
Purushartha: The 4 Aims of Human Life
These 4 Purusharthas are the inherent values of the universe. They are Dharma (righteousness), Kama (pleasure, Moksha (liberation), and Artha (economic values).
Embracing Resilience Through Tenderness and Care
The world we live in requires, almost demands, a lot of us. Our time and energy, our hearts, minds, and bodies, are all given certain expectations, limitations, and confines to operate within. The demands of the external world can leave us distant and disconnected from the parts of ourselves that are able to choose; to choose how we spend our...
Religion vs. Spirituality: The Difference Between Them
The line between religion and spirituality can be very fine, and they are similar in many ways. How do we tell the difference between spirituality and religion?
Understanding the Doshas at Work
When we find meaning and purpose in our daily activities, we experience vitality in our lives. We have access to an abundant source of energy, and we feel joy and passion in all aspects of our lives. When we are able to express our unique gifts and talents, while contributing to the happiness of others, we feel happy and fulfilled.Having...
How to Enjoy Summer with a Balance of Playfulness and Purposeful Intention
Part of what makes summer unique is the sunlight that shines brightly into the evening. This time of year can remind us that life always is in flux, as the days will start to get shorter after the summer solstice. While we tend to associate summer with longer days, the start of summer marks the slow descent into the darker...
Discover The Joy Of An Inspired Life
Many people find that pursuing the societal image of success does not yield a sustained level of happiness. Wealth, relationships, and prestige, though temporarily satisfying, do not significantly elevate the experience of joy. In his book, “The Second Mountain: The Quest For a Moral Life,” David Brooks explains that most people spend the first part of their adult lives climbing...
Re-Emerging Into the World With Purpose
Have you ever had a feeling of purpose in a way that strikes you to your core? A moment of alignment so clear that you can feel it with every cell? That seemingly fleeting feeling is something we can access at any time of any day, the truth is all it takes is a moment of pause.Last year (2020) you...
Seeking Balance—Finding Your Life’s True North
In a world full of chaos, it becomes even more important to focus on balance for your overall well-being. The good news is it’s your natural state. But if you go astray, there are ways to find your way back.
Buscando el Equilibrio - Encontrando el Verdadero Norte de tu Vida
En nuestra búsqueda del bienestar total, hay un principio, una guía que, como un faro, siempre nos llevará de vuelta a nuestro estado más natural de calma y bienestar centrado. Ese principio es el equilibrio.
Discover Your Purpose
How often do you ask yourself, What is my purpose or my life’s plan? How can I discover and manifest what is most important to me? When providing Vedic astrology consultations, I am often asked these questions. My answer is, “Let’s take a look at what your birth chart reveals about your deeper self and the path you’re traveling so...
Three Yoga Postures to Build Confidence While Pursuing Your Unique Purpose
Following our own dharma takes courage. On the one hand it is deeply fulfilling and meaningful, and on the other hand it challenges us to overcome our limiting beliefs. Self-awareness and growth, again and again, are an essential part of the path. Obstacles appear, and we must figure out new ways to overcome them. Yoga gives us tools to find...
Explore and Restore: The Path of Self-Discovery and Connection
As you step into the unknown and dive deep within yourself, return to the foundations of restoration and exploration—cultivate daily mindfulness, connect with nature, embrace uncertainty, and practice self-reflection—allowing the universe to guide your way. For those of us on a journey of personal transformation, restoration and exploration are integral components of growth, allowing us to continuously learn, renew, and...
How Nature Helps Solve Any Crisis
If you were asked to name a major crisis facing humanity right now, most people would include the environment at the top or near the top of the list. Thinking about climate change, how do you feel personally? The range of responses for most people is dominated by anxiety, a fear that Nature is approaching a disaster that seems inevitable....
Alinee Su Vida con un Propósito
En esta tierra, cada uno de nosotros experimenta de manera distinta cómo es vivir su propósito porque tu propósito es tan único como tú. A menudo, cuando pensamos en la pregunta “¿cuál es mi propósito?” nos quedamos pensando en nuestro trabajo o carrera ; sin embargo, tu propósito abarca mucho más que eso. El dharma no siempre tiene que ver...
Cómo Vivir el Propósito de tu Vida
Todo el mundo tiene un propósito en la vida, y dentro de ese propósito se encuentra un talento único que espera ser expresado y compartido con el mundo. Si alguna vez has visto a alguien viviendo el propósito de su vida, es inspirador ver que exudan felicidad. Tener la misma experiencia para ti es pura felicidad. Si no has encontrado...
10 Desencadenantes Emocionales Que Están Retrasando Tu Verdadero Propósito
Una de las formas menos discutidas pero más poderosas de alinearte con tu verdadero propósito es identificar y liberar los desencadenantes emocionales que te están ralentizando y desviándote del rumbo.Este artículo se publicó originalmente en inglés en agosto de 2018.This article was originally published in English in August 2018.¿Qué es un desencadenante emocional?Un desencadenante emocional es esencialmente una respuesta emocional...
Finding Purpose in Grief and Loss
Deepak Chopra has notably said, “There are no accidents … there is only some purpose that we haven’t yet understood.”When things are going relatively well in our lives, this statement feels like a welcome promise – an affirmation that this mysterious path is ours and it is right. We experience moments of coincidence and serendipity as the Universe’s way of...
How to Evolve Your Career to Be in Line with Your Purpose
Humans seem to have an innate desire to know why we are here. We search for meaning almost as naturally as we breathe. Sense of purpose at work, specifically, is more important than ever, as burnout is sharply on the rise. In fact, scientists have proven that sense of purpose is a key feature of resiliency. People connected to a...
First Steps to Creating a Life of Purpose
Pursuing your purpose doesn’t have to be intimidating. Begin with a few simple steps to point your life in the right direction.
Align Your Life with Purpose
Living your purpose will look and feel different for every person on this earth because your purpose is just as unique as you are. Often when we think of the question “what is my purpose?” we are left to think about our job or career, yet your purpose encompasses so much more than that. Dharma doesn’t always have to do...
Find Your Purpose and Grow at the Same Time
Purpose and inner growth come from the same source. Find and live from this source to unite all your goals and aspirations.
Creating Fulfillment Through Work
The average American spends over 90,000 hours of their life at work. If the majority of those hours are draining and unfulfilling it indicates a misalignment with inner motivations. Whether you are in a career that you love or one that you would rather leave, the integration of intentional behaviors offers a springboard to greater fulfillment.Below are four strategies that...
Work, Growth, and the Expansion of Consciousness
Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy. - Khalil GibranMost of you reading this are probably engaged in two types of work. One is the...
You Are Magnetic
Kimberly Snyder is a spiritual and meditation teacher, and a holistic wellness expert. She is the three-time New York Times bestselling author of five previous books, including Radical Beauty, which she co-authored with Deepak Chopra.Chopra Global is thrilled to announce that Kimberly will join Deepak and friends in 2022 for Journey to Well-being, a series of free programming on the...
Changing Careers to Understand Holistic Success: Part 2
Many people are finding themselves changing careers during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period. This two-part article series explores how three professionals prioritize health, wellness, and spiritual development as their careers transform from what was to what is.In Part 1 of Changing Careers to Understand Holistic Success, I shared about my own career change and introduced the stories of hotelier...
Changing Careers to Understand Holistic Success: Part 1
Many people are finding themselves changing careers during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period. This two-part article series explores how three professionals prioritize health, wellness, and spiritual development as their careers transform from what was to what is.In Part 1 of Changing Careers to Understand Holistic Success, I share about my own career change and introduce the stories of hotelier...
How Passion Activates Purpose
“Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not. Find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible” - Deepak ChopraPassion is defined as an intense driving conviction. It’s a powerful feeling of enthusiasm towards someone or something. Passion is the feeling that nothing else exists. It’s loving yourself as if you were a rainbow with...
What Is Dharma? Discovering My Life’s Purpose
Dharma is your unique purpose in life. It is the process by which you use your unique skills and passions to serve your community and the world.As children, my father Deepak Chopra taught my brother and me the concept of dharma through his intentions, choices, and actions. We watched him transition professionally from a traditional doctor with a successful medical...
What Is Your Role in the Crisis? Be Generous of Spirit
There’s a beautiful image in the Indian spiritual tradition—a tree so laden with fruit that its branches bow down close to earth. Delighted, people rush up to take advantage of this fruit so freely given. What the tree represents is generosity of spirit. When your spirit overflows, it is only natural to give freely of yourself. This is known as...
The Value of Starting Over in the New Year
Starting over can be one of the greatest things you do, but it isn’t easy, which means it’s also one of the hardest things to do. Depending on the circumstances, it can require quite a bit of strength and courage to take that initial leap of faith. It doesn’t help that the idea of starting over is often associated with...
Self-Worth: 5 Ways to Identify Your Unique Gifts
Everyone has their own unique talents and skills. Learn from Chopra 5 ways to identify your own unique talents and gifts and build them into your life.
10 Steps to Develop an Abundance Mindset
Life already presents multiple factors that can bring you down. A healthy abundance mindset can alleviate these worries. Learn about the meaning of abundance with Chopra.
10 Emotional Triggers that Are Delaying Your True Purpose
One of the least discussed but most powerful ways to align with your true purpose is to identify and release the emotional triggers that are slowing you down and guiding you off course.What Is An Emotional Trigger?An emotional trigger is essentially a strong, often negative, emotional response. These triggers can happen anywhere, at anytime, and anything can activate a trigger;...
How Traveling Can Broaden Your Perspective
You may not need a lot of convincing when it comes to finding a reason to travel—especially when considering a trip to a foreign country. Exploring the world, seeing new places, and learning about new cultures are just a few of the benefits of traveling. There is value to exploring someplace new and combating the stress of getting out of...
8 Lists to Make to Jump-Start Your Life
Want to jump-start your life? Writing things down can help make them a reality.Use a pretty pen, take notes on your tablet, voice-record these ideas into your phone to listen back to, or grab a few pieces of paper and start making some lists! Here are some lists you can try to help reduce stress and get control over your...
Find Your True North with Aim and End Goals
Achieving meaningful goals can be some of the most exhilarating, exciting, and empowering moments in your life. A key component of goal setting is having a vision of where you are heading. Your vision is your “true north” and, like a star in the sky, it is always within view. To have the ability to manifest all the things you...
9 First Steps for Times of Transition
There are turning points in people’s lives that occur in a natural progression – transitioning from college to the working world, from being single to being married, from taking care of yourself to being a parent, and even eventually taking care of your parents as they age. You might even be getting back into the workforce as your children become...
How to Pursue Your Dreams While Making a Living
Nothing defines the new millennium more than the change in how people view work. Gone, for many, are the days when working to pay the bills was enough. The word job, which was once applauded, is now looked at somewhat disdainfully by those with a career or a calling. A new consciousness has emerged, and with it, a need to...
Resilience and Grit: How to Develop a Growth Mindset
The ability to bounce back from adversity and keep going when things get tough are just two of the traits of highly successful individuals. These traits are more commonly known as grit and resilience.Grit vs. Resilience According to Angela Duckworth, a researcher and MacArthur Fellowship winner who has a TED talk on grit with just over 8 million views, grit...
4 Practical Tips to Avoid Regrets and Live a Meaningful Life
Oh time! How many songs have been written about your passing? How many tears have been shed upon realizing your fleeting nature? Some of the biggest, most important decisions we make are about how to spend our precious time. Time is no small matter. In fact, it’s our most valuable resource.Our beliefs about time and how we choose to spend...
Living with Intent: 6 Steps to Living a Healthier and Purposeful Life
In 2013, I approached my father with a confession. I told him I was generally exhausted, over caffeinated, and my sugar addiction was out of control. I realized I was overscheduled trying to balance my role as a wife, mom, and entrepreneur with Intent.com, my start-up social media company. I felt bloated and had a lot of body pain. I...
Your Roadmap to Higher Self-Awareness
The concept of self-awareness is often talked about as if you’re already aware of what awareness is. While the actual definition of the term may be easy to understand intellectually, you have to live it to make it work.Self-awareness is more than just being self-conscious. These are not interchangeable terms. Self-awareness is being aware of your own presence, inside and...
How to Live Your Life’s Purpose
Everyone has a purpose in life, and within that purpose lays a unique talent just waiting to be expressed and shared with the world. If you’ve ever witnessed someone living their life’s purpose, it’s inspiring to see—they exude happiness. Having the same experience for yourself is pure bliss. If you haven’t found your purpose, that’s okay, you will. After all,...
Discover and Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose
Why am I here? What is my purpose? How do I discover and fulfill my deepest mission?These are questions that we all ask at one time or another. Sometimes we discover the answers early on, but often we continue to ask these questions throughout our lives. As we grow and mature, the answers to these questions continue to evolve as...
The 5 Stages of Spiritual Awakening
The spiritual wakening journey is a difficult process of going beyond your boundaries & taking the next step. Learn how to progress through this journey today.