Self Care

Por qué la Meditación es Esencial
Cada persona tiene derecho a una mente sana. Desde la educación, hasta la atención médica, muchas personas enfrentan dificultades para acceder a la atención que necesitan para tener una mente sana. Probablemente nunca haya visto venir ninguno de estos desafíos. Este es el momento de hacer un inventario evaluando cómo estos desafíos pueden convertirse en su camino hacia un cambio...
Need to Unwind After Work? Try These 6 Calming Activities
For many people, it’s hard to imagine a time when work fits into a finite timeframe: same start time each day and when it’s over, it’s actually over.The technology of the past few decades has resulted in a large number of trades and professions working longer and more often. It’s also made it more difficult to disengage, even when you’re...
What Is the Best Self-Care during the COVID-19 Crisis?
Originally published by SF Gate.Self-care should be uppermost in our minds during the COVID-19 crisis, for several urgent reasons. Self-care returns a sense of control over your own life. It gives you an integrative approach to mind and body. It aligns you with the best knowledge currently available about who is more at risk for developing acute symptoms after being...