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Chopra Center Education
Transform Your Passions into a World of Teachings
Thousands from around the world have dedicated themselves to learning, sharing, teaching, and mastering the curricula created by Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon. And wherever you live, whatever you do, you can too. Cultivating a daily meditation practice is a foundational element of Chopra Center teachings, and advanced teacher instruction in Primordial Sound Meditation will take your own practice to a higher level while giving you the tools to help others find greater peace and fulfillment in their lives. Immersion in the Perfect Health Ayurvedic Lifestyle teachings has created certified teachers of mind-body balance who support the transformation of thousands around the globe.

Chopra Center Certifications
Chopra Center Certifications offers teacher certification programs in our core teachings of meditation and Ayurvedic lifestyle. Whether you are looking to expand your horizons, deepen your knowledge, …
Chopra Center Education
Authenticity: A Closer Look
The desire to live authentically is a natural drive within each of us. At root, this movement towards greater authenticity stems from our nature as unique and self-expressive beings. The self that we …
Chopra Center Education
Gratitude: A Doorway to Higher Consciousness
Gratitude is something all of us understand. For instance, saying “thank you” when we receive a gift takes hardly any thought or effort. It just seems to come forth naturally. In the same way, when so …
Chopra Center Education
The Many Levels of Nourishment
Nourishment is central to our wellbeing on all levels, but we most commonly think of it in terms of food. For instance, we think of nourishing meals and the good feelings they evoke. But nourishment g …
Chopra Center Education
Manifesting Your Passions Within
As modern-day enthusiasts of Vedanta philosophy and seekers of truth, we know – at least intellectually – that everything is made up of energy and information, and that this quantum field is what we r …
Chopra Center Education
Happiness Versus Joy: How to Uncover Infinite Amounts of Both
One of the core experiences we all seek is delight, and one of the most common words we use for this experience is happiness. We all want to be happy, and we seek it in countless ways. But there is an …
Chopra Center Education
7 Steps to Inspire Creativity Within
We often think of creativity as something that only certain people are gifted with. In fact, we have special words for such people. We often call them brilliant, inspired, or ingenious. These words do …
Chopra Center Education