There are many ways to cultivate self-love, whether it be through meditation, daily affirmations, or even exercise and taking care of our body nutritionally. But, these wellness responses to self-love aren’t the only ways to tune in—creativity can also help you get to new levels of love for yourself.
As human beings, we all have a desire to love and be loved. This is basic to being human and is our deepest emotional need. In order to love others, and to fully accept the love of others, we must first love ourselves.
We’re faced, every day, with stress, anxiety, and an overwhelming amount of stimuli. Our bodies, our minds, and our spirits absorb each of our experiences and store all of them in some capacity. With so much tension being held in our space, the commitment to engage in daily practices rooted in compassion, love, tenderness, and gratitude can be pivotal parts...
Everyone has a right to a healthy mind. From education to health care, many people face hardships in accessing the care they need to have a healthy mind. You probably never saw any of these challenges coming. This is the time to take inventory by evaluating how these challenges can become your path to conscious change; you can’t leave your...
Life can be unpredictable. Despite the best-laid plans and precautions, external events (often completely beyond our control,) can hurl your life into chaos. Family tragedies, job losses, unexpected upheavals, and natural disasters can completely upend the balance, stability, and normalcy of your daily routine.To make matters worse, traumatic events can generate an enormous amount of stress, anxiety, fear, and worry....
With the New Year in full swing, it’s time to reflect on your goals and intentions. You probably started the year with boundless energy and the will to stick to your goals. Yet, if you’re like many others, you may have stumbled off track by this point.You are not alone. In fact, recent data suggests that nearly half of the...
Ayurveda believes that your Self chose your body to fulfill your life’s purpose; it is crucial that you honor your life as a gift from the universe. The body you inhabit is an essential part of your journey as it is the carrier for your soul. Which is why it is important to express love towards all aspects of yourself.
Every month, Dr. Sheila, Chopra’s Chief Medical Officer will be answering questions from our followers. If you have a general question for her around health and wellness, please send us an email to, and your question may be the one she answers next month. This month, Dr. Sheila answers a question about how Ayurveda can provide insights into who...
During this time of year, the effects of fewer hours of sunlight begin to affect our mind and body. This can be a positive experience. The darker months create conditions for much-needed restorative time, and our circadian rhythm adapts to prepare us for winding down earlier in the evening. When we align our lifestyle with the pace of the world...
The Ayurvedic term for self-love is Snehana. Love is nothing but unconditional acceptance of the other person. We love our parents. We love our children. We love our friends. Parents’ love for their children is exalted as unconditional.Now, ask yourself, do you unconditionally accept yourself?How do you express your love to your loved ones? Buy gifts for them, make them...
Energy is all around us, with the power to completely shift how we feel—including feelings of happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, and even self-love. With origins connected to divine love, the energy practice called Reiki can help inspire a sense of balance that leaves us feeling for peaceful, content, and all around harmonious with ourselves and the world around us.Up ahead,...
Given that most working Americans spend over forty hours in the office each week, it comes as no surprise that prioritizing physical and mental well-being on the job has the potential to significantly increase happiness, engagement, and satisfaction. Caring for your mental health at work is one of the most important things that you can do to enhance your overall...
The holidays are a fun and festive time. Yet, with end of year deadlines, overextended schedules, and burgeoning to-do lists, the final weeks of the year may leave you searching for the holiday spirit. Fortunately, a little self-care will revitalize your body and mind, enabling you to get the most from the holiday season.The following self-care rituals are designed for...
As humans, we have an innate desire to connect and to belong. We aren’t designed to carry everything we experience alone. We’re built to be in community, to support and uplift one another. Somewhere along the lines, it became glorified to do everything alone. We’ve been taught that asking for support is a sign of weakness and that when we...
The world is still incredibly rooted in the gender binary, and it’s a revolutionary act to exist as yourself, wholly, in a world that so desperately tries to define you. Whether you identify with the sex you were assigned at birth or not, or whether you identify within the binary, outside of it, or have renounced its existence completely, you...
2020 has made us face many challenges. But if we align our self & are compassionate to ourselves and others, we can make it through. Learn how to be compassionate today.
A staycation might not sound so enticing during the time of a pandemic. Staying at home certainly means something much different than it did just six months ago. Where you previously may have craved some downtime to relax on the couch for a long weekend, now, depending on your unique circumstances, that may feel like just another day. Or perhaps...
Relieve stress. Restore balance. Become the best you. Meet the new Chopra app—your guide to total well-being.For more than 25 years, Chopra has been helping millions of people balance their bodies, revive their minds, and activate their spirits. Now, we're making this knowledge available to you 24/7, in the palm of your hand.What’s InsideInside, you'll find a comprehensive well-being library,...
Many people find themselves asking the question, “What matters most in life in a time of uncertainty?" A top answer is peace. It seems to be a rare asset these days, but it's a practice you can cultivate and commit to, despite what's happening around you. To establish peace, you must find ways to relax to gain the necessary nourishment...
Humans are much more than a body and a mind. Along with your organs, bones, tissues, and thoughts, you comprise lifeforce or spirit. Cultures around the world called this prana, chi, or ki. By healing your vital energy, you strengthen your sense of purpose, physical well-being, and mental clarity.What Drains Your Spirit?There are a few lifestyle factors and emotions that...
You are socialized by your caretakers from the day you are born, but what you start to learn is that your external world holds the cues on how you need to be. You take on patterns of behaviors, thoughts, and actions from others to navigate the world. You form a connection through contact, share emotional experiences with others, and bond...
Tune up your immune system for cold and flu season. Good nutrition, proper rest, and regular exercise are the basics of staying healthy. However, you can pump up your resistance even more by adding self-massage to your daily or weekly routine.Massage promotes relaxation and increases circulation. It also triggers measurable changes in the body’s immune and endocrine systems. One 2019...
One of the cornerstones of good health is proper sleep. When adults don’t get the recommended seven-plus hours of sleep, problems arise that affect the functioning of the body and disturb mental and emotional health. When sleep remains elusive, it feels like there is no end in sight. The feeling of going to bed knowing that the blessing of sleep...
Coming to my mat has always been a space to surrender, a space where I take time to connect with myself. It was on my mat that I first learned what it felt like to embody gratitude as a way of being rather than an external expression. So frequently gratitude is expressed outward, where we thank those around us or...
In the midst of life happening all around us, sometimes it can feel easy to forget the practices that nurture our hearts. We get caught up in the day-to-day tasks, the demands of all of the happenings in our lives and it seems like the practices for ourselves are the first ones to slip away.The practice of nurturing your heart...
In the midst of life happening all around us, sometimes it can feel easy to forget the practices that nurture our hearts. We get caught up in the day-to-day tasks, the demands of all of the happenings in our lives and it seems like the practices for ourselves are the first ones to slip away.The practice of nurturing your heart...
Join Alex May as she sets sail from Panama to Acapulco on the Explore and Restore wellness voyage aboard Swan Hellenic's luxury yacht. In this vlog, Alex shares her experience and offers a glimpse into the self-discovery workshops, daily meditation and yoga classes, cultural expeditions, and stunning accommodations. Watch her transformational journey unfold and the connections that form along the way: Begin Your Journey Interested in experiencing this for yourself? The Explore...
I have a ghost.No, not the spirit or soul of a deceased person that can appear to the living. My ghost, who was a friend, is very much alive. However, some years ago, they decided to end a personal relationship with me by suddenly – and without explanation – withdrawing from all communication.Ironically, the last words my now-ghost said to...
"It’s the most selfish thing I’ve done in my life is give. Because of the joy that I get from it. I love it.” I’m a believer in loving yourself before you can love others. No question there. And certainly, after the past few years and challenging series of events, we could all use some extra TLC. But what if...
Loving yourself is considered a key part of being happy and contented, but getting there is puzzling. Who is the self doing the loving, and how is it different from the self you are supposed to love? Aren’t they the same person?
We are all intrinsically connected to nature. The more we awaken to this truth, the more powerful we become. The same five elements in nature- fire, water, earth, air and space- are the same five elements found within our bodies; in Ayurveda this is known as the Panchamahabuta theory.The Ayurvedic tradition recognizes that there is a delicate balance between these...
New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult once said, “The human capacity for burden is like bamboo — far more flexible than you'd ever believe at first glance.”The good news: That elasticity can be developed with focus and practice.You and everyone you know experiences challenges in life. When difficulties pop up, you have a choice: wallow and dwell or adapt...
Everything grows in one way or another. Growth is the development or change we see in the physical universe around us. While growth is happening constantly, spring is when we usually notice it more in nature. The growth that had been resting and dormant during winter, suddenly bursts forth, as if it’s trying to make up for lost time. Some...
Bringing meditation of abundance into your life is more than a game of chance—it’s about creating the life you want. Here are the guidelines for creating abundance.
This year, as we honor Martin Luther King, Jr., we face many uncertainties that may keep us from centering ourselves in his message of peace and social transformation. Among these uncertainties, a deadly pandemic that keeps us from our families, jobs, and places of worship, and a political system that has been bent to its very foundation. The good news...
Some of the most common New Year’s resolutions involve starting an exercise routine, trying a new diet, losing weight, or giving up smoking. These resolutions are important, but it’s time to refresh those goals and focus on other objectives that will lead to greater happiness.Here are three resolutions that will encourage you to take better care of yourself, leave bad...
It is a basic human desire to want to grow, improve, and evolve. Over the course of a lifetime, events big and small contribute to how you spiritually and mentally mature. Everything from having a baby to earning a master’s degree can cause you to grow in leaps and bounds. However, it’s not just the big choices that shape your...
Self-love is a term that gets tossed around a lot—and it’s often misunderstood.Self-love is not just about feeling good or taking time for yourself. It’s a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support your physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love allows you to accept your weaknesses along with your strengths, and to have compassion for yourself...
Do you love yourself just as you are? The way that people answer this question reveals a great deal about their upbringing. Well-loved children absorb from their parents a sense of self-worth that lasts a lifetime. Receiving mixed messages as a child is more common. These messages include the following: I love you as long as you love me. I...
There are many ways to cultivate self-love, whether it be through meditation, daily affirmations, or even exercise and taking care of our body nutritionally. But, these wellness responses to self-love...
As human beings, we all have a desire to love and be loved. This is basic to being human and is our deepest emotional need. In order to love others,...
We’re faced, every day, with stress, anxiety, and an overwhelming amount of stimuli. Our bodies, our minds, and our spirits absorb each of our experiences and store all of them...
Everyone has a right to a healthy mind. From education to health care, many people face hardships in accessing the care they need to have a healthy mind. You probably...
Life can be unpredictable. Despite the best-laid plans and precautions, external events (often completely beyond our control,) can hurl your life into chaos. Family tragedies, job losses, unexpected upheavals, and...
With the New Year in full swing, it’s time to reflect on your goals and intentions. You probably started the year with boundless energy and the will to stick to...
Ayurveda believes that your Self chose your body to fulfill your life’s purpose; it is crucial that you honor your life as a gift from the universe. The body you...
Every month, Dr. Sheila, Chopra’s Chief Medical Officer will be answering questions from our followers. If you have a general question for her around health and wellness, please send us...
During this time of year, the effects of fewer hours of sunlight begin to affect our mind and body. This can be a positive experience. The darker months create conditions...
The Ayurvedic term for self-love is Snehana. Love is nothing but unconditional acceptance of the other person. We love our parents. We love our children. We love our friends. Parents’...
Energy is all around us, with the power to completely shift how we feel—including feelings of happiness, joy, sorrow, pain, and even self-love. With origins connected to divine love, the...
Given that most working Americans spend over forty hours in the office each week, it comes as no surprise that prioritizing physical and mental well-being on the job has the...
The holidays are a fun and festive time. Yet, with end of year deadlines, overextended schedules, and burgeoning to-do lists, the final weeks of the year may leave you searching...
As humans, we have an innate desire to connect and to belong. We aren’t designed to carry everything we experience alone. We’re built to be in community, to support and...
The world is still incredibly rooted in the gender binary, and it’s a revolutionary act to exist as yourself, wholly, in a world that so desperately tries to define you....
2020 has made us face many challenges. But if we align our self & are compassionate to ourselves and others, we can make it through. Learn how to be compassionate...
A staycation might not sound so enticing during the time of a pandemic. Staying at home certainly means something much different than it did just six months ago. Where you...
Relieve stress. Restore balance. Become the best you. Meet the new Chopra app—your guide to total well-being.For more than 25 years, Chopra has been helping millions of people balance their...
Many people find themselves asking the question, “What matters most in life in a time of uncertainty?" A top answer is peace. It seems to be a rare asset these...
Humans are much more than a body and a mind. Along with your organs, bones, tissues, and thoughts, you comprise lifeforce or spirit. Cultures around the world called this prana,...
You are socialized by your caretakers from the day you are born, but what you start to learn is that your external world holds the cues on how you need...
Tune up your immune system for cold and flu season. Good nutrition, proper rest, and regular exercise are the basics of staying healthy. However, you can pump up your resistance...
One of the cornerstones of good health is proper sleep. When adults don’t get the recommended seven-plus hours of sleep, problems arise that affect the functioning of the body and...
In the midst of life happening all around us, sometimes it can feel easy to forget the practices that nurture our hearts. We get caught up in the day-to-day tasks,...
In the midst of life happening all around us, sometimes it can feel easy to forget the practices that nurture our hearts. We get caught up in the day-to-day tasks,...
Join Alex May as she sets sail from Panama to Acapulco on the Explore and Restore wellness voyage aboard Swan Hellenic's luxury yacht. In this vlog, Alex shares her experience and offers a glimpse into the...
I have a ghost.No, not the spirit or soul of a deceased person that can appear to the living. My ghost, who was a friend, is very much alive. However,...
Loving yourself is considered a key part of being happy and contented, but getting there is puzzling. Who is the self doing the loving, and how is it different from...
We are all intrinsically connected to nature. The more we awaken to this truth, the more powerful we become. The same five elements in nature- fire, water, earth, air and...
New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult once said, “The human capacity for burden is like bamboo — far more flexible than you'd ever believe at first glance.”The good news:...
Everything grows in one way or another. Growth is the development or change we see in the physical universe around us. While growth is happening constantly, spring is when we...
Bringing meditation of abundance into your life is more than a game of chance—it’s about creating the life you want. Here are the guidelines for creating abundance.
This year, as we honor Martin Luther King, Jr., we face many uncertainties that may keep us from centering ourselves in his message of peace and social transformation. Among these...
Some of the most common New Year’s resolutions involve starting an exercise routine, trying a new diet, losing weight, or giving up smoking. These resolutions are important, but it’s time...
It is a basic human desire to want to grow, improve, and evolve. Over the course of a lifetime, events big and small contribute to how you spiritually and mentally...
Self-love is a term that gets tossed around a lot—and it’s often misunderstood.Self-love is not just about feeling good or taking time for yourself. It’s a state of appreciation for...
Do you love yourself just as you are? The way that people answer this question reveals a great deal about their upbringing. Well-loved children absorb from their parents a sense...