Hello, I'm
Devi Brown
To radiate love and to use my voice to help people heal
Happy place
Anywhere my son is + Los Cabos, Mexico
Favorite self-care practice
Meditation and affirmations
5 Steps to Building Your Spiritual Practice
The road to the life of your dreams is paved with good intentions. You may want more for yourself, and mean well, but inevitably after a challenge or two crosses your path, you may change course, get …
Devi BrownMy Daily Self-Care Routine by Devi Brown, Chopra Global's Chief Impact Officer
Hey there! Devi Brown here. I am Chopra Global’s Chief Impact Officer and for those enjoying the new Presence App, mine is the voice that shares space with you each day in meditation. Having a daily p …
Devi BrownMy Wellness Journey by Devi Brown, Chopra Global's Chief Impact Officer
Since childhood, curiosity about personal transformation and spirituality has always been at the core of who I am/my existence. Transformation, emotional resilience, the supernatural, and the effect o …
Devi BrownThe Benefits of Silence: A Guided Meditation for Beginners
Join this peaceful meditation, with Chopra’s Chief Impact Officer, Meditation Teacher, Wellness Educator and Reiki Teacher, Devi Brown.Everyday we are bombarded with noise and external stressors: the …
Devi BrownHow to Prioritize Your Well-being at Work
When we’re trying to cultivate holistic well-being, we must consider what impact our work and workplaces are having on our lives. It’s no secret that a vast majority of our days are spent in work envi …
Devi Brown