Experiencing physical sensations during meditation is common, from tingling to nausea & more. Deepak Chopra answers questions on what these feelings mean.
Life can be unpredictable. Despite the best-laid plans and precautions, external events (often completely beyond our control,) can hurl your life into chaos. Family tragedies, job losses, unexpected upheavals, and natural disasters can completely upend the balance, stability, and normalcy of your daily routine.To make matters worse, traumatic events can generate an enormous amount of stress, anxiety, fear, and worry....
Traveling endows us with the clear, light, mobile qualities of Vata, and can provide insights and open our eyes to a perspective we may have been missing. Vacations inspire us with new beauties of the world, cultures, and nature, and remove us from the redundance of our day-to-day energy bubble and life routine.Whether you are embarking on a romantic getaway,...
In the summer, it is important to balance the fiery pitta energy with ways to cool off, calm down, and restore. If we do not purposefully schedule downtime in summer, tempers can flare, irritability can get the best of us, and we can burn out more easily.This is the season when children are home from school, and we feel the...
Some people appear to be plugged into an endless supply of creative power while others struggle to light a small spark of imagination. If you fall into the latter category, you may have been told that creativity is a fixed trait and that you were allotted a specific, unchangeable amount at birth. Fortunately, those outdated notions have been disproven and...
Quality sleep plays an important role in physical and mental health. Chronic sleep insufficiency increases risk factors for nearly every major disease. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control nearly one-third of Americans are habitually sleep-deprived. Prioritizing sufficient, quality rest may be the single biggest step that you can take to stave off disease and promote wellbeing. The following...
Your body is constantly being placed under stress daily—both physiological and psychological—and when you are working out, you are greatly increasing both. While exercise is known to many as a form of stress relief, the phrase “too much of a good thing” proves to be true when it comes to exercise. Exercise and how it relates to your own body...
In this time of COVID-19, sustainability has taken on new dimensions. We must ask ourselves: How can we sustain not only our own health but that of our loved ones, our communities, and our planet? What can we learn from the natural environment’s response to the COVID-19 crisis?If anyone is experiencing the benefits of COVID-19 and its impact on her...
Savasana can be thought of as the most important pose in yoga, yet some people skip it or shorten its duration. If you practice asana (postures), then this last pose of the sequence is very significant and bolsters the effects of all the postures that come before it. Savasana allows you to be in a deep and profound state of...
It is a basic human desire to want to grow, improve, and evolve. Over the course of a lifetime, events big and small contribute to how you spiritually and mentally mature. Everything from having a baby to earning a master’s degree can cause you to grow in leaps and bounds. However, it’s not just the big choices that shape your...
Experiencing physical sensations during meditation is common, from tingling to nausea & more. Deepak Chopra answers questions on what these feelings mean.
Life can be unpredictable. Despite the best-laid plans and precautions, external events (often completely beyond our control,) can hurl your life into chaos. Family tragedies, job losses, unexpected upheavals, and...
Traveling endows us with the clear, light, mobile qualities of Vata, and can provide insights and open our eyes to a perspective we may have been missing. Vacations inspire us...
In the summer, it is important to balance the fiery pitta energy with ways to cool off, calm down, and restore. If we do not purposefully schedule downtime in summer,...
Some people appear to be plugged into an endless supply of creative power while others struggle to light a small spark of imagination. If you fall into the latter category,...
Quality sleep plays an important role in physical and mental health. Chronic sleep insufficiency increases risk factors for nearly every major disease. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control...
Your body is constantly being placed under stress daily—both physiological and psychological—and when you are working out, you are greatly increasing both. While exercise is known to many as a...
In this time of COVID-19, sustainability has taken on new dimensions. We must ask ourselves: How can we sustain not only our own health but that of our loved ones,...
Savasana can be thought of as the most important pose in yoga, yet some people skip it or shorten its duration. If you practice asana (postures), then this last pose...
It is a basic human desire to want to grow, improve, and evolve. Over the course of a lifetime, events big and small contribute to how you spiritually and mentally...