The heart sometimes gets a bad rap. Although there’s no minimizing its physiological importance to your life and health, as an organ the heart is often relegated to being a mere pump whose sole purpose is to circulate blood throughout your body. Yes, it works hard beating day in and out, but besides that, what’s so great about it?The heart...
After being inspired to expand their awareness and walk the path of higher consciousness, people can lose motivation. Modern society has so much stress and rush—relieved by endless distractions—that a consciousness-based lifestyle seems out of joint. Meditation retreats may show a stark contrast to all this hustle and bustle, but when you come home, the pull of everyday life can...
The word ashram comes from the Sanskrit word, Srama, which means "religious exertion." However, in more recent times the term "ashram" is used to describe any facility used by a spiritual community. They can vary in size from a small hermitage housing just a few people to multiple building complexes which are home to hundreds, including whole families.Ashrams have existed...
Typically, New Year’s resolutions describe an end goal. Common goals are to drink more water, lose weight, eat more vegetables, or exercise more. While health goals centered around specific actions may work temporarily, you often finish the year feeling somewhat behind the eight ball. You have done the action, but now what?This season, try shifting your New Year’s resolution to...
Add these Vedic techniques to your daily rituals to reduce toxins, both environmentally and within the body. By reducing toxins, you will eliminate stress.
Spring is an ideal time to try a clearing ceremony to purify and enliven the energy in your office or home. The ceremony, which is a simple process, will consecrate your space with your good intentions and help turn it into sacred space for the upcoming time ahead. This ceremony honors the five elements—earth, air, fire, water, and space—and calls...
Thanksgiving, which marks the beginning of the holiday season in the United States, is supposed to be a time where we come together to give thanks for the blessings and bounty we have received. However, the chaos of holiday travel, shopping for a large meal, or preparing for guests can distract us from the true meaning behind this season of...
If you’re a pet owner, you want them to be safe, healthy, and happy. And that means being aware of their environment.Pets are sensitive by nature; their environment can have a profound effect on their behavior and level of anxiety. Fortunately, pets respond quickly to positive environmental changes.Here are some tips that will balance the elements in your home environment...
From relaxing in the hammock to barbecuing or gardening, your yard becomes a sanctuary in summer. Whether you work or play outdoors, your surroundings can help foster your well-being beyond the benefits of fresh air. This summer, turn your outdoor space into an oasis of health for you and your family. The key is to balance the five elements—air, water,...
Spiritual practice is a way to let go of stress that accumulates throughout the day so you can be healthier and more productive at work and at home. The Vedic sciences of yoga, Ayurveda, meditation, and Vastu Shastra—which is the science of environmental placement or building—address how to create balance between the body, mind, and environment.According to the principles of...
When it comes to choosing a home, there are several things that affect the quality of life for every member of the family. In addition to price and the size of a residence that fits your needs, there are some subtle, but just as powerful, elements that can impact your experience there.To help you pick a place that provides a...
We’re all searching for happiness. We pursue passions and buy shiny things and seek out inspiration. But Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi said, “Happiness is the very nature of the Self; happiness and the Self are not different. There is no happiness in any object of the world. We imagine through our ignorance that we derive happiness from objects.”Dr. Martin Luther...
When you are aware of your beliefs and thoughts about success and happiness, you can begin to shift your experience from living as a reaction to life toward creating your own highly successful life. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits...
Do you wake up groggy or have trouble sleeping? Are your children waking with nightmares or have respiratory problems? Does your love life leave something to be desired? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time look at your bedroom from a Vastu perspective to see if something is brewing in the environment there that...
Since man’s earliest days on earth, people have created altars and shrines in sacred places to invoke the spirits, pray to their chosen deities and gods, and express their devotion to the forces of the unseen that guided their lives.That tradition has continued into the modern society. These days, it’s not uncommon for individuals to have a small, personal sacred...
The heart sometimes gets a bad rap. Although there’s no minimizing its physiological importance to your life and health, as an organ the heart is often relegated to being a...
After being inspired to expand their awareness and walk the path of higher consciousness, people can lose motivation. Modern society has so much stress and rush—relieved by endless distractions—that a...
The word ashram comes from the Sanskrit word, Srama, which means "religious exertion." However, in more recent times the term "ashram" is used to describe any facility used by a...
Typically, New Year’s resolutions describe an end goal. Common goals are to drink more water, lose weight, eat more vegetables, or exercise more. While health goals centered around specific actions...
Add these Vedic techniques to your daily rituals to reduce toxins, both environmentally and within the body. By reducing toxins, you will eliminate stress.
Spring is an ideal time to try a clearing ceremony to purify and enliven the energy in your office or home. The ceremony, which is a simple process, will consecrate...
Thanksgiving, which marks the beginning of the holiday season in the United States, is supposed to be a time where we come together to give thanks for the blessings and...
If you’re a pet owner, you want them to be safe, healthy, and happy. And that means being aware of their environment.Pets are sensitive by nature; their environment can have...
From relaxing in the hammock to barbecuing or gardening, your yard becomes a sanctuary in summer. Whether you work or play outdoors, your surroundings can help foster your well-being beyond...
Spiritual practice is a way to let go of stress that accumulates throughout the day so you can be healthier and more productive at work and at home. The Vedic...
When it comes to choosing a home, there are several things that affect the quality of life for every member of the family. In addition to price and the size...
We’re all searching for happiness. We pursue passions and buy shiny things and seek out inspiration. But Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi said, “Happiness is the very nature of the Self;...
When you are aware of your beliefs and thoughts about success and happiness, you can begin to shift your experience from living as a reaction to life toward creating your...
Do you wake up groggy or have trouble sleeping? Are your children waking with nightmares or have respiratory problems? Does your love life leave something to be desired? If you...
Since man’s earliest days on earth, people have created altars and shrines in sacred places to invoke the spirits, pray to their chosen deities and gods, and express their devotion...