Hello, I'm
Heidi Hackler

Heidi Hackler, is a Functional Wellness Coach, Reiki Master, Author of the Food, Mood & Gratitude Journal, and an RYT200 yoga teacher. She received her nutrition training at IIN, and is currently furthering her education at the School of Applied Functional Medicine (where she’s also on staff), to help her clients become wellness detectives to get to the true roots of their health concerns and turn them around. After being diagnosed with Celiac and several food allergies, Heidi knows first-hand that it takes a village to feel well, and that putting on your own “oxygen mask” is one of the most important things you can do for your health. She leads by example, living a healthy, active life aboard her sailboat. Heidi also loves to dance, hula-hoop, climb trees, and create art, all of which keep her young at heart, healthy, and happy, and help her to be fully present for her clients, friends, family, and cats. Her husband Kirk is a Chopra-certified meditation teacher, so yoga and meditation are a big part of their daily lives as well. Check out her website HappyWellLife.com and follow her on Instagram @happywelllife.
Heidi Hackler



How to Spring Clean and Revamp Your Fridge and Pantry for Optimal Health

Spring cleaning isn’t just for your closets. This is your chance to get rid of excess baggage in your kitchen, too. With a fridge and pantry full of nutritious, whole foods you’ll be able to make heal …

Heidi Hackler

Why Healthy Fats Won’t Make You Fat

Many people still believe that eating fat makes you fat. As it turns out, the idea that low-fat diets are healthy was a myth, and the low-fat craze of the 1990s did a huge disservice to our bodies and …

Heidi Hackler

Chia Seeds: Miracle Food or Just Another Fad?

You might be most familiar with chia seeds from their early incarnation as novelty “Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia” Pets in the 1970s and 80s, where sprouted chia seeds became the green “fur” on clay animals.Although …

Heidi Hackler

Eat Local to Nourish Yourself and the Environment

Fifty years ago, it was a rare treat to see foods like kiwis, coconuts, or mangos in the grocery store. Foods were grown and eaten more seasonally and locally then. However, with the global economy of …

Heidi Hackler

Cheap Eats and Recipes for the Health Conscious

Eating healthy on a budget sounds difficult, but the truth is eating homemade meals can be far less expensive than dining out. Plus, you know exactly what you’re putting into your body. No hidden chem …

Heidi Hackler

The Best Foods for Health-Minded Men

Dietary guidelines differ between men and women with regard to energy needs, total calorie intake, and amounts of protein, vitamins, and minerals they need. With so many differences, it only makes sen …

Heidi Hackler

3 Low-Glycemic Breakfast Recipes

About nine percent of the world’s adult population, including 30 million Americans, have diabetes, while another 86 million Americans have pre-diabetes or high blood glucose (sugar) levels. About 15 p …

Heidi Hackler

5 Ways to Make Your Picnic Greener—and Healthier

Picnics were once green affairs—long before words like eco-friendly were part of the everyday vernacular. Food was packed up in crocks along with silverware, dishes and glassware, and then carted—via …

Heidi Hackler

Everything You Need to Know About Seaweed

Some 10,000 types of seaweed exist throughout the world, according to the Canadian Museum of Nature. With so many varieties, it’s no wonder that this sea vegetable has been used for more than a millen …

Heidi Hackler

10 Grab-and-Go Healthy Snacks

Trying to find healthy snacks when you’re out running errands, at your kids’ sports events, or at work can be a daunting task. Vending machines and snack counters tend to be full of unhealthy snacks—n …

Heidi Hackler

The Difference Between Fasting, Juicing, and Detoxing

Juice bars are everywhere these days, as well as people who are talking about their latest fast, juice cleanse, or detox. So what’s the difference between fasting, juicing, and detoxing anyway? Are th …

Heidi Hackler

6 Foods That Fight Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can be unrelenting, often leaving sufferers without a clear resolution. Fortunately, diet can play a big role in reversing chronic inflammation.Unlike an infection or acute inflam …

Heidi Hackler

7 Ancient Grains for a Gluten-Free Diet

The number of people looking for wheat alternatives that are naturally gluten-free due to preference or wheat allergy is growing right alongside the rising incidence of Celiac disease and gluten intol …

Heidi Hackler

How to Eat the Rainbow for Optimal Health

Look around your grocery store’s produce aisle or farmers market and you’ll notice a rainbow of colors. Besides being beautiful to look at, all of those vibrant colors have a host of nutritional benef …

Heidi Hackler

Is Cholesterol Really an Issue?

Remember when eggs and butter were deemed to be bad for you because they could raise your cholesterol levels? Now you hear they may be OK to eat after all, and maybe high cholesterol isn’t really the …

Heidi Hackler

4 Gluten-Free, Vegan, Paleo Holiday Cookies

Your gluten-free, vegan, or paleo diet doesn’t mean you need to miss out on holiday treats this year. The four recipes below include holiday cookie favorites, minus wheat flour, animal products, and a …

Heidi Hackler

6 Ways to Reduce Your Carb Intake

There was a time when low-fat, high-carbohydrate (carb) diets were all the rage and it was thought that eating fat caused weight gain. Now research shows that eating carbs can pack on the pounds more …

Heidi Hackler

Cold-Weather Comfort Food: 4 Recipes the Healthy Way

Hearty, home-cooked comfort meals can be reminiscent of childhood and family—but unfortunately, many are laden with unhealthy fats and sugars, or are high in carbs. Looking to eat healthier these days …

Heidi Hackler

5 Health Benefits from Drinking Tea and Coffee

Coffee and tea not only provide cozy morning rituals and boosts of energy during midday slumps; these hot drinks have also been long acknowledged for their medicinal properties, which primarily come f …

Heidi Hackler

Heart-Healthy Foods: 3 Recipes for a Strong Ticker

It was once thought that fat and cholesterol were the biggest dietary contributors of heart disease. But with today’s modern research, scientists are finding that sugar and carbs may actually be playi …

Heidi Hackler
Mind-body Health

Eating Seasonally for Your Dosha, Plus 3 Springtime Recipes

The ancient Ayurvedic text, Sushrita Samhita, states: “He whose doshas are in balance, whose appetite is good…and whose Self, mind, and senses remain full of bliss, is called a healthy person.” Eating …

Heidi Hackler

The Healthy Spice Cabinet: 7 Healing Spices and 2 Recipes

A spice is a dried bark, berry, bud, fruit, root, or seed used to enhance flavor in food and drinks. Spices have also been used medicinally for thousands of years. In fact, many spices were first used …

Heidi Hackler

What Vegetables & Fruit Should You Refrigerate?

Has this ever happened to you...You anticipate eating that juicy piece of fruit just as soon as you get home from work, only to discover it’s spoiled. Or you wait for days for that avocado to ripen, a …

Heidi Hackler

Neutralize Your Body pH With the Right Foods

The regulation of acid-alkaline balance is one of the most important factors in homeostasis, or dynamic equilibrium in the body. Recent studies show that when the body’s pH is too acidic, it’s difficu …

Heidi Hackler

The Health Benefits and Risks of Dark Chocolate

Do you love chocolate? What if you could eat it every day for your health? Eating chocolate every day might sound too good to be true, but research shows that there are some excellent health gains ass …

Heidi Hackler