never set out on a road trip without a map, so why would you live your life without goals? Understanding the importance of goal setting will help you to accomplish many life endeavors. Setting goals is a vital step in planning your future, and research supports greater success and achievement in people who get clear on where they...
Starting your day with a clear intention can make all the difference, helping you to stay centered, aware, and focused on all daily intentions. Learn more.
Creating a vision board is a fun and tangible way to focus yourself on your goals. Learn how to make a vision board with these resources from Chopra!
Everyone has their own unique talents and skills. Learn from Chopra 5 ways to identify your own unique talents and gifts and build them into your life.
Creating a life that is always organized and planned can leave you stressed and depressed. Learn how meditation, love, and awareness can help you trust life and be free.
These nine healthy emotional processing tips will help us grow and reconnect with the peace and possibility that resides within the moment. Zen awaits!
The holidays have gained a bad reputation for being an emotional roller coaster. Instead of experiencing a season of peace, many people dread this time of year as a season of stress and frayed emotions. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can bring the gift of peace to yourself as no one else can. By following the...
Tough times are inevitable, and even though you are always moving forward, sometimes it can feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Whether it seems like life’s circumstances are piling up against you, your mind can’t get through a mental block, or your emotions are paralyzing you, there is always hope. It does take some effort, but when you are ready...
Take a closer look at how to differentiate compassion vs. empathy vs. sympathy and learn the important differences of being empathic vs. sympathetic.
In most people’s lives, Thanksgiving Day could serve a higher purpose than food, football, and festivities. The spiritual value at the core of the holiday is gratitude. Everyone considers gratitude to be a positive thing, but we do not always stop to consider how powerful gratitude truly is.Gratitude is a soul quality that brings our attention into the present, which...
“I just don’t want to go.”“Ugh, I’d rather stay home.” “Just thinking about going to that party is giving me so much anxiety.” “Maybe I’ll go for a little while and hide in the corner.” Though often confused and conflated with being shy or an introvert, social anxiety is a distinct disorder that can have a serious negative impact on...
Anytime that I’ve written or spoken about consciousness, someone is bound to ask, “But what should I do?” This is only natural. When faced with a challenge, problem, obstacle, or even a desired goal, people automatically want to do something. They feel helpless if they don’t.A Cloud of CausesThis reaction may be so ingrained in you that you may miss...
Who is the best listener you know? Would anyone in your life answer you?Few people are taught how to listen. Aside from being told to “listen up” or “pay attention” as kids, you may think that just because you can hear something you are listening. There is a crucial difference though. Whereas hearing just happens, effective listening is active and...
You have your heart set on something you really want in your life and the motivation juices are flowing. You’re feeling inspired, you’ve gathered your resources and you have a solid plan for going after it.And then something happens that derails you from taking that first step, or from bringing the plan to completion after you’ve had solid momentum going....
“Be nice.”“Be kind.”“Treat others how you wish to be treated.”You’ve probably heard those brief directives since you were born, or at least by the time you got to school. Have you paid attention to how you feel when you’re kind to others? You may have noticed something remarkable that happens—when you’re kind, others tend to treat you well in return.What...
Retreats, workshops, and personal growth courses are uplifting and inspiring when you’re there. In the right environment, it’s easy to slip into a rhythm that fosters growth and change. The hard part is after you return home. Let’s say you spent a week in meditation and silence. It was easy to meditate daily while at the retreat, surrounded by other...
Life already presents multiple factors that can bring you down. A healthy abundance mindset can alleviate these worries. Learn about the meaning of abundance with Chopra.
Discover positive ways to start the day with 10 simple habits that you can use to create a healthy morning routine that will set you up for success.
Learn how to raise your emotional vibration frequency with these tips from Chopra. Raise your vibrations and support positivity in your life.
Are you evolving personally? This question is at the heart of a new book I’d like to introduce you to titled Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential. In it, I propose that a leap in personal evolution is open to everyone if only you are shown how evolution works.What Is Evolution?Evolution is a term that generally means progress. If you ask...
If you overthink, you’re not alone—you’re human. Every single person ruminates at one time or another. Why? Humans have an unquenchable need to know things and feel in control.You prepare and prepare some more to try and avoid unwanted surprises or challenges. The challenge is, however, that life automatically comes with endless challenges. Like a game of Whac-A-Mole, when one...
Finding satisfaction in your job is important. It will help improve your outlook on life. Learn how to improve job satisfaction with these 5 tips from Chopra.
“Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.” –Lao TzuDoing nothing probably sounds good, but when is the last time you really did it? Turned off your devices? Practiced some deep breathing? Stared off into space? Smelled the roses? The art of doing nothing is sweet!A visit to Italy will soon have you embracing the concept of dolce far...
Do you ever think you’re too busy for compassion or kindness? Juggling work, family life, and other obligations might mean that acts of kindness fall by the wayside. Who has time to feed the homeless or purchase coffee for the person behind you when you can barely find time to buy your own groceries?Since compassion is my line of work,...
Every day you make choices, big and small, and these change all the time. But surrounding these daily choices are decisions you’ve made about your lifestyle that remain the same. These decisions have been widely disseminated once it was realized, about three decades ago, that your well-being, and especially your health, depends on your lifestyle.What Is the Best Lifestyle?You have...
Personal growth is that shiny object everyone gravitates toward to some extent, even if you don’t really know what it means or how to satisfy the craving. Just the term alone has such a great ring to it and you likely feel drawn to work on yourself—whether it’s reading a great book during your downtime, continuing your education and training,...
Are you listening to the messages the universe is trying to tell you? Let the experts at Chopra guide you to better understand how to read signs from the universe.
“Stay positive.”“Don’t give in to negativity.”“Think happy thoughts.”Such phrases are often used to encourage you when you’re feeling frustrated or challenged. After a while, however, these words may feel empty and unachievable.But what if you could use the power of positive thinking to improve your life—genuinely believing in the power it has on your well-being? What if you allowed positivity...
Discover the path to awakening and the beauty of your potential.
One of the most important components to a healthy and lasting relationship lies in your ability to communicate within intimate relationships. When communication is lacking or where there’s a breakdown in the lines, your ability to connect with your partner wanes, and you can begin to feel frustrated, anxious, and alone. If this is happening in your current relationship, it...
There is an epidemic of stress, depression, and anxiety. Despite the fact that people are talking more openly about their mental health, removing stigma does not seem to have affected the actual levels of stress being experienced. Your newsfeed and the news itself are filled with articles telling you to just be positive. The thing about positive thinking is that...
Safe. Familiar. Comfortable.These are just a few terms you might use to describe what it feels like when you’re nestled within the confines of your comfort zone. If you avoid uncertainty and settle for what you know, then you won’t have to risk being judged or feeling anxious in new situations, right? It makes sense especially because humans have a...
The modern worldview is that duality—materialism vs spiritualism. However if you look closer, the boundary between mind and body can create unity.
In your most important relationships, you search for love and acceptance, although you may find that this is not easy to attain. Everyone has an unloving side; everyone has their own stubborn way of doing things. You bring mixed feelings into your interactions with everyone else, this is simply the reality. Finding love and acceptance can turn into a difficult...
It is a basic human desire to want to grow, improve, and evolve. Over the course of a lifetime, events big and small contribute to how you spiritually and mentally mature. Everything from having a baby to earning a master’s degree can cause you to grow in leaps and bounds. However, it’s not just the big choices that shape your...
Everyone has masculine and feminine energies. Learn how to balance yours and better understand these energies from Chopra.
Low self-esteem is probably something you have struggled with at some point in your life, and it’s important to have tangible practices to pull you out of those difficult ruts whenever you feel yourself slipping.Generally speaking, people have an inherent need to be seen, feel valued, and have a true sense of connectedness—with yourself and with others. When you are...
Thanks to the fast-paced world, the days seem to fly by. Did you feel like the new year arrived, you blinked, and then it was nearly summer?Me, too.The arrival of summer means you might have an opportunity to slow down because more daylight gives you more hours in the day. While you may feel yourself using that extra time to...
“Many people confuse the reward with the ultimate goal. This is why so many people still feel empty and lost when they finally achieve their ‘dream’.”–Elisa Romeo, Meet Your SoulResearch has shown that setting goals based on your interests can contribute greatly to a happy life, but goal setting can be dry work when done by the book. Sure, you...
Whether you’re currently in a relationship or you’re intending to be in one in the future, it is highly beneficial to consider who you are as a person and what you bring to the table. Are you a spiritually awake, mentally stable, emotionally intelligent individual who can stand on your own, or do you look to your partner to complete...
“Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits. We are terrified, and we are brave. Art is a crushing chore and a wonderful privilege. The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.” –Elizabeth Gilbert,...
What exactly is passion? The dictionary defines it as an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. And positive energy is a collection of desirable attributes.“Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.” - Hunter S. Thompson, American journalistSo how do you connect the two and transform what you’re passionate about into good stuff—a hobby, career, creative endeavor, way...
The wisdom traditions of the world—while differing in form, custom, and practice—are essentially in agreement that the purpose of human life is spiritual growth and evolution. You are on a journey from ego to spirit. You may be traveling different paths and at different speeds than those around you, but the destination is the same—expanded awareness, a shift in consciousness,...
When you think of having passion in—or for—life, what comes to mind? For some, it may conjure images of being connected to one’s personal drive; what excites or motivates them. For others, the word passion may be directly linked to the feeling of being on the right path, surrounded by the right people, and living your life’s purpose. Whatever it...
Clutter doesn’t have to be just physical items in your environment. A cluttered mind can include: Ruminating Focusing on the negative Worrying about things outside of your control Holding onto negative emotions and experiences, including resentment, past hurt, anger, and sadness Keeping a mental to-do list, including incomplete dreams and goals Having external distractions and constant sensory input When your...
Spring is a time of cleansing and renewal. Nature reveals itself in its simplest slate—the snow melts, while the plants are not yet sprung. The ground seems to swell with potential but restrain from bursting into life until the weather warms.People, too, tend to ritualistically simplify during this time. Spring cleaning of your home is a common practice, while you...
The shelves of bookstores are lined with volumes related to self-help and personal growth. From how-to tips for mindfulness meditation and delicious recipes for cure-all, fad diets, to feeding-your-demons therapy techniques, personal growth can mean a variety of things.What Is Personal Growth?A personal growth definition refers to any activities, practices, rituals, or observances performed in the name of enhancing your...
You’ve probably heard the old adage, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Or perhaps you’ve heard people described as “set in their ways.” Those sayings aren’t typically issued as compliments, but it’s safe to say that many of us may fall into those descriptions. Perhaps you can zoom out and see that your own life is full of...
It’s not your fault if you’re feeling out of balance. And by balance, think of your propensity to experience more masculine energy then its sister, the feminine.Here’s why. Society is set and founded on the patriarchy. Even the Declaration of Independence, the foundation of the United States, is based on your “forefathers,” not mothers. History books highlight brilliant men who...
What is creativity? It is an essential aspect of being human. It’s not just used by artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians. Everyone is creative and has the ability to turn imaginative or original ideas into reality through some form of expression. Some people just haven’t explored it or, if they have, they undoubtedly know what it feels like to be...
Emotional intelligence (EI) was first referenced way back in 1964 but it didn’t become mainstream until science journalist Daniel Goleman wrote Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ in 1995. It’s a “soft” skill. Human resource professionals look for those with a high EQ and positive psychology research shows that positive social connection is a powerful tool to...
Do you consider yourself a leader? What is leadership? While some believe that leaders are born that way, the truth is that anyone can learn to be a leader by understanding some key findings and by putting forth the effort. The world needs more effective leaders, so let this be a sign that it’s time to step up your game...
Gracias. Thank you. Grazie. Merci. Arigato. Most learn early on the power of a simple expression of “thanks.” Besides just being good manners, saying thank you can transform your day and that of those around you. Where gratitude exists, human connection flourishes. Being thanked, in a genuine, meaningful way helps you feel seen. When you feel seen, appreciated for something...
The New Year isn’t the only time of year to think about resolutions, goals, and intentions for a better life. If you are like many people, you may not even know where to start when it comes to setting and achieving goals for yourself—whether it be professional, personal, or financial goals. Or you might be great at planning goals, but...
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”~ Bruce LeeThere are a vast array of options for self-transformation available in the modern world. The realms of popular psychology and self-improvement provide a variety of theories and methodologies to help you awaken your potential, create fulfilling families...
One of my teachers, the late Dr. David Simon, used to say the purpose of life is to love more and be happy. I believe that each of us has within us, an inherent desire to love and be loved in the truest and grandest of ways. The kind of unconditional, passion-filled love that you experience when you meet your...
Is your cup half empty or half full? Your answer to this question says a lot about you, your health, and your happiness. At a time when the world could really use it, it pays to be optimistic. Not only are optimistic people more enjoyable to be around, research shows that they are healthier, do better in school, age more...
As the Beatles told us, “All you need is love” and how sure this is. Your highest vibration, your essence, who you really are, is pure love. When you love, you connect with the deepest part of yourself. The part of yourself which is always ready to present whatever you need in a perfect way, at exactly the right moment....
Life doesn’t always play out as perfectly as you may like it to. Sometimes you may lose yourself in the daily stress and demands of life and, before you know it, weeks, months, or even years have passed without you taking a stock in yourself and where you are in life.You may have found yourself sitting at work feeling like...
It’s the start of a new year and you may be feeling inspired with fresh goals and plans for making this next year the best yet. It’s a time of natural celebration as you look ahead at what’s to come and the possibility for improving or making changes. It’s also a good time to reflect upon the past year, observing...
Joy is divine. While feelings such as happiness usually come from external sources and are temporary, joy comes from within and is always abiding. It is an innate part of who you are and how you express yourself. Just watch how babies delight in the simplest things—their emotions are raw and true. It is difficult to feign joy.What kindles the...
If you’ve ever listed New Year’s resolutions only to find that they wither away moments after the New Year has sprung, there could be an issue with your approach to setting your goals. No, it probably isn’t a matter of your having an inherent inability to achieve the things you want.The end of the calendar year marks the time of...
It is human nature to change, grow, and expand, and something about a new year brings all your desires to light. Whether you want to improve your nutrition, ditch your desk job, or finally write the book that’s been buried in your private journals for all these years, now is the perfect time to make those dreams a reality. With...
New Year’s is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. The year ahead is a clean slate and allots you the opportunity to set goals and improve upon the year before it. But setting resolutions can feel overwhelming. Sometimes you don’t know where to start or how to set yourself up for success so that you don’t throw in...
While your friends may want to plan group vacations and travel itineraries, you may prefer to take charge of your health and well-being by opting for a solo wellness retreat. Attending a retreat to focus on personal development and self-actualization can provide a vast set of benefits in and of itself. Attending a retreat alone, however, can provide an even...
Why? It’s a small word, but a mighty question, especially when it comes to setting a New Year’s resolution. Some of the common turn-of-the-year goals are weight loss, financial fitness, and relationships. To resolve to improve or change something can be a positive pursuit. However, the desire to change—or even preparing an action plan to get there—isn’t always enough to...
Are you setting goals for 2019? Maybe you’re trying to lead a healthier life by eating a more plant-based diet, prioritizing sleep, or drinking less alcohol. Perhaps you have a goal of spending less time on your smartphone and more time playing board games with your loved ones. Or maybe you have a business-related goal, and you hope to reach...
Experiencing and expressing emotions are integral parts of life. Yet, for many people, emotions remain mysterious, confusing, and difficult to express . No one is given an emotional rule book, yet society, community, culture, and context all have unwritten rules about how and when you are allowed to feel your feelings. For example: Tears don’t belong at the office. Don’t...