
Meditation Retreats vs. Meditation Classes: Which Is Right for You?
Meditation retreats and classes provide unique benefits when you are looking to explore a greater sense of community and guidance. In order to decide between a retreat or a class, it is important to understand not only the distinction between the two but also your lifestyle and desires.What Is a Meditation Retreat?A meditation retreat can feel like a vacation and...
7 Experiences Newcomers Can Expect at a Meditation Retreat
For whatever reason, your life has begun to move in a spiritual direction: Perhaps you’ve been immersing yourself in the world’s contemplative and wisdom traditions. Maybe you’ve been going deeper into your yoga practice. Or you’ve explored a new meditation app that has opened you up to new perspectives and ways of thinking about your life and your place in...
10 Lessons From a Meditation Retreat
While I was recovering from a life crisis, I left my home in Germany in search of renewal. In time, I fell in love again, remarried, and got a new job. Just when it started looking like I was going to live happily ever after I began to return to my negative habits. I found myself again trying to control...
Checklist: What to Bring on a Meditation and Yoga Retreat?
You’re headed out for a meditation and yoga retreat, excited about the possibilities and open to new experiences. You’ve been looking forward to it for months, but now that it’s almost time to leave, you have no idea what to pack.There’s a fine line between over-packing and under-packing. You want to make sure you have what you need without lugging...
Five Reasons to Attend a Chopra Wellness Retreat
We live in a fast-paced world. Take a break and rejuvenate with our mindfulness and wellness retreats in beautiful locations.
What Is Vedic Cooking?
Ayurveda, an ancient, holistic practice rooted historically in India, is guided by two main principles: The mind and the body are connected. The mind has the utmost power to heal the body. Within that framework, being healthy depends on harmony between the two. In fact, living an Ayurvedic or “vedic” life is all about balance and, not surprisingly, vedic cooking...
12 Ways to Create a Stay-At-Home Yoga Retreat
Who says you have to head off to Bora Bora on a weeklong yoga retreat to disconnect from stress and reconnect to your spirit? A home yoga retreat can provide nearly all the benefits of a destination retreat, without the cost and headache of travel. In fact, creating a yoga retreat at home is a novel way to revitalize your...
How to Maintain Healthy Habits After a Retreat
One of the most common fears for people who attend a retreat is not being able to keep up what they’ve started once they return home. Motivation is high when you’re surrounded by like-minded individuals, but what happens to your enthusiasm when you leave the group environment? Good intentions easily fade as the days and weeks go by. With such...
I Went On Chopra's Explore & Restore Wellness Voyage and Here's What Happened
Join Alex May as she sets sail from Panama to Acapulco on the Explore and Restore wellness voyage aboard Swan Hellenic's luxury yacht. In this vlog, Alex shares her experience and offers a glimpse into the self-discovery workshops, daily meditation and yoga classes, cultural expeditions, and stunning accommodations. Watch her transformational journey unfold and the connections that form along the way:  Begin Your Journey  Interested in experiencing this for yourself? The Explore...
Full of Love: How the Chopra Health Retreat Helped Me Return to Myself... Twice
I just completed my second experience attending the Chopra Health Retreat. The first time was back in 2017 in Carlsbad, California and this time it was May 2023 in Carefree, Arizona. I went for very different reasons each time. The First Experience: Healing Heartbreak The first time, I was heartbroken after not being able to sustain a healthy pregnancy. I...
5 Ways to Maintain Your Post-Workshop High
Retreats, workshops, and personal growth courses are uplifting and inspiring when you’re there. In the right environment, it’s easy to slip into a rhythm that fosters growth and change. The hard part is after you return home. Let’s say you spent a week in meditation and silence. It was easy to meditate daily while at the retreat, surrounded by other...
What Is a HumaGram?
Augmented reality gadgets and gizmos are all the hype, and for good reason. New technologies are enabling two-way interaction and experiences to appear and feel to be in real life, but are actually in the virtual, digital realm.HumaGrams are human holograms, and it’s incredible how real they look and feel. With this advanced technology, you can actually create living, deceased...
7 Reasons You Should Consider Retreats Over Regular Vacations
Each year, millions of people across the globe withdraw from their frenetic lifestyles for a week or two in an attempt to rest, rejuvenate, and recoup. These getaways range from family holidays to adventure trips to secluded exotic retreats.However, after a year's hard work when the time comes to pick the perfect holiday option, we often find people bolting off...
Your Ultimate Guide to Retreat-ing
Thinking about a yoga and meditation retreat? Good thinking. Learn how to choose and prepare your retreat, you'll thank yourself for years to come.