According to data from the World Bank, people are living longer than ever. Average life expectancy worldwide increased from 52 years in 1960, to 72 years in 2016 (for males and females). While the added time seems innately like a blessing, some may find it a curse. With age and experience comes the various trials of life: changing jobs, retiring,...
Although many believe it's the years in your life, it’s actually the life in your years. As your life expectancy improves so does the amount of pressure you can feel as you attempt to keep living well for as long as possible.According to 2014 U.S. government data, it is realistic to expect up to 20 years of living, laughing, loving,...
In the past three articles in this series, we learned about people who live in Blue Zones (areas in the world where there is a high rate of centenarians) and how cultivating a healthy diet, having a purpose, and staying active are all factors that are involved in their longevity.This series of articles is based on a 2004 study led...
There are many factors that can go into a long, healthy life—and what better place to start than by adopting the habits from those already living a long and healthy life? Let’s take a look at the exercise habits practiced by people living happily into their hundreds, in parts of the world known as “Blue Zones.”The StudyIn the past two...
Aging is a natural process in life. Every single day you are older than you were the day before. Stereotypes about aging would have you believe that as you get older your health suffers, you become a burden to your families, your sleep patterns change, your mind is less sharp and flexible, and you become grumpier.According to Mark Twain, “Age...
Most of the time we judge our age by what the calendar says, but that’s just a number. You also have a biological age, which is determined by how old you think you are. Your expectations reinforce your interpretation, so if you think you’re growing old, you are. The truth is that you can slow down the aging process, and...
Only a few decades ago, conventional medicine viewed the body as a machine whose parts would inevitably break down until it could no longer be repaired. As a medical student, I learned that random chemical reactions determined everything that happened in the body, the mind and body were separate and independent from each other, and genes largely determined our health...
Why do you need to know about anti-inflammatory foods and spices? Evidence shows that chronic inflammation is at the root of many different diseases—from a simple sinus infection to cancer. If inflammation is an underlying cause of sickness and disease, it makes sense to reduce inflammation as much as possible.Using food as your medicine is one way to reduce the...
Your outer beauty and radiance are a direct reflection of your inner health. The foods you eat unequivocally influence your personal fountain of youth down to a cellular level. One essential quality to include in your quest to look and feel your best is food high in powerful antioxidants. Anti-aging products can only take you skin deep, you must begin...
A long, healthy life is about much more than good genes; it’s highly dependent on building healthy habits. Habits—both good and bad—are an integral part of your everyday life. Part of forming healthy habits is to become intentional with them until they become ingrained into your daily routine. It will take effort on your part, but if the payoff could...
When it comes to aging, there is no “one size fits all” plan. Vitality varies from person to person. However, there are many ways you can help combat some of the health concerns commonly associated with aging.Most gerontologists agree that the root cause of physiological losses associated with aging—i.e., loss of muscle, skin elasticity, or changes to organ function—result from...
Getting older presents many gifts—maturity, grace, wisdom, experience, and perspective, to name a few. Growing older can also carry many challenges.Physically, it becomes harder to keep extra weight off. According to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, over one third of adults 65 and older are obese.Risk of life-threatening illnesses, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of...
In the first part of this series about lessons from those who live to 100, we learned about people who live in Blue Zones (areas in the world where there is a high rate of centenarians.) Part One focused on how cultivating a healthy diet is one of the factors involved with increased longevity.To recap, this series is based on...
According to data from the World Bank, people are living longer than ever. Average life expectancy worldwide increased from 52 years in 1960, to 72 years in 2016 (for males...
Although many believe it's the years in your life, it’s actually the life in your years. As your life expectancy improves so does the amount of pressure you can feel...
In the past three articles in this series, we learned about people who live in Blue Zones (areas in the world where there is a high rate of centenarians) and...
There are many factors that can go into a long, healthy life—and what better place to start than by adopting the habits from those already living a long and healthy...
Aging is a natural process in life. Every single day you are older than you were the day before. Stereotypes about aging would have you believe that as you get...
Most of the time we judge our age by what the calendar says, but that’s just a number. You also have a biological age, which is determined by how old...
Only a few decades ago, conventional medicine viewed the body as a machine whose parts would inevitably break down until it could no longer be repaired. As a medical student,...
Why do you need to know about anti-inflammatory foods and spices? Evidence shows that chronic inflammation is at the root of many different diseases—from a simple sinus infection to cancer....
Your outer beauty and radiance are a direct reflection of your inner health. The foods you eat unequivocally influence your personal fountain of youth down to a cellular level. One...
A long, healthy life is about much more than good genes; it’s highly dependent on building healthy habits. Habits—both good and bad—are an integral part of your everyday life. Part...
When it comes to aging, there is no “one size fits all” plan. Vitality varies from person to person. However, there are many ways you can help combat some of...
Getting older presents many gifts—maturity, grace, wisdom, experience, and perspective, to name a few. Growing older can also carry many challenges.Physically, it becomes harder to keep extra weight off. According...
In the first part of this series about lessons from those who live to 100, we learned about people who live in Blue Zones (areas in the world where there...